Suppose a data frame with several groups of columns (linked by their names, here Bla and D):
df = data.frame(A=1, BlaTata=2, BlaTato=3, BlaTota=4, BlaToto=5,
C=6, D1=7, D2=8, D3=9, D4=10)
# A BlaTata BlaTato BlaTota BlaToto C D1 D2 D3 D4
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How can I easily drop all columns containing Bla (i.e., select(-contains('Bla'))) except for a few of them that I would explicitely "protect" from the (de)selection procedure?
Supposing I want to "protect" BlaTato and BlaToto:
df %>% mutate(saveBlaToto=BlaToto, saveBlaTato=BlaTato) %>%
select(-starts_with('Bla')) %>%
mutate(BlaToto=saveBlaToto, BlaTato=saveBlaTato) %>%
select(-contains('save')) %>%
# A BlaTato BlaToto C D1 D2 D3 D4
# 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
There must be an easier and more elegant way ;-)
Supposing it is not handy to select by column index etc.
Something like select(-contains('Bla' but keep c('BlaTato','BlaToto'))) possibly for several columns to be preserved...
This question is answered in Frank's "New Question" below.
The original question, simpler and answered in his "First Question", was "How to drop all columns containing B except from B2 in the following data frame":
df = data.frame(A=1, B1=2, B2=3, B3, B4=5, C=6, D1=7, D2=8, D3=9, D4=10)
First question. If you look at ?select, you'll see that you can enter a regular expression, like
# example
df = data.frame(A=1, B1=2, B2=3, B3=4, B4=5, C=6, D1=7, D2=8, D3=9, D4=10)
# goal: drop B, protect B2
df %>% select(-matches('^B[^2]$'))
A B2 C D1 D2 D3 D4
1 1 3 6 7 8 9 10
Reading the regex:
^ and $ indicate start and end of the string.
[^x] means any character except x.
New question. It looks like dplyr doesn't support Perl-style regexes yet, so...
# example
df = data.frame(A=1, BlaTata=2, BlaTato=3, BlaTota=4, BlaToto=5,
C=6, D1=7, D2=8, D3=9, D4=10)
# goal: drop Bla, protect BlaTato, BlaToto
df %>% select(-grep('^Bla(?!Tato|Toto)', names(.), perl=TRUE))
A BlaTato BlaToto C D1 D2 D3 D4
1 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reading the regex:
(?!xyz) means "don't be followed by xyz"
x|y means x or y
For more info on regular expressions and the base R functions for using them, read ?regex and ?grep. Really, though, you shouldn't name your columns like this. If you find yourself in a position where you need to parse column names, you probably made a mistake earlier on.
I want to aggregate (sum up) the following product list by groups (see below):
prods <- list("101.2000"=data.frame(1,2,3),
test= list("100.2000"=data.frame(2,3,5),
names <- c("A", "B", "C")
prods <- lapply(prods, function (x) {colnames(x) <- names; return(x)})
Each element of the product list (prods) has a name combination of the product number and the year (e.g. 101.2000 --> 101 = prod nr. and 2000 = year). And the groups only contain product numbers for the aggregation.
group1 <- c(101, 106)
group2 <- c(102, 104)
group3 <- c(105, 103)
My expected result, shows the aggregated product groups by year:
1 8 10 12
1 5 7 9
1 11 13 15
1 8 10 12
1 5 7 9
1 11 13 15
So far, I tried this way: First I decomposed the names of prods into product numbers:
prodnames <- names(prods)
prodnames_sub <- gsub("\\..*.","", prodnames)
And then I tried to aggregate using lapply:
lapply(prods, function(x) aggregate( ... , FUN = sum)
However, I didn't find how to implement the previous product numbers in the aggregation function. Ideas? Thanks
Here are two approaches. No packages are used in either one.
1) Using lists Create a two column data.frame S from the groups whose columns are the products (value column) and associated groups (ind column). Create the list to split by, By. In code to produce By, sub("\\.*", "", names(prods)) extracts the products and match is then used to find the associated group. sub("\\..*", "", names(prods)) extracts the year. Next perform the split and lapply over it to run the summations. The two components of By (group and year) can be reversed to change the order of the output, if desired.
S <- stack(list(group1 = group1, group2 = group2, group3 = group3))
By <- list(group = S$ind[match(sub("\\..*", "", names(prods)), S$values)],
year = sub(".*\\.", "", names(prods)))
lapply(split(prods, By), function(x) colSums(, x)))
2) Using data.frames Convert the groups and prods each to a data frame, merge them, perform an aggregate and split back into a list. The output is the same as requested except for order. (Reverse the two right hand variables in the aggregate formula to get the order shown in the question but that will also reverse the two parts of each component name in he output list.)
S <- stack(list(group1 = group1, group2 = group2, group3 = group3))
DF0 <-, prods)
DF <- cbind(, strsplit(rownames(DF0), ".", fixed = TRUE)), DF0)
M <- merge(DF, S, all.x = TRUE, by = 1)
Ag <- aggregate(cbind(A, B, C) ~ ind + `2`, M, sum)
lapply(split(Ag, paste(Ag[[1]], Ag[[2]], sep = ".")), "[", 3:5)
1 8 10 12
4 8 10 12
2 5 7 9
5 5 7 9
3 11 13 15
6 11 13 15
*I've added some code (and explanation) I wrote myself at the end of this question, this is however a suboptimal solution (both in coding efficiency as resulting output) but kind of manages to make a selection of items that adhere to the constraints. If you have any ideas on how to improve it (again both in efficiency as resulting output) please let me know.
1. Updated Post
Please look below for the initial question and sample code. Thx to alexis_laz his answer the problem was solved for a small number of items. However when the number of items becomes to large the combn function in R cannot calculate it anymore because of the invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA) error. Since my dataset has indeed a lot of items, I was wondering whether replacing some of his code (shown after this) with C++ provides a solution to this, and if this is the case what code I should use for this? Tnx!
This is the code as provided by alexis_laz;
ff = function(x, No_items, No_persons)
function(n) {
col_combs = combn(seq_len(ncol(x)), n, simplify = F)
persons = lapply(col_combs, function(j) rownames(x)[rowSums(x[, j, drop = F]) == n])
keep = unlist(lapply(persons, function(z) length(z) >= No_persons))
data.frame(persons = unlist(lapply(persons[keep], paste, collapse = ", ")),
items = unlist(lapply(col_combs[keep], function(z) paste(colnames(x)[z], collapse = ", "))))
2. Initial Post
Currently I'm working on a set of data coming from adaptive measurement, which means that not all persons have made all of the same items. For my analysis however I need a dataset that contains only items that have been made by all persons (or a subset of these persons).
I have a matrix object in R with rows = persons (100000), and columns = items(220), and a 1 in a cell if the person has made the item and a 0 if the person has not made the item.
How can I use R to determine which combination of at least 15 items, is made by the highest amount of persons?
Hopefully the question is clear (if not please ask me for more details and I will gladly provide those).
Tnx in advance.
Below is a sample matrix with the items (A:E) as columns and persons (1:5) as rows.
mat <- matrix(c(1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0),5,5,byrow=T)
colnames(mat) <- c("A","B","C","D","E")
rownames(mat) <- 1:5
> mat
"1" 1 1 1 0 0
"2" 1 1 0 1 1
"3" 1 1 1 0 1
"4" 0 1 1 0 0
"5" 1 1 1 1 0
mat[1,1] = 1 means that person 1 has given a response to item 1.
Now (in this example) I'm interested in finding out which set of at least 3 items is made by at least 3 people. So here I can just go through all possible combinations of 3, 4 and 5 items to check how many people have a 1 in the matrix for each item in a combination.
This will result in me choosing the item combination A, B and C, since it is the only combination of items that has been made by 3 people (namely persons 1, 3 and 5).
Now for my real dataset I want to do this but then for a combination of at least 10 items that a group of at least 75 people all responded to. And since I have a lot of data preferably not by hand as in the example data.
I'm thus looking for a function/code in R, that will let me select the minimal amount of items, and questions, and than gives me all combinations of items and persons that adhere to these constraints or have a greater number of items/persons than the constrained.
