Should a CDialog based app set AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd - c++

I Need to Research some weird stuff first, is there some way to put the question "on hold"?
I am working on an existing codebase using a CDialog based GUI. The Application consists of a CDialog "MainWindow", which spawns other CDialog "SubWindow"s using CDialog.DoModal.
This does work, when showing the SubWindow, the MainWindow blocks, etc.
When we call AfxMessageBox from "SubWindow", the MainWindow gets reenabled and focused.
Debugging into AfxMessagebox shows, that the function gets the mainWindow and reenables it. This causes a lot of different bugs. Using ::MesageBox works correctly, but we have about 50 different SubWindows, and, if possible, i would like to make only small, localized changes.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\appui1.cpp
int CWinApp::ShowAppMessageBox(CWinApp *pApp, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, UINT nType, UINT nIDPrompt)
HWND hWndTop;
HWND hWnd = CWnd::GetSafeOwner_(NULL, &hWndTop);
// re-enable the parent window, so that focus is restored
// correctly when the dialog is dismissed.
if (hWnd != hWndTop)
EnableWindow(hWnd, TRUE);
In our entry Point we do something like this:
::AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd = &mainDlg;
What is the prefered way? Should i comment the line so the member stays NULL?
or could that cause any side effects?
I guess (not yet tested) i could also set
AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd = &subDlg;
prior to subDlg.DoModal() and reset it afterwards, but that would also mean changing 50 different files, one for every SubWindow.
Does MFC depend on m_pMainWnd, or should i just let it stay at NULL?
I tried passing the MainWindow to the SubWindow's constructor, but to no avail.
This is, where MainWindow gets reenabled:
This is, where MFC finds the MainWindow:
Do i need to manually set m_pActiveWnd ?
(OFF Topic: I love that there is the source code for mfc available.)
The MFC App is actually a DLL, which can be invoked in two ways:
Either loaded by a simple loader.exe, or by anyther big application.
This other application may also use MFC, so there may be two different CWinApp objects.
If it is loaded by loader.exe, the error does not occur.

MFC depends on m_pMainWnd in a lot of cases. Leaving it NULL isn't a good approach and it doen't fix your problem.
The main problem seams to be more subtle. The question is why does AfxMessageBox find the main dialog as the last active and not you subdialog. And this can be only a problem if you don't define a pParent when you create a new subdialog based con CDialog.
Try to pass the dialog that is currently active to the sub dialog you are calling. CDialog find the parent "automatically". But sometimes it doen't worked for me.
I had the same problem that the wrond dialog was enabled again after a message box or DoModal.
I fixed it, in defining always the parent when I create the sub dialogs.


MFC dialog-based app with tab control - Visual Studio bugs/restrictions make recommended path impossible?

