Update function broken in C++ Azure Mobile Library - c++

I am trying to update a record in one of my Azure Mobile tables using the “update” function in the azure mobile C++ header. But I get an exception. Below is what my code looks like:
void DBUtils::DBQuestion::UpdateQuestionInTable(std::shared_ptr<azure::mobile::table> table)
auto obj = json::value::object();
obj[U("id")] = json::value::string(ID);
obj[U("QuestionText")] = json::value::string(QuestionText);
obj[U("AnswerLatitude")] = json::value::number(AnswerLatitude);
obj[U("AnswerLongitude")] = json::value::number(AnswerLongitude);
I have verified that the ID above is a valid one actually present in the table. A similar insert operation (which doesn’t specify the ID field) actually succeeds:
void DBUtils::DBQuestion::InsertIntoTable(std::shared_ptr<azure::mobile::table> table)
auto obj = json::value::object();
obj[U("QuestionText")] = json::value::string(QuestionText);
obj[U("AnswerLatitude")] = json::value::number(AnswerLatitude);
obj[U("AnswerLongitude")] = json::value::number(AnswerLongitude);
What am I doing wrong?

Azure Mobile recently updated its table schema so that the Id field is now a string, which gets filled in by the server with a Guid value if the client doesn’t set it.
This change has introduced a bug in the C++ library. As a workaround, you can try calling the other overload for update, the one that takes the ID string and the object.
void DBUtils::DBQuestion::UpdateQuestionInTable(utility::string_t id, std::shared_ptr<azure::mobile::table> table)
auto obj = json::value::object();
obj[U("QuestionText")] = json::value::string(QuestionText);
obj[U("AnswerLatitude")] = json::value::number(AnswerLatitude);
obj[U("AnswerLongitude")] = json::value::number(AnswerLongitude);
ID = id;
table->update(ID, obj);


Poco c++ How to read "text" data type from PostgreSQL DB?

I am executing a database (PostgreSQL) query.
Сomment column has "text" data type.
SELECT Comment FROM table WHERE id = 1;
RecordSet result = query->execute("");
bool more = result .moveFirst();
while (more)
std::string comment = result["Comment"].convert<std::string>());
std::string comment = result["Comment"].extract<std::string>());
more = result.moveNext();
I get an exception
How can I read a field without changing the database data type?
I figured out
Poco::SQL::MetaColumn::ColumnDataType type = result.columnType("Comment");
type is Poco::SQL::MetaColumn::ColumnDataType::FDT_CLOB
Poco::SQL::CLOB comment = response["Comment"].extract<Poco::SQL::CLOB>();
Look the same https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/issues/2566 if POCO version < 1.9.1

MS CRM 2013 Attribute parentcustomeridtype must not be NULL if attribute parentcustomerid is not NULL

Dear smart developers out there,
I encounter a problem when I want to create a contact belonging to an organization in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 via web services
client = new OrganizationServiceClient("CustomBinding_IOrganizationService");
var newContactProperties = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "lastname", "TestContact"},
{ "firstname", "A"},
{ "fullname", "A TestContact"}
/* organizationType is a CRM.CRMWebServices.OptionSetValue
* with ExtensionData null, PropertyChanged null and a valid Value
* orgReference is a CRM.CRMWebServices.EntityReference
* with a valid Id
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomeridtype", organizationType);
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomerid", orgReference);
var entity = new Entity();
entity.LogicalName = "contact";
entity.Attributes = new AttributeCollection();
This gives me error 'Attribute parentcustomeridtype must not be NULL if attribute parentcustomerid is not NULL'
I am puzzled why this happens and how I can solve this problem. Please help me if you can.
Thank you,
You don't need to set "parentcustomeridtype" attribute separately. It's a system field, will be set by platform and in parentcustomerid exists for legacy reason, when it was Customer type in earlier versions of Dynamics CRM.
You need to specify only EntityReference in lookup field.
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomerid", new EntityReference("account", new Guid("{accountid guid}")));
Also it's not clear what type you use in "orgReference" field. For contact valid entity types should be "account" or "contact".
thank you for the answers, I did not manage to get it right using web services this way.
I tried using Early Bound access with success:
Generated proxy objects using https://xrmearlyboundgenerator.codeplex.com/
Added line [assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ProxyTypesAssemblyAttribute()] to assemblyInfo to have Intellisense available (even for customized fields)
Now I manage to create a contact and assign it to an organization (something like this):
var contact = new Contact()
FirstName = "Bob",
LastName = "Dobalina",
Address1_Line1 = "123 Strasse",
Address1_City = "Berlin",
Address1_PostalCode = "32254",
Telephone1 = "425-555-5678",
EMailAddress1 = "bob.dobalina#germany.de"
var account = new Account()
Name = "Siemens Germany",
context.AddLink(account, "contact_customer_accounts", contact);

