Non-greedy regular expression match for multicharacter delimiters in awk - regex

Consider the string "AB 1 BA 2 AB 3 BA". How can I match the content between "AB" and "BA" in a non-greedy fashion (in awk)?
I have tried the following:
awk '
str="AB 1 BA 2 AB 3 BA"
if (match(str,regex))
print substr(str,RSTART,RLENGTH)
with no output. I believe the reason for no match is that there is an odd number of characters between "AB" and "BA". If I replace str with "AB 11 BA 22 AB 33 BA" the regex seems to work..

Merge your two negated character classes and remove the [^A] from the second alternation:
regex = "AB([^AB]|B|[^B]A)*BA"
This regex fails on the string ABABA, though - not sure if that is a problem.
AB # Match AB
( # Group 1 (could also be non-capturing)
[^AB] # Match any character except A or B
| # or
B # Match B
| # or
[^B]A # Match any character except B, then A
)* # Repeat as needed
BA # Match BA
Since the only way to match an A in the alternation is by matching a character except B before it, we can safely use the simple B as one of the alternatives.

The other answer didn't really answer: how to match non-greedily?
Looks like it can't be done in (G)AWK. The manual says this:
awk (and POSIX) regular expressions always match the leftmost, longest
sequence of input characters that can match.
And the whole manual doesn't contain the words "greedy" nor "lazy". It mentions Extended Regular Expressions, but for greedy matching you'd need Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions. So… no, can't be done.

For general expressions, I'm using this as a non-greedy match:
function smatch(s, r) {
if (match(s, r)) {
do {
} while (match(substr(s, m, n - 1), r))
return RSTART
} else return 0
smatch behaves like match, returning:
the position in s where the regular expression r occurs, or 0 if it does not. The variables RSTART and RLENGTH are set to the position and length of the matched string.


match everything but a given string and do not match single characters from that string

Let's start with the following input.
Input = 'blue, blueblue, b l u e'
I want to match everything that is not the string 'blue'. Note that blueblue should not match, but single characters should (even if present in match string).
From this, If I replace the matches with an empty string, it should return:
Result = 'blueblueblue'
I have tried with [^\bblue\b]+
but this matches the last four single characters 'b', 'l','u','e'
Another solution:
Regex demo
If you regex engine support the \K flag, then we can try:
This pattern says to match:
blue match "blue"
\K but then forget that match
| OR
.*? match anything else until reaching
(?=blue|$) the next "blue" or the end of the string
On JavaScript, we can try the following replacement:
var input = "blue, blueblue, b l u e";
var output = input.replace(/blue|.*?(?=blue|$)/g, (x) => x != "blue" ? "" : "blue");

Find the Longest Common starting substring of S2 in S1

I was solving a problem. i solved the Longest Common starting substring of S2 in S1 part but the time complexity was very high.
In the below Code I have to find the Longest Common starting substring of str3 in s[i].
In the below code instead of find function i have also use KMP algorithm but i faced high time complexity again.
string str3=abstring1(c,1,2,3);
size_t found = s[i].find(str3);
if (found != string::npos)
Example :
S1=balling S2=baller
S1=balling S2=uolling
We have to find common starting substring of S2 in S1
Can you help in c++
I find Similar Post but i was not able to do my self in c++.
Here is a solution that emits the faint aroma of a hack.
s1 = 'snowballing'
s2 = 'baller'
Then form the string
s = s2 + '|' + s1
#=> 'baller|snowballing'
where the pipe ('|') can be any character that is not in either string. (If in doubt, one could use, say, "\x00".)
We may then match s against the regular expression
This will match the longest starting string in s2 that is present in s1, which in this example is 'ball'.
The regular expression can be broken down as follows.
^ # match beginning of string
( # begin capture group 1
.* # match zero or more characters, as many as possible
) # end capture group 1
(?= # begin a positive lookahead
.* # match zero or more characters, as many as possible
\| # match '|'
.* # match zero or more characters, as many as possible
\1 # match the contents of capture group 1
) # end positive lookahead

regex match longest substring with equal first and last char

For this string:"mgntdygtxrvxjnwksqhxuxtrv" I match "txrvxjnwksqhxuxt" (using Ruby), but not the even longer valid substring "tdygtxrvxjnwksqhxuxt".
For a given string, here are two ways to find the longest substring that begins and ends with the same character.
str = "mgntdygtxrvxjnwksqhxuxtrv"
Use a regular expression
r = /(.)(?=(.*\1))/
str.gsub(r).map { $1 + $2 }.max_by(&:length)
#=> "tdygtxrvxjnwksqhxuxt".
When, as here, the regular expression contains capture groups, it may be more convenient to use String#gsub without a second argument or block (in which case it returns an enumerator, which can be chained) than String#scan (" If the pattern contains groups, each individual result is itself an array containing one entry per group.") Here gsub performs no substitutions; it merely generates matches of the regular expression.
The regular expression can be made self-documenting by writing it in free-spacing mode.
r = /
(.) # match any char and save to capture group 1
(?= # begin a positive lookahead
(.*\1) # match >= 0 characters followed by the contents of capture group 1
) # end the postive lookahead
/x # free-spacing regex definition mode
The following intermediate calculation is performed:
str.gsub(r).map { $1 + $2 }
#=> ["gntdyg", "ntdygtxrvxjn", "tdygtxrvxjnwksqhxuxt", "txrvxjnwksqhxuxt",
# "xrvxjnwksqhxux", "rvxjnwksqhxuxtr", "vxjnwksqhxuxtrv", "xjnwksqhxux",
# "xux"]
Notice that this does not enumerate all substrings beginning and ending with the same character (because .* is greedy). It does not generate, for example, the substring "xrvx".
Do not use a regular expression
v = str.each_char.with_index.with_object({}) do |(c,i),h|
if h.key?(c)
h[c][:size] = i - h[c][:start] + 1
h[c] = { start: i, size: 1 }
end.max_by { |_,h| h[:size] }.last
str[v[:start], v[:size]]
#=> "tdygtxrvxjnwksqhxuxt"

