c++ crashes using frameworks, bad constructor - c++

I am writing a simple animation to draw a ball bouncing off walls. Here is the class:
class Ball{
int x,y; //position
int vx,vy; //velocity
int rad=20; //radius
ofColor color; //color
Ball(int a, int b, int c, int d,ofColor e);
void draw();
void move();
When I construct Ball with 5 arguments everything works fine, but it crashes when I use the one without arguments:
int r=int(ofRandom(0,255));
int g=int(ofRandom(0,255));
int b=int(ofRandom(0,255));
ofColor a(r,g,b);
What can be wrong with this constructor?
float ofRandom(float max) {
return max * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
float ofRandom(float x, float y) {
float high = 0;
float low = 0;
float randNum = 0;
// if there is no range, return the value
if (x == y) return x; // float == ?, wise? epsilon?
high = MAX(x,y);
low = MIN(x,y);
randNum = low + ((high-low) * rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0));
return randNum;

You have to write the body of the null constructor i.e. Ball(). In this you are supposed to initialise all of your variables to some value which you will decide.
Otherwise these ints will have either garbage value or the default value 0.
Also color is an object of class ofColor right? So in the null constructor, you are supposed to initialize the value of color as well by calling its constructor in the constructor initializer list, like :
Ball(): color() or a parameterized constructor depending on what you wrote.
these are somethings that can be possible wrong with your constructor but since you havent posted the code I cant say.
Another thing is that you have initialized the variable rad inside the class. It is always good to initialize all variables in constructors, never in the class.


Set the bounds of an array after object initialisation in cpp

I'm working on an image renderer in C++ that I wrote from scratch (I don't want to use anything but standard libraries), but I'm having some trouble when trying to store the image. The class I use to store images looks like this:
class RawImage
RGB pixels[][][3] = {};
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
RawImage(int width, int height)
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
RGB GetPixel(int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x > width - 1)
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
if (y < 0 || y > height - 1)
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
return pixels[x][y];
int SetPixel(int x, int y, RGB color)
if (x < 0 || x > width - 1)
return -1;
if (y < 0 || y > height - 1)
return -1;
this->pixels[x][y] = color;
return 0;
When I try to compile this code, the g++ compiler gives the following error:
declaration of ‘pixels’ as multidimensional array must have bounds for
all dimensions except the first.
How do I use a multidimensional array of which the 2 first dimensions vary in size, but the third dimension is of a fixed size?
Assuming (as you have confirmed in the comments) that your RGB type is a class or structure with three components, with a constructor of the form used in your GetPixel function, then you actually want a 2D array. However (as also mentioned in the comments), it is generally more efficient to store bitmaps as flattened, one-dimensional arrays of size width × height. The appropriate element in that array can then be indexed using the formula array[y * width + x] (assuming a row-major order and y-ordinates that increase down the bitmap).
You still have the issue of a dimension that is not known at compile time, so you can't use a normal array. But the std::vector container is ideal for this: just resize it in your RawImage constructor, and it can then be used in much the same way as a plain array. Also, the memory used will be automatically freed when an object of the RawImage class is destroyed.
Here is a possible implementation of your class using such a std::vector:
#include <vector>
class RawImage {
std::vector<RGB> pixels;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
RawImage(int width, int height)
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
pixels.resize(width * height);
RGB GetPixel(int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x >= width )
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
if (y < 0 || y >= height)
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
return pixels[y * width + x];
int SetPixel(int x, int y, RGB color)
if (x < 0 || x >= width)
return -1;
if (y < 0 || y >= height)
return -1;
pixels[y * width + x] = color;
return 0;
Important Note: In order to use the std::vector<RGB> container like this, the RGB class/structure must have a default constructor. I don't know exactly how you have implemented that class, but something like the following would work:
struct RGB {
float r, g, b;
RGB(float fr, float fg, float fb) : r{ fr }, g{ fg }, b{ fb } { }
RGB() : r{ 0 }, g{ 0 }, b{ 0 } { } // Default c'tor required by std::vector
Or, for brevity, you could 'merge' your default constructor into the one that takes three float arguments by providing default vales for each of those arguments:
struct RGB {
float r, g, b;
RGB(float fr = 0, float fg = 0, float fb = 0) : r{ fr }, g{ fg }, b{ fb } { }
Set the bounds of an array after object initialisation in cpp
The size of an array never changes through its lifetime. It's set upon creation. Technically this isn't a problem for you because you can initialise the array in the constructor.
But, size of an array variable must be compile time constant, so you cannot accept the size as a constructor parameter.
You can use a dynamic array. Most convenient way is to use std::vector.
Arrays are not really first size citizens in C++ language, and multi-dimensional arrays are not at all. There is no way to declare a multi-dimensional array where more than first dimension is not a compile time constant, full stop. The rationale is that plain arrays are low level objects and are intended to only be used in higher level containers. Unfortunately, building true multi-level containers wrapping a multidimensional array whose dimension are only known at compile time is far from trivial because of the way iterators work. A simple way if you can accept it, is to use operator () as an accessor method: pixels(x, y) instead of pixels[x][y] in a container aware of the dynamic dimensions.