Create a dialog-based application in Visual Studio 2019. Insert a new dialog in the resources. Place a control (or two) on that dialog that you will later (try to) hook up to a variable (e.g. an edit box to enter your name).
Prepare to add that control variable by creating a class for this second dialog. If you inherit from CDialogEx (or perhaps other classes too - not tested), you can go on to add a variable for the control you added - easy, normal.
But if you had the "tab control" context from the title above in your mind, and chose to inherit from CMFCPropertyPage instead, can you add a variable subsequently? No you cannot - the class added makes no reference to the ID of the dialog resource, and so the Add Variable process has no basis to find a class to add the variable to.
I think this is a bug in Visual Studio... but I'm not 100% sure because I have always found the documentation around property sheets and property pages somewhat confusing. Specifically:
Do the classes implementing the tabs contents on a tab control "contain" the controls "on" the tab... or is the tab control really just a way to provide visual cues to show/hide sets of controls, and all of those controls and associated variables reside in one class?
I believe it's intended to be the former, but I can imagine that one uses a tab control because there are strong similarities between tab contents, and therefore potential benefits in implementing all the control variables in one place so as to avoid duplication. I just wish it was stated explicitly somewhere what the intention was.
Wider context: I'm trying to implement a dialog-based app with a tab control dominating that dialog. MS documentation says to implement a tab control using CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage to implement the tabbed dialog and tab contents. However, there is no (direct) way to create a dialog-based application whose main dialog inherits from CPropertySheet. When you look for examples of tab controls at the application level, you readily find things that deviate from the documented path considerably - using neither CPropertySheet nor CPropertyPage and using the WM_LBUTTONDOWN event instead of TCN_SELCHANGE, both without obvious reasons.
Any tips on (a) how to repair the apparent Visual Studio bug and/or (b) how to inherit from CPropertySheet for my application dialog and/or (c) where to find a clearer and more conventional example of tab control use at the top level would be greatly appreciated.
Given that there appears to be no clear and consistent way of approaching this, if (like me) you think "how hard can it be?", you might naively set out to see if you can create a new dialog-based application based on CDialog and manually convert it to CPropertyPage. You might fare better; I quickly hit a weird problem with the app compiling but not running - it could not load the window caption from the resource ID, despite the caption literally being there in black and white. Due to the weirdness, this was a red flag, and so to my mind problem (b) seems to be not worth the effort.
Without a CPropertySheet at the top level, there is no point having any kind of CPropertyPage or CMFCPropertyPage involved, making problem (a) pointless. That said, if you manually convert from (default) CDialogEx to CPropertyPage for your tab classes, it seems to have no problem compiling and running - the tabs just don't have any functionality that integrates with the main dialog.
Instead, I can now recommend working through the details of the video example even though it does strange things at first glance. You can achieve the desired result in more or less the same way as follows:
Use plain CDialogEx throughout, and so provide all the tab switching/showing/hiding/control work yourself (which the example demonstrates).
Create your main dialog and all tabs in the resource editor, adding the CDialog-based classes from there.
If you create your tab dialog resources via Insert Dialog (generic) instead of Add Resource (uses specific templates) then you will have to manually set certain dialog properties for each tab:
Border: Thin (or I preferred None)
Style: Child
System Menu: false
Title Bar: false
You can simplify the repositioning of the tabs (see below; it barely justifies the separate SetRectangle() function)
You should (probably) drive the tab changing from the TCN_SELCHANGE event instead of WM_LBUTTONDOWN
As noted, repositioning the tabs can be simplified to something like:
CRect tabRect;
m_tabControl.GetWindowRect( &tabRect );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_totalTabs; i++ )
m_pTabPage[ i ]->SetWindowPos( &wndTop, tabRect.left,, 0, 0,
Additional calls to ShowWindow() for each tab shown in the example are redundant.
One time, I had made on application as such. I don't remember if I used the Visual Studio new project wizard. Most probably, I did. But I will assist you on how to do it if you can not reach how to do it via the assistant.
The essential things:
Define the main dialog in the resources and the respective class in its H and CPP files.
In the YourAppClass::InitInstance you will need to have something like:
YourMainDlgClass dlg;
m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
if (nResponse == IDOK)
// TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
// dismissed with OK
else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)
// TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
// dismissed with Cancel
else if (nResponse == -1)
TRACE(traceAppMsg, 0, "Warning: dialog creation failed, so application is terminating unexpectedly.\n");
TRACE(traceAppMsg, 0, "Warning: if you are using MFC controls on the dialog, you cannot #define _AFX_NO_MFC_CONTROLS_IN_DIALOGS.\n");
Insert a CMFCTabCtrl element in your dialog for tabs, instead of using a CPropertySheet.

Make focused modeless dialog topmost

So I have my main dialog that calls modeless dialogs through this function (this is the legacy code on the project):
void MyClass::ShowDialog(CDialog* dialog)
if (!IsWindow(dialog->m_hWnd))
int nCmdshow1 = dialog->IsWindowVisible() ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW;
dialog->ShowWindow( nCmdshow1 );
Problem: all sub dialogs stay on top of my main dialog.
Desired behavior: whichever's focused (they are all modeless), be it the main dialog, or sub dialogs, I want it to be the topmost dialog. Thank you!
Note: I already tried on my main dialog's OnInitDialog() these but didn't work:
1. SetWindowPos(&this->wndTop,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
Also, sub dialogs are created this way:
m_subDlg1->Create( SubDlg1::IDD, this );
As long as there is an owner relation between two windows. the owner of a window can never be on top of the owned window.
Windows in an owner, parent, child relation always behave the same. The owned/child window is always on top of the parent/owner.
If you want to break this, you have to break the owner/child relation. Let all dialog windows have no owner... than they may float freely.
But: I will expect the you program doesn't behave better. Even worse. User might search windows that are deep below covered under other windows. And they will never get in front, when your program gets active.
See the description about parent/child/owned windows here. Also this article might be helpful.
Edit: The problem is that internally the MFC sets the main window as an owner if no parent is given. Only the call to BOOL Wnd::CreateDlgIndirect(LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpDialogTemplate, CWnd* pParentWnd, HINSTANCE hInst) allows to leave pParentWnd NULL.
So you may create the window as normal, but use SetParent(NULL) after it was created. Again the MFC ASSERTs this. SO you may use the API function and the handle of your dialog.