Thus for the example matrix it would be something like;
f <- function(data,no.items,no.persons){
> f(mat,3,3)
no.item no.pers items persons
1 3 3 A, B, C 1, 3, 5
Or in case of at least 2 items that are made by at least 3 persons;
> f(mat,2,3)
no.item no.pers items persons
1 2 4 A, B 1, 2, 3, 5
2 2 3 A, C 1, 3, 5
3 2 4 B, C 1, 3, 4, 5
4 3 3 A, B, C 1, 3, 5
Hopefully this clears up what my question actually is about. Tnx for the quick replies that I already received!
3. Written Code
Below is the code I've written today. It takes each item once as a starting point and then looks to the item that has been answered most by people who also responded to the start item. It the takes these two items and looks to a third item, and repeats this until the number of people that responded to all selected questions drops below the given limit. One drawback of the code is that it takes some time to run, (it goes up somewhat exponentially when the number of items grows). The second drawback is that this still does not evaluate all possible combinations of items, in the sense that the start item, and the subsequently chosen item may have a lot of persons that answered to these items in common, however if the chosen item has almost no similarities with the other (not yet chosen) items, the sample might shrink very fast. While if an item was chosen with somewhat less persons in common with the start item, and this item has a lot of connections to other items, the final collection of selected items might be much bigger than the one based on the code used below. So again suggestions and improvements in both directions are welcome!
mat <- matrix(rbinom(1000000, 1, .6), 10000, 100)
colnames(mat) <- 1:100
fff <- function(data,persons,items){
xx <- list()
for(j in 1:ncol(data)){
d <- matrix(c(j,length(which(data[,j]==1))),1,2)
colnames(d) <- c("item","n")
t = persons+1
a <- j
while(t >= persons){
b <- numeric(0)
for(i in 1:ncol(data)){
z <- c(a,i)
if(i %in% a){
b[i] = 0
} else {
b[i] <- length(which(rowSums(data[,z])==length(z)))
c <- c(which.max(b),max(b))
d <- rbind(d,c)
a <- c(a,c[1])
t <- max(b)
xx[[j]] = d
x <- y <- z <- numeric(0)
zz <- matrix(c(0,0,rep(NA,ncol(data))),length(xx),ncol(data)+2,byrow=T)
colnames(zz) <- c("n.pers", "n.item", rep("I",ncol(data)))
for(i in 1:length(xx)){
zz[i,1] <- xx[[i]][nrow(xx[[i]])-1,2]
zz[i,2] <- length(unname(xx[[i]][1:nrow(xx[[i]])-1,1]))
zz[i,3:(zz[i,2]+2)] <- unname(xx[[i]][1:nrow(xx[[i]])-1,1])
zz <- zz[,colSums(<nrow(zz)]
zz <- zz[which((rowSums(zz,na.rm=T)/rowMeans(zz,na.rm=T))-2>=items),]
zz <-
> head(zz)
n.pers n.item I I I I I I I I I I
1 156 9 1 41 13 80 58 15 91 12 39 NA
2 160 9 2 27 59 13 81 16 15 6 92 NA
3 158 9 3 59 83 32 25 80 14 41 16 NA
4 160 9 4 24 27 71 32 10 63 42 51 NA
5 114 10 5 59 66 27 47 13 44 63 30 52
6 158 9 6 13 56 61 12 59 8 45 81 NA
#col 1 = number of persons in sample
#col 2 = number of items in sample
#col 3:12 = which items create this sample (NA if n.item is less than 10)
to follow up on my comment, something like:
mat <- matrix(rbinom(1000, 1, .6), 100, 10)
colnames(mat) <- sample(LETTERS, 10)
rownames(mat) <- sprintf('person%s', 1:100)
mat1 <- mat[rowSums(mat) > 5, ]
# A S X D R E Z K P C
# person1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
# person3 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
# person4 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
# person5 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
# person6 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
# person7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
# 6 7 8 9
# 24 23 21 5
tab <- table(sapply(1:nrow(mat1), function(x)
