Create Minimum Spanning Tree from Adjacency Matrix using Prims Algorithm - c++

I want to implement Prims algorithm to find the minimal spanning tree of a graph. I have written some code to start with what I think is the way to do it, but Im kind of stuck on how to complete this.
Right now, I have a matrix stored in matrix[i][j], which is stored as a vector>. I have also a list of IP address stored in the variable ip. (This becomes the labels of each column/row in the graph)
int n = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<ip.size();i++) // column
for(int j = ip.size()-1; j>n;j--)
if(matrix[i][j] > 0)
edgef test;
test.ip1 = ip[i];
test.ip2 = ip[j];
test.w = matrix[i][j];
At the moment, this code will look into one column, and add all the weights associated with that column to a binary min heap. What I want to do is, dequeue an item from the heap and store it somewhere if it is the minimum edge weight.
void entry::add(edgef x)
int current, temp;
current = heap.size();
if(heap.size() > 1)
while(heap[current].w < heap[current/2].w) // if child is less than parent, min heap style
edgef temp = heap[current/2]; // swap
heap[current/2] = heap[current];
heap[current] = temp;
current = current/2;


How to determine if a path exists between 2 vertices in BGL

I want to use the Boost Graph Library to decide if there is a path between 2 nodes on an directed unweighted graph.
Therefore I try to use either Breath-First-Search or Dijkstra but I got confused by all these parameter lists.
What is the simplest way to create a function like this:
bool isPath(src,dest);
with BGL?
BFS/DFS is the simplest way. I'll sketch up DFS solution because it's less memory hungry.
Presuming you have adjacency matrix adj of size N x N (N being number of vertices in a graph) with:
1 in adj[i][j] if you have edge going from i vertex to j vertex,
0 otherwise.
In that case you could have something like this:
// doing DFS...
bool isPath(int src, int dest) {
bool visited[N] = {false};
visited[src] = true;
std::stack<int> next;
while(!next.empty()) {
int cv =;
for (int nv = 0; nv < N; ++nv) {
if (!visited[nv] && adj[cv][nv] == 1) {
visited[nv] = true;
// dest was reached from src?
return visited[dest];

Depth First Search: Formatting output?

If I have the following graph:
Marisa Mariah
\ /
How should be Depth First Search function be implemented such that I get the output if "Mary" is my start point ?
I do realize that the number of spaces equal to depth of the vertex( name ) but I don't how to code that. Following is my function:
void DFS(Graph g, Vertex origin)
stack<Vertex> vertexStack;
Vertex currentVertex;
int currentDepth = 0;
while( ! vertexStack.empty() )
currentVertex =;
if(currentVertex.visited == false)
cout << << endl;
currentVertex.visited = true;
for(int i = 0; i < currentVertex.adjacencyList.size(); i++)
Thanks for any help !
Just store the node and its depth your stack:
std::stack<std::pair<Vertex, int>> vertexStack;
vertexStack.push(std::make_pair(origin, 0));
// ...
std::pair<Vertex, int> current =;
Vertex currentVertex = current.first;
int depth = current.second;
If you want to get fancy, you can extra the two values using std::tie():
Vertex currentVertex;
int depth;
std::tie(currentVertex, depth) =;
With knowing the depth you'd just indent the output appropriately.
The current size of your stack is, BTW, unnecessarily deep! I think for a complete graph it may contain O(N * N) elements (more precisely, (N-1) * (N-2)). The problem is that you push many nodes which may get visited.
Assuming using an implicit stack (i.e., recursion) is out of question (it won't work for large graphs as you may get a stack overflow), the proper way to implement a depth first search would be:
push the current node and edge on the stack
mark the top node visited and print it, using the stack depth as indentation
if there is no node
if the top nodes contains an unvisited node (increment the edge iterator until such a node is found) go to 1.
otherwise (the edge iterator reached the end) remove the top node and go to 3.
In code this would look something like this:
std::stack<std::pair<Node, int> > stack;
stack.push(std::make_pair(origin, 0));
while (!stack.empty()) {
std::pair<Node, int>& top =;
for (; top.second < top.first.adjacencyList.size(); ++top.second) {
Node& adjacent = top.first.adjacencyList[top.second];
if (!adjacent.visited) {
adjacent.visted = true;
stack.push(std::make_pair(adjacent, 0));
print(adjacent, stack.size());
if ( == {
Let Rep(Tree) be the representation of the tree Tree. Then, Rep(Tree) looks like this:
<Rep(Subtree rooted at node 1)>
<Rep(Subtree rooted at node 2)>
So, have your dfs function simply return the representation of the subtree rooted at that node and modify this value accordingly. Alternately, just tell every dfs call to print the representation of the tree rooted at that node but pass it the current depth. Here's an example implementation of the latter approach.
void PrintRep(const Graph& g, Vertex current, int depth)
cout << std::string(' ', 2*depth) << << endl;
current.visited = true;
for(int i = 0; i < current.adjacencyList.size(); i++)
if(current.adjacencyList[i].visited == false)
PrintRep(g, current.adjacencyList[i], depth+1);
You would call this function with with your origin and depth 0 like this:
PrintRep(g, origin, 0);

