raw_input() invalid syntax - python-2.7

I want to input a string of five numbers with spaces between them and use raw_input() for it. However the second item(the portion that's between the first and second spaces) is claimed to be a syntax error. Code below:
#class for final output - used as an ad hoc static string
class StatString:
outstring = ""
#function to check if Boom or Trach or both
def BoomTrach(num,B,T):
Boom = False
Trach = False
temp = num
while temp != 0:
if num % B == 0:
Boom == True
if (temp % 10) % B == 0:
Boom = True
temp = (temp - temp % 10) / 10
temp = num
while temp != 0:
if num % T == 0:
Trach = True
if (temp % 10) % T == 0:
Trach = True
temp = (temp - temp % 10) / 10
if Boom and Trach:
herestring.outstring = herestring.outstring + "Boom-Trach"
elif Boom:
herestring.outstring = herestring.outstring + "Boom"
elif Trach:
herestring.outstring = herestring.outstring + "Trach"
herestring.outstring = herestring.outstring + str(num)
#start of "main" portion
def main():
inS = raw_input() <<<--- Input here
arr = inS.split(' ')
X = int(arr[0])
Y = int(arr[1])
CountFrom = int(arr[2])
jump = int(arr[3])
CountUntil = int(arr[4])
#variable for error check
error = False
#checking for errors
if X < 1 or X > 9 or Y < 1 or Y > 9:
print "X and Y must be between 1 and 9"
error = True
if jump == 0:
print "jump cannot be 0"
error = True
elif (CountUntil - CountFrom) % jump != 0:
print "cannot jump from %d to %d",CountFrom,CountUntil
error = True
if error:
if CountFrom < 0 and CountUntil < 0 and jump > 0:
jump = jump * (-1)
herestring = StatString()
while CountFrom != CountUntil:
CountFrom = CountFrom + jump
if(CountFrom != CountUntil):
herestring.outstring = herestring.outstring + ","
print herestring.outstring
error message: (the second 1 was marked as the source of the error)
>>> 1 1 1 1 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I know what happened. You just run this module, and you thought that you start running it from the main function (like in C for example).
There is no problem with the raw_input line (the first line of the input). The problem is that your module does not try to read anything! You just typed "1 1 1 1 1" which is of course syntax error...
Append to your code this line to run the main function:
You can also write the code of the main function not in some function, to get the same effect.


ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero even after using python future module

I am facing an error while running a github code. I think the code is perfect, But i think am facing some dependency issues. Can anyone tell me what could possible be the reason behind this error. I am using python 2.7.
from __future__ import division, print_function
def time_step(self, xt):
xt = np.reshape(xt, newshape=self.dimensions)
ret_val = 0.
if self.t >= self.buffer_len:
pst_xt = self.buffer[0]
if self.t >= self.present.theta + self.past.theta:
ret_val = self.comparison_function(self.present, self.past,
if self.t % self.ma_recalc_delay == 0:
self.anomaly_mean = bn.nanmean(self.ma_window)
self.anomaly_std = bn.nanstd(self.ma_window, ddof=self.ddof)
if self.anomaly_std is None or self.t < len(self.ma_window):
anomaly_density = 0
normalized_score = (ret_val - self.anomaly_mean)/self.anomaly_std
if -4 <= normalized_score <= 4:
anomaly_density = CDF_TABLE[round(normalized_score, 3)]
elif normalized_score > 4:
anomaly_density = 1.
anomaly_density = 0.
self.t += 1
return ret_val, anomaly_density
The code line which is giving error is the following,
normalized_score = (ret_val - self.anomaly_mean)/self.anomaly_std
Wrap it in try except, I used 0 as except value but you can change it per your needs:
normalized_score = (ret_val - self.anomaly_mean)/self.anomaly_std
except ZeroDivisionError:
normalized_score = 0

