When I render a two textures onto a bigger texture.
ID3D10Texture2D A
ID3D10Texture2D B
ID3D10Texture2D C
If I first draw Texture B, the full width of Texture A and then draw Texture C only on half of Texture A. Why is that Texture C is erasing the area of itself from Texture B?
I then draw Texture A onto the backbuffer to see the results.
I did some additional testing and found out that the alpha of Texture C is also affecting the alpha of Texture B such that if the alpha of texture C is too low, you can't really see texture B. How can such an issue be resolved? In fact, how could this even be an issue? Because, I rendered C after B. ##
blendDesc.BlendEnable[0] = TRUE;
blendDesc.RenderTargetWriteMask[0] = D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_ALL;
blendDesc.SrcBlend = D3D10_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
blendDesc.DestBlend = D3D10_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA;
blendDesc.BlendOp = D3D10_BLEND_OP_ADD;
blendDesc.SrcBlendAlpha = D3D10_BLEND_ONE;
blendDesc.DestBlendAlpha = D3D10_BLEND_ZERO;
blendDesc.BlendOpAlpha = D3D10_BLEND_OP_ADD;
hr = aDXDevice->CreateBlendState(&blendDesc, &this->g_pBlendState);
NOTE: Texture B spans the full width, but texture C is only placed halfway ontop of texture B. Since Texture B is the solid red image, texture C + texture B should NOT be transparent.
Not pretend to be an answer, it's just a guess.
Possible cause of blending issue is a proliferation of states into next draw call.
All DirectX (and also GL) states are not being reset on end of frame, they persists until changed or context reset.
So, probably you have a blend state
hr = aDXDevice->CreateBlendState(&blendDesc, &this->g_pBlendState);
and you applying it after drawing B, but before drawing C:
aDXDevice->OMSetBlendState(&g_pBlendState, ...);
First frame draws as you expect, but on next frames g_pBlendState is still active. So B drawing without alpha only on a first frame.
What you need is two blend states, one for each blending mode, and apply it each frame:
aDXDevice->CreateBlendState(&blendDescForB, &blendStateForB); // no alpna
aDXDevice->CreateBlendState(&blendDescForC, &blendStateForC); // alpha enabled
aDXDevice->OMSetBlendState(blendStateForB, ...);
aDXDevice->OMSetBlendState(blendStateForC, ...);
For quick debugging of that issue you can try to apply ID3D10Device::ClearState after Present(). But just for debugging.
Note, that there are one point counter my hypothesis: blending of A not being touched.
Not sure of exact details but remember that OpenGL is a 3D library do it takes into account depth when it comes to determining which object occlude other objects. OpenGL also uses floating point numbers for vertices which means even if the numbers look equal then many well not be. The only safe way to ensure that one object is in front of the other is to draw it so. For 2D drawing generally, it is best to ensure that your objects to not overlap at all.
I'm making a game in Libgdx.
The only way I have ever known how to use shaders is to have the batch affect the given textures one after another. This is what I normally do in my code:
shader = new ShaderProgram(Gdx.files.internal("shaders/shader.vert"), Gdx.files.internal("shaders/shader.frag"));
And that's about all of the needed code.
Anyways, I do not want this separation between textures. However, I can't find any way to affect the whole screen at once with a shader, like the whole screen is just one big texture. To me, it seems like the most logical way to use a shader.
So, does anyone know how to do something like this?
Draw all textures (players, actors, landscape, ...) with the same batch and, if you want to affect also the background with the same shader, draw a still texture with the size of the screen in the background and draw it with the same batch.
Quite easy with FBO objects, you can get "the whole screen as just one big texture" like you said in your question:
First of all, before any rendering, create yout FBO object and begin it:
FrameBuffer fbo = new FrameBuffer(Format.RGBA8888, Width, Height, false);
Then do all of your normal rendering:
Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);
Batch b = new SpriteBatach(...
//Whatever rendering code you have
Finally save that FBO into a texture or sprite, do any transformation needed on it, and prepare and use your shader on it.
SpriteBatch b = new SpriteBatch();
Sprite s = new Sprite(fbo.getColorBufferTexture());
s.flip(false,true); //Coord systems in buffer differs from screen
your_shader.setUniformMatrix("u_projTrans",camera.combined); //if you have camera
viewport.apply(); //if you have viewport
And this is all!
Essentially what you are doing is to "render" all your assets and game scene and stages into a buffer, than, saving that buffer image into a texture and finally rendering that texture with the shader effect you want.
As you may notice, this is highly inefficient, since you are copying all your screen to a buffer. Also note that some older drivers only support power of 2 sizes for the FBO, so you may have to have that in mind, check here for more information on the topic.
I am just learning the intricacies of OpenGL. What I would like to do is render a sprite onto a pre-existing texture. The texture will consist of terrain with some points alpha=1 and some points alpha=0. I would like the sprite to appear on a pixel of the texture if and only if the corresponding texture's pixel's alpha = 0. That is, for each pixel of the sprite, the output colour is:
Color of the sprite, if terrain alpha = 0.
Color of the terrain, if terrain alpha = 1.
