How can I determine whether the current process has a UI open? - c++

I am writing some library code which will rerun the current process as an administrator/root. The problem is (for linux at least) that if the calling code is a command line application the best way would be to call sudo whereas if it is a gui application, gksudo is appropriate. For completeness sake though, solutions (or pointers to solutions) for other os's are also welcome.
Also, this is useful so that for GUI apps, I can turn off printf statements.

I'd run gksu(do) if the environment variable DISPLAY is set. It doesn't really matter if the application has a GUI or not, if there's an X-server running, and we can use it, why shouldn't we?
Doesn't allow you to determine if you should disable stdout output. However, stderr output is generally captured in .xsession-errors, even if no terminal is connected, so you might not want to disable that output afterall.


Invoking a console application from C++ program

I have an console application 'app.exe', which i want to invoke from a C++ program and then communicate with it as if it was a command line. Essentially I want to make a C++ wrapper around another console application so that I could pass input to it at will and receive output.
In pseudo-code something like:
std:string input("...some parameters..."), output;
Process app("app.exe");
app.InputOutput(input, output);
This must have been answered already, but I seem to lack proper terminology to look it up.
In case it matters, I am running Eclipse CDT on Windows 10 with GCC 5.3.0
EDIT: I need to be able to repeatedly send some values to 'app.exe' and repeatedly receive response, rather than just invoke it with parameters. This is needed for a small personal project so I do not care about it being platform-specific.
I used this code as a starting point, in an MFC dialog, to display output from a called process. It was rather painless as this is well documented. He tells you why he is doing what. It should be suitable as you are working with the Windows platform. But as Alf points out, cross platform is something else.
You can use the system function to invoke a shell (command line) command.
That command can be to execute a program with the arguments you want.
system returns the process exit code, but for other results there is no direct support. One easy way to access the output, for a program that just does a job and ends, is to redirect the program's output to a file.
Otherwise you'll have to use communication mechanisms such as pipes or Windows mailslots, that are not supported by the C++ standard library, i.e. you're then into platform-specific code.

NCurses not restoring terminal behavior

Hello dear Communauts,
I'm am creating a terminal animated status report for a parallel software I'm developing. I'm using NCurses.
I'm having an issue related to the restoring of the standard behavior of the terminal.
After running my software the terminal keeps having just 24 lines, no matter if I call endwin() or I don't.
Here the simplified code:
int size=10;
int j=1;
mvprintw(j,0,/*Blah blah header*/));
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
mvprintw(j,0,/*Some blah blah*/);
KeepAlive is a control variable changed by another thread (so the while is not infinite loop, but controlled loop).
After running this software my terminal has only 24 lines, echo works, but there's plenty of blank space.
Thanks a lot for your help, have fun
I would like to share with you some information I found while attempting to solve my issue:
curses (ncurses) is perfectly working under openMP, then you can imagine some threads doing your math calculations and one thread (only one, be aware) giving out some runtime infos.
curse (ncurses) is NOT compatible with MPI. Well, the right stating would be is "not completely" compatible with MPI. MPI is really sophisticated about stdin/stdout/stderr, since all outputs from all MPI-processes could be redirected to a display (which could be specified). Using any advanced terminal output overriding library will take to a fault of the code, or unexpected behaviors.
That's supported by the MPI faq:
Maybe. But probably not.
Open MPI provides fairly sophisticated stdin / stdout / stderr forwarding. >However, it does not work well with curses, ncurses, readline, or other >sophisticated I/O packages that generally require direct control of the terminal.
Every application and I/O library is different -- you should try to see if yours >is supported. But chances are that it won't work.
Sorry. :-(
found here (MPI reference).
What I've discovered is that even if you appoint only one MPI-process to manage all the curses output (just that process calls initscr() at the beginning and endwin() at the end of his part of code) there is no way to force curses to use the full terminal (only default UNIX 24x80 will be available).
Once MPI has been finalized your whole terminal will keep working in 24x80 mode until reset is called.
Thanks to all communauts that helped me,
Have fun
One possible solution is to completely decouple your text GUI from the rest of the MPI code and make both parts talk to each other via the client/server mechanism of MPI-2. That means:
Run the GUI as singleton MPI program, i.e. one that calls MPI_Init{_thread} but is not started via mpiexec. It then should open a listening port by calling MPI_Open_port. The call returns a string port name that has to be supplied to the compute part of the application. The GUI part should then start listening for connections by calling the blocking MPI_Comm_accept.
The compute part is started as usual via mpiexec. It should connect to the GUI by calling MPI_Comm_connect given the port name from (1).
The combination of MPI_Comm_accept in the GUI and MPI_Comm_connect in the compute part establishes an intercommunicator that can be used for sending messages between the two parts. The compute part could e.g. send periodic status messages to the GUI. If necessary, the intercommunicator could be further "flattened" to an intracommunicator.
Once the computation is finished, the communication part should disconnect by calling MPI_Comm_disconnect.
The GUI should call MPI_Close_port and finish its own execution.
In that scenario, the GUI part could be a text mode curses application started locally or remotely via SSH, an X11 GUI application, or whatever else there.
It should work. The comment about "parallel" suggests multithreading, which can mean that your output is not flushed as one might expect.
Likely this is the same issue (Ncurses limited output size) for which more information was given. Neither question provides enough detail to offer more than generic advice.