Creating a DialogBar with MFC with my own controls

I'm turning mad with a little problem with Visual Studio 2008 and MFC. I'm working on a project actually and I'm trying to create an SDI Application. Right, now I want to add a dockable DialogBar. Well, the first time I added it with the resource view, I could create the bar without problems.
But... I want to add some controls like a couple of ListBox, buttons and so on. The program doesn't allows me to create member variables for these controls. The option appears in grey.
Searching a little, I found that it's mandatory to create a new class derived from CDialogBar and "enhance" it with the Message handler and so on. I've been reading some tutorials and it didn't work for me.
Can you please help me? I'm starting to get nervous, the use of dialogbars is mandatory in my design and I've never implemented them before.
Thank you very much, and sorry for my poor english.
You can add a control member variable by hand instead of using the wizard. All it takes is a call to DDX_Control in the dialog bar's DoDataExchange function.
But CDialogBar-derived classes do not handle control clicks. The CDialogBar class forwards all of those messages to the dialog bar's parent window. So be prepared to add the message handlers to the parent (usually CMainFrame).
For learning purposes you might try creating your dialog bar as a CDialog first, to see the proper code lines and message map entries supplied by the wizard. Then you can copy/move these details as appropriate into your actual code project.

Dynamic menus in MFC

I need to create some dynamic menus in a VS2010 SDI application I'm writing. I've seen this, but don't really understand it
Dynamic menu using mfc
At the moment, I've no idea how to even use GetMenu to get a handle to the menu from my Doc file. I'm trying this, but it says GetMenu doesn't take zero arguments, even though many examples I've seen clearly show this.
CMenu *menu = GetMenu();
menu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_HIDE, _T("Text"));
All I want to do is add a list of files underneath a sub-menu, selected from a database (hence the dynamic part), so a user can select the one they want to work on.
If you're calling GetMenu from within a window class derived from CWnd, you'll be calling CWnd::GetMenu and it will not require a window handle. If you're calling it from anywhere else you will get ::GetMenu(HWND) and you will need to pass a window handle. You can get the handle from any CWnd object with its m_hWnd member or by calling GetSafeHwnd() on it.

Creating multiple MFC dialogs through COM, strange behaviour

Updated: please see this other thread instead, all this COM stuff is not part of the problem.
One of our apps has a COM interface which will launch a dialog, e.g:
STDMETHODIMP CSomeClass::LaunchDialog(BSTR TextToDisplay)
CDialog *pDlg = new CSomeDialog(TextToDisplay);
For some reason when the COM method is called several times at once by the server, we get odd behaviour:
We get multiple dialogs, but only one entry in the taskbar
Dialog Z-order is based on order created and can't be changed... the first dialog created is always shown under the 2nd one, 2nd under 3rd, etc, even when you drag them around
if N dialogs were created, closing one of them closes it and all the others created afterwards. e.g if 5 dialogsa re created and you close the 3rd one, #3,#4,#5 all get closed.
It's somehow like the dialogs are siblings but I don't see anything weird going on. Is it perhaps due to COM, or is this a weird MFC/Win32 issue?
EDIT: If the interface method is called several times separately, it works as expected. Only when the server component sends several through at once does it seem to mess up. Could threading/timings be to blame?
I put this logging in:
std::stringstream ss;
HWND self = dlg->m_hWnd;
HWND parent = dlg->GetParent() ? dlg->GetParent()->m_hWnd : 0;
ss<<"Dlg created'. HWND = "<<self<<", Parent = "<<parent<<std::endl;
It gave:
Dlg created. HWND = 0013014A, Parent = 00000000
Dlg created. HWND = 001B0390, Parent = 0013014A
Dlg created. HWND = 000B03B0, Parent = 001B0390
So clearly the problem is the dialogs are being made children of each other. But the question is, WHY?! It seems Windows is doing this automatically...
This question seems to be slightly away from the main issue of parenting, so I have tried to separate out the main issue into a new question.
It sounds like the first dialog has been set as the owner of the second, and the second as the owner of the third. Can you change the dialog initialization to explicitly specify the owner window? Is there a window that makes sense to assign? Perhaps the Desktop window, if they're all intended to be top-level?
If you want to be able to access all three (or more), then they would need to be modeless. Try using Create(CSomeClass::IDD, CWnd::GetDesktopWindow()), and you ought to see sibling dialogs, all of which show up on the taskbar.