Sharepoint 2013 auto-hosted app vs provider hosted app in Azure - sharepoint-2013

What is the difference between an Auto-hosted app in Azure and a provider-hosted app in Azure.
Since both are hosted in Azure, can we say they are similar? Are there pros and cons?

The main difference is that with auto-hosted apps all Windows Azure and Windows Azure SQL Database components are provisioned for you when the app is installed and the Windows Azure Web Sites infrastructure handles load balancing and other important maintenance tasks for you. [1]
When using provider-hosted apps, you're responsible for provisioning what's necessary to support the app.


Containerised Web Application which connects to Relational DB

Can anyone point me in the direction of some demo code/app that I can use for a demo.
The app should have the ability to connect to a relational database and ideally be able to demonstrate the persistence of having the DB.
I.e. You can save values into the DB from the web app
I'm planning to deploy this onto AWS ECS for testing, alongside RDS.
Thanks in advance
Here is an AWS tutorial that shows how to write a Java Spring Boot Web app that is deployed to Elastic Beanstalk ( Elastic Beanstalk is an AWS service that leverages Amazon EC2 and S3 and deploys, manages and scales your web applications for you. It uses managed containers that support Node. js, Java, Ruby, Docker and more) and uses RDS to store and update data.
Creating the Amazon Relational Database Service item tracker
So most of what you are looking for is there - including how to setup the RDS instance and interact with it from a web app deployed to the cloud. If you follow this step by step (there is a lot of Java code) -- you will get this Sample Web App running on the cloud and it will teach you how to interact with RDS from a web app.
Also - this covers invoking additional services such as Simple Email Service from the web app.

What are the differences: Django, Apache, AWS

I'm studying web and confused about the concepts of Django, Apache, and AWS.
I have an experience of developing web backend with Django and AWS.
Django handled the interactions between web browser and server.
AWS enabled the clients to share the same server and data.
But, what is Apache? This wasn't considered during the development.
According to my research, Apache is web server application.
But, I can't tell the exact difference of it with AWS.
Does AWS include Apache?
Please help me make sure what Apache is. Thanks :)
Django itself is web framework used for developing web applications based on python. Which is used for making development proccess more simple and easy. It provides various built in things such as Django ORM, Forms, Security, Authentication, Admin and many third party packages that are available on django packages. Which enables you to develop your application rapidly.
AWS stands for amazon web services which provides cloud applications such as computation units, cloud storage, databases, cache servers and so on. It provides computation units to deploy your web apps on. i.e EC2 intances (Elastic compute cloud). As well as it provides database such as RDS (Amazon relational database) along with S3 buckets (Amazon storage) for storing media files and serving static ones.
Apache is web server which is used to deploy web applications on production. You can setup Apache web server on you premises or let you setup in cloud platform such as Amazon EC2 instances. By defalt Django or any other web apps run on single thread which do not give better performance. Apchae web server enables you to run multiple threads/ workers to handle parallel request simultaneously.
By putting all together You can develop you application using Django framework. Than choose AWS for deployment steps. i.e EC2 instance for Apache web server setup, RDS or any other database instance and S3 bucket for storage option.
Please note that this setup may be vary upon your requirements
These are two completely different services/software. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud platform where you run applications and softwares.
Apache on the other hand is a SOFTWARE that run on servers. So, essentially you can run Apache on AWS.
That is the basic idea. AWS is a platform and Apache can run on top of AWS.
The stated goal for Django is to offer a web application framework that enables quick development and minimal code.That goal can be accomplished with a simple single-threaded web server that simply facilitates development and testing.
The goal of Apache httpd, Nginx, IIS, etc. on the other hand is to offer exceptionally scalable and performant web servers. These applications are highly configurable as all applications differ and there's no one size fits all. They also require different expertise to design, implement and maintain.

Deploying J2EE Web Application on Amazon Web Services

I had been working on amazon web services from couple of days and it is giving me a hard time. All the want it to deploy my J2ee web application on Amazon web Services. I had used the following approach:
1) In had installed the AWS toolkit on eclipse.
2) I had deployed the sample web application of the amazon web services but it is without database. It's a static web page.
But i want to deploy my j2ee web application on aws with apache tomcat 7 as server and mysql database server. Can any one explain me how to deploy the j2ee web app on the aws? I would be highly thankful to you.
I would suggest you try AWS Elastic Beanstalk
If you use tomcat with your Java EE application, it become easier because it already have some templates for that. Creating and Deploying Elastic Beanstalk Applications in Java Using AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
As for mysql, AWS also has the RDS which can do it perfectly. Just modify your database.config in your Java EE application according to this.
Hope it will help.

Does WSO2 support Azure ComputeResource

Is there support for Azure integration to deploy and manage WSO2 products, specificaly Elastic Load Balancer. I am also curious if JCloud and Apache Stratos support Azure as an IAAS ?
jclouds Azure support is in the works and scheduled to be released with version 2.0. You can track progress here:
Once jclouds starts support Azure, this will indeed add Azure support in Apache Stratos, WSO2 Private PaaS, WSO2 App Factory - since these rely on jclouds for IaaS support.
For other WSO2 products, if you do not need the IaaS support and just want to deploy them on VMs in Azure (without autoprovisioning, autoscaling, etc.) you might be able to do so already. I have not tried using Azure ELB specifically but have configured WSO2 stuff with various different load-balancers (WSO2 ELB, AWS ELB, nginx, etc.) and they worked. So Azure ELB might as well, if not - you can probably run nginx in Azure just fine too.

In what tier should my web service references be?

I have the following structure in my web solution:
I have some application services that I am using to abstract some web services that I am using. (Specifically, I am bundling some shipping web services together into a single application service.) Should my Application Services layer reference the web services I am consuming, and the other tiers remain ignorant, or should I reference the web services in the Web and Tests tiers and inject the web services into the application service?
I would use a Service Gateway pattern to work with Web Services, so I would have another project called ServiceGateway as an additional tier to my application and this will be referenced by ApplciationServices, as stated here..