How to write test cases to check high availability of web service - web-services

i have two servers server1 and server2 with a load balancer to maintain the High availability. now i have to deploy a web service on server1 and server2 and should have only one url to access the web-service from both the servers.Now i have to write few tests to check the HA of servers example:
1. if i switch off or take out the server1 it should not stop rather it should get response from server2 and in test script i have to show it is getting response from server2.
any help !!!

There are probably fancier ways to do this but I simply modified the content on each server a little. I add a hidden string on the web page to indicate which server the content is returned from.
The test script can check this value and do a count to see how many times it is served from each. If you are doing manual testing you can simply view the source of the web page (if HTML is what you are looking at) and check the value. This is helpful to see if you are getting a true balanced system as well as seeing if it works when one server drops off.
This probably won't be an issue, but there are some load balancing systems that glue a user to a particular server so after the first response all additional responses will come from the same place. To handle this you need to make sure requests appear independent to the system handling the balancing. This typically means a clean session but it could depend on other variables (possibly IP address) as well.


How to fire up all docker containers on a same local ip address in django?

I am writing a django based application with docker where there are 3 projects apps running in different containers. All django applications run at
But when I check the ip address of containers to browser the application in browser, they all run at different ip addresses:
project1 runs at can be accessed at:
project2 runs at can be accessed at:
project3 runs at can be accessed at:
which makes the hyperlinks of my app unusable. How do I run all the containers at one single ip, 'localhost:8000'?
Any suggestions where I am going wrong?
You are wrong in the design, mapping multiple containers to one ip+port is simply impossible. One port on one ip is always one application that listens, no matter if it is container application or not.
Simple prove: And who would then decide to which container to send the request? To all of them? Then who would decide which response is the correct one? That's what are ip addresses and ports for, to be able to send request to specific aplications on specific machines.
I think you should reconsider whatever you are doing, and do a bit more research on networking. There are several online courses on that. (I don't want to discourage you in any way, just aim you the right direction)
Simple solution without redesign you app, is putting in front of your app reverse proxy (e. g. nginx). That's the response to my rhetorical question. Reverse proxy can be a middle man that can decide to which application send the request based on something else then ip/port. Reverse proxy listens on some specific port and then by rules you provide to it (e. g. path based), can proxy the request to specific app/ip/port and proxy the response back.
But reverse proxy in this case is more a hack than proper solution, keep that in mind.

designing for failure when polling/retrying/queueing is not possible

I'm designing a website/web service to be hosted in the cloud (specifically AWS although that's mostly irrelevant), and I'm spending a lot of time thinking about "designing for failure". I want my system to seamlessly handle node failures, i.e. without any significant user impact or engineer intervention.
In most cases, it's easy to see how to handle sudden node failure. If my app has an API handled by 4 servers behind a load balancer, polled by AJAX or an iPhone app, the poller can simply detect the failed TCP/IP transmission and retry... assuming the load balancer behaves correctly, it will hit a healthy instance.
If the app is more processing-oriented, a queue service like SQS can be used to allow stateless nodes to pick up where the failed nodes left off.
The difficulty I see is with "points of entry", where no retry/polling is possible because the application hasn't been loaded yet, and where a failure means the app never starts. For example, the index.html on a webpage... if a node fails while transmitting that file, the user's browser will likely hang and not automatically retry (they will need to refresh).
The Load Balancer is also a single "point of entry/failure". However, in this case it appears we can solve the problem by creating multiple Load Balancers, and load balancing them using DNS Load Balancing as described here:
Is this a solution that would work for the simpler index.html case? Overall, how can we create redundancy where polling/retrying/queuing is not possible?
EDIT: Another idea is to have the index.html hosted statically on a CDN, S3, etc (where resource availability is more dependable), although that prevents using dynamic content. Dynamic content could be added if the page populates itself using JS, but that adds a dependency on JS as well as latency for the user.

