Set the bounds of an array after object initialisation in cpp - c++

I'm working on an image renderer in C++ that I wrote from scratch (I don't want to use anything but standard libraries), but I'm having some trouble when trying to store the image. The class I use to store images looks like this:
class RawImage
RGB pixels[][][3] = {};
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
RawImage(int width, int height)
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
RGB GetPixel(int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x > width - 1)
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
if (y < 0 || y > height - 1)
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
return pixels[x][y];
int SetPixel(int x, int y, RGB color)
if (x < 0 || x > width - 1)
return -1;
if (y < 0 || y > height - 1)
return -1;
this->pixels[x][y] = color;
return 0;
When I try to compile this code, the g++ compiler gives the following error:
declaration of ‘pixels’ as multidimensional array must have bounds for
all dimensions except the first.
How do I use a multidimensional array of which the 2 first dimensions vary in size, but the third dimension is of a fixed size?

Assuming (as you have confirmed in the comments) that your RGB type is a class or structure with three components, with a constructor of the form used in your GetPixel function, then you actually want a 2D array. However (as also mentioned in the comments), it is generally more efficient to store bitmaps as flattened, one-dimensional arrays of size width × height. The appropriate element in that array can then be indexed using the formula array[y * width + x] (assuming a row-major order and y-ordinates that increase down the bitmap).
You still have the issue of a dimension that is not known at compile time, so you can't use a normal array. But the std::vector container is ideal for this: just resize it in your RawImage constructor, and it can then be used in much the same way as a plain array. Also, the memory used will be automatically freed when an object of the RawImage class is destroyed.
Here is a possible implementation of your class using such a std::vector:
#include <vector>
class RawImage {
std::vector<RGB> pixels;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
RawImage(int width, int height)
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
pixels.resize(width * height);
RGB GetPixel(int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x >= width )
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
if (y < 0 || y >= height)
return RGB(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
return pixels[y * width + x];
int SetPixel(int x, int y, RGB color)
if (x < 0 || x >= width)
return -1;
if (y < 0 || y >= height)
return -1;
pixels[y * width + x] = color;
return 0;
Important Note: In order to use the std::vector<RGB> container like this, the RGB class/structure must have a default constructor. I don't know exactly how you have implemented that class, but something like the following would work:
struct RGB {
float r, g, b;
RGB(float fr, float fg, float fb) : r{ fr }, g{ fg }, b{ fb } { }
RGB() : r{ 0 }, g{ 0 }, b{ 0 } { } // Default c'tor required by std::vector
Or, for brevity, you could 'merge' your default constructor into the one that takes three float arguments by providing default vales for each of those arguments:
struct RGB {
float r, g, b;
RGB(float fr = 0, float fg = 0, float fb = 0) : r{ fr }, g{ fg }, b{ fb } { }

Set the bounds of an array after object initialisation in cpp
The size of an array never changes through its lifetime. It's set upon creation. Technically this isn't a problem for you because you can initialise the array in the constructor.
But, size of an array variable must be compile time constant, so you cannot accept the size as a constructor parameter.
You can use a dynamic array. Most convenient way is to use std::vector.

Arrays are not really first size citizens in C++ language, and multi-dimensional arrays are not at all. There is no way to declare a multi-dimensional array where more than first dimension is not a compile time constant, full stop. The rationale is that plain arrays are low level objects and are intended to only be used in higher level containers. Unfortunately, building true multi-level containers wrapping a multidimensional array whose dimension are only known at compile time is far from trivial because of the way iterators work. A simple way if you can accept it, is to use operator () as an accessor method: pixels(x, y) instead of pixels[x][y] in a container aware of the dynamic dimensions.