Is this possible to do with blending function, if not how should I do it?
This is the exact opposite of the traditional blending function. The usual blend function is a linear interpolation between the source and destination colors, based on the source alpha.
What you want is a linear interpolation between the source and destination colors, based on the destination alpha. But you also want to invert the usual meaning; a destination alpha of 1 means that the destination color should be taken, not the source color.
That's pretty easy.
However, the above assumes that your sprites do not themselves have some from of inherent transparency. And most sprites do. That is, if the sprite alpha is 0 at some pixel, you don't want to overwrite the terrain color, no matter what the terrain's alpha is.
That makes this whole process excessively difficult. Pre-multiplying the alpha will not save you either, since black will just as easily overwrite the color in the terrain if there is no terrain color there.
In effect, you would need to do a linear interpolation based on neither the source nor the destination, but on a combination of them. I think multiplication of the two (src-alpha * (1 - dst-alpha)) would do a good job.
This is not possible with OpenGL's standard blending system. You would need to employ some form of programmatic blending technique. This typically involves read/modify/write operations using NV/ARB_texture_barrier or otherwise ping-ponging between bound textures.
Unfortunately, taking a screenshot does no replicate the problem, so I'll have to explain.
My character is a QUAD with a texture bound to it. When I move this character in any direction, the 'back end' of the pixels have a green and red 'after-glow' or strip of pixels. Very hard to explain, but I am assuming it is a problem with the double buffering. Is there a known issue associated with moving sprites and trailing pixels?
My only guess at this point is that you are only using a subset of the texture (i.e. your UVs are not just 0 and 1), and you have some colored pixels outside the rect you're drawing, and due to bilinear filtering, you catch a glimpse of them.
When creating textures with alpha, be sure to create an outline around the visible part of the texture with the same color (i.e. if your texture is a brown wooden fence, make sure that all transparent pixels near the fence are brown too).
NOTE that some texture compression algorithms will remove the color value from a pixel if it is entirely transparent, so if necessary, write a test pixel shader that ignores alpha to make sure that your texture made it through the pipeline intact.
This is an HLSL question, although I'm using XNA if you want to reference that framework in your answer.
In XNA 4.0 we no longer have access to DX9's AlphaTest functionality.
I want to:
Render a texture to the backbuffer, only drawing the opaque pixels of the texture.
Render a texture, whose texels are only drawn in places where no opaque pixels from step 1 were drawn.
How can I accomplish this? If I need to use clip() in HLSL, how to I check the stencilbuffer that was drawn to in step 1, from within my HLSL code?
So far I have done the following:
_sparkStencil = new DepthStencilState
StencilEnable = true,
StencilFunction = CompareFunction.GreaterEqual,
ReferenceStencil = 254,
DepthBufferEnable = true
DepthStencilState old = gd.DepthStencilState;
gd.DepthStencilState = _sparkStencil;
// Only opaque texels should be drawn.
gd.DepthStencilState = old;
// Texels that were rendered from texture1 should
// prevent texels in texture 2 from appearing.
Sounds like you want to only draw pixels that are within epsilon of full Alpha (1.0, 255) the first time, while not affecting pixels that are within epsilon of full Alpha the second.
I'm not a graphics expert and I'm operating on too little sleep, but you should be able to get there from here through an effect script file.
To write to the stencil buffer you must create a DepthStencilState that writes to the buffer, then draw any geometry that is to be drawn to the stencil buffer, then switch to a different DepthStencilState that uses the relevant CompareFunction.
If there is some limit on which alpha values are to be drawn to the stencil buffer, then use a shader in the first pass that calls the clip() intrinsic on floor(alpha - val) - 1 where val is a number in (0,1) that limits the alpha values drawn.
I have written a more detailed answer here:
Stencil testing in XNA 4
I am rendering to a texture through a framebuffer object, and when I draw transparent primitives, the primitives are blended properly with other primitives drawn in that single draw step, but they are not blended properly with the previous contents of the framebuffer.
Is there a way to properly blend the contents of the texture with the new data coming in?
EDIT: More information requsted, I will attempt to explain more clearly;
The blendmode I am using is GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA. (I believe that is typically the standard blendmode)
I am creating an application that tracks mouse movement. It draws lines connecting the previous mouse position to the current mouse position, and as I do not want to draw the lines over again each frame, I figured I would draw to a texture, never clear the texture and then just draw a rectangle with that texture on it to display it.
This all works fine, except that when I draw shapes with alpha less than 1 onto the texture, it does not blend properly with the texture's previous contents. Let's say I have some black lines with alpha = .6 drawn onto the texture. A couple draw cycles later, I then draw a black circle with alpha = .4 over those lines. The lines "underneath" the circle are completely overwritten. Although the circle is not flat black (It blends properly with the white background) there are no "darker lines" underneath the circle as you would expect.
If I draw the lines and the circle in the same frame however, they blend properly. My guess is that the texture just does not blend with it's previous contents. It's like it's only blending with the glclearcolor. (Which, in this case is <1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f>)
I think there are two possible problems here.
Remember that all of the overlay lines are blended twice here. Once when they are blended into the FBO texture, and again when the FBO texture is blended over the scene.
