Size of Heap, Stack and Data Memory Units - c++

There are several parts to this question.
According to most of the resources available on net and according to the text books as well, heap and stack memory grow in opposite directions.
Do Heap and Stack actually always grow in opposite directions towards each other, especially when extra memory is allocated by the OS for Heap memory?
Consider that initially in the program, only heap allocations take place and minimal Stack memory is used. Hence, Heap will cover almost entire combined memory allocated for Stack and heap. Afterwards, Stack starts to grow. Will an error be thrown or will new memory location be allotted for Stack to grow to its maximum limit(maximum limit = limit shown by "ulimit -s" command) ? If new location can be allotted, then doesn't it violate the condition that in Stack addresses are always assigned in order?
Is there any pre-defined limit on the memory usage by initialized and uninitialized variables stored in Data section?

Do Heap and Stack actually always grow in opposite directions towards each other,
especially when extra memory is allocated by the OS for Heap memory?
Heaps and stacks are an implementation detail and not required by the language specification. The directions they grow are not necessarily toward each other; they can grow anyway they want.
Consider that initially in the program,
only heap allocations take place and minimal Stack memory is used.
Hence, Heap will cover almost entire combined memory allocated
for Stack and heap. Afterwards, Stack starts to grow.
Will an error be thrown or will new memory location be allotted
for Stack to grow to its maximum limit
(maximum limit = limit shown by "ulimit -s" command)?
If new location can be allotted, then doesn't it violate the condition
that in Stack addresses are always assigned in order?
If your heap and stack grow towards each other, overwriting may take place. You will only receive notification of overrunning if your memory allocator checks for out of space or you have a utility that checks the run-time stack allocation. Remember, not all platforms are Linux or Windows PCs; many are constrained embedded systems.
Is there any pre-defined limit on the memory usage
by initialized and uninitialized variables
stored in Data section?
Yes, there must be memory somewhere for the variables. Variables may be paged out to an external device by the OS. There is a possibility that the variables are not variables but hardware registers. Again, this is all platform specific. The rule imposed by the language standard is that the variables must be addressable and static or auto variables must have a unique address (the One Definition Rule, ODR).


Why can't we allocate dynamic memory on the stack?