Initializing a box with N particles arranged in a specific pattern

I'm new to C++, and as an exercise I'm trying to reproduce what was done by Metropolis et al. (Metropolis Monte Carlo).
What I have done thus far - Made 2 classes: Vector and Atom
class Vector {
double x;
double y;
Vector() {
Vector (double x_, double y_) {
x = x_;
y = y_;
double len() {
return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
double lenSqr() {
return x*x + y*y;
class Atom {
Vector pos;
Vector vel;
Vector force;
Atom (double x_, double y_) {
pos = Vector(x_, y_);
vel = Vector(0, 0);
force = Vector(0, 0);
double KE() {
return .5 * vel.lenSqr();
I am not certain that the way I have defined the class Atom is... the best way to go about things since I will not be using a random number generator to place the atoms in the box.
My problem:
I need to initialize a box of length L (in my case L=1) and load it with 224 atoms/particles in an offset lattice (I have included a picture). I have done some reading and I was wondering if maybe an array would be appropriate here.
One thing that I am confused about is how I could normalize the array to get the appropriate distance between the particles and what would happen to the array once the particles begin to move. I am also not sure how an array could give me the x and y position of each and every atom in the box.
Metropolis offset (hexagonal) lattice
Well, It seems, that generally you don't need to use array to represent the lattice. In practice most often it may sense to represent lattice as array only if your atoms can naturally move only on the cells (for example as figures in chess). But seems that your atoms can move in any direction (already not practicle to use such rigid structure as array, because it has naturally 4 or 8 directions for move in 2D) by any step (it is bad for arrays too, because in this case you need almost countless cells in array to represent minimal distance step).
So basically what do you need is just use array as storage for your 224 atoms and set particular position in lattice via pos parameter.
std::vector<Atom> atoms;
// initialize atoms to be in trigonal lattice
const double x_shift = 1. / 14;
const double y_shift = 1. / 16;
double x_offset = 0;
for (double y = 0; y < 1; y += y_shift){
for (double x = x_offset; x < 1; x += x_shift){
// create atom in position (x, y)
// and store it in array of atoms
atoms.push_back(Atom(x, y));
// every new row flip offset 0 -> 1/28 -> 0 -> 1/28...
if (x_offset == 0){
x_offset = x_shift / 2;
x_offset = 0;
Afterwards you just need to process this array of atoms and change their positions, velocities and what you need else according to algorithm.

Struct property that returns a struct of its own type

I'm trying to define a struct in C++ that has properties to return pre-defined values of it's own type.
Like many APIs have for Vectors and Colors like:
Vector.Zero; // Returns a vector with values 0, 0, 0
Color.White; // Returns a Color with values 1, 1, 1, 1 (on scale from 0 to 1)
Vector.Up; // Returns a vector with values 0, 1 , 0 (Y up)
(MSDN's page of their Color type)
I've been trying to search for hours but I can't for the heart of me even figure out what it's called.
//in h file
struct Vector {
int x,y,z;
static const Vector Zero;
// in cpp file
const Vector Vector::Zero = {0,0,0};
Like this?
You can mimic it with static members:
struct Color {
float r, g, b;
Foo(float v_r, float v_g, float v_b):
r(v_r), g(v_g), b(v_b){};
static const Color White;
const Color Color::White(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// In your own code
Color theColor = Color::White;
This is a static property. Unfortunately, C++ does not have properties of any type. To implement this, you probably want either a static method or a static variable. I would recommend the former.
For the Vector example, you would want something like:
struct Vector {
int _x;
int _y;
int _z;
Vector(int x, int y, int z) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
_z = z;
static Vector Zero() {
return Vector(0,0,0);
You would then write Vector::Zero() to get the zero vector.

glReadPixels store x, y values

I'm trying to store pixel data by using glReadPixels, but so far I managed to only store it one pixel at a time. I'm not sure if this is the way to go. I currently have this:
unsigned char pixels[3];
glReadPixels(50,50, 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
What would be a good way to store it in an array, so that I can get the values like this:
pixels[20][50][0]; // x=20 y=50 -> R value
pixels[20][50][1]; // x=20 y=50 -> G value
pixels[20][50][2]; // x=20 y=50 -> B value
I guess I could simple put it in a loop:
for ( all pixels on Y axis )
for ( all pixels in X axis )
unsigned char pixels[width][height][3];
glReadPixels(x,y, 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels[x][y]);
But I have the feeling that there must be a much better way to do this. But I do however need my array to be like I described above the code. So would the for loop idea be good, or is there a better way?
glReadPixels simply returns bytes in the order R, G, B, R, G, B, ... (based on your setting of GL_RGB) from the bottom left of the screen going up to the top right. From the OpenGL documentation:
glReadPixels returns pixel data from the frame buffer, starting with
the pixel whose lower left corner is at location (x, y), into client
memory starting at location data. Several parameters control the
processing of the pixel data before it is placed into client memory.
These parameters are set with three commands: glPixelStore,
glPixelTransfer, and glPixelMap. This reference page describes the
effects on glReadPixels of most, but not all of the parameters
specified by these three commands.
The overhead of calling glReadPixels thousands of times will most likely take a noticeable amount of time (depends on the window size, I wouldn't be surprised if the loop took 1-2 seconds).
It is recommended that you only call glReadPixels once and store it in a byte array of size (width - x) * (height - y) * 3. From there you can either reference a pixel's component location with data[(py * width + px) * 3 + component] where px and py are the pixel locations you want to look up, and component being the R, G, or B components of the pixel.
If you absolutely must have it in a 3-dimensional array, you can write some code to rearrange the 1d array after the glReadPixels call.
If you'll define pixel array like: this:
unsigned char pixels[MAX_Y][MAX_X][3];
And the you'll access it like this:
pixels[y][x][0] = r;
pixels[y][x][1] = g;
pixels[y][x][2] = b;
Then you'll be able to read pixels with one glReadPixels call:
glReadPixels(left, top, MAX_Y, MAX_X, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
What you can do is declare a simple one dimensional array in a struct and use operator overloading for convenient subscript notation
struct Pixel2d
static const int SIZE = 50;
unsigned char& operator()( int nCol, int nRow, int RGB)
return pixels[ ( nCol* SIZE + nRow) * 3 + RGB];
unsigned char pixels[SIZE * SIZE * 3 ];
int main()
Pixel2d p2darray;
glReadPixels(50,50, 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &p.pixels);
for( int i = 0; i < Pixel2d::SIZE ; ++i )
for( int j = 0; j < Pixel2d::SIZE ; ++j )
unsigned char rpixel = p2darray(i , j , 0);
unsigned char gpixel = p2darray(i , j , 1);
unsigned char bpixel = p2darray(i , j , 2);
Here you are reading a 50*50 pixel in one shot and using operator()( int nCol, int nRow, int RGB) operator provides the needed convenience. For performance reasons you don't want to make too many glReadPixels calls