How to check whether an index in an array is empty

I'm making a small OpenGL program for my intro to C++ class in Uni. I have a program that is complete but I want to change it up a bit to make it more unique. I have a Cube class:
class Cube {
Cube(Mesh* mesh, Texture2D* texture, float x, float y, float z);
void Draw();
void Update(float rSpeed);
Vector3 position;
GLfloat rotationSpeed;
Vector3 rotationVector;
Mesh* _mesh;
Texture2D* _texture;
I then create an array of type Cube:
Cube* cubes[CUBE_AMOUNT];
I then fill each index of this array with data to draw the cube on screen later in the program:
for (int i = 0; i < CUBE_AMOUNT; i++) {
float x = ((rand() % 400) / 10.0f) - 20.0f;
float y = ((rand() % 200) / 10.0f) - 10.0f;
float z = -(rand() % 1000);
if (i % 2 == 1) {
cubes[i] = new Cube(cubeMesh, textureStars, x, y, z);
else {
cubes[i] = new Cube(cubeMesh, texturePenguins, x, y, z);
With this new thing I want to add to the program, I want to check whether an index of cubes[] has been filled with the data yet. However I keep getting exceptions when running. I have tried to check whether cubes[i] is equal to nullptr, and tried checking whether it is NULL too, but neither seem to match.
Sorry for any errors in terminology that I used. New to C++, and having come from only doing Python before this, it is confusing!
When I create the array, I changed it to Cube* cubes[CUBE_AMOUNT] = { NULL }, and now when checking the array, cubes[i] == NULL!
If cubes is not a global variable, you can use:
Cube* cubes[CUBE_AMOUNT] = {};
to initialize all the elements to nullptr.
You can also use:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Cube>> cubes(CUBE_AMOUNT);
to remove the burden of having to deallocate dynamic memory in your code.
In either case, can use:
if ( cubes[index] )
// Got a valid pointer. Use it.
Your cubes variable is not automatically initialized with null_ptr's. Until you either fill it with null_ptr's or good pointers it initially points to random garbage.
I think this would work
//This bit should check if theres anything stored currently.
cout << "\nWhich Slot would you like to store the informaton in ?(1-10)";
cin >> i;
if (information[i] != NULL){
// Already written
cout << "\nEMPTY!!!!!!!!!";

C++ Vector - Emplace/Erase not working?(Polymorphism)

