Library for developing XMPP server in c++ or delphi? - c++

I have to develop a simple XMPP server that will be included in a commercial project. I guess there is no server available that can be purchased with a royalty-free-license and that enables me to do the configuration and user management and the authentication from my own code.
The languages I can use are Delphi and C++.
I've already looked at the libraries listed at, but most of them seem to be client-only libraries or (as e.g. QXmpp) require QT which I have no experience of and consideres it to be a pure GUI framework.
Can anybody suggest a library I should take a closer look at? Does it make sense to familiarize myself with QT for this purpose (writing xmpp server;no GUI)?
Or is it better to just catch a stream parser (suggestions?) and code it myself?
Edit: The only library I could find for Delphi, IP*Works is a pure client library. I'm evaluation QXmpp now.

For the Delphi part of my question: I didn't find a library I think that is suitable for building a server.
For the C++ part, I think this post Non GPL C/C++ XMPP client library for embedded Linux (though it is for embedded and client) is answering my questions:
Because Qt provides XML parser and signal/slot framework. XMPP requires XML parser, and signal/slot framework makes your life easier. If you try implementing entire XMPP with all extensions in OOP fashion, you'll need something similar to Qt.
Advice: when it comes to C++, there aren't many good xmpp libraries available.
So I think, QXmpp seems to be a good solution.
For other people searchig for this topic:
IMHO the documentation (especially for the server part) is a bit poor. The server example distributed with the qxmpp library is (of course) very basic: It is transporting chat messages. Distributing presence information, roster, subscription handling has to be implemented by you via extensions (inheriting QXmppServerExtension overwriting at least virtual function handleStanza). Don't parse the presence or iq stanzas in your own code. For the more common stanzas the libarary has classes implemented QXmppPresence, QXmppRosterIq etc.) that also can be used in your extension.


Cross Platform C++ Networking (without big library)

I think it is better if I explain the situation so this doesn't seem too arcane a question. I want to release some starter code for a project I want some of my students to work on. The project involves scraping through some internet webpages and as such, I want to provide them with a URLStream class that will download the html of an input url and return it as a string to them.
The issue is that I can't seem to find a particularly nice way to deal with networking in a way that will be cross platform (the students have mac/windows/linux machines). I know of libraries like Boost asio and libCurl, but the issue with using these is that I can't enforce all my students download them. So my question is twofold:
Is there any nice way to provide them this cross platform networking code?
If a library is the only way to do this, is there any way to attach the library to the starter project so that students don't have to download it? I know this might be a stupid question but I can't seem to find out if this is possible.
Boost.Asio is really not suitable for your needs as it involves huge Boost and building at least some of its non-header-only libs. You can still consider Asio lib that can be used w/o Boost and is header-only lib, so much less hassle for you and your students. As it's probably the most popular and modern networking C++ lib this exercise can provide some useful experience to the students. Asio examples also have a simple HTTP client.
As a side note, are you bound to C++ for this assignment? It would be much simpler in Python or similar languages that provide networking out of the box.
The Berkeley sockets API is the most common low-level socket API. It is supported on all POSIX platforms which means both Linux and macOS will have it.
Even Windows have it, but with a slight twist since sockets aren't descriptors like they are on POSIX systems.
Using sockets directly will lead to more boiler-plate code, but it is definitely possible to use it to make a simple HTTP client that supports only simple GET requests.
There are many tutorials and references on using sockets. Beej's Guide to Network Programming seems to be a popular tutorial, which should have notes about the tweaks needed for Windows.
cross-platform C++ library for network programming
asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides
developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++
approach. It has recently been accepted into Boost.
I copied that from the info window in Synaptic. If you're using Linux, install the library (and its documentation) thus:
sudo apt-get install libasio-dev libasio-doc

Using google library in coldfusion without using Java library

Referring to the following library and my previous thread, I have two questions:
Question #1: I have decided not to mess up with Java Libraries and hence could anyone tell me if there is another way to figure out how to use the libphonenumber library in coldfusion?
Question #2: As discussed in my previous thread, that many people are porting it to different programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, PHP as they are not written in Java. The google library libphonenumber is written in PHP and I am wondering why someone would port it to PHP language.
(This is more of a comment, but is a little too long)
Seems like this was already answered in the comments of your other thread, but to reiterate:
Is there another way to use a java library from CF?
No. There is basically only one way to use java libraries from CF. Add the jar(s) to the class path and use createObject. You could also use a dynamic class loader like Mark Mandel's JavaLoader.cfc (or the rip of that project baked into CF10+). However, ultimately they all do the same thing.
Since using java libraries is pretty simple in CF, I am curious why you do not want to use it. While I suppose you could rewrite it in pure CFML, I would ask why? The whole point of libraries is reuse, which saves development time. Since there already is a compatible library available to you, there is not much point in rewriting it. Not unless you are doing it as a learning exercise.
The google library libphonenumber is written in PHP
No. There is port that is written in PHP. The "official" project is "a Java, C++ and Javascript library.". So it sounds like your options are the java version (server side) or javascript version (client side use). That is it.
I am wondering why someone would port it to PHP language.
Because the java library is not compatible with every platform out there, PHP being one of them. If a developer on an unsupported platform wanted to use it, they have two choices: port it or write their own from scratch. Since the google project already did most of the heavy lifting, porting is simpler.

