Dynamic menus in MFC - c++

I need to create some dynamic menus in a VS2010 SDI application I'm writing. I've seen this, but don't really understand it
Dynamic menu using mfc
At the moment, I've no idea how to even use GetMenu to get a handle to the menu from my Doc file. I'm trying this, but it says GetMenu doesn't take zero arguments, even though many examples I've seen clearly show this.
CMenu *menu = GetMenu();
menu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_HIDE, _T("Text"));
All I want to do is add a list of files underneath a sub-menu, selected from a database (hence the dynamic part), so a user can select the one they want to work on.

If you're calling GetMenu from within a window class derived from CWnd, you'll be calling CWnd::GetMenu and it will not require a window handle. If you're calling it from anywhere else you will get ::GetMenu(HWND) and you will need to pass a window handle. You can get the handle from any CWnd object with its m_hWnd member or by calling GetSafeHwnd() on it.


CMFCMenuBar and TestStack.White win.MenuBar is null

I'm trying to use TestStack.White to Automated an MFC Application (for UI testing purposes)
When using TestStack.White with an MFC Application written with CMFCMenuBar (the later Docking framework MFC) I noticed that code like the following fails due to window.MenuBar being null
var menu = window.MenuBar.MenuItem("Window");
I know I can overcome this issue with the following
TestStack.White.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu windowMenu = win.Get<TestStack.White.UIItems.MenuItems.Menu(SearchCriteria.ByText("Window"));
But what I really want to do is get the ChildMenus so that I can check the list of windows open in the window menu, but the windowMenu.ChildMenus is empty
I am pretty sure this is because the menu is really a toolbar/toolstrip (dockable)
Does anyone know how to get the menu items (Tile,Cascale,Window1....) from the Window Menu
Has anyone else seen this issue or found a work around?
Thanks in advance
Yes, the MFC feature pack menu is really a toolbar with buttons. And it is fulfilled using a different process compared to the old style menu.
In your CFrameWndEx derived class, for getting the menu bar you can do:
CMFCMenuBar *pMenuBar= m_Impl.GetMenuBar();
Then it depends on what to do with it. For example, if you want to get the CMenu object that constitutes the menu bar you can do:
CMenu* pMenu= pMenuBar->GetMenu();
If you want to remove some of the menus, you can do (Notice the reverse order):
You can not get the menu the typical way by YourCFrameWndExDerivedClass::GetMenu() because these new MFC Feature Pack classes intentionally do SetMenu(NULL) when initializing the main frame, as you can see in the call stack:
I am not absolutely sure, but I think you won't also be able to do the override YourCFrameWndExDerivedClass::OnInitMenu() as you could in the old style menus. But you can still use the YourCFrameWndExDerivedClass::OnInitMenuPopup() overrride.

Win32 multiple dialogs command handler [duplicate]

In ResourceHacker, when you open an executable (windows), you can see identifiers associated with dialogs. Does anyone have an idea from where they come? I mean, how can I do the same in my C++ program to get the ID from a HWND?
BTW, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_ID) returns 0.
The GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_ID) returns the identifier of a control in a dialog, but it cannot be used for the dialog itself, because dialogs simply don't have identifiers.
The identifiers associated with dialogs are actually used to refer to the resource blob itself, not to the window. They are used to create the dialog (see CreateDialog().
Once the dialog is created there is no connection to the original template or to that identifier. Actually there is no use for that ID, the dialog is simply identified by its HWND. Note that you can create several different dialog using the same dialog resource.
These identifiers are assigned (usually) sequentially by the resource editor, or manually if you create the resources by hand.
For more insight on the topic you can read about the CreateDialogIndirect() function, that creates a dialog without using a resouce.
Here you find a good answer:
It's like asking, "Given a plate of food, how do I recover the
original cookbook and page number for the recipe?" By doing a chemical
analysis of the food, you might be able to recover "a" recipe, but
there is nothing in the food itself that says, "I came from The Joy of
Cooking, page 253."
So the answer is that there is no way provided by Microsoft to obtain the dialog ID. They could have easily stored it anywhere to make it available, but they did not.
But there would still be a way to do it, although it is not bulletproof. You could:
1.) Get the creator file of the dialog via GetWindowModuleFileName()
2.) Load this Exe or Dll via LoadLibraryEx(..., LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE)
3.) Enumerate all RT_DIALOG resources in the Exe or Dll via EnumResourceNames() where the dialog ID is in the name: ResourceName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG_ID)
4.) Create each enumerated dialog invisibly via LoadResource(), LockResource(), CreateDialogIndirect() but without showing the dialog with ShowWindow().
5.) Enumerate the child controls in each dialog via EnumChildWindows() and compare them to your dialog.
6.) Release all handles and destroy the dialogs.
It is not very probable that there are two identical dialogs in a Exe/Dll file. But the problem is that in WM_INITDIALOG the programmer may eliminate (destroy) or add or modify child controls. So your search algorithm would have to be fault tolerant. This would be possible by counting the congruency between each dialog from the resources and your dialog. You could count for how many child controls the ID (GetDlgCtrlID())and class name (GetClassName()) match. (e.g. Class="BUTTON" and ID = 311") While a programmer can easily change the text of a control or move it around, changing the ID is not very probable and does not make much sense and changing the class of a child control is even impossible.
As I said: It is not bullet proof, but you will find the ID of the resource that has most probably been used to create the dialog.
Be aware that not all dialogs come from a Microsoft resource.
They can be created by a GUI framework that uses its own type of templates. In this case you will never find the Dialog ID because it simply does not exist.

