Differences when writing to / reading from the console between gfortran- and g77-compiled code - fortran

This one's going to take a bit of explaining. Please bear with me.
What I Have
I have in my possession some Fortran source code and some binaries that have been compiled from that code. I did not do the compilation, but there is a build script that suggests G77 was used to do it.
As well as the Fortran stuff, there is also some Java code that provides users with a GUI "wrapper" around the binaries. It passes information between itself and the binaries via their input/output/error pipes. The Java code is very messy, and this way of doing things adds a lot of boilerplate and redundancy, but it does the job and I know it works.
What I Need
Unfortunately, I'd like to make some changes:
I want to create a new Python wrapper for the binaries (or, more precisely, extend an existing Python program to become the new wrapper).
I want to be able to compile the Fortran code as part of this existing program's build process. I would like to use gfortran for this, since MinGW is used elsewhere in the build and so it will be readily available.
The Problem
When I compile the Fortran code myself using gfortran, I cannot get the resulting binaries to "talk" to either the current Java wrapper or my new Python wrapper.
Here are the various ways of printing to the console that I have tried in the Fortran code:
subroutine printA(message)
write(6,*) message
subroutine printB(message)
write(*,*) message
subroutine printC(message)
use iso_fortran_env
write(output_unit,*) message
There are also read commands as well, but the code doesn't even get a change to execute that part so I'm not worrying about it yet.
Extra Info
I have to call gfortran with the -ffixed-line-length-132 flag so that the code compiles, but apart from that I don't use anything else. I have tried using the -ff2c flag in the vague hope that it will make a difference. It doesn't.
This stackoverflow post is informative, but doesn't offer me anything that works.
The relavant manual page suggests that printA should work just fine.
I'm working on Windows, but will need this to be multi-platform.
Juse in case you're intested, the Java code uses Runtime.getRuntime().exec("prog.exe") to call the binaries and then the various "stream" methods of the resulting Process object to communicate with them. The Python code uses equivalents of this provided by the Popen object of the subprocess module.
I should also say that I am aware there are alternatives. Rewriting the code in Python (or something else like C++), or making amendments so that is it can be called via F2Py have been ruled out as options. Using g77 is also a no-go; we have enough dependencies as it is. I'd like to be able to write to / read from the console properly with gfortran, or know that it's just not possible.

Hard to say without seeing more details from your Fortran and Python codes. The following pair of code works for me (at least under Linux):
Fortran program repeating its input line by line prefixed with line number:
program test_communication
use iso_fortran_env, stdout => output_unit, stdin => input_unit
implicit none
character(100) :: buffer
integer :: ii
ii = 1
do while (.true.)
read(stdin, *) buffer
write(stdout, "(I0,A,A)") ii, "|", trim(buffer)
ii = ii + 1
end do
end program test_communication
Python program invoking the Fortran binary. You can feed it with arbitrary strings from the console.
import subprocess as sub
print "Starting child"
proc = sub.Popen("./a.out", stdin=sub.PIPE, stdout=sub.PIPE)
while True:
send = raw_input("Enter a string: ")
if not send:
print "Exiting loop"
print "Sent:", send
recv = proc.stdout.readline()
print "Received:", recv.rstrip()
print "Killing child"


Fortran: pipe to program

Is there any possibility to launch an external program from Fortran and write something to this programs standard input?
I know e.g. of gfortran's SYSTEM but there is no such option.
As you have noticed, GFortran does not have anything like the pipe()/fork()/exec() functions builtin.
If you're on Linux or some other Unix-like system you could do something like
execute_command_line("mkfifo /path/to/fifo")
The mkfifo command creates a named pipe, that is, a pipe that also has a name in the filesystem.
open(newunit=plot_unit, file="/path/to/fifo", access="stream", format="formatted")
execute_command_line("gnuplot < /path/to/fifo")
So the idea is that you can then open the FIFO like a normal external unit in GFortran, then execute gnuplot with standard input connected to the FIFO.
You might need to exchange the order of #2 and #3 in case this deadlocks. But some minor variation of the above should work (I've used it to connect to one Fortran program from another).
Firstly, if you're using a relatively recent compiler you should be able to use execute_command_line (part of the f2008 spec) instead of system (compiler extension). This launches a command using the C library's system call which uses the sh shell on nix and cmd.exe on Windows (see here). As such you can use standard input redirection type approaches to connect to stdin of the launched program, but it may not be suitable for more complicated use.
The following example shows a simple example
program stdIn
implicit none
character(len=20) :: cmd, args
character(len=50) :: fullcmd
cmd = "bc"
args = "1+2"
fullcmd = cmd//" <<< "//args
print*,"Running ",fullcmd
call execute_command_line(fullcmd)
end program stdIn
Which should output
Running bc <<< 1+2

