Confusion in call by copy-restore in a special case - function-calls

I understand the basic logic of call by copy restore. But I was wondering for a problem like this
void p(int x,int y) {
main() {
int a=10;
// what will be now value of a, 11 or 12?

Update: The answer is 12, see update below.
OK, this is actually a good question. So this explains what "copy-restore" is all about:
Most programming languages don't support copy/restore, but only (some variations) of pass-by-value and pass-by-reference. So it's not so easy to try this out.
However, the question you are interested in is this: Which value wins? Does x get to write its value back to a when the function ends (which would be 11), or does y get to write its value back to a when the function ends (which would be 12).
In a language that supports "copy-restore", I'd hope that this would throw a compiler error.
After some searching I've found a language that actually supports "copy-restore", namely Ada. This is the code in Ada (this is my first and probably last program written in Ada):
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure copy_restore_example is
a: integer;
procedure p(x: in out integer; y: in out integer) is
x:= x+1;
y:= y+2;
end p;
a := 10;
Put_Line("Before :" & natural'image(a));
p(a, a);
Put_Line("After :" & natural'image(a));
end copy_restore_example;
The result is 12, y wins. You can run this program in your browser here:


Confused regarding this statement about "function call by reference."

What I'm confused about is whether the question is asking about passing arguments to functions as references (as opposed to "Call by Value") or about how we can set a pointer to point to a function.
The exact question is:
"Explain the function call by reference giving a suitable example in support of your answer."
The way it's termed makes it feel like it's asking about the latter. In my head, it seems as if it's asking how a function is called by reference, i.e, using a pointer.
C++ for what I'm talking about: int (*ptr)(int, int);
Which can later be assigned to a function like int max(int a, int b);
I know this is a bit of an odd post for Stack since it's more of an English question, but it's the only place I could think to ask.
EDIT: A lot of people are asking what I mean by the second thing. Since I'm new to the concept, I'll just copy - paste what my textbook gives as an example: (Sorry for the terrible formatting, sorry!)
main() {
int max(int a, int b){...}; //Your typical maximum function
int (*ptr)(int, int);
ptr = max;
//Then if you want to run the program
m = (*ptr)(2, 5);
cout << m; //Outputs 5

Is Lambda Expression just capture objects before it? [duplicate]