paste(names(mat1[x, ][mat1[x, ] == 1]), collapse = ',')))
data.frame(tab[tab > 1])
# A,S,X,D,R,E,P,C 2
# A,S,X,D,R,E,Z,P,C 2
# A,S,X,R,E,Z,K,C 3
# A,S,X,R,E,Z,P,C 2
# A,S,X,Z,K,P,C 2
Here is another idea that matches your output:
ff = function(x, No_items, No_persons)
function(n) {
col_combs = combn(seq_len(ncol(x)), n, simplify = F)
persons = lapply(col_combs, function(j) rownames(x)[rowSums(x[, j, drop = F]) == n])
keep = unlist(lapply(persons, function(z) length(z) >= No_persons))
data.frame(persons = unlist(lapply(persons[keep], paste, collapse = ", ")),
items = unlist(lapply(col_combs[keep], function(z) paste(colnames(x)[z], collapse = ", "))))
ff(mat, 3, 3)
# persons items
#1 1, 3, 5 A, B, C
ff(mat, 2, 3)
# persons items
#1 1, 2, 3, 5 A, B
#2 1, 3, 5 A, C
#3 1, 3, 4, 5 B, C
#4 1, 3, 5 A, B, C
Dear StackOverFlowers (flowers in short),
I have a list of data.frames (walk.sample) that I would like to collapse into a single (giant) data.frame. While collapsing, I would like to mark (adding another column) which rows have came from which element of the list. This is what I've got so far.
This is the data.frame that needs to be collapsed/stacked.
> walk.sample
walker x y
1073 3 228.8756 -726.9198
1086 3 226.7393 -722.5561
1081 3 219.8005 -728.3990
1089 3 225.2239 -727.7422
1032 3 233.1753 -731.5526
walker x y
1008 3 205.9104 -775.7488
1022 3 208.3638 -723.8616
1072 3 233.8807 -718.0974
1064 3 217.0028 -689.7917
1026 3 234.1824 -723.7423
[1] 3
walker x y
546 2 629.9041 831.0852
524 2 627.8698 873.3774
578 2 572.3312 838.7587
513 2 633.0598 871.7559
538 2 636.3088 836.6325
1079 3 206.3683 -729.6257
1095 3 239.9884 -748.2637
1005 3 197.2960 -780.4704
1045 3 245.1900 -694.3566
1026 3 234.1824 -723.7423
I have written a function to add a column that denote from which element the rows came followed by appending it to an existing data.frame.
collapseToDataFrame <- function(x) { # collapse list to a dataframe with a twist
walk.df <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
n.rows <- nrow(x[[i]])
if (length(x[[i]])>1) {
temp.df <- cbind(x[[i]], rep(i, n.rows))
names(temp.df) <- c("walker", "x", "y", "session")
walk.df <- rbind(walk.df, temp.df)
} else {
cat("Empty list", "\n")
> collapseToDataFrame(walk.sample)
Empty list
Empty list
walker x y session
3 1 -604.5055 -123.18759 1
60 1 -562.0078 -61.24912 1
84 1 -594.4661 -57.20730 1
9 1 -604.2893 -110.09168 1
43 1 -632.2491 -54.52548 1
1028 3 240.3905 -724.67284 1
1040 3 232.5545 -681.61225 1
1073 3 228.8756 -726.91980 1
1091 3 209.0373 -740.96173 1
1036 3 248.7123 -694.47380 1
I'm curious whether this can be done more elegantly, with perhaps or some other more generic function?
I think this will work...
lengths <- sapply(walk.sample, function(x) if (is.null(nrow(x))) 0 else nrow(x))
cbind(, walk.sample[lengths > 1]),
session = rep(1:length(lengths), ifelse(lengths > 1, lengths, 0)))
I'm not claiming this to be the most elegant approach, but I think it is working
ldply(sapply(1:length(walk.sample), function(i)
if (length(walk.sample[[i]]) > 1)
After applying Marek's apt remarks,lapply(1:length(walk.sample), function(i)
if (length(walk.sample[[i]]) > 1)
cbind(walk.sample[[i]],session=i) ))