'function' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

This is my first time coding. I'm doing it as ab elective module. I have to program an ai_player to go from playing randomly to winning and I'm stuck. Any advice would be appreciated. The game is Connect 4. i keep getting "object has no attribute" error.
import random
import time
def board():
for i in range(0, 8, 1):
for j in range(0, 10, 1):
board[i][j] = 0
return board
def move(board, valid_move):
start_time = time.time()
x = 0
while x == 0:
i = range(7, -1, -1)
j = range(0, 10, 1)
first_move = board[i][j]
board[7][4] = 1
if board[i-1][j] == 0: #above
first_move = [i, j]
x = 1
print " valid above"
return j
elif (board[i][j+1] == 0 and (i <= 7 and j <= 9)) or (board[i-1][j+1] == 0 and (i <= 7 and j <= 9)) or (board[i-1][j+1] == 0 and (i <= 7 and j <= 9)): #right
first_move = [i, (j+1)]
x = 1
print " valid right"
return (j+1)
elif board[i][j-1] == 0 or board[i-1][j-1] == 0 or board[i-1][j-1] == 0: #left
first_move = [i, (j-1)]
x = 1
print " valid left"
return (j-1)
r = random.randint(0, 7)
c = random.randint(0, 9)
first_move = [r, c]
x = 1
print " random move"
return c
end_time = time.time() - start_time
print end_time
return first_move
File "F:/5. Fifth year/1st Semester/MPR 213 2016/Project 2016/attempts.py", line 20, in board
board[i][j] = 0
TypeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
It looks like you're trying to create a multidimensional list called board. This is not how you do that though, what you've actually done is created a function called board, and then you try to index that function, which fails since it's not a list.
To create board, use something like
board = [[0] * 10 for i in range(0, 8)]

IndexError: Python list index out of range

I have an empty list, (r) and declared first element as r[0] = a
import time, urllib.request,random
def getDictionary():
word_site = "http://svnweb.freebsd.org/csrg/share/dict/words?view=co&content-type=text/plain"
response = urllib.request.urlopen(word_site)
txt = response.read()
return txt.splitlines()
def getWordsList(listOfWords, sample):
word = ""
randWords = []
for i in range(0,sample):
while(len(word) <=2):
word = random.choice(listOfWords).decode('utf-8')
word = ""
return randWords
start = True
noOfWords = 25
words = getDictionary()
wordsList = getWordsList(words, noOfWords)
start = True
print ("\nINSTRUCTIONS\nWhen the coundown gets to zero, type the word in lowercase letters!\n That's the only rule!")
name = input("What is your name? ")
name = name.split(" ")
input("Press enter when ready...")
while start == True:
print("Game will start in: ")
print ("3 seconds")
print ("2 seconds")
print ("1 seconds")
times = []
k = list()
r = list()
for i in range(25):
startTime = time.time()
userWord = input(str(i+1) + ". " + wordsList[i].capitalize() + " " )
if (userWord.lower() == wordsList[i].lower()):
endTime = time.time()
times.append(endTime - startTime)
r[i] = str(endTime - startTime)
times.append("Wrong Word")
r[i] = ("Wrong Word")
Above is where I am having a problem.
for i in range(25):
startTime = time.time()
print (str(i+1) + ". " + str(k[i]) + ": " + str(times[i]) )
a = 0
for i in range(25):
a = a+i
for i in range(25):
if r[i] == "Wrong Word":
r = r.pop(i)
b = (a/len(r))
c = round(b, 2)
print (c)
start = False
here is my error:
r[i] = "Wrong Word"
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
The pop() method removes an element from the list and returnes it (see an example). What I think is happening is that at some point the condition of the if statment resolves to true. Next, after calling r.pop(i) r is replaced by its i-th element. It's probpably a string so calling its (i+1)-th element later can result in Index out of range error.
In other words, something like this is happening:
r = ["a", "foo", "bar", "baz"]
for i in range(4):
if r[i] == "a": # for i=0 this gives "a" == "a"
r = r.pop(i) # later,this results in r = "a"
next loop iteration with i = 1 will result in "a"[1] which will result in Index out of range.
All in all instead of:
for i in range(25):
if r[i] == "Wrong Word":
r = r.pop(i)
you could just write:
r = [item for item in r if item != "Wrong word"]
which would be also more pythonic solution.

