Using google library in coldfusion without using Java library - coldfusion

Referring to the following library and my previous thread, I have two questions:
Question #1: I have decided not to mess up with Java Libraries and hence could anyone tell me if there is another way to figure out how to use the libphonenumber library in coldfusion?
Question #2: As discussed in my previous thread, that many people are porting it to different programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, PHP as they are not written in Java. The google library libphonenumber is written in PHP and I am wondering why someone would port it to PHP language.

(This is more of a comment, but is a little too long)
Seems like this was already answered in the comments of your other thread, but to reiterate:
Is there another way to use a java library from CF?
No. There is basically only one way to use java libraries from CF. Add the jar(s) to the class path and use createObject. You could also use a dynamic class loader like Mark Mandel's JavaLoader.cfc (or the rip of that project baked into CF10+). However, ultimately they all do the same thing.
Since using java libraries is pretty simple in CF, I am curious why you do not want to use it. While I suppose you could rewrite it in pure CFML, I would ask why? The whole point of libraries is reuse, which saves development time. Since there already is a compatible library available to you, there is not much point in rewriting it. Not unless you are doing it as a learning exercise.
The google library libphonenumber is written in PHP
No. There is port that is written in PHP. The "official" project is "a Java, C++ and Javascript library.". So it sounds like your options are the java version (server side) or javascript version (client side use). That is it.
I am wondering why someone would port it to PHP language.
Because the java library is not compatible with every platform out there, PHP being one of them. If a developer on an unsupported platform wanted to use it, they have two choices: port it or write their own from scratch. Since the google project already did most of the heavy lifting, porting is simpler.


Library for developing XMPP server in c++ or delphi?

I have to develop a simple XMPP server that will be included in a commercial project. I guess there is no server available that can be purchased with a royalty-free-license and that enables me to do the configuration and user management and the authentication from my own code.
The languages I can use are Delphi and C++.
I've already looked at the libraries listed at, but most of them seem to be client-only libraries or (as e.g. QXmpp) require QT which I have no experience of and consideres it to be a pure GUI framework.
Can anybody suggest a library I should take a closer look at? Does it make sense to familiarize myself with QT for this purpose (writing xmpp server;no GUI)?
Or is it better to just catch a stream parser (suggestions?) and code it myself?
Edit: The only library I could find for Delphi, IP*Works is a pure client library. I'm evaluation QXmpp now.
For the Delphi part of my question: I didn't find a library I think that is suitable for building a server.
For the C++ part, I think this post Non GPL C/C++ XMPP client library for embedded Linux (though it is for embedded and client) is answering my questions:
Because Qt provides XML parser and signal/slot framework. XMPP requires XML parser, and signal/slot framework makes your life easier. If you try implementing entire XMPP with all extensions in OOP fashion, you'll need something similar to Qt.
Advice: when it comes to C++, there aren't many good xmpp libraries available.
So I think, QXmpp seems to be a good solution.
For other people searchig for this topic:
IMHO the documentation (especially for the server part) is a bit poor. The server example distributed with the qxmpp library is (of course) very basic: It is transporting chat messages. Distributing presence information, roster, subscription handling has to be implemented by you via extensions (inheriting QXmppServerExtension overwriting at least virtual function handleStanza). Don't parse the presence or iq stanzas in your own code. For the more common stanzas the libarary has classes implemented QXmppPresence, QXmppRosterIq etc.) that also can be used in your extension.

Can I script a C++ application with Ruby like with Lua?

I've just started to read about Ruby, and I was wondering if it can be embedded in a C++ application like Lua which provides a library to parse a given script file:
Yes, you can. You just need to embed a Ruby engine in your application.
Note that, unlike the main Lua engine, some Ruby engines aren't really that well suited to being embedded into other programs. But, for example, Rubinius, IronRuby and JRuby have been specifically designed with embedding in mind, and even though it isn't pretty, you can embed YARV or MRI as well, even though they are not designed for it.
There's also MRuby, but unlike the others, it doesn't implement the full Ruby Language Specification, it only implements a subset of the ISO Ruby Specification which itself is only a small subset of the intersection of Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9. Plus, it hasn't been released yet, as is evidenced by the fact that not even its homepage exists yet. It is, however, specifically designed for embedding, in both senses of the word: being embedded into other programs, and being useful on an embedded device with very little RAM.
As you may have noticed, it is much easier to embed Ruby into your app if the app is running on the Java platform or the CLI. There are C++ compilers for both the Java platform and the CLI, so that option is not entirely out of the question. Otherwise, I'd say that Rubinius is easier to embed, but more people have tried embedding YARV, so there are more blog posts about how to do that. (Or maybe, embedding Rubinius is so trivial nobody needs to write blog posts about it.)
A long time ago, someone was working on an implementation of Ruby for the Lua VM, but that implementation never went anywhere. Would solve all your problems, though :-)
Sure you can. It's possible with with SWIG, or you can make your own bindings for it (or google to see if someone has already done the work). The big question is do you really want to? The ruby interpreter is pretty heavy, and the interface isn't very nice.
Matz is working on an embeddable version of Ruby called mruby, which strives to be as easy to embed and as light as Lua. But its still alpha quality.
Yes, it's possible. Most of the standard libraries types are written in C. And when you can use C, you can use C++ too. Use extern "C" declared functions to get the right binding. I had a lot of trouble, when using a C++ compiler that was different (different version) from the compiler that was used to compile the ruby interpreter.
Here is the part of the pick axt book, that covers the ruby extension library:
In an open source C++ web server project, I wrote a ruby / rack adapter, to use the server with rails:

Wanted: Compiler Tool for Users of Software System

I am not sure if the title of this question gets to the point. I have written a large software system in C C++ for Windows, and want to give the users of this system the option to add compiled code to it. The user should be able to do basic stuff, and exchange data with my program.
Currently the implemented way is via DLLs. But for this, a grown up compiler is needed, and it is not as easy as I wished. Is there a tiny C compiler that can create Windows DLLs?
Another idea is the Java native interface. But this requires a complete Java system to run in the background, and it is not easy to run code in it.
Do you have any other ideas?
Any interpreted language? (TCL and Lua were designed as extension languages, but you can nearly as easily interface with any other).
How about python integration?
You could create an python interface that interfaces with your application. Python is rather easy to learn and should integrate easily with c/c++. The python documentation has an own chapter on that.
You could also use a tool like swig to generate the interface.
The advantage of this is that they wouldn't have to compile anything. They could just supply python files that could be loaded into your application and run within the software. This is a well known use for python, and something its simple syntax promotes.
As the other says you will be best of by providing an embedded language.
I would chip in for javascript and use the google v8 engine
By using javascript you get a language nearly everbody can use and program in.
There is other javascript engines you can embed like SpiderMonkey.
See this answer for what to choose.
An interpreted language is not good enough. I need speed. The software itself is an interpreted language. So I added support for the tiny C compiler. It is only C, and I do check mingw, which probably would not be as tiny as this. Thanks for all your hints.
Added after several months:
I have now two tools, actually: TinyC and Python. The speed difference between those is noticable (factor 5-10), but that usually does not matter too much. Python is much easier for the user, though I managed to integrate both into the Euler GUI quite nicely.
One of the ways is to add scripting. You application can host scripting environment and expose its services there. Users would be able to execute JScript/VBScript scripts and interact with your application. The advantage is that with reasonable effort you can get the power of well known and well documented scripting languages into your application (I suppose there is even debugger for scripting there). You will be required to shape your app services as COM interfaces and scripts will be able to access them automatically using method names you assigned on C++ side.
C++, Win32 and Scripting: Quick way to add Scripting support to your applications
MSDN Entry Point - IActiveScript interface

Accessing a webpage in C++

Is there a good, simple library which allows C++ to load a webpage? I just want to grab the source as text. I'm not using any IDE or significant library, just straight command line.
Tangentially, is there something fundamental I'm missing about programming in C++? I would think any language in common use today would have droves of web-based functionality, being so central to computer usage, but I can find next to no discussion on how to accomplish it. I realise C++ significantly predates the modern internet, so it lacking any core ability in the regard is reasonable, but the fact that relevant libraries seem so sparse is baffling.
Thanks for your help.
Sure, for example libcurl is powerful and popular.
Internet-related libraries for C++ are extremely abundant -- they're just not part of the C++ standard, partly because the current version of that standard is so old, though I'm sure that's not the only reason. But turn to the world of open sources and you'll find more than you can shake a stick at.
libcurl is a popular C library for fetching HTTP and other URLs. There's also cURLpp a C++ binding .
On Windows you have the WinINet and WinHTTP APIs.
I think HTTP is a bit too complex to be part of the C++ Standard Library. The specification would have to take a lot of details into account such as proxy servers and MIME types.

CONFUSED -- c++ 3rd party library, new to c++

(mingw32, windows xp)
Hello, I am attempting to migrate from Java to c++. I am confused and frustrated about finding, installing, and compiling non-standard c++ libraries. in Java it's so convenient they stuffed every functionality and documentation ever needed in java's standard api. Is there a list of essential c++ library such as Threading, gui, networking, image\ audio processing, xml, etc.etc. in one place? or possibly, offered as a single package?
I tried installing QT library for weeks and it wont even compile. in Java i used to learn by trial-and-error to learn new aspect of functionality, but that would be impossible if i can't fetch and run new api in the first place.
please, i need your suggestion, originally i wanted to break free of Java's abstraction, but now i just want to be able to use c++ before I decided shooting myself in the head.
The C++ standard library is extremely light. It contains nowhere near the functionality offered by the Java runtimes or by the .NET CLR.
The Boost libraries add a whole bunch of functionality to C++, but not much (if any) in the area of user interface.
For UI, there's the question of which platform you're targetting. If it's Win32, then you can use the straight Win32 API (mostly designed for C, but there are some C++ wrappers for parts of it). If you want cross-platform, then you're looking at QT or GTK (although there are others).
But, as Andrew already said: "why do you want to learn C++ anyway?". Don't get me wrong: I program in C++ for a living, and actually enjoy it (although I'm beginning to suspect a case of Stockholm Syndrome). If I had to start again, I'd go with a more modern language and environment (Java or C#; or Ruby or Python).
My advice would be: take it one step at a time.
First, figure out how to include a pre-built library in your code. I'd recommend starting with ZLib (it's got a very easy design to work with and it's also a useful tool to have available). Once you've got the pre-built library working, remove it and try compiling ZLib from the source code. Ask on Stack Overflow if you need help at any point, we'll get you through it.
By the time you get that working, you should have all the knowledge you need to get Qt compiled and installed too.
Threading, XML, Networking, some image generation, encoding and processing - boost provides those. As for XML, there's for example Arabica - it abstracts away platform-specific libraries by wrapping them with a nice standard C++ scent.
The GUI part is a different problem.
There's Qt, wxWidgets, gtk with c++ bindings (gtkmm), native libraries for each platform and their C++ wrappers (WTL is an excellent library for Win32), but as the C++ standard evolved and boost is becoming part of the standard (C++0x coming soon), there are no GUI frameworks that leverage those standard facilities and introduce their own instead. They do their job very well though.