I have a Visual Studio 2010 C++ program, the main function of which is:
vector<double> v(10);
double start = 0.0; double increment = 10.0;
auto f = [&start, increment]() { return start += increment; };
generate(v.begin(), v.end(), f);
for(auto it = v.cbegin(); it != v.cend(); ++it) { cout << *it << ", "; }
cout << endl << "Changing vars to try again..." << endl;
start = 15; increment = -1.5;
generate(v.begin(), v.end(), f);
for(auto it = v.cbegin(); it != v.cend(); ++it) { cout << *it << ", "; }
return 0;
When I compile this in MS Visual Studio, the first generate does what I expected, resulting in "10, 20, ... 100, ". The second does not; the lambda "sees" the change in start but not the change in increment, so I get "25, 35, ... 115, ".
MSDN explains that
The Visual C++ compiler binds a lambda expression to its captured variables when the expression is declared instead of when the expression is called. ... [T]he reassignment of [a variable captured by value] later in the program does not affect the result of the expression.
So my question is: is this standards-compliant C++11 behavior, or is it Microsoft's own eccentric implementation? Bonus: if it is standard behavior, why was the standard written that way? Does it have to do with enforcing referential transparency for functional programming?
With a lambda expression, the bound variables are captured at the time of declaration.
This sample will make it very clear:
std::function<int()> dowork()
int answer = 42;
auto lambda = [answer] () { return answer; };
// can do what we want
answer = 666;
return lambda;
int main()
auto ll = dowork();
return ll(); // 42
It is clear that the capture must be happening before the invocation, since the variables being captured don't even exist (not in scope, neither in lifetime) anymore at a later time.
It's bound at creation time. Consider:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
std::function<int(int)> foo;
void sub()
int a = 42;
foo = [a](int x) -> int { return x + a; };
int main()
int abc = 54;
abc = foo(abc); // Note a no longer exists here... but it was captured by
// value, so the caller shouldn't have to care here...
std::cout << abc; //96
There's no a here when the function is called -- there'd be no way for the compiler to go back and update it. If you pass a by reference, then you have undefined behavior. But if you pass by value any reasonable programmer would expect this to work.
I think you are confusing the mechanism of capture with the mechanism of variable passing. They are not the same thing even if they bear some superficial resemblance to one another. If you need the current value of a variable inside a lambda expression, capture it by reference (though, of course, that reference is bound to a particular variable at the point the lambda is declared).
When you 'capture' a variable, you are creating something very like a closure. And closures are always statically scoped (i.e. the 'capture' happens at the point of declaration). People familiar with the concept of a lambda expression would find C++'s lambda expressions highly strange and confusing if it were otherwise. Adding a brand new feature to a programming language that is different from the same feature in other programming languages in some significant way would make C++ even more confusing and difficult to understand than it already is. Also, everything else in C++ is statically scoped, so adding some element of dynamic scoping would be very strange for that reason as well.
Lastly, if capture always happened by reference, then that would mean a lambda would only be valid as long as the stack frame was valid. Either you would have to add garbage collected stack frames to C++ (with a huge performance hit and much screaming from people who are depending on the stack being largely contiguous) or you would end up creating yet another feature where it was trivially easy to blow your foot off with a bazooka by accident as the stack frame referenced by a lambda expression would go out of scope and you'd basically be creating a lot of invisible opportunities to return local variables by reference.
Yes, it has to capture by value at the point because otherwise you could attempt to capture a variable (by reference for example) that no longer exists when the lambda/function is actually called.
The standard supports capturing both by value AND by reference to address both possible use cases. If you tell the compiler to capture by value it's captured at the point the lambda is created. If you ask to capture by reference, it will capture a reference to the variable which will then be used at the point the lambda is called (requiring of course that the referenced variable must still exist at the point the call is made).

Why doesn't this C++ function need return?

I saw some one write this code
int r, odd_divisors(int a, int b) {
r = sqrt(b) + 1;
r -= sqrt(a);
AFAIK, the compiler will automatically add return 0; at the end of this code, but in this case, it returns the value of r. Could someone please help me to explain why this happen. Thanks.
This function actually works in this Codefights site: You can check for sir_ementaler's solution.
Thanks for everyone that pointed out this function is ill format. I knew that. The reason I asked here is because it is the winner's solution in the site I mentioned in the previous update. It looks to me that Codefights must add some other feature to their compiler.
The "implicit int" rule that you may know from pre-standard C does not apply to C++.
This is invalid code.
Fix your broken code.
The code you posted is not legal C++, but it is very close to legal. The following is legal:
// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
int r, odd_divisors(int a, int b);
int odd_divisors(int a, int b) {
r = sqrt(b) + 1;
r -= sqrt(a);
return 0;
int main()
std::cout << "Hello, " << r;
There are two things going on here. Firstly, you can define an int and declare a function in the same statement, but you can't define the function. Allowing this is an obvious compiler extension.
Secondly, failing to return a value from a value-returning function is undefined behaviour. That can mean a crash - but it can also mean doing exactly what you expect. If you don't try to use the value from the function, it is quite likely (but not certain), that nothing very much will happen.
It is of course, much cleaner to make odd_divisors be a void function, or better still, make it return the value and not use a static at all.