So the first possibility is that you don't have blending enabled when drawing one line over another in the FBO overlay. When you draw into an RGBA surface with blending off, the current alpha is simply written directly into the FBO overlay's alpha channel. Then later when you blend the whole FBO texture over the scene, that alpha makes your lines translucent. So if you have blending against "the world" but not between overlay elements, it is possible that no blending is happening.
Another related problem: when you blend one line over another in "standard" blend mode (src alpha, 1 - src alpha) in the FBO, the alpha channel of the "blended" part is going to contain a blend of the alphas of the two overlay elements. This is probably not what you want.
For example, if you draw two 50% alpha lines over each other in the overlay, to get the equivalent effect when you blit the FBO, you need the FBO's alpha to be...75%. (That is, 1 - (1-.5) * (1-0.5), which is what would happen if you just drew two 50% alpha lines over your scene. But when you draw the two 50% lines, you'll get 50% alpha in the FBO (a blend of 50% with...50%.
This brings up the final issue: by pre-mixing the lines with each other before you blend them over the world, you are changing the draw order. Whereas you might have had:
blend(blend(blend(background color, model), first line), second line);
now you will have
blend(blend(first line, second line), blend(background color, model)).
In other words, pre-mixing the overlay lines into an FBO changes the order of blending and thus changes the final look in a way you may not want.
First, the simple way to get around this: don't use an FBO. I realize this is a "go redesign your app" kind of answer, but using an FBO is not the cheapest thing, and modern GL cards are very good at drawing lines. So one option would be: instead of blending lines into an FBO, write the line geometry into a vertex buffer object (VBO). Simply extend the VBO a little bit each time. If you are drawing less than, say, 40,000 lines at a time, this will almost certainly be as fast as what you were doing before.
(One tip if you go this route: use glBufferSubData to write the lines in, not glMapBuffer - mapping can be expensive and doesn't work on sub-ranges on many drivers...better to just let the driver copy the few new vertices.)
If that isn't an option (for example, if you draw a mix of shape types or use a mix of GL state, such that "remembering" what you did is a lot more complex than just accumulating vertices) then you may want to change how you draw into the VBO.
Basically what you'll need to do is enable separate blending; initialize the overlay to black + 0% alpha (0,0,0,0) and blend by "standard blending" the RGB but additive blending the alpha channels. This still isn't quite correct for the alpha channel but it's generally a lot closer - without this, over-drawn areas will be too transparent.
Then, when drawing the FBO, use "pre-multiplied" alpha, that is, (one, one-minus-src-alph).
Here's why that last step is needed: when you draw into the FBO, you have already multiplied every draw call by its alpha channel (if blending is on). Since you are drawing over black, a green (0,1,0,0.5) line is now dark green (0,0.5,0,0.5). If alpha is on and you blend normally again, the alpha is reapplied and you'l have 0,0.25,0,0.5.). By simply using the FBO color as is, you avoid the second alpha multiplication.
This is sometimes called "pre-multiplied" alpha because the alpha has already been multiplied into the RGB color. In this case you want it to get correct results, but in other cases, programmers use it for speed. (By pre-multiplying, it removes a mult per pixel when the blend op is performed.)
Hope that helps! Getting blending right when the layers are not mixed in order gets really tricky, and separate blend isn't available on old hardware, so simply drawing the lines every time may be the path of least misery.
Clear the FBO with transparent black (0, 0, 0, 0), draw into it back-to-front with
and draw the FBO with
to get the exact result.
As Ben Supnik wrote, the FBO contains colour already multiplied with the alpha channel, so instead of doing that again with GL_SRC_ALPHA, it is drawn with GL_ONE. The destination colour is attenuated normally with GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
The reason for blending the alpha channel in the buffer this way is different:
The formula to combine transparency is
resultTr = sTr * dTr
(I use s and d because of the parallel to OpenGL's source and destination, but as you can see the order doesn't matter.)
Written with opacities (alpha values) this becomes
1 - rA = (1 - sA) * (1 - dA)
<=> rA = 1 - (1 - sA) * (1 - dA)
= 1 - 1 + sA + dA - sA * dA
= sA + (1 - sA) * dA
which is the same as the blend function (source and destination factors) (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) with the default blend equation GL_FUNC_ADD.
As an aside:
The above answers the specific problem from the question, but if you can easily choose the draw order it may in theory be better to draw premultiplied colour into the buffer front-to-back with
and otherwise use the same method.
My reasoning behind this is that the graphics card may be able to skip shader execution for regions that are already solid. I haven't tested this though, so it may make no difference in practice.
As Ben Supnik said, the best way to do this is rendering the entire scene with separate blend functions for color and alpha. If you are using the classic non premultiplied blend function try glBlendFuncSeparateOES(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ONE) to render your scene to FBO. and glBlendFuncSeparateOES(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) to render the FBO to screen.
It is not 100% accurate, but in most of the cases that will create no unexpected transparency.
Keep in mind that old Hardware and some mobile devices (mostly OpenGL ES 1.x devices, like the original iPhone and 3G) does not support separated blend functions. :(