Access data from terminal

I have to write a program that intercepts data from terminal and i have to parse it. After processing when the data, i have to parse it before it goes to stdout.
I can't use tee or commands like prog > file 2>&1 as the program is going to be interactive.
For example :
If the user types ls in the terminal i have to parse it then it should go operating system and then when I get the result after processing I ll have to again parse it before it's displayed in the terminal.
I did my research and I think I can achieve it through pseudo terminal interfaces ( pty ).
Please let me know if there is a better way to achieve it.
I am using cpp and bash and the platform is *nix.
I can also use libexpect from expect.
I am not sure what do you mean here - you mean interactive program as "working in another terminal communicating with user" or even displaying GUI?
How does it specify the terminal? It is probably important what is program layout here (which program starts which).
If your application uses GUI to communicate with user, then I would simply do it this way:
start bash with sdtin and stdout attached to pipes,
your program reads & writes to it's end's of those pipes, parses data, and reads/writes on it's own stdin&stdout - so it appears on it's terminal.
If you mean controlling different terminal than your application's, it gets though since system generally does not expect program operating on multiple terminals. I don't think it's possible to filter communication between terminal and already working application attached to it. Starting another process spawning another terminal might be an option - to have basically two terminals working in sync. But then you will have to synchronize both processes by some other means (named pipes, network connection or some other IPC).
If you provide more detail on your program I might provide more directed help.
PS Don't tell me that you are writing some terminal keylogger ')
Your program is probably GUI based then - what i would recommend would be something similar to answer linked by banuj.
Best option will probably be to create three pipes, then fork, and in child process assign corresponding ends of pipes to stdin, stdout and stderr. Then child process should exec into shell - probably bash, although I am not sure if other shells would sound better if read out loud ;) Main process will be able to read/write other ends of mentioned pipes, parsing both inputs and outputs to bash and programs it runs.
You could also exec directly to commands user specifies, but that forces you to take over tedious job of a shell - managing current directory, environment variables, job control and so on.
Using above method might however cause some trouble - some programs (usually in security related contexts - eg. su(do) asking for password) will try to bypass stdin/stdout anyway and read directly from terminal device. I am not sure what can you do in such case - programing your own terminal emulator would be an option, but I don't know if you want to go this deep into system programming for this.
If you want some code snippet's, if you don't know how to do above, just ask ;)

Is there a way to send some procesess with known pid in background?

I am new in Linux and system programming .
I Want to write a c program which finds processes whose cpu% usage are more than a specific given value and sends them to background.
anybody can help me !
I really appreciate it
I'm fairly sure that what you're asking is that you want to detect if a process is using X amount of CPU and if so, take it off the CPU for a while. There's a piece of software already that does this: It's called the kernel. I'm not aware of any way to programatically take another process off CPU unless that other program supports an external interface to reduce its load.
Most likely what you really want to do is configure the nice and other scheduler parameters of the running process so the kernel is more like to to take it off CPU when another program needs to do work.
But what underlying problem are you really trying to solve here? Maybe if you tell us that we can offer an alternate solution.
Please look at source code of process managament utilities like:
top (standard unix command)
ps (standard unix command)
IMHO, You can't.
Background management ensures the shell. So, the & is interpreted for example by /bin/bash command. When pressed CTRL-Z, the kernel stopping your current fg-job, and again by your shell you can send it into background.
Youre looking for the way how to remote control the shell what running some program in fg. I don't know any 'remote-controling' way.
Ofc, here are alternative solutions, for example:
use the screen command, and you can recall the specific screen into your terminal, and can manually send process into bg.
or you can use some screen-sharing utility, to overtake a specific terminal and CTRL-Z, bg
or, you can patch bash and adding remote control functionality. ;)
or, here is something what i don't know. ;) - hm, maybe trap some user-signal handling code in the /etc/profile?
You can read a bit about here:
Honestly, after a half hour of thinking I don't get any idea why you want remotely (from the another terminal - by its PID) send some processes from the fg into the bg. Give me no sense.
Can you please tell, what you want achieve?
You probably want to reduce process priority, but I not sure it's good idea.
We send process to background generally to free shell's prompt.
The "+" means that the program "is in the foreground process group". I don't believe, however, that this state at all affects the process's scheduling.
However, you can change it with tcsetpgrp.
From the man page: "The function tcsetpgrp() makes the process group with process group ID pgrp the foreground process group on the terminal associated to fd, which must be the controlling terminal of the calling process, and still be associated with its session. Moreover, pgrp must be a (non-empty) process group belonging to the same session as the calling process."
By my reading, you just call this function and make the shell (or some other program) be the foreground process.

How to detect launching from a "Startup"-folder shortcut?

I need to add the "Run when Windows starts" option to my program CintaNotes, but do not want to sacrifice the "cleanness" of it: it is a 100% portable freeware and should not leave traces in the system.
I've come up with the idea to autodetect running from the Startup shortcut and automatically minimizing to the system tray. Is there a way to do it? I'm using C++ and raw Winapi.
- No writing to the registry
- No command line parameters
UPD: The question is NOT how to minimize to the system tray! The question is how can a program differentiate between being run normally and being run from a startup-folder shortcut without using registry and command-line parameters.
Your "cleanness" appears to be an artificial construct at best. If you're telling the user to create a shortcut in the start-up folder, you're already leaving a footprint (and, to be honest, there's little difference between "myprog.exe" and "myprog.exe -m"). In that case, there are some easier approaches than automagically trying to detect where you're running from.
I would simply provide a menu option in your program ("Install") which would then install the software to a fixed-disk location (as opposed to the flash drive), including the requisite Programs entry (Start, All Programs, CintaNotes).
As part of that process (or even after install), you can let them specify "Start with Windows" and then you create the start-up folder shortcut for the user with a command line option so your program can tell if it's running that way. There's no point in allowing "Start with Windows" unless the program's available (i.e., on the fixed disk, not the flash drive).
Your user need never have to worry about creating shortcuts at all, let alone ones with parameters. And this gives your program the control over how it's run - two modes, "installed" (and start minimized) or "running without installing first" (and start normal).
Something like finding the directory of the executable won't work simply because the start-up folder item that starts your program is likely to be a shortcut to it, so you won't have that path.
I think this is a classic case of asking the wrong question. In answer to your specific question, I say: no, there is no way to tell that you've been launched from a start up folder entry without some command-line parameters. But, I've been wrong before, just ask my wife :-). Some-one else may well know a way.
Adding this an an edit since comments don't allow enough space:
You ask:
What do you think of just disabling the "Start when Windows starts" option when program detects it is being run from the flash drive? I guess there's a way to detect this.
That's a good idea since it doesn't make sense to allow automatic running until it's installed (since the flash drive may not be there). One possibility:
1/ Running from flash, you start with "myprog.exe" since you just double-clicked the executable and you run in a normal window. This presents the option to "Install to fixed disk" but not "Start with Windows". As part of the install process, you may allow them to set up the installed copy to "Start with Windows" but not the current running copy.
2/ Your installed program can be set up to run as "myprog.exe -i", since you create the item in Start/AllPrograms. This would disable "Install to fixed disk" but allow you to toggle "Start with Windows". You can choose whether you want explicit running (by the user) to start normal or minimized (see (3)).
3/ The shortcut in StartUp can be "myprog.exe -s" (again, you control this because you created it). This is identical to (2) but starts minimized (if (2) started minimized anyway, there's no distinction between (2) and (3) and no reason for different command-line options).
That way, each option can have different behavior as you see fit.
Even though you have already solver the problem I just wanted to say that it's possible to detect if the program was launched from shortcut. Once you have the shortcut path you can compare it to startup folder.
See the section "Detect if an executable was started from a Short-Cut
" at Undocumented CreateProcess
Check the registry for this key.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and add a new String key with the path of your application as value. and use NOTIFYICONDATA structure for minimizing your application to the tray.
Why don't you use an argument to start the application minimized like:
YourProgram.exe -m