Dynamics GP Web Services: Changing policy behavior at runtime

I am creating a payables invoices using Web Services on GP2013. Optionally, my users can provide line item distributions. I can create invoices, but unless I modify the CreatePayablesInvoice policy to "Distributions Will Be Provided" in the dynamics security console, the invoice gets both the system provided distributions as well as the distribution lines I am creating. I want to have the ability to provide distributions if necessary, otherwise I want the system to handle it.
The documentation suggests I should be able to alter the policy in code, but when I get the policy object back from GetPolicyByOperation, the Behaviors array is empty. I have tried creating the behavior manually in code and it doesn't alter what happens when the invoice is created. The only thing that impacts the result is editing the property in the security console.
My code for altering the the policy is below:
payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy = wsDynamicsGP.GetPolicyByOperation("CreatePayablesInvoice", context);
BehaviorKey bk = new BehaviorKey();
bk.Id = new Guid("e476a157-ecf0-4dae-8cef-317dd2cfbe41");
Behavior b = new Behavior();
b.Key = bk;
BehaviorOption opt0 = new BehaviorOption();
opt0.Key = new BehaviorOptionKey();
opt0.Key.Id = 0;
opt0.Name = "Distributions Will Be Provided";
BehaviorOption opt1 = new BehaviorOption();
opt1.Key = new BehaviorOptionKey();
opt1.Key.Id = 1;
opt1.Name = "Automatically Create Distributions";
b.Options = new BehaviorOption[] { opt0, opt1 };
b.SelectedOption = b.Options[1];
payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy.Behaviors = new Behavior[]{b};
wsDynamicsGP.CreatePayablesInvoice(payablesInvoice, context, payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy);
Documentation seems to be sparse on what should or shouldn't work here. I have to assume I should be able to update the policy as I see fit at runtime based on whether or not my user has decided to provide line item distributions.
Does anyone know what I am missing?
Yes. It took me 2 days to fix this myself. After adding the behaviour to the policy object UpdatePolicy before calling the create invoice as below:
wsDynamicsGP.UpdatePolicy(payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy, new RoleKey { Id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, context)
wsDynamicsGP.CreatePayablesInvoice(payablesInvoice, context, payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy);
Note that you selected the behavior that automatically creates distribution lines on invoice creation. The behavior's Internal property also must be set to true.
Here is a working example also utilizing FlowerKing's answer:
BehaviorKey bk = new BehaviorKey();
bk.Id = new Guid("e476a157-ecf0-4dae-8cef-317dd2cfbe41");
bk.PolicyKey = payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy.Key;
Behavior b = new Behavior();
b.Key = bk;
b.Internal = true;
BehaviorOption opt0 = new BehaviorOption();
opt0.Key = new BehaviorOptionKey();
opt0.Key.Id = 0;
opt0.Name = "Distributions Will Be Provided";
BehaviorOption opt1 = new BehaviorOption();
opt1.Key = new BehaviorOptionKey();
opt1.Key.Id = 1;
opt1.Name = "Automatically Create Distributions";
b.Options = new BehaviorOption[] { opt0, opt1 };
b.SelectedOption = b.Options[0];
policy.Behaviors = new Behavior[] { b };
client.UpdatePolicy(payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy, new RoleKey { Id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, context);
client.CreatePayablesInvoice(payablesInvoice, context, payablesInvoiceCreatePolicy);

Invoking AX web service via C#

I am trying to connect to the AX web services. What I will do it to fetch the right price given a product and a customer.
I realised the right webservice to use is PriceListServiceClient and I am able to log in to it using windows authentication, but I cannot retrieve any data from it.
Here is my code:
PriceListServiceClient priceListServiceClient = new PriceListServiceClient();
priceListServiceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "yyy";
priceListServiceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "zzz!";
priceListServiceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain = "xxx";
CriteriaElement[] criteriaElement = new CriteriaElement[1];
criteriaElement[0] = new CriteriaElement();
criteriaElement[0].DataSourceName = "SalesPrice";
criteriaElement[0].FieldName = "ItemId";
criteriaElement[0].Operator = Operator.NotEqual;
criteriaElement[0].Value1 = "5637153175";
QueryCriteria queryCriteria = new QueryCriteria();
queryCriteria.CriteriaElement = criteriaElement;
CallContext callContext = new CallContext();
var found = priceListServiceClient.find(callContext, queryCriteria);
Any idea about why this is happening?
Try filling in the properties in the CallContext (company and language).
new CallContext { Company = "zzz", Language = "nl" };
I found the answer here: http://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/33/p/118741/246784.aspx
The Ax class for Price List document is AxPriceDiscTmpPrintout Class. This class wraps the TmpPriceDiscPrintout table, which is a TMP table. That's why you are not getting anything in return.