In which case is if(a=b) a good idea? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Inadvertent use of = instead of ==
C++ compilers let you know via warnings that you wrote,
if( a = b ) { //...
And that it might be a mistake that you certainly wanted to write:
if( a == b ) { //...
But is there a case where the warning should be ignored, because it's a good way to use this "feature"?
I don't see any code clarity reason possible, so is there a case where it’s useful?
Two possible reasons:
Assign & Check
The = operator (when not overriden) normally returns the value that it assigned. This is to allow statements such as a=b=c=3. In the context of your question, it also allows you to do something like this:
bool global;//a global variable
//a function
int foo(bool x){
//assign the value of x to global
//if x is equal to true, return 4
if (global=x)
return 4;
//otherwise return 3
return 3;
...which is equivalent to but shorter than:
bool global;//a global variable
//a function
int foo(bool x){
//assign the value of x to global
//if x is equal to true, return 4
if (global==true)
return 4;
//otherwise return 3
return 3;
Also, it should be noted (as stated by Billy ONeal in a comment below) that this can also work when the left-hand argument of the = operator is actually a class with a conversion operator specified for a type which can be coerced (implicitly converted) to a bool. In other words, (a=b) will evaulate to true or false if a is of a type which can be coerced to a boolean value.
So the following is a similar situation to the above, except the left-hand argument to = is an object and not a bool:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Foo {
operator bool (){ return true; }
int main(){
Foo a;
Foo b;
if (a=b)
//output: true
Note: At the time of this writing, the code formatting above is bugged. My code (check the source) actually features proper indenting, shift operators and line spacing. The <'s are supposed to be <'s, and there aren't supposed to be enourmous gaps between each line.
Overridden = operator
Since C++ allows the overriding of operators, sometimes = will be overriden to do something other than what it does with primitive types. In these cases, the performing the = operation on an object could return a boolean (if that's how the = operator was overridden for that object type).
So the following code would perform the = operation on a with b as an argument. Then it would conditionally execute some code depending on the return value of that operation:
if (a=b){
//execute some code
Here, a would have to be an object and b would be of the correct type as defined by the overriding of the = operator for objects of a's type. To learn more about operator overriding, see this wikipedia article which includes C++ examples: Wikipedia article on operator overriding
while ( (line = readNextLine()) != EOF) {
You could use to test if a function returned any error:
if (error_no = some_function(...)) {
// Handle error
Assuming that some_function returns the error code in case of an error. Or zero otherwise.
This is a consequence of basic feature of the C language:
The value of an assignment operation is the assigned value itself.
The fact that you can use that "return value" as the condition of an if() statement is incidental.
By the way, this is the same trick that allows this crazy conciseness:
void strcpy(char *s, char *t)
while( *s++ = *t++ );
Of course, the while exits when the nullchar in t is reached, but at the same time it is copied to the destination s string.
Whether it is a good idea, usually not, as it reduce code readability and is prone to errors.
Although the construct is perfectly legal syntax and your intent may truly be as shown below, don't leave the "!= 0" part out.
if( (a = b) != 0 ) {
The person looking at the code 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now, at first glance, is simply going to believe the code contains a "classic bug" written by a junior programmer and will try to "fix" it. The construct above clearly indicates your intent and will be optimized out by the compiler. This would be especially embarrassing if you are that person.
Your other option is to heavily load it with comments. But the above is self-documenting code, which is better.
Lastly, my preference is to do this:
a = b;
if( a != 0 ) {
This is about a clear as the code can get. If there is a performance hit, it is virtually zero.
A common example where it is useful might be:
do {
} while (current = current->next);