C++ Data Structure for storing 3 dimensions of floats

I've implemented a 3D strange attractor explorer which gives float XYZ outputs in the range 0-100, I now want to implement a colouring function for it based upon the displacement between two successive outputs.
I'm not sure of the data structure to use to store the colour values for each point, using a 3D array I'm limited to rounding to the nearest int which gives a very coarse colour scheme.
I'm vaguely aware of octtrees, are they suitable in this siutation?
EDIT: A little more explanation:
to generate the points i'm repeatedly running this:
(a,b,c,d are random floats in the range -3 to 3)
x = x2;
y = y2;
z = z2;
x2 = sin(a * y) - z * cos(b * x);
y2 = z2 * sin(c * x) - cos(d * y);
z2 = sin(x);
which generates new positions for each axis each run, to colour the render I need to take the distance between two successive results, if I just do this with a distance calculation between each run then the colours fade back and forth in equilibrium so I need to take running average for each point and store it, using a 3dimenrsionl array is too coarse a colouring and I'm looking for advice on how to store the values at much smaller increments.
Maybe you could drop the 2-dim array off and use an 1-dim array of
struct ColoredPoint {
int x;
int y;
int z;
float color;
so that the code would look like
parr[i].x = x;
parr[i].y = y;
parr[i].z = z;
parr[i].color = some_computed_color;
(you may also wish to encapsulate the fields and use class ColoredPoint with access methods)
I'd probably think bout some kind of 3-d binary search tree.
template <class KEY, class VALUE>
class BinaryTree
// some implementation, probably available in libraries
VALUE* Find(const KEY& key) const
// real implementation is needed here
return NULL;
// this tree nodes wil actually hold color
class BinaryTree1 : public BinaryTree<double, int>
class BinaryTree2 : public BinaryTree<double, BinaryTree1>
class BinaryTree3 : public BinaryTree<double, BinaryTree2>
And you function to retreive the color from this tree would look like that
bool GetColor(const BinaryTree3& tree, double dX, double dY, double& dZ, int& color)
BinaryTree2* pYTree = tree.Find(dX);
if( NULL == pYTree )
return false;
BinaryTree1* pZTree = pYTree->Find(dY);
if( NULL == pZTree )
return false;
int* pCol = pZTree->Find(dZ);
if( NULL == pCol )
return false;
color = *pCol;
return true;
Af course you will need to write the function that would add color to this tree, provided 3 coordinates X, Y and Z.
std::map appears to be a good candidate for base class.

