Setting up Root library on Visual Studios Express 2010 - c++

I'm trying to incorporate CERN's data analysis libraries, ROOT, in my c++ code.
At the moment i'm using Visual Studio c++ 2010 Express. So far I think i've succeeded in creating a Property Sheet for the ROOT-library, i.e. I can include libraries and complile without getting any errors. The problem rises when I try to start my program. The console gives me the following error:
"Error in : libMathCore.dll does not exist in ... (lots of weird symbols)...or has wrong file extension (.dll)"
I only get the error whenever I include some ROOT-library.
Do any of you know why i get the error, how i fix it or another library for data analysis?

The libMathCore.dll is in the bin directory of your Root installation. You have to copy it to your VS2010 project or your System file.


error while building a Hello World wxwidgets app with visual studio 2019

I'm trying build wxwidgets Hello World sample program in visual studio and i'm using prebuilt wxwidgets instead download that and build it myself.
and after configuring visual studio project for wxwidgets i always facing with this error:
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: '../../../lib/vc142_x64_dll/mswud/wx/setup.h': No such file or directory wxwidgets_programming_cpp C:\wxwidgets\include\msvc\wx\setup.h 140
where is the problem. I think i configured visual studio project in a wrong way. can you help me how to configure visual studio project for a regular wxwidgets app?
You need to define wxMSVC_VERSION_ABI_COMPAT in the preprocessor definitions to use these binaries, which will result in using the correct vc14x prefix instead of vc142 used by default. This is already supposed to be done by wxwidgets.props, at least for the DLL configuration which you seem to use, so I am not sure why it doesn't work for you if you do use this file, but at any rate this symbol must be defined and it isn't in your case.

How do I alter the full path of visual studio project so I can use it on multiple computers?

So for a class we have a couple of programs where we are using opengl. To make setup easier we started by cloning glitter I then compliled it according to the instructions for visual studio 2017 and added my code to the project I am working on. I did this on my desktop computer but saved the files in onedrive. When I open the same project on my laptop and try to build the project I get the error "the source directory D:/OneDrive/fall_2017/Glitter does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt" and several other similar errors. On my laptop the directory to the files is C:/Users/Me/OneDrive/fall_2017/Glitter. The visual studio program lists the full path as D:/OneDrive/fall_2017/Glitter which is the path of the folder on my desktop.
Is there a way for me to change the filepath or is the issue with my cmake file? Do I have to rebuild it for every computer I use it on? I don't know a whole lot about visual studio so I don't know what I need to change to get this to work.
Turns out I have to rebuild on every computer. Thanks to those who left comments.

Adding more cpp items in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express

I am using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express and I am having a problem saving more than one cpp item within a solution/project.
When I first create a project I can create a new item, write the code and Debug the program normally. But, when I add a new item into that same project and write the code and try to debug it I get this error:
Unable to start program 'Directory' The system cannot find the file specified.
I checked the directory, the file is there and I can open it but I cannot debug it. I would like someone with experience to help me with this problem. Thank you, I am waiting for answers.
The error message is about file Directory.exe. If you don't have that file then there were build errors. See the VC++ Output window for build errors. You have to fix them and then try building again. No exe file is produced if there are any build errors.

Visual Studio 2012 does not generate exe

I've a C++ project in Visual Studio 2012 Express, and I started having problems lately. When I compile the project it works, nothing wrong, however when I try to execute it the .exe disappears. I mean, I compile the project, the project generates the exe file with no problems, but if I try to execute it from Visual Studio or directly from the output directory, Windows say to me:
Cannot start the program 'C:\Users\Adrian\Dropbox\MyApp\Debug\MyApp.exe'.
The system can not find the file specified
If I create another project, Hello World for example, there is no problem and the exe generates and executes good. So I guess the problem is specific to my project. I tried disabling Avast (because maybe he delete the file) and the problem persists.
Also I create another project, including the files and... the problem is still here...
I check the project options, specifically general and debug options and I see nothing wrong.
So does anyone have an idea what may be wrong?
The output directory is $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\ and I'm compiling in Debug mode.
The windows error message is misleading. It should state that, loading a library (dll) failed. You might run the program with a process monitor (see:

Tried renaming a managed c++ project in Visual Studio, getting resource errors now

I tried renaming a c++ project in Visual Studio and I'm now getting the following errors:
An unhandled exception of type
'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in
Additional information: Could not find any resources appropriate for
the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure
"OuiDesktop.PreForm.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into
assembly "OuiProject" at compile time, or that all the satellite
assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
I get this for every each form that uses a resource. If I comment these lines of code out that raise this error, the program launches okay, but I need the resources.
What have i done wrong? Seems renaming a project in Visual Studio is a nightmare!!
These .resources files are being created in the build directory just fine, just not being included in the assembly!
I was using Visual Studio Express 2010 on this machine. Creating a new project and adding the source files back into that in Express didn't work.
I tried this same fix on another machine with full Visual Studio 2010 Professional and it worked perfectly.