I know that with this syntax you can avoid putting an extra line in your code, but I think it takes away some readability from the code.
This syntax is very useful for things like the one suggested by Steven Schlansker, but using it directly as a condition isn't a good idea.
This isn't actually a deliberate feature of C, but a consequence of two other features:
Assignment returns the assigned value
This is useful for performing multiple assignments, like a = b = 0, or loops like while ((n = getchar()) != EOF).
Numbers and pointers have truth values
C originally didn't have a bool type until the 1999 standard, so it used int to represent Boolean values. Backwards compatibility requires C and C++ to allow non-bool expressions in if, while, and for.
So, if a = b has a value and if is lenient about what values it accepts, then if (a = b) works. But I'd recommend using if ((a = b) != 0) instead to discourage anyone from "fixing" it.
You should explicitly write the checking statement in a better coding manner, avoiding the assign & check approach. Example:
if ((fp = fopen("filename.txt", "wt")) != NULL) {
// Do something with fp
void some( int b ) {
int a = 0;
if( a = b ) {
// or do something with a
// knowing that is not 0
// b remains the same
But is there a case where the warning
should be ignored because it's a good
way to use this "feature"? I don't see
any code clarity reason possible so is
there a case where its useful?
The warning can be suppressed by placing an extra parentheses around the assignment. That sort of clarifies the programmer's intent. Common cases I've seen that would match the (a = b) case directly would be something like:
if ( (a = expression_with_zero_for_failure) )
// do something with 'a' to avoid having to reevaluate
// 'expression_with_zero_for_failure' (might be a function call, e.g.)
else if ( (a = expression2_with_zero_for_failure) )
// do something with 'a' to avoid having to reevaluate
// 'expression2_with_zero_for_failure'
// etc.
As to whether writing this kind of code is useful enough to justify the common mistakes that beginners (and sometimes even professionals in their worst moments) encounter when using C++, it's difficult to say. It's a legacy inherited from C and Stroustrup and others contributing to the design of C++ might have gone a completely different, safer route had they not tried to make C++ backwards compatible with C as much as possible.
Personally I think it's not worth it. I work in a team and I've encountered this bug several times before. I would have been in favor of disallowing it (requiring parentheses or some other explicit syntax at least or else it's considered a build error) in exchange for lifting the burden of ever encountering these bugs.
while( (l = getline()) != EOF){
printf("%s\n", l);
This is of course the simplest example, and there are lots of times when this is useful. The primary thing to remember is that (a = true) returns true, just as (a = false) returns false.
Note that this answer is about C++ (I started writing this answer before the tag "C" was added).
Still, after reading Jens Gustedt's comment, I realized it was not the first time I wrote this kind of answer. Truth is, this question is a duplicate of another, to which I gave the following answer:
Inadvertent use of = instead of ==
So, I'll shamelessly quote myself here to add an important information: if is not about comparison. It's about evaluation.
This difference is very important, because it means anything can be inside the parentheses of a if as long as it can be evaluated to a Boolean. And this is a good thing.
Now, limiting the language by forbidding =, where all other operators are authorized, is a dangerous exception for the language, an exception whose use would be far from certain, and whose drawbacks would be numerous indeed.
For those who are uneasy with the = typo, then there are solutions (see Alternatives below...).
About the valid uses of if(i = 0) [Quoted from myself]
The problem is that you're taking the problem upside down. The "if" notation is not about comparing two values like in some other languages.
The C/C++ if instruction waits for any expression that will evaluate to either a Boolean, or a null/non-null value. This expression can include two values comparison, and/or can be much more complex.
For example, you can have:
if(i >> 3)
std::cout << "i is less than 8" << std::endl
Which proves that, in C/C++, the if expression is not limited to == and =. Anything will do, as long as it can be evaluated as true or false (C++), or zero non-zero (C/C++).
About valid uses
Back to the non-quoted answer.