Creating random undirected graph in C++

The issue is I need to create a random undirected graph to test the benchmark of Dijkstra's algorithm using an array and heap to store vertices. AFAIK a heap implementation shall be faster than an array when running on sparse and average graphs, however when it comes to dense graphs, the heap should became less efficient than an array.
I tried to write code that will produce a graph based on the input - number of vertices and total number of edges (maximum number of edges in undirected graph is n(n-1)/2).
On the entrance I divide the total number of edges by the number of vertices so that I have a const number of edges coming out from every single vertex. The graph is represented by an adjacency list. Here is what I came up with:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#define MAX 1000
#define MIN 1
class Vertex
int Number;
int Distance;
Vertex(int, int);
Number = 0;
Distance = 0;
Vertex::Vertex(int C, int D)
Number = C;
Distance = D;
int main()
int VertexNumber, EdgeNumber;
while(scanf("%d %d", &VertexNumber, &EdgeNumber) > 0)
int EdgesFromVertex = (EdgeNumber/VertexNumber);
std::list<Vertex>* Graph = new std::list<Vertex> [VertexNumber];
int Distance, Neighbour;
bool Exist, First;
std::set<std::pair<int, int>> Added;
for(int i = 0; i < VertexNumber; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < EdgesFromVertex; j++)
First = true;
Exist = true;
while(First || Exist)
Neighbour = rand() % (VertexNumber - 1) + 0;
if(!Added.count(std::pair<int, int>(i, Neighbour)))
Added.insert(std::pair<int, int>(i, Neighbour));
Exist = false;
First = false;
First = true;
std::set<std::pair<int, int>>::iterator next = Added.begin();
for(std::set<std::pair<int, int>>::iterator it = Added.begin(); it != Added.end();)
Distance = rand() % MAX + MIN;
Graph[it->first].push_back(Vertex(it->second, Distance));
Graph[it->second].push_back(Vertex(it->first, Distance));
std::set<std::pair<int, int>>::iterator next = it;
First = false;
// Dijkstra's implementation
return 0;
I get an error:
set iterator not dereferencable" when trying to create graph from set data.
I know it has something to do with erasing set elements on the fly, however I need to erase them asap to diminish memory usage.
Maybe there's a better way to create some undirectioned graph? Mine is pretty raw, but that's the best I came up with. I was thinking about making a directed graph which is easier task, but it doesn't ensure that every two vertices will be connected.
I would be grateful for any tips and solutions!
Piotry had basically the same idea I did, but he left off a step.
Only read half the matrix, and ignore you diagonal for writing values to. If you always want a node to have an edge to itself, add a one at the diagonal. If you always do not want a node to have an edge to itself, leave it as a zero.
You can read the other half of your matrix for a second graph for testing your implementation.
Look at the description of std::set::erase :
Iterator validity
Iterators, pointers and references referring to elements removed by
the function are invalidated.
All other iterators, pointers and
references keep their validity.
In your code, if next is equal to it, and you erase element of std::set by next, you can't use it. In this case you must (at least) change it and only after this keep using of it.