Why are RESTful Applications easier to scale

I always read that one reason to chose a RESTful architecture is (among others) better scalability for Webapplications with a high load.
Why is that? One reason I can think of is that because of the defined resources which are the same for every client, caching is made easier. After the first request, subsequent requests are served from a memcached instance which also scales well horizontally.
But couldn't you also accomplish this with a traditional approach where actions are encoded in the url, e.g. (booking.php/userid=123&travelid=456&foobar=789).
A part of REST is indeed the URL part (it's the R in REST) but the S is more important for scaling: state.
The server end of REST is stateless, which means that the server doesn't have to store anything across requests. This means that there doesn't have to be (much) communication between servers, making it horizontally scalable.
Of course, there's a small bonus in the R (representational) in that a load balancer can easily route the request to the right server if you have nice URLs, and GET could go to a slave while POSTs go to masters.
I think what Tom said is very accurate, however another problem with scalability is the barrier to change upon scaling. So, one of the biggest tenants of REST as it was intended is HyperMedia. Basically, the server will own the paths and pass them to the client at runtime. This allows you to change your code without breaking existing clients. However, you will find most implementations of REST to simply be RPC hiding behind the guise of REST...which is not scalable.
"Scalable" or "web scale" is one of the most abused terms when it comes to the web, the cloud and REST, and mainly used to convince management to get their support for moving their development team on board the REST train.
It is a buzzword that holds no value. If you search the web for "REST scalability" you'll find a lot of people parroting each other without any concrete evidence.
A REST service is exactly equally scalable as a service exposed over a SOAP interface. Both are just HTTP interfaces to an application service. How well this service actually scales depends entirely on how this service was actually implemented. It's possible to write a service that cannot scale as all in both REST and SOAP.
Yes, you can do things with SOAP that makes it scale worse, like rely on state and sessions. SOAP out of the box does not do this. This requires you to use a smarter load balancer, which you want anyway if you're really concerned with whatever form of scaling.
One thing that REST allows that SOAP doesn't, and that some other answers here address, is caching cacheable responses through an HTTP caching proxy or at the client side. This may make a REST service somewhat more lightly loaded than a SOAP service when a lot of operations' responses are cacheable. All this means is that fewer requests end up in your service.
The main reason behind saying a rest application is scalable is, Its built upon a HTTP protocol. Because HTTP is stateless. Stateless means it wont share anything between other request. So any request can go to any Server in a load balanced cluster. There is nothing forcing this user request go to this server. We can overcome this by using token.
Because of this statelessness,All REST application are very easy to scale. But if you want get high throughput(number of request capable in one second) in each server, then you should optimize blocking things from the application. Follow the following tips
Make each REST resource is a small entity. Don't read data from join of many tables.
Read data from near by databases
Use caches (Redis) instead of databases(You can save DISK I/O)
Always keep data sources as much as near by because these blocks will make server resources (CPU) ideal and it no other request can use that resource while it is ideal.
A reason (perhaps not the reason) is that RESTful services are sessionless. This means you can easily use a load balancer to direct requests to various web servers without having to replicate session state among all of your web servers or making sure all requests from a single session go to the same web server.

How to make a superfast webserver for "check for updates"?

Which is the best approach for creating a fast response in case a client application asks webserver for "check for updates".
Skype for example takes about 1 second to answer. How to achieve the same?
I assume you are running one or more web servers and one or more back-end servers (with business logic).
One possible approach that I have seen: keep a change counter in webserver and when the back-end state changes, let the business logic notify all webservers with new change counter value.
Each web browser polls regularly the webserver for counter value and compares the value to the previous value. In case old_value != new_value, the web browser goes and asks the webserver for new content.
This allows the regular polling to be super-fast (1ms) and cheap. And only if something has really changed the browser will ask for more resource-expensive content generation.
The other option would be to use some asynchronous HTTP magic (cometd) but the approach outlined above is simpler, more understandable and easier to troubleshoot.
The simple approach is to just have a flat text or XML file on the server, containing the details of the most recent version. The client app fetches it via http GET, compares the version, and reacts accordingly. The http server is simply returning a small file, which is what http servers are designed to do. You should be able to handle hundreds of requests per second this way.
Use a large, distributed systems, depending on the number of your users. Put your web server(s) closer to clients, avoiding longer latencies. Use cluster and load balancing software to enhance performance. Use reverse proxies to cache data.
But is is really important that a "check for updates" is that fast? You can also check in a background thread. I would improve performance for other tasks.

Move to 2 Django physical servers (front and backend) from a single production server?

I currently have a growing Django production server that has all of the front end and backend services running on it. I could keep growing that server larger and larger, but instead I want to try and leave that main server as my backend server and create multiple front end servers that would run apache/nginx and remotely connect to the main production backend server.
I'm using slicehost now, so I don't think I can benefit from having the multiple servers run on an intranet. How do I do this?
The first step in scaling your server is usually to separate the database server. I'm assuming this is all you meant by "backend services", unless you give us any more details.
All this needs is a change to your settings file. Change DATABASE_HOST from localhost to the new IP of your database server.
If your site is heavy on static content, creating a separate media server could help. You may even look into a CDN.
The first step usually is to separate the server running actual Python code and the database server. Any background jobs that does processing would probably run on the database server. I assume that when you say front end server, you actually mean a server running Python code.
Now, as every request will have to do a number of database queries, latency between the webserver and the database server is very important. I don't know if Slicehost has some feature to allow you to create two virtual machines that are "close" in terms of network latency(a quick google search did not find anything). They seem like nice guys, so maybe you could ask them if they have such a service or could make an exception.
Anyway, when you do have two machines on Slicehost, you could check the latency between them by simply pinging between them. When you have the result you will probably know if this is at all feasible or not.
Further steps depends on your application. If it is media heavy, then maybe using a separate media server would make sense. Otherwise the normal step is to add more web servers.
As a side note, I personally think it makes more sense to invest in real dedicated servers with dedicated network equipment for this kind of setup. This of course depends on what budget you are on.
I would also suggest looking into Amazon EC2 where you can provision servers that are magically close to each other.