I'm having some problems with polymorphism I have a superclass of CEntity, and a subclass of unit type, I am dynamic casting and removing and emplacing a new entity of the dynamic casts type at its place, I have the opposite problem of my previous question.
Problem is the values being set are not changing, it remains with default values, it appeared to work before but now it has stopped working, I'm not sure what has caused the issue.
specifically buildsetup, sets the x-y-z values of the unit subclass's x,y,z, but when I look inside the vector the values remain unchanged, this is strange because it does actually manage to change the values for whether the unit is alive or not.
void builder(int no, string in , int top, int bot, CTeam &team, string owner, string original)
for (int i = top; i <= bot; i++)
EntityUnit* a;
a = dynamic_cast<EntityUnit*>(AWorld.EntitiesVector[i]);
if (a->unit_alive == false)
float x = Player.returncity_add().cit_ret_X();
float y = Player.returncity_add().cit_ret_Y();
float z = Player.returncity_add().cit_ret_Z();
cout << "X:" << x;
cout << "Y:" << y;
cout << "Z:" << z;
float cost = MainAB.UnitTemplates[no]->UDRetCost();
float health = MainAB.UnitTemplates[no]->UDRetMaxHealth();
float damage = MainAB.UnitTemplates[no]->UDRetStrength();
float speed = MainAB.UnitTemplates[no]->UDRetSpeed();
float buildtime = MainAB.UnitTemplates[no]->UDRetBuildTime();
int popcost = MainAB.UnitTemplates[no]->UDRetPop();
setmodel(i, x, y, z); // takes an xyz by ref and sets the model
to them then changes the model's localz by -10
Units[i]->SetSkin(setskin(owner, original));
a->BuildSetup(x, y, z, health, damage, speed, buildtime, cost, popcost);
AWorld.EntitiesVector.erase(AWorld.EntitiesVector.begin() + i);
AWorld.EntitiesVector.emplace(AWorld.EntitiesVector.begin() + i, new EntityUnit(a));
Entity build setup
void EntityUnit::BuildSetup(float x, float y, float z,float _health, float _damage, float _speed, float _buildtime, float _cost, int _popcost)
unit_x = x;
unit_y = y;
unit_z = z;
unit_health[0] = _health;
unit_health[1] = _health;
unit_damage = _damage;
speed = _speed;
buildtime = _buildtime;
cost = _cost;
CUnitType = NA;
pop_req = _popcost;
After static debugging it, it most definately emplaces a new unit with the updated -is_alive, and while a's values change at the point of unitbuild, when its emplaced all x,y,z's return to 9999, which was what it was when they were pushed on the vector.
When you call
AWorld.EntitiesVector.erase(AWorld.EntitiesVector.begin() + i);
you destroy the object pointed to by a. The subsequent reference to it on the next line is Undefined Behavior, and anything is possible.
I'm not sure why you erase the entity, then try to put a new one in the same place. If you structure your code right you should be able to just reuse the existing entity (pointed to by a) without the erase and emplace calls.
Ok, Apparently the problem was it was totally unnecessary to erase/emplace, as I get what you mean now returning a pointer, it edited the value... odd it didn't work last time.

Why do I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when reading back a private class variable?