How to work around a very large 2d array in C++

I need to create a 2D int array of size 800x800. But doing so creates a stack overflow (ha ha).
I'm new to C++, so should I do something like a vector of vectors? And just encapsulate the 2d array into a class?
Specifically, this array is my zbuffer in a graphics program. I need to store a z value for every pixel on the screen (hence the large size of 800x800).
You need about 2.5 megs, so just using the heap should be fine. You don't need a vector unless you need to resize it. See C++ FAQ Lite for an example of using a "2D" heap array.
int *array = new int[800*800];
(Don't forget to delete[] it when you're done.)
Every post so far leaves the memory management for the programmer. This can and should be avoided. ReaperUnreal is darn close to what I'd do, except I'd use a vector rather than an array and also make the dimensions template parameters and change the access functions -- and oh just IMNSHO clean things up a bit:
template <class T, size_t W, size_t H>
class Array2D
const int width = W;
const int height = H;
typedef typename T type;
: buffer(width*height)
inline type& at(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
return buffer[y*width + x];
inline const type& at(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const
return buffer[y*width + x];
std::vector<T> buffer;
Now you can allocate this 2-D array on the stack just fine:
void foo()
Array2D<int, 800, 800> zbuffer;
// Do something with zbuffer...
I hope this helps!
EDIT: Removed array specification from Array2D::buffer. Thanks to Andreas for catching that!
Kevin's example is good, however:
std::vector<T> buffer[width * height];
Should be
std::vector<T> buffer;
Expanding it a bit you could of course add operator-overloads instead of the at()-functions:
const T &operator()(int x, int y) const
return buffer[y * width + x];
T &operator()(int x, int y)
return buffer[y * width + x];
int main()
Array2D<int, 800, 800> a;
a(10, 10) = 50;
std::cout << "A(10, 10)=" << a(10, 10) << std::endl;
return 0;
You could do a vector of vectors, but that would have some overhead. For a z-buffer the more typical method would be to create an array of size 800*800=640000.
const int width = 800;
const int height = 800;
unsigned int* z_buffer = new unsigned int[width*height];
Then access the pixels as follows:
unsigned int z = z_buffer[y*width+x];
I might create a single dimension array of 800*800. It is probably more efficient to use a single allocation like this, rather than allocating 800 separate vectors.
int *ary=new int[800*800];
Then, probably encapsulate that in a class that acted like a 2D array.
class _2DArray
int *operator[](const size_t &idx)
return &ary[idx*800];
const int *operator[](const size_t &idx) const
return &ary[idx*800];
The abstraction shown here has a lot of holes, e.g, what happens if you access out past the end of a "row"? The book "Effective C++" has a pretty good discussion of writing good multi dimensional arrays in C++.
One thing you can do is change the stack size (if you really want the array on the stack) with VC the flag to do this is [/F](
But the solution you probably want is to put the memory in the heap rather than on the stack, for that you should use a vector of vectors.
The following line declares a vector of 800 elements, each element is a vector of 800 ints and saves you from managing the memory manually.
std::vector<std::vector<int> > arr(800, std::vector<int>(800));
Note the space between the two closing angle brackets (> >) which is required in order disambiguate it from the shift right operator (which will no longer be needed in C++0x).
Or you could try something like:
boost::shared_array<int> zbuffer(new int[width*height]);
You should still be able to do this too:
No more worries about managing the memory, no custom classes to take care of, and it's easy to throw around.
There's the C like way of doing:
const int xwidth = 800;
const int ywidth = 800;
int* array = (int*) new int[xwidth * ywidth];
// Check array is not NULL here and handle the allocation error if it is
// Then do stuff with the array, such as zero initialize it
for(int x = 0; x < xwidth; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < ywidth; ++y)
array[y * xwidth + x] = 0;
// Just use array[y * xwidth + x] when you want to access your class.
// When you're done with it, free the memory you allocated with
delete[] array;
You could encapsulate the y * xwidth + x inside a class with an easy get and set method (possibly with overloading the [] operator if you want to start getting into more advanced C++). I'd recommend getting to this slowly though if you're just starting with C++ and not start creating re-usable fully class templates for n-dimension arrays which will just confuse you when you're starting off.
As soon as you get into graphics work you might find that the overhead of having extra class calls might slow down your code. However don't worry about this until your application isn't fast enough and you can profile it to show where the time is lost, rather than making it more difficult to use at the start with possible unnecessary complexity.
I found that the C++ lite FAQ was great for information such as this. In particular your question is answered by:
You can allocate array on static storage (in file's scope, or add static qualifier in function scope), if you need only one instance.
int array[800][800];
void fn()
static int array[800][800];
This way it will not go to the stack, and you not have to deal with dynamic memory.
Well, building on what Niall Ryan started, if performance is an issue, you can take this one step further by optimizing the math and encapsulating this into a class.
So we'll start with a bit of math. Recall that 800 can be written in powers of 2 as:
800 = 512 + 256 + 32 = 2^5 + 2^8 + 2^9
So we can write our addressing function as:
int index = y << 9 + y << 8 + y << 5 + x;
So if we encapsulate everything into a nice class we get:
class ZBuffer
const int width = 800;
const int height = 800;
for(unsigned int i = 0, *pBuff = zbuff; i < width * height; i++, pBuff++)
*pBuff = 0;
inline unsigned int getZAt(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
return *(zbuff + y << 9 + y << 8 + y << 5 + x);
inline unsigned int setZAt(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z)
*(zbuff + y << 9 + y << 8 + y << 5 + x) = z;
unsigned int zbuff[width * height];