Adding sound to a Fortran program

I have a rather dull Fortran program that are used by students for some heavy calculations and I thought the program might be a little more interesting if I could add some sounds here and there. Is there any utility to generate sounds that is callable from a Fortran program? I would like to call a routine with for example a selection of MP3 files.
I do not like programs which beeps and plings in general but this is a kind of last resort to keep the students alert ...
I'd go with C library (e.g. How to play MP3 files in C?).
I'd create shared lib with your routine (e.g. code playing some sort of mp3 list) and called it from Fortran code.
Question is, whether this is what you are looking for.
It may be interesting to try the system call together with a command-line tool, e.g.
program main
implicit none
integer i
character(100) :: message(3)
message(1) = "hi"
message(2) = "yo"
message(3) = "done!"
do i = 1, 3
call system( "say " // trim( message(i) ) )
which says any message via speech synthesis on Mac OSX. A similar thing may be achieved for MP3 files with some audio commands (on Windows, Mac, and Linux). This demo seems to be using such an approach (Note: music starts from the page!).

QProcess Multiplatform command

I need to launch some script using QProcess.
For this, under windows, I use QProcess::execute("cmd [...]");.
However, this won't work if I go under some other OS such as Linux.
So, I was wondering if the best solution to make that code portable, would be to interfere with a mutliplatform scripting solution, such as TCL for exemple.
So I use : QProcess:execute("tclsh text.tcl"); and it works.
But, I got three questions concerning that problem. Because I'm not sure of what I've done.
Will execute() execute tclsh with the file test.tcl both under Windows and Linux wherever I execute it ? It seems to do so, but I want to be sure ! Is there any bad scenario that can happen ?
Is this a good solution ? I know lots of people have way more experience than I do, and I'd be grateful for anything I could learn !
Why not using std::system() ? Is it less portable ?
While this isn't a total answer, I can point out a few things.
In particular, tclsh is quite happy under Windows; it's a major supported platform. The main problem that could happen in practice is if you pass a filename with a space in it (this is distinctly more likely under Windows than on a Unix due to differences in community practice). However, the execute() as you have written it has no problems. Well, as long as tclsh is located on the PATH.
The other main option for integrating Tcl script execution with Qt is to link your program against the Tcl binary library and use that. Tcl's API is aimed at C, so it should be pretty simple to use from C++ (if a little clunky from a C++ perspective):
// This holds the description of the API
#include "tcl.h"
// Initialize the Tcl library; *call only once*
// Make an evaluation context
Tcl_Interp *interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
// Execute a script loaded from a file (or whatever)
int resultCode = Tcl_Eval(interp, "source test.tcl");
// Check if an error happened and print the error if it did
if (resultCode == TCL_ERROR) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp)) << std::endl;
// Squelch the evaluation context
I'm not a particularly great C++ coder, but this should give the idea. I have no idea about QProcess::execute() vs std::system().
A weak point of your solution is that on windows you'll have to install tclsh. There is no tclsh on Solaris either. May be somewhere else.
Compared to std::system(), QProcess gives you more control and information about the process of executing your command. If all you need is just to execute script (without receiving the output, for example) - std::system() is a good choice.
What I've used in a similar situation:
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
mCommand = QString("cmd /C %1 %2").arg(command).arg(args);
mCommand = QString("bash %1 %2").arg(command).arg(args);

f2py and the WRITE statement

I've tried searching for this answer as it doesn't seem too complicated, but I've had no success. I'm trying to work with some old FORTRAN code and bring it into Python so I can use it. In the process I've come across some issues with file I/O, and I'm trying to understand how this would be handled by f2py. I'm working on Ubuntu 11.10 with gfortran. For example, I was trying to use the following subroutine:
Cf2py Intent(in,out) NAME, STUFF
100 FORMAT(A8)
I then compile using gfortran and f2py:
f2py -c -m inout inout.f
Which creates the inout.so shared library. Then in Python, I try a simple test:
>>> import inout
>>> inout.inout('test','hello')
('test', 'hello ')
Then exit out of Python and open the newly created "test" file, and it's empty. I can print to the screen no problem, but printing to a file doesn't seem to work. Any guidance would be appreciated. The f2py documentation doesn't mention WRITE statements.
You can see here,
Python I/O will not catch I/O from Fortran.

Calling Mathematica from OCaml program

I am writing OCaml code. In part of it, I want to examine whether two arithmetic expression are equal (like x+2+y == x+2*y-y+2). Implemeting this in mathematica is straightforward, so all I want some help on executing Mathematica and get the result back in OCaml. My OS platform is Linux.
You may be able to use something along the lines of this:
let channel_to_mathematica, channel_from_mathematica = open_process "mathematica"
Printf.fprintf channel_to_mathematica "Tell me if this is equal ...\n";
let answer_from_mathematica = Scanf.fscanf channel_from_mathematica ...
Documentation of open_process here
Documentation of module Scanf here
A very general answer is to write a command-line Mathematica script that takes 2 expressions (either on the command line or stdin) and outputs whether they are equal.
Then in OCaml simply call that program with a system call.
As for writing such a command-line Mathematica script, I recommend MASH (disclosure: I made MASH):
Call a Mathematica program from the command line, with command-line args, stdin, stdout, and stderr