Non GPL C/C++ XMPP client library for embedded Linux

Does anyone know of a good non GPL C/C++ XMPP client library that works for embedded Linux in ARM machines?
I've checked out txmpp but the last update seems to be 2 years ago.
qxmpp seems to require Qt, which I'm not sure is supported in embedded Linux. Also, AFAIK Qt is for GUI, so I'm not sure why a library requires it.
I also checked out gloox, but it's GPL and seems to be over a year old too.
Non GPL C/C++ XMPP client library for embedded Linux
libstrophe - dual-licensed under Mit/GPLv3. However, I'm not sure if it will compile on ARM, although it should be fairly portable.
so I'm not sure why a library requires it.
Because Qt provides XML parser and signal/slot framework. XMPP requires XML parser, and signal/slot framework makes your life easier. If you try implementing entire XMPP with all extensions in OOP fashion, you'll need something similar to Qt. If you simply need to send a command or two, then bare bones solution will do.
libstrophe is bare bones. You won't get dozens of wrappers representing different xmpp concepts (and legion of extensions), but you'll be able to send commands you need/want. You'll have to read XMPP specifications, of course.
Advice: when it comes to C++, there aren't many good xmpp libraries available.
I think it happens for following reasons (personal opinion):
Too many protocol extensions
It is easy to get distracted while making xmpp libraries. Xmpp contains fairly large number of possible errors, and OOP-minded programmist will be extremely tempted to make a class for everything, which doesn't work well in this scenario and requires something like Qt 4 to make it work properly.
XMPP requires XML parser.
As a result, it might make sense to try python - IF your embedded platform can handle it. For python, there's xmpppy. Although I strongly dislike python, I think it'll be easier to work with XMPP in python using xmpppy than in C++ using libstrophe. This is because xmpp requires plenty of key-value pair lists, and python represents such constructs in more "natural" way, using dictionaries.
I had the same problem so i rolled my own. Released under BOOST license;
It only supports core functionality + proper authentication (including TLS and SCRAM-SHA-1).

WCF-like Native C++ Library

I am looking for a library for native C++ (library source code has to be gcc compatible and portable across Linux and Windows) that does what WCF does in its very basic form - i.e. OperationContracts and DataContracts in a client-server environment, with data exchanges in binary format (binary serialization).
Ideally I'd like to use a library to achieve this. So if there's a library already available that compiles OperationContracts and DataContracts into rich C++ classes with metadata for reflection which can be consumed in our code and with client-server TCP communications built-in (i.e. a rudimentary implementation of WCF's functionality without the need to be compatible with WCF at all), please point me to it.
If not, implementing them myself (unlikely due to time constraints), I could use boost::serialization for DataContracts but how would I implement OperationContracts?
It's not necessarily compatible with gcc--so it's somewhat tangential to the precise question asked here--but I'd like to include a reference to the Windows Web Services API, Microsoft's native-code counterpart to WCF (for Windows systems).
From this secondary article:
WWS is designed from the ground up to be a completely native-code implementation of SOAP, including support for many of the WS-* protocols. WWS is, strictly speaking, exposed through a C API, making interoperability with other languages and runtimes very straightforward, but it is the C++ developer who will likely benefit the most.
I have found one that fits the purpose called "RCF" (Remote Call Framework) by Delta V Software. It's open source (GPLv2 or US$195 closed source). So far in my testing, it's working very well. According to the site, companies like HP, Ericsson and Siemens are users of the library.
Apache Thrift is another option you might consider,

Whats the most basic way to go online in c++?

What is the most basic way to go to a webpage and download its contents? the webpage i wish to get only has text, most of which is in tables.
is there a std library that does it (like urllib in python)?
There's no official C++ network library, no. There are many different APIs available, though. Which is best for you would depend on what platform(s) you were targeting and what framework(s) you might already be using.
That said, cpp-netlib is a platform-neutral API that follows C++ idioms nicely. I've used it and it works.
A large number of tasks that are not covered by the C++ standard library can be done using boost, the collection of peer-reviewed portable libraries, which are used by pretty much every C++ project today. For networking, we use boost.asio.
Their tutorials include HTTP clients: and
However, although this is highly portable and may end up becoming part of the C++ standard library in future, it is a bit too low-level for your task. libCURL is the today's default library for HTTP downloads.