Unable to set Reporting Services Parameters

I'm generating a reporting services report from an ASP.NET (MVC) based application but am having problems setting the parameters for the report.
I believe the issue has only occurred since we upgraded SQL Server from 2005 to 2008 R2 (and Reporting Services along with it).
The original error encountered was from calling rsExec.Render:
Procedure or function 'pCommunication_ReturnRegistrationLetterDetails'
expects parameter '#guid', which was not supplied.
Debugging the code I noticed that rsExec.SetExecutionParameters is returning the following response:
Cannot call 'NameOfApp.SQLRSExec.ReportExecutionService.SetExecutionParameters(NameOfApp.SQLRSExec.ParameterValue[],
string)' because it is a web method.
Here is the function in it's entirety:
public static bool ProduceReportToFile(string reportname, string filename, string[,] reportparams,
string fileformat)
bool successful = false;
SQLRS.ReportingService2005 rs = new SQLRS.ReportingService2005();
SQLRSExec.ReportExecutionService rsExec = new NameOfApp.SQLRSExec.ReportExecutionService();
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
rsExec.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Prepare Render arguments
string historyID = null;
string deviceInfo = null;
// Prepare format - available options are "PDF","Word","CSV","TIFF","XML","EXCEL"
string format = fileformat;
Byte[] results;
string encoding = String.Empty;
string mimeType = String.Empty;
string extension = String.Empty;
SQLRSExec.Warning[] warnings = null;
string[] streamIDs = null;
// Define variables needed for GetParameters() method
// Get the report name
string _reportName = reportname;
string _historyID = null;
bool _forRendering = false;
SQLRS.ParameterValue[] _values = null;
SQLRS.DataSourceCredentials[] _credentials = null;
SQLRS.ReportParameter[] _parameters = null;
// Get if any parameters needed.
_parameters = rs.GetReportParameters(_reportName, _historyID,
_forRendering, _values, _credentials);
// Load the selected report.
SQLRSExec.ExecutionInfo ei =
rsExec.LoadReport(_reportName, historyID);
// Prepare report parameter.
// Set the parameters for the report needed.
SQLRSExec.ParameterValue[] parameters =
new SQLRSExec.ParameterValue[1];
// Place to include the parameter.
if (_parameters.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.Length; i++)
parameters[i] = new SQLRSExec.ParameterValue();
parameters[i].Label = reportparams[i,0];
parameters[i].Name = reportparams[i, 0];
parameters[i].Value = reportparams[i, 1];
rsExec.SetExecutionParameters(parameters, "en-us");
results = rsExec.Render(format, deviceInfo,
out extension, out encoding,
out mimeType, out warnings, out streamIDs);
// Create a file stream and write the report to it
using (FileStream stream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(filename))
stream.Write(results, 0, results.Length);
successful = true;
return successful;
Any ideas why I'm now unable to set parameters? The report generation works without issue if parameters aren't required.
Looks like it may have been an issue with how reporting services passes parameters through to the stored procedure providing the data. A string guid was being passed through to the report and the stored procedure expected a varchar guid. I suspect reporting services may have been noticing the string followed the guid format pattern and so passed it through as a uniqueidentifier to the stored procedure.
I changed the data source for the report from "stored procedure" to "text" and set the SQL as "EXEC pMyStoredOProcName #guid".
Please note the guid being passed in as a string to the stored procedure is probably not best practice... I was simply debugging an issue with another developers code.
Parameter _reportName cannot be null or empty. The [CLASSNAME].[METHODNAME]() reflection API could not create and return the SrsReportNameAttribute object
In this specific case it looks like an earlier full compile did not finish.
If you encounter this problem I would suggest that you first compile the class mentioned in the error message and see if this solves the problem.
go to AOT (get Ctrl+D)
in classes find CLASSNAME
3.compile it (F7)