Allocating stuff on the stack is awesome because than we have RAII and don't have to worry about memory leaks and such. However sometimes we must allocate on the heap:
If the data is really big (recommended) - because the stack is small.
If the size of the data to be allocated is only known at runtime (dynamic allocation).
Two questions:
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is
only known at runtime) on the stack?
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable? I.e. Thing t;.
Edit: I know some compilers support Variable Length Arrays - which is dynamically allocated stack memory. But that's really an exception to the general rule. I'm interested in understanding the fundamental reasons for why generally, we can't allocate dynamic memory on the stack - the technical reasons for it and the rational behind it.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
It's more complicated to achieve this. The size of each stack frame is burned-in to your compiled program as a consequence of the sort of instructions the finished executable needs to contain in order to work. The layout and whatnot of your function-local variables, for example, is literally hard-coded into your program through the register and memory addresses it describes in its low-level assembly code: "variables" don't actually exist in the executable. To let the quantity and size of these "variables" change between compilation runs greatly complicates this process, though it's not completely impossible (as you've discovered, with non-standard variable-length arrays).
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable
This is just a consequence of the syntax. C++'s "normal" variables happen to be those with automatic or static storage duration. The designers of the language could technically have made it so that you can write something like Thing t = new Thing and just use a t all day, but they did not; again, this would have been more difficult to implement. How do you distinguish between the different types of objects, then? Remember, your compiled executable has to remember to auto-destruct one kind and not the other.
I'd love to go into the details of precisely why and why not these things are difficult, as I believe that's what you're after here. Unfortunately, my knowledge of assembly is too limited.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
Technically, this is possible. But not approved by the C++ standard. Variable length arrays(VLA) allows you to create dynamic size constructs on stack memory. Most compilers allow this as compiler extension.
int array[n];
//where n is only known at run-time
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable? I.e. Thing t;.
We can. Whether you do it or not depends on implementation details of a particular task at hand.
int i;
int *ptr = &i;
We can allocate variable length space dynamically on stack memory by using function _alloca. This function allocates memory from the program stack. It simply takes number of bytes to be allocated and return void* to the allocated space just as malloc call. This allocated memory will be freed automatically on function exit.
So it need not to be freed explicitly. One has to keep in mind about allocation size here, as stack overflow exception may occur. Stack overflow exception handling can be used for such calls. In case of stack overflow exception one can use _resetstkoflw() to restore it back.
So our new code with _alloca would be :
int NewFunctionA()
char* pszLineBuffer = (char*) _alloca(1024*sizeof(char));
// Program logic
//no need to free szLineBuffer
return 1;
Every variable that has a name, after compilation, becomes a dereferenced pointer whose address value is computed by adding (depending on the platform, may be "subtracting"...) an "offset value" to a stack-pointer (a register that contains the address the stack actually is reaching: usually "current function return address" is stored there).
int i,j,k;
(SP-12) ;i
(SP-8) ;j
(SP-4) ;k
To let this "sum" to be efficient, the offsets have to be constant, so that they can be encode directly in the instruction op-code:
MOV (SP-12),A; i-->>A
ADD A,(SP-8) ; A+=j
MOV A,(SP-4) ; A-->>k
You see here how 4,8 and 12 are now "code", not "data".
That implies that a variable that comes after another requires that "other" to retain a fixed compile-time defined size.
Dynamically declared arrays can be an exception, but they can only be that last variable of a function. Otherwise, all the variables that follows will have an offset that have to be adjusted run-time after that array allocation.
This creates the complication that dereferencing the addresses requires arithmetic (not just a plain offset) or the capability to modify the opcode as variables are declared (self modifying code).
Both the solution becomes sub-optimal in term of performance, since all can break the locality of the addressing, or add more calculation for each variable access.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
You can with Microsoft compilers using _alloca() or _malloca(). For gcc, it's alloca()
I'm not sure it's part of the C / C++ standards, but variations of alloca() are included with many compilers. If you need aligned allocation, such a "n" bytes of memory starting on a "m" byte boundary (where m is a power of 2), you can allocate n+m bytes of memory, add m to the pointer and mask off the lower bits. Example to allocate hex 1000 bytes of memory on a hex 100 boundary. You don't need to preserve the value returned by _alloca() since it's stack memory and automatically freed when the function exits.
char *p;
p = _alloca(0x1000+0x100);
(size_t)p = ((size_t)0x100 + (size_t)p) & ~(size_t)0xff;
Most important reason is that Memory used can be deallocated in any order but stack requires deallocation of memory in a fixed order i.e LIFO order.Hence practically it would be difficult to implement this.
Virtual memory is a virtualization of memory, meaning that it behaves as the resource it is virtualizing (memory). In a system, each process has a different virtual memory space:
32-bits programs: 2^32 bytes (4 Gigabytes)
64-bits programs: 2^64 bytes (16 Exabytes)
Because virtual space is so big, only some regions of that virtual space are usable (meaning that only some regions can be read/written just as if it were real memory). Virtual memory regions are initialized and made usable through mapping. Virtual memory does not consume resources and can be considered unlimited (for 64-bits programs) BUT usable (mapped) virtual memory is limited and use up resources.
For every process, some mapping is done by the kernel and other by the user code. For example, before even the code start executing, the kernel maps specific regions of the virtual memory space of a process for the code instructions, global variables, shared libraries, the stack space... etc. The user code uses dynamic allocation (allocation wrappers such as malloc and free), or garbage collectors (automatic allocation) to manage the virtual memory mapping at application-level (for example, if there is no enough free usable virtual memory available when calling malloc, new virtual memory is automatically mapped).
You should differentiate between mapped virtual memory (the total size of the stack, the total current size of the heap...) and allocated virtual memory (the part of the heap that malloc explicitly told the program that can be used)
Regarding this, I reinterpret your first question as:
Why can't we save dynamic data (i.e. data whose size is only known at runtime) on the stack?
First, as other have said, it is possible: Variable Length Arrays is just that (at least in C, I figure also in C++). However, it has some technical drawbacks and maybe that's the reason why it is an exception:
The size of the stack used by a function became unknown at compile time, this adds complexity to stack management, additional register (variables) must be used and it may impede some compiler optimizations.
The stack is mapped at the beginning of the process and it has a fixed size. That size should be increased greatly if variable-size-data is going to be placed there by default. Programs that do not make extensive use of the stack would waste usable virtual memory.
Additionally, data saved on the stack must be saved and deleted in Last-In-First-Out order, which is perfect for local variables within functions but unsuitable if we need a more flexible approach.
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable?
As this answer explains, we can.
Read a bit about Turing Machines to understand why things are the way they are. Everything was built around them as the starting point.
Anything outside of this is technically an abomination and a hack.

Why can't we declare an array, say of int data type, of any size within the memory limit?

int A[10000000]; //This gives a segmentation fault
int *A = (int*)malloc(10000000*sizeof(int));//goes without any set fault.
Now my question is, just out of curiosity, that if ultimately we are able to allocate higher space for our data structures, say for example, BSTs and linked lists created using the pointers approach in C have no as such memory limit(unless the total size exceeds the size of RAM for our machine) and for example, in the second statement above of declaring a pointer type, why is that we can't have an array declared of higher size(until it reaches the memory limit!!)...Is this because the space allocated is contiguous in a static sized array?.But then from where do we get the guarantee that in the next 1000000 words in RAM no other piece of code would be running...??
PS: I may be wrong in some of the statements i made..please correct in that case.
Firstly, in a typical modern OS with virtual memory (Linux, Windows etc.) the amount of RAM makes no difference whatsoever. Your program is working with virtual memory, not with RAM. RAM is just a cache for virtual memory access. The absolute limiting factor for maximum array size is not RAM, it is the size of the available address space. Address space is the resource you have to worry about in OSes with virtual memory. In 32-bit OSes you have 4 gigabytes of address space, part of which is taken up for various household needs and the rest is available to you. In 64-bit OSes you theoretically have 16 exabytes of address space (less than that in practical implementations, since CPUs usually use less than 64 bits to represent the address), which can be perceived as practically unlimited.
Secondly, the amount of available address space in a typical C/C++ implementation depends on the memory type. There's static memory, there's automatic memory, there's dynamic memory. The address space limits for each memory type are pre-set in advance by the compiler. Which raises the question: where are you declaring your large array? Which memory type? Automatic? Static? You provided no information, but this is absolutely necessary. If you are attempting to declare it as a local variable (automatic memory), then no wonder it doesn't work, since automatic memory (aka "stack memory") has very limited address space assigned to it. Your array simply does not fit. Meanwhile, malloc allocates dynamic memory, which normally has the largest amount of address space available.
Thirdly, many compilers provide you with options that control the initial distribution of address space between different kinds of memory. You can request a much larger stack size for your program by manipulating such options. Quite possibly you can request a stack so large, than your local array will fit in it without any problems. But in practice, for obvious reasons, it makes very little sense to declare huge arrays as local variables.
Assuming local variables, this is because on modern implementations automatic variables will be allocated on the stack which is very limited in space. This link gives some of the common stack sizes:
platform default size
SunOS/Solaris 8172K bytes
Linux 8172K bytes
Windows 1024K bytes
cygwin 2048K bytes
The linked article also notes that the stack size can be changed for example in Linux, one possible way from the shell before running your process would be:
ulimit -s 32768 # sets the stack size to 32M bytes
While malloc on modern implementations will come from the heap, which is only limited to the memory you have available to the process and in many cases you can even allocate more than is available due to overcommit.
I THINK you're missing the difference between total memory, and your programs memory space. Your program runs in an environment created by your operating system. It grants it a specific memory range to the program, and the program has to try to deal with that.
The catch: Your compiler can't 100% know the size of this range.
That means your compiler will successfully build, and it will REQUEST that much room in memory when the time comes to make the call to malloc (or move the stack pointer when the function is called). When the function is called (creating a stack frame) you'll get a segmentation fault, caused by the stack overflow. When the malloc is called, you won't get a segfault unless you try USING the memory. (If you look at the manpage for malloc() you'll see it returns NULL when there's not enough memory.)
To explain the two failures, your program is granted two memory spaces. The stack, and the heap. Memory allocated using malloc() is done using a system call, and is created on the heap of your program. This dynamically accepts or rejects the request and returns either the start address, or NULL, depending on a success or fail. The stack is used when you call a new function. Room for all the local variables is made on the stack, this is done by program instructions. Calling a function can't just FAIL, as that would break program flow completely. That causes the system to say "You're now overstepping" and segfault, stopping the execution.