Should a CDialog based app set AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd

I Need to Research some weird stuff first, is there some way to put the question "on hold"?
I am working on an existing codebase using a CDialog based GUI. The Application consists of a CDialog "MainWindow", which spawns other CDialog "SubWindow"s using CDialog.DoModal.
This does work, when showing the SubWindow, the MainWindow blocks, etc.
When we call AfxMessageBox from "SubWindow", the MainWindow gets reenabled and focused.
Debugging into AfxMessagebox shows, that the function gets the mainWindow and reenables it. This causes a lot of different bugs. Using ::MesageBox works correctly, but we have about 50 different SubWindows, and, if possible, i would like to make only small, localized changes.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\appui1.cpp
int CWinApp::ShowAppMessageBox(CWinApp *pApp, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, UINT nType, UINT nIDPrompt)
HWND hWndTop;
HWND hWnd = CWnd::GetSafeOwner_(NULL, &hWndTop);
// re-enable the parent window, so that focus is restored
// correctly when the dialog is dismissed.
if (hWnd != hWndTop)
EnableWindow(hWnd, TRUE);
In our entry Point we do something like this:
::AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd = &mainDlg;
What is the prefered way? Should i comment the line so the member stays NULL?
or could that cause any side effects?
I guess (not yet tested) i could also set
AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd = &subDlg;
prior to subDlg.DoModal() and reset it afterwards, but that would also mean changing 50 different files, one for every SubWindow.
Does MFC depend on m_pMainWnd, or should i just let it stay at NULL?
I tried passing the MainWindow to the SubWindow's constructor, but to no avail.
This is, where MainWindow gets reenabled:
This is, where MFC finds the MainWindow:
Do i need to manually set m_pActiveWnd ?
(OFF Topic: I love that there is the source code for mfc available.)
The MFC App is actually a DLL, which can be invoked in two ways:
Either loaded by a simple loader.exe, or by anyther big application.
This other application may also use MFC, so there may be two different CWinApp objects.
If it is loaded by loader.exe, the error does not occur.
MFC depends on m_pMainWnd in a lot of cases. Leaving it NULL isn't a good approach and it doen't fix your problem.
The main problem seams to be more subtle. The question is why does AfxMessageBox find the main dialog as the last active and not you subdialog. And this can be only a problem if you don't define a pParent when you create a new subdialog based con CDialog.
Try to pass the dialog that is currently active to the sub dialog you are calling. CDialog find the parent "automatically". But sometimes it doen't worked for me.
I had the same problem that the wrond dialog was enabled again after a message box or DoModal.
I fixed it, in defining always the parent when I create the sub dialogs.

Creating a DialogBar with MFC with my own controls

I'm turning mad with a little problem with Visual Studio 2008 and MFC. I'm working on a project actually and I'm trying to create an SDI Application. Right, now I want to add a dockable DialogBar. Well, the first time I added it with the resource view, I could create the bar without problems.
But... I want to add some controls like a couple of ListBox, buttons and so on. The program doesn't allows me to create member variables for these controls. The option appears in grey.
Searching a little, I found that it's mandatory to create a new class derived from CDialogBar and "enhance" it with the Message handler and so on. I've been reading some tutorials and it didn't work for me.
Can you please help me? I'm starting to get nervous, the use of dialogbars is mandatory in my design and I've never implemented them before.
Thank you very much, and sorry for my poor english.
You can add a control member variable by hand instead of using the wizard. All it takes is a call to DDX_Control in the dialog bar's DoDataExchange function.
But CDialogBar-derived classes do not handle control clicks. The CDialogBar class forwards all of those messages to the dialog bar's parent window. So be prepared to add the message handlers to the parent (usually CMainFrame).
For learning purposes you might try creating your dialog bar as a CDialog first, to see the proper code lines and message map entries supplied by the wizard. Then you can copy/move these details as appropriate into your actual code project.

How to create and add a custom made component to a Dialog based app (MFC)?

I want to make a custom made component (a line chart), that would be used in other applications.
I don't know 2 things:
Where should I use (within component class!) the methods for drawing, like FillRect
or PolyLine? In OnPaint handler that I should define and map it in MESSAGE MAP? Will
it (OnPaint handler) be called from OnPaint handler of the dialog of the application
or where from?
How to connect the component, once it is made, to the test application, which will
for example be dialog based? Where should I instantiate that component? From an
OnCreate method of the MyAppDialog.cpp?
I started coding in MFC few days ago and I'm so confused about it.
Thanks in advance,
Painting the control is handled exactly like it would be if it wasn't a control. Given that you're using MFC, that (at least normally) means you do the drawing in the View class' OnDraw (MFC normally handles OnPaint internally, so you rarely touch it).
Inserting the resulting ActiveX control in the host application will be done like inserting any other ActiveX control. Assuming you're doing your development in Visual Studio, you'll normally do that by opening the dialog, right clicking inside the dialog box, and clicking "Insert ActiveX Control..." in the menu that pops up. Pick your control from the list, and it'll generate a wrapper class for the control and code to create an object of that class as needed. From the viewpoint of the dialog code, it's just there, and you can use it about like any other control.
For create new component in MFC, you must create a class from the window class (CWND),
after that you can have your MessageMap for the component and your methods and also can override CWND::OnDraw method to draw the thing you want.
Before that I suggest you to take a look to device context
Good Luck friend.