The following notation:
if(MyObject * p = findMyObject())
// uses p
enables the user to declare and then use p inside the if. It is a syntactic sugar... But an interesting one. For example, imagine the case of an XML DOM-like object whose type is unknown well until runtime, and you need to use RTTI:
void foo(Node * p_p)
if(BodyNode * p = dynamic_cast<BodyNode *>(p_p))
// this is a <body> node
else if(SpanNode * p = dynamic_cast<SpanNode *>(p_p))
// this is a <span> node
else if(DivNode * p = dynamic_cast<DivNode *>(p_p))
// this is a <div> node
// etc.
RTTI should not be abused, of course, but this is but one example of this syntactic sugar.
Another use would be to use what is called C++ variable injection. In Java, there is this cool keyword:
// Now, the Java code is synchronized using p as a mutex
In C++, you can do it, too. I don't have the exact code in mind (nor the exact Dr. Dobb's Journal's article where I discovered it), but this simple define should be enough for demonstration purposes:
#define synchronized(lock) \
if (auto_lock lock_##__LINE__(lock))
// Now, the C++ code is synchronized using p as a mutex
(Note that this macro is quite primitive, and should not be used as is in production code. The real macro uses a if and a for. See sources below for a more correct implementation).
This is the same way, mixing injection with if and for declaration, you can declare a primitive foreach macro (if you want an industrial-strength foreach, use Boost's).
About your typo problem
Your problem is a typo, and there are multiple ways to limit its frequency in your code. The most important one is to make sure the left-hand-side operand is constant.
For example, this code won't compile for multiple reasons:
if( NULL = b ) // won't compile because it is illegal
// to assign a value to r-values.
Or even better:
const T a ;
// etc.
if( a = b ) // Won't compile because it is illegal
// to modify a constant object
This is why in my code, const is one of the most used keyword you'll find. Unless I really want to modify a variable, it is declared const and thus, the compiler protects me from most errors, including the typo error that motivated you to write this question.
But is there a case where the warning should be ignored because it's a good way to use this "feature"? I don't see any code clarity reason possible so is there a case where its useful?
As shown in the examples above, there are multiple valid uses for the feature you used in your question.
My own code is a magnitude cleaner and clearer since I use the code injection enabled by this feature:
void foo()
// some code
// some code protected by a mutex
FOREACH(char c, MyVectorOfChar)
// using 'c'
... which makes the rare times I was confronted to this typo a negligible price to pay (and I can't remember the last time I wrote this type without being caught by the compiler).
Interesting sources
I finally found the articles I've had read on variable injection. Here we go!!!
FOR_EACH and LOCK (2003-11-01)
Exception Safety Analysis (2003-12-01)
Concurrent Access Control & C++ (2004-01-01)
If one fears being victim of the =/== typo, then perhaps using a macro could help:
#define EQUALS ==
#define ARE_EQUALS(lhs,rhs) (lhs == rhs)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int a = 25 ;
double b = 25 ;
if(a EQUALS b)
std::cout << "equals" << std::endl ;
std::cout << "NOT equals" << std::endl ;
if(ARE_EQUALS(a, b))
std::cout << "equals" << std::endl ;
std::cout << "NOT equals" << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
This way, one can protect oneself from the typo error, without needing a language limitation (that would cripple language), for a bug that happens rarely (i.e., almost never, as far as I remember it in my code).
There's an aspect of this that hasn't been mentioned: C doesn't prevent you from doing anything it doesn't have to. It doesn't prevent you from doing it because C's job is to give you enough rope to hang yourself by. To not think that it's smarter than you. And it's good at it.
The exceptions cited don't generate the compiler warning. In cases where the compiler generates the warning, it is never a good idea.
RegEx sample
RegEx r;
if(((r = new RegEx("\w*)).IsMatch()) {
// ... do something here
else if((r = new RegEx("\d*")).IsMatch()) {
// ... do something here
Assign a value test
int i = 0;
if((i = 1) == 1) {
// 1 is equal to i that was assigned to a int value 1
else {
// ?
My favourite is:
if (CComQIPtr<DerivedClassA> a = BaseClassPtr)
else if (CComQIPtr<DerivedClassB> b = BaseClassPtr)

How the buffer of cout work?

I know that cout have buffer several days ago, and when I google it, it is said that the buffer is some like a stack and get the output of cout and printf from right to left, then put them out(to the console or file)from top to bottem. Like this,
a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
buffer:|3|2|1|<- (take “<-” as a poniter)
output:|3|2|<- (output 1)
|3|<- (output 2)
|<- (output 3)
Then I write a code below,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int c = 6;
int f()
return c;
int main()
int i = 0;
cout <<"i="<<i<<" i++="<<i++<<" i--="<<i--<<endl;
i = 0;
printf("i=%d i++=%d i--=%d\n" , i , i++ ,i-- );
cout<<f()<<" "<<f()<<" "<<f()<<endl;
c = 6;
printf("%d %d %d\n" , f() , f() ,f() );
return 0;
Under VS2005, the output is
i=0 i++=-1 i--=0
i=0 i++=-1 i--=0
9 8 7
9 8 7
It seems that the stack way is right~
However, I read C++ Primer Plus yesterday, and it is said that the cout work from left to right, every time return an object(cout), so "That’s the feature that lets you concatenate output by using insertion". But the from left to right way can not explain cout<
Then Alnitak tell me that, "The << operator is really ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, int), so another way of writing this is:
operator<< ( operator<< ( operator<< ( cout, a ), b ), c )",
If the rightest argument is first evaluated, it can be some explained.
Now I'm confused about how cout's buffer work, can somebody help me?
You are mixing a lot of things. To date:
Implementation details of cout
Chained calls
Calling conventions
Try to read up on them separately. And don't think about all of them in one go.
printf("i=%d i++=%d i--=%d\n" , i , i++ ,i-- );
The above line invokes undefined behavior. Read the FAQ 3.2. Note, what you observe is a side-effect of the function's calling convention and the way parameters are passed in the stack by a particular implementation (i.e. yours). This is not guaranteed to be the same if you were working on other machines.
I think you are confusing the order of function calls with buffering. When you have a cout statement followed by multiple insertions << you are actually invoking multiple function calls, one after the other. So, if you were to write:
cout << 42 << 0;
It really means: You call,
cout = operator<<(cout, 42)
and then use the return in another call to the same operator as:
cout = operator<<(cout, 0)
What you have tested by the above will not tell you anything cout's internal representation. I suggest you take a look at the header files to know more.
Just as a general tip, never ever use i++ in the same line as another usage of i or i--.
The issue is that function arguments can be evaluated in any order, so if your function arguments have any side-effects (such as the increment and decrement operations) you can't guarantee that they will operate in the order you expect. This is something to avoid.
The same goes for this case, which is similar to the actual expansion of your cout usage:
function1 ( function2 ( foo ), bar );
The compiler is free to evaulate bar before calling function2, or vice versa. You can guarantee that function2 will return before function1 is called, for example, but not that their arguments are evaluated in a specific order.
This becomes a problem when you do something like:
function1 ( function2 ( i++), i );
You have no way to specify whether the "i" is evaluated before or after the "i++", so you're likely to get results that are different than you expect, or different results with different compilers or even different versions of the same compiler.
Bottom line, avoid statements with side-effects. Only use them if they're the only statement on the line or if you know you're only modifying the same variable once. (A "line" means a single statement plus semicolon.)
What you see is undefined behavior.
Local i and global c are added/subtracted multiple times without sequence point. This means that values you get can be about anything. Depends on compiler, possibly also processor architecture and number of cores.
The cout buffer can be thought as queue, so Alnitak is right.
In addition to the other answers which correctly point out that you are seeing undefined behavior, I figured I'd mention that std::cout uses an object of type std::streambuf to do its internal buffering. Basically it is an abstract class which represents of buffer (the size is particular to implementation and can even be 0 for unbufferd stream buffers). The one for std::cout is written such that when it "overflows" it is flushed into stdout.
In fact, you can change the std::streambuf associated with std::cout (or any stream for that matter). This often useful if you want to do something clever like make all std::cout calls end in a log file or something.
And as dirkgently said you are confusing calling convention with other details, they are entirely unrelated to std::cout's buffering.
In addition, mixing output paradigms (printf and cout) are implementation specific.