a stack vs the stack and a heap vs the heap

I'm studying for my data organization final and I'm going over stacks and heaps because I know they will be on the final and I'm going to need to know the differences.
I know what the Stack is and what the Heap is.
But I'm confused on what a stack is and what a heap is.
The Stack is a place in the RAM where memory is stored, if it runs out of space, a stackoverflow occurs. Objects are stored here by default, it reallocates memory when objects go out of scope, and it is faster.
The Heap is a place in the RAM where memory is stored, if it runs out of space, the OS will assign it more. For an object to be stored on the Heap it needs to be told by using the, new, operator, and will only be deallocated if told. fragmentation problems can occur, it is slower then the Stack, and it handles large amounts of memory better.
But what is a stack, and what is a heap? is it the way memory is stored? for example a static array or static vector is a stack type and a dynamic array, linked list a heap type?
Thank you all!
"The stack" and "the heap" are memory lumps used in a specific way by a program or operating system. For example, the call stack can hold data pertaining to function calls and the heap is a region of memory specifically used for dynamically allocating space.
Contrast these with stack and heap data structures.
A stack can be thought of as an array where the last element in will be the first element out. Operations on this are called push and pop.
A heap is a data structure that represents a special type of graph where each node's value is greater than that of the node's children.
On a side note, keep in mind that "the stack" or "the heap" or any of the stack/heap data structures are unique to any given programming language but are simply concepts in the field of computer science.
I won't get into virtual memory (read about that if you want) so let's simplify and say you have RAM of some size.
You have your code with static initialized data, with some static uninitialized data (static in C++ means like global vars). You have your code.
When you compile something compiler (and linker) will organize and translate your code to machine code (byte code, ones and zeroes) in a following way:
Binary file (and object files) is organized into segments (portions of RAM).
First you have DATA segment. This is the segment that contains values of initialized variables. so if u have variables i.e. int a=3, b = 4 they will go to DATA segment (4 bytes of RAM containing 00000003h, and other 4 bytes containing 000000004h, hexadecimal notation). They are stored consecutively.
Then you have Code segment. All your code is translated into machine code (1s and 0s) and stored in this segment consecutively.
Then you have BSS segment. There goes uninitialized global vars (all static vars that weren't initialized).
Then you have STACK segment. This is reserved for stack. Stack size is determined by operating system by default. You can change this value but i won't get into this now. All local variables go here. When you call some function first func args are pushed to stack, then return address (where to come back when u exit function), then some computer registers are pushed here, and finally all local variables declared in the function get their reserved space on stack.
And you have HEAP segment. This is part of the RAM (size is also determined by OS) where the objects and data are stored using operator new.
Then all of the segments are piled one after the other DATA, CODE, BSS, STACK, HEAP. There are some other segments, but they are not of interest here, and that is loaded in RAM by the operating system. Binary file also has some headers containing information from which location (address in memory) your code begins.
So in short, they are all parts of RAM, since everything that is being executed is loaded into RAM (can't be in ROM (read only), nor HDD since HDD its just for storing files.
When specifically referring to C++'s memory model, the heap and stack refer to areas of memory. It is easy to confuse this with the stack data structure and heap data structure. They are, however, separate concepts.
When discussing programming languages, stack memory is called 'the stack' because it behaves like a stack data structure. The heap is a bit of a misnomer, as it does not necessarily (or likely) use a heap data structure. See Why are two different concepts both called "heap"? for a discussion of why C++'s heap and the data structure's names are the same, despite being two different concepts.
So to answer your question, it depends on the context. In the context of programming languages and memory management, the heap and stack refer to areas of memory with specific properties. Otherwise, they refer to specific data structures.
The technical definition of "a stack" is a Last In, First Out (LIFO) data structure where data is pushed onto and pulled off of the top. Just like with a stack of plates in the real world, you wouldn't pull one out from the middle or bottom, you [usually] wouldn't pull data out of the middle of or the bottom of a data structure stack. When someone talks about the stack in terms of programming, it can often (but not always) mean the hardware stack, which is controlled by the stack pointer register in the CPU.
As far as "a heap" goes, that generally becomes much more nebulous in terms of a definition everyone can agree on. The best definition is likely "a large amount of free memory from which space is allocated for dynamic memory management." In other words, when you need new memory, be it for an array, or an object created with the new operator, it comes from a heap that the OS has reserved for your program. This is "the heap" from the POV of your program, but just "a heap" from the POV of the OS.
The important thing for you to know about stacks is the relationship between the stack and function/method calls. Every function call reserves space on the stack, called a stack frame. This space contains your auto variables (the ones declared inside the function body). When you exit from the function, the stack frame and all the auto variables it contains disappear.
This mechanism is very cheap in terms of CPU resources used, but the lifetime of these stack-allocated variables is obviously limited by the scope of the function.
Memory allocations (objects) on the heap, on the other hand, can live "forever" or as long as you need them without regards to the flow of control of your program. The down side is since you don't get automatic lifetime management of these heap allocated objects, you have to either 1) manage the lifetime yourself, or 2) use special mechanisms like smart pointers to manage the lifetime of these objects. If you get it wrong your program has memory leaks, or access data that may change unexpectedly.
Re: Your question about A stack vs THE stack: When you are using multiple threads, each thread has a separate stack so that each thread can flow into and out of functions/methods independently. Most single threaded programs have only one stack: "the stack" in common terminology.
Likewise for heaps. If you have a special need, it is possible to allocate multiple heaps and choose at allocation time which heap should be used. This is much less common (and a much more complicated topic than I have mentioned here.)

How does a computer 'know' what memory is allocated?

When memory is allocated in a computer, how does it know which bytes are already occupied and can't be overwritten?
So if these are some bytes of memory that aren't being used:
How does the computer know whether they are or not? They could just be an integer that equals zero. Or it could be empty memory. How does it know?
That depends on the way the allocation is performed, but it generally involves manipulation of data belonging to the allocation mechanism.
When you allocate some variable in a function, the allocation is performed by decrementing the stack pointer. Via the stack pointer, your program knows that anything below the stack pointer is not allocated to the stack, while anything above the stack pointer is allocated.
When you allocate something via malloc() etc. on the heap, things are similar, but more complicated: all theses allocators have some internal data structures which they never expose to the calling application, but which allow them to select which memory addresses to return on an allocation request. Some malloc() implementation, for instance, use a number of memory pools for small objects of fixed size, and maintain linked lists of free objects for each fixed size which they track. That way, they can quickly pop one memory region of that list, only doing more expensive computations when they run out of regions to satisfy a certain request size.
In any case, each of the allocators have to request memory from the system kernel from time to time. This mechanism always works on complete memory pages (usually 4 kiB), and works via the syscalls brk() and mmap(). Again, the kernel keeps track of which pages are visible in which processes, and at which addresses they are mapped, so there is additional memory allocated inside the kernel for this.
These mappings are made available to the processor via the page tables, which uses them to resolve the virtual memory addresses to the physical addresses. So here, finally, you have some hardware involved in the process, but that is really far, far down in the guts of the mechanics, much below anything that a userspace process is ever able to see. Still, even the page tables are managed by the software of the kernel, not by the hardware, the hardware only interpretes what the software writes into the page tables.
First of all, I have the impression that you believe that there is some unoccupied memory that doesn't holds any value. That's wrong. You can imagine the memory as a very large array when each box contains a value whereas someone put something in it or not. If a memory was never written, then it contains a random value.
Now to answer your question, it's not the computer (meaning the hardware) but the operating system. It holds somewhere in its memory some tables recording which part of the memory are used. Also any byte of memory can be overwriten.
In general, you cannot tell by looking at content of memory at some location whether that portion of memory is used or not. Memory value '0' does not mean the memory is not used.
To tell what portions of memory are used you need some structure to tell you this. For example, you can divide memory into chunks and keep track of which chunks are used and which are not.
There are memory blocks, they have an occupied or not occupied. On the heap, there are very complex data structures which organise it. But the answer to your question is too broad.

C++ do stack memory allocation/deallocation defragement memory

C++ do stack memory allocation/deallocation defragement memory.
when i declare local memory variables, they are allocated and deallocated, does it makes memory fragemented?
this can be very important from memory point of view
how much memory is availabe for stack?
can I allocate
char sam[999999999999999];
No, memory is not fragmented. How much memory you can allocate on stack is implementation-defined, usually something around 1 megabyte.
Allocating builtins on the stack shouldn't result in fragmentation. However if you allocate something like string on the stack, while the stack itself won't get fragmented the string allocates memory on the heap which could wind up fragmented.
Generally the stack is extremely small compared to the heap - something like 1-64MB depending on your platform.
how much memory is available for stack?
It depends.
It depends on the compiler and it depends on the parameters you launch your binary with (since compilers may decide to defer the definition of the stack size to the runtime). It also depends on the OS and the available resources.
One point of interest, gcc is working on SplitStacks. A number of languages already offer this (Go for example), the idea is that the stack can then grow on demand. At this point, the limit becomes: how much can the OS allocate in one go ?
I haven't experimented it yet... don't even know if this is fully implemented.
By doing allocation and deallocation on stack memory will not be frgameneted as how much memory is required for a stack variable is known at the compile time itself. Regarding the maximum amount of memory you can allocate on stack depends on the compiler. By default, for VS compilers its 1 MB and can be chnaged through compiler options.