I have a Rectangle class shown below:
class Rectangle: public Polygon {
float _width, _height;
Rectangle(float width, float height);
float getWidth(float* width) const;
float getHeight(float* height) const;
bool isCollidingWith(Rectangle* other) const;
Selected Implementation:
Rectangle::Rectangle(float width, float height) : Polygon(explodeRect(width, height, new struct vertex[4]), 4) {
printf("creating rect %f x %f\n", width, height);
_width = width;
_height = height;
printf("set _width to %f\n", _width);
float Rectangle::getWidth(float* width) const {
printf("_w: %f\n", _width);
*width = _width;
return *width;
//return (*width = _width);
float Rectangle::getHeight(float* height) const {
return (*height = _height);
I initialize an instance of the Rectangle class, and the output indicates that the _width variable is being correctly assigned. However, when I later try to read the variable using the getWidth method, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on the line:
printf("_w: %f\n", _width);
Why can I no longer read this variable? I get the same problem with the _height variable as well.
EDIT: I would also like to note that if I skip reading the width, I get an error trying to read public variables directly from the object, e.g. when I try to read its x position with obj->x.
EDIT 2: Could this be from the fact that the object is an instance of a subclass of Rectangle, and this subclass is defined in a different file than Rectangle is? I am also reading the values from a third file.
EDIT 3: More code below.
I am trying to re-create Tetris with OpenGL. In my display method, I have this code to draw the rectangles:
if(fallingBlock != nullptr) {
printf("drawing falling block at (%f, %f)\n", fallingBlock->x, fallingBlock->y);
fallingBlock is defined as a global variable at the top of my file:
Block* fallingBlock;
From my main, I call an initVars method that subsequently calls a startDroppingBlock method. Here it is:
void startDroppingBlock() {
Block* block = availableBlocks[random() % numAvailableBlocks].copy();
block->x = 0.5;
block->y = SCREEN_TOP;
block->dy = -0.01f;
//printf("copied block is at (%f, %f)\n", block->x, block->y);
fallingBlock = block;
And here is my block drawing method:
void draw(Block* obj) {
bool shape[3][3];
//printf("got shape: {%d, %d, %d}, {%d, %d, %d}, {%d, %d, %d}\n", shape[0][0], shape[0][1], shape[0][2], shape[1][0], shape[1][1], shape[1][2], shape[2][0], shape[2][1], shape[2][2]);
/*float pieceWidth;
pieceWidth /= 3.0f;*/
float pieceWidth = obj->getWidth();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) {
for(unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++) {
if(shape[i][j]) {
Square rect = Square(pieceWidth);
rect.x = obj->x + pieceWidth * j;
rect.y = obj->y + pieceWidth * i;
rect.color = obj->color;
I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on the line [...]. Why can I no longer read this variable? I get the same problem with the _height variable as well. [later...] I have tried both float pieceWidth; obj->getWidth(&pieceWidth); and obj->getWidth(new float) - the actual error is on the line where I read _width, before I even use the passed in pointer. [later...] I modified the getWidth and getHeight methods to just simply return _width and _height. Now I just get an error on return _width;
In this case I see you are using a Rectangle* pointer as obj->getWidth which can as well lead to a bad access error if obj is not a valid pointer.
It is to note that I don't quite understand your getter method at all. A simplified (and possibly standard) version of it might be:
float Rectangle::getWidth() const {
return _width;
With the only difference that when you used:
// float a;
// float b;
a = rect.getWidth(&b);
you can now do:
// float a;
// float b;
a = b = rect.getWidth();
which is possibly cleaner and will surely don't cause such an error. A good rule of thumb is never to use pointers when possible. If you need to modify a variable inside a function just use a reference.

Struct property that returns a struct of its own type

I'm trying to define a struct in C++ that has properties to return pre-defined values of it's own type.
Like many APIs have for Vectors and Colors like:
Vector.Zero; // Returns a vector with values 0, 0, 0
Color.White; // Returns a Color with values 1, 1, 1, 1 (on scale from 0 to 1)
Vector.Up; // Returns a vector with values 0, 1 , 0 (Y up)
Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.color.aspx
(MSDN's page of their Color type)
I've been trying to search for hours but I can't for the heart of me even figure out what it's called.
//in h file
struct Vector {
int x,y,z;
static const Vector Zero;
// in cpp file
const Vector Vector::Zero = {0,0,0};
Like this?
You can mimic it with static members:
struct Color {
float r, g, b;
Foo(float v_r, float v_g, float v_b):
r(v_r), g(v_g), b(v_b){};
static const Color White;
const Color Color::White(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// In your own code
Color theColor = Color::White;
This is a static property. Unfortunately, C++ does not have properties of any type. To implement this, you probably want either a static method or a static variable. I would recommend the former.
For the Vector example, you would want something like:
struct Vector {
int _x;
int _y;
int _z;
Vector(int x, int y, int z) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
_z = z;
static Vector Zero() {
return Vector(0,0,0);
You would then write Vector::Zero() to get the zero vector.