use regular expression to find and replace but only every 3 characters for DNA sequence

Is it possible to do a find/replace using regular expressions on a string of dna such that it only considers every 3 characters (a codon of dna) at a time.
for example I would like the regular expression to see this:
as this:
If I use the regular expressions right now and the expression was
Regex.Replace(dna,"ACC","AAA") it would find a match, but in this case of looking at 3 characters at a time there would be no match.
Is this possible?
Why use a regex? Try this instead, which is probably more efficient to boot:
public string DnaReplaceCodon(string input, string match, string replace) {
if (match.Length != 3 || replace.Length != 3)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
var output = new StringBuilder(input.Length);
int i = 0;
while (i + 2 < input.Length) {
if (input[i] == match[0] && input[i+1] == match[1] && input[i+2] == match[2]) {
} else {
i += 3;
// pick up trailing letters.
while (i < input.Length) output.Append(input[i]);
return output.ToString();
It is possible to do this with regex. Assuming the input is valid (contains only A, T, G, C):
Regex.Replace(input, #"\G((?:.{3})*?)" + codon, "$1" + replacement);
If the input is not guaranteed to be valid, you can just do a check with the regex ^[ATCG]*$ (allow non-multiple of 3) or ^([ATCG]{3})*$ (sequence must be multiple of 3). It doesn't make sense to operate on invalid input anyway.
The construction above works for any codon. For the sake of explanation, let the codon be AAA. The regex will be \G((?:.{3})*?)AAA.
The whole regex actually matches the shortest substring that ends with the codon to be replaced.
\G # Must be at beginning of the string, or where last match left off
((?:.{3})*?) # Match any number of codon, lazily. The text is also captured.
AAA # The codon we want to replace
We make sure the matches only starts from positions whose index is multiple of 3 with:
\G which asserts that the match starts from where the previous match left off (or the beginning of the string)
And the fact that the pattern ((?:.{3})*?)AAA can only match a sequence whose length is multiple of 3.
Due to the lazy quantifier, we can be sure that in each match, the part before the codon to be replaced (matched by ((?:.{3})*?) part) does not contain the codon.
In the replacement, we put back the part before the codon (which is captured in capturing group 1 and can be referred to with $1), follows by the replacement codon.
As explained in the comment, the following is not a good solution! I leave it in so that others will not fall for the same mistake
You can usually find out where a match starts and ends via m.start() and m.end(). If m.start() % 3 == 0 you found a relevant match.

How to validate a string to have only certain letters by perl and regex

I am looking for a perl regex which will validate a string containing only the letters ACGT. For example "AACGGGTTA" should be valid while "AAYYGGTTA" should be invalid, since the second string has "YY" which is not one of A,C,G,T letters. I have the following code, but it validates both the above strings
if($userinput =~/[A|C|G|T]/i)
$validEntry = 1;
print "Valid\n";
Use a character class, and make sure you check the whole string by using the start of string token, \A, and end of string token, \z.
You should also use * or + to indicate how many characters you want to match -- * means "zero or more" and + means "one or more."
Thus, the regex below is saying "between the start and the end of the (case insensitive) string, there should be one or more of the following characters only: a, c, g, t"
if($userinput =~ /\A[acgt]+\z/i)
$validEntry = 1;
print "Valid\n";
Using the character-counting tr operator:
if( $userinput !~ tr/ACGT//c )
$validEntry = 1;
print "Valid\n";
tr/characterset// counts how many characters in the string are in characterset; with the /c flag, it counts how many are not in the characterset. Using !~ instead of =~ negates the result, so it will be true if there are no characters not in characterset or false if there are characters not in characterset.
Your character class [A|C|G|T] contains |. | does not stand for alternation in a character class, it only stands for itself. Therefore, the character class would include the | character, which is not what you want.
Your pattern is not anchored. The pattern /[ACGT]+/ would match any string that contains one or more of any of those characters. Instead, you need to anchor your pattern, so that only strings that contain just those characters from beginning to end are matched.
$ can match a newline. To avoid that, use \z to anchor at the end. \A anchors at the beginning (although it doesn't make a difference whether you use that or ^ in this case, using \A provides a nice symmetry.
So, you check should be written:
if ($userinput =~ /\A [ACGT]+ \z/ix)
$validEntry = 1;
print "Valid\n";