C++ Mark for contiguous sections in a 3D array of objects

If we have a 3x3x3 array of objects, which contain two members: a boolean, and an integer; can anyone suggest an efficient way of marking this array in to contiguous chunks, based on the boolean value.
For example, if we picture it as a Rubix cube, and a middle slice was missing (everything on 1,x,x == false), could we mark the two outer slices as separate groups, by way of a unique group identifier on the int member.
The same needs to apply if the "slice" goes through 90 degrees, leaving an L shape and a strip.
Could it be done with very large 3D arrays using recursion? Could it be threaded.
I've hit the ground typing a few times so far but have ended up in a few dead ends and stack overflows.
Very grateful for any help, thanks.
It could be done that way:
struct A {int m_i; bool m_b;};
enum {ELimit = 3};
int neighbour_offsets_positive[3] = {1, ELimit, ELimit*ELimit};
A cube[ELimit][ELimit][ELimit];
A * first = &cube[0][0][0];
A * last = &cube[ELimit-1][ELimit-1][ELimit-1];
// Init 'cube'.
for(A * it = first; it <= last; ++it)
it->m_i = 0, it->m_b = true;
// Slice.
for(int i = 0; i != ELimit; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j != ELimit; ++j)
cube[1][i][j].m_b = false;
// Assign unique ids to coherent parts.
int id = 0;
for(A * it = first; it <= last; ++it)
if (it->m_b == false)
if (it->m_i == 0)
it->m_i = ++id;
for (int k = 0; k != 3; ++k)
A * neighbour = it + neighbour_offsets_positive[k];
if (neighbour <= last)
if (neighbour->m_b == true)
neighbour->m_i = it->m_i;
If I understand the term "contiguous chunk" correctly, i.e the maximal set of all those array elements for which there is a path from each vertex to all other vertices and they all share the same boolean value, then this is a problem of finding connected components in a graph which can be done with a simple DFS. Imagine that each array element is a vertex, and two vertices are connected if and only if 1) they share the same boolean value 2) they differ only by one coordinate and that difference is 1 by absolute value (i.e. they are adjacent)

C++ Implementation of Graph Algorithm

I am trying to implement the Breadth-first search algorithm, in order to find the shortest distance between two vertices. I have developed a Queue object to hold and retrieve objects, and I have a two-dimensional array to hold the length of the edges between two given vertices. I am attempting to fill a two-dimensional array to hold the shortest distance between two vertices.
The problem I am having, however, is that no matter what two vertices I request the shortest distance of, 0 is returned. Here is my implementation of the algorithm; if you can set me on the right track and help me figure out my problem, that would be fantastic.
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_vertex; i++)
//For every vertex, so that we may fill the array
int[] dist = new int[number_of_vertex];
//Initialize a new array to hold the values for the distances
for (int j = 0; x < number_of_vertex; j++)
dist[j] = -1;
//All distance values will be set to -1 by default; this will be changed later on
dist[i] = 0; //The source node's distance is set to 0 (Pseudocode line 4)
myQueue.add(i); //Add the source node's number to the queue (Pseudocode line 3)
while (!myQueue.empty()) //Pseudocode line 5
int u = myQueue.eject(); //Pseudocode line 6
for (int y = 0; y < number_of_vertex; y++) //Pseudocode line 7
if (edge_distance(u,y) > 0)
if (dist[y] == -1)
dist[y] = dist[u] + 1;
shortest_distance[i][u] = dist[y];
Ok... i guess the problem is about the used algorithm and about used terms.
"In order to find the shortest distance between two vertices" you mean the shortest path between two vertices in a connected graph?
The algorithm you are trying to write is the Dijkstra's algorithm (this is the name).