Weka analysis and predictions [closed] - data-mining

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i am doing this project that has several inputs and several outputs at the same time.
is there a way to do a prediction for more than 1 class at the same time in Weka?
any help is highly appreciated
thank you

Weka only supports single class attributes. However, untested, I think you may be able to work around this. Try the following, I'm interested as to what kind of accuracy you get.
eg data.
BloodIron real
BloodSuger real
BloodColor real
Diabetes bool class
Lifespan real class
Using the data above, train to solve only the 'Diabetes' class. Once you have the variables enter them into your dataset and use them to solve your second 'LifeSpan' class attribute.
To increase accuracy solve the class variable with the highest entropy first.


data structure project using Avl tree [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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hello everybody Can anyone help me in choosing a project for data structure course final project in c++ my teacher told me to do it using avl tree I just want to ask which project will be useful to do it any management system,like library,banking,etc,which proposal will be best plesae help me I will be very thankful to you :)
Avl trees are used, basically when you want to store information and search for it using quickly from a key.
With this premise, you can use them, for example, in a relational database key search, a dictionary word search, a compiler analizer, etc.

Calculating large numbers in C++ without external libraries [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to write a program that will perform operations on float numbers higher than 10^100.
I can't use any arbitrary precision mathematics libraries that are not included in GCC package by default.
I have NO idea how how to go about it.
Can you point me in the right direction?
You can create a class that can store larger numbers. 12345678 equals to 1234 * 10e4 + 5678.
For large numbers I use string buffers and do manual computation on it. It is much overhead and slow but you get infinite precision.

How is it possible to create an information fetcher for a game like League of Legends? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Basically what I'm wondering is, how could you get like a list of all mobs, champions their hp, mana etc with programming? I know this is possible because it has been done before but I just can't see how you would be able to do this. Is looking in the assembler code necessary or can you do it in some other way? I'm mostly wondering about the theory behind it. (Using C++ if that helps anything at all)
Such things are usually done using crawling (e.g. retrieving the data from the web pages provided by Riot Games; might be partially outdated) or using reverse engineering to get this data from the game client's files (might not contain everything). In either way you'd get datasets which you'll have to read or interpret (look for values or replicate the way the game client reads and interprets the data).
I'm not sure whether there are some tools or APIs released somewhere, at least I haven't heard of anything officially supported or endorsed; most of this is essentially in a gray zone usage wise.

EEG blink detection algorithm for neurosky mindwave? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This might be a long shot but does anyone know how I can implement a blink detection algorithm using the eeg raw data? I've tried just detecting a spike in brain activity but it also gives a false positive whenever the electrode moves on my forehead.
eye blinks in EEG data aren't actual waves they are actually artifacts due to the potential difference between the cornea and the retina. According to wikipedia they are usually in the 4-7Hz or 8-13Hz.
They are detectable in the fp1 and fp2 , which are closest to the eyes.
Here is a useful paper about removing the artifact in question
you might also want to look into Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Regression Analysis This is something thats going to take a lot of research from you.

JSF multiple kinds of objects in a datatable [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanna know how can i put in a datatable multiple kinds of objects. I have stored in a database objects of many types. I have to show them in a datatable.
Can anybody tell me how can i do it?
Diego Sabino
I had a similar situation, I thought of two options.
Adapter/Wrapper object for all different objects, and use wrapper methods to show data.
Let objects implement an interface and use that interface methods to pull relevant information for datatable.
Hope this helps.