Syntax error for else and elif (Can't determine if structure issue)

I'm very new to python and I've been working on a basic calculator within python for the last few hours (rhetorical I know, given what python has built in, but it's part of my learning process), I've run into an error I can't seem to fix, generally I'm able to get my scripts on their feet and running with the assistance of a couple of Google searches but this one has me stumped. I'm getting a syntax error where I have an else, and while at first I was pretty sure it was a structure issue, rewriting the script didn't fix anything, vague I know, so here's the script (I've marked the spot with a comment) :
def Calculator():
tempnums = [] #stores nums only
tempfuncs = [] #stores funcs only
tmpfuncs = {} #stores funcs only
times = lambda multiply: tempnums[0]*tempnums[1]
div = lambda divide: tempnums[0]%tempnums[1]
plus = lambda add: tempnums[0]+tempnums[1]
minus = lambda subtract:tempnums[0]-tempnums[1]
done = 0
varnum = 0
xtimes = 0
divtimes = 0
plustimes = 0
mintimes = 0
while done == 0: #USER INPUT PROCESS
varnum = varnum + 1
tempint = input() #nums
exec("num%d = tempint" % (varnum))
function = raw_input() #functions
if function != "=":
if function == 'x':
if x not in tmpfuncs:
xtimes = xtimes + 1
tmpfuncs[x] = times
xtimes = xtimes + 1
exec("tmpfuncs[x%d] = times" % (xtimes)
if function == '//':
if dv not in tmpfuncs:
divtimes = divtimes + 1
tmpfuncs[dv] = div
divtimes = divtimes + 1
exec("tmpfuncs[dv%d] = div" % (divtimes)
if function == '+':
if pls not in tmpfuncs:
plustimes = plustimes + 1
tmpfuncs[pls] = plus
plustimes = plustimes + 1
exec("tmpfuncs[pls%d] = plus" % (plustimes)
if function == '-':
if mn not in tmpfuncs:
mintimes = mintimes + 1
tmpfuncs[mn] = minus
mintimes = mintimes + 1
exec("tmpfuncs[mn%d] = minus" % (mintimes)
else: #user has selected to calculate input
done = 1
for i in range(1, varnum + 1):
exec("tempnums.append(num%d)" % (i)) #adding nums to a list with dynamic var names
print tmpfuncs
#next we'll make it so that tempnums[0] is the changing result as we use tempnums 0 and 1 to calculate the answer, deleting one as we go until there is only zero
I'm hoping this is legible as I'm posting from mobile (as a matter of fact I'm writing this from mobile as well).
The line above the else is missing a closing parens:
exec("tmpfuncs[x%d] = times" % (xtimes)
should be
exec("tmpfuncs[x%d] = times" % (xtimes))
The same error occurs in many other of your exec lines. Also, I suggest you consider restructuring your code so you do not need to use exec at all.

Attribute error occurs when I run my GUI code in Python. Python gives me no information as to what the error is or what is causing it

This is my code and when i try to run it and use it by entering numbers into the entry fields, an attribute error occurs when i try to call on the entry variable. This is the message that appears:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1486, in call
return self.func(*args)
File "F:\HomeWork\Yr13\Extended Project\Notepad++\Python27\Programs\GUI{c} menu+check+gen+Nth.py", line 224, in OnGenButtonClick
n= str(Prime_Generation(Prime_Gen.entryVariable5.get(),Prime_Gen.entryVariable6.get()))
File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1845, in getattr
return getattr(self.tk, attr)
AttributeError: entryVariable5
any help would be greatly appreciated.
i have stuck on this problem for three days and have tried getting around the problem by using different functions and names and the error still occurs
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *
import math
def SoS(limit):
numbers = range(3, limit+1, 2)
half = (limit)//2
initial = 4
for step in xrange(3, limit+1, 2):
for i in xrange(initial, half, step):
numbers[i-1] = 0
initial += 2*(step+1)
if initial > half:
plist = [2] + filter(None, numbers)
return plist
def S(m):
sieve = [True] * m
for i in xrange(3,(int(m**0.5)+1),2):
if sieve[i]:
plist = [2] + [i for i in xrange(3,m,2) if sieve[i]]
return plist
def OTS(n):
n, correction = n-n%6+6, 2-(n%6>1)
sieve = [True] * (n/3)
for i in xrange(1,(int(n**0.5)/3)+1):
if sieve[i]:
sieve[ k*k/3 ::2*k] = [False] * ((n/6-k*k/6-1)/k+1)
sieve[k*(k-2*(i&1)+4)/3::2*k] = [False] * ((n/6-k*(k-2*(i&1)+4)/6-1)/k+1)
plist = [2,3] + [3*i+1|1 for i in xrange(1,n/3-correction) if sieve[i]]
return plist
def is_prime(num):
if num <= 3:
if num <= 1:
return False
return True
if not num % 2 or not num % 3:
return False
for i in xrange(5, int(num ** 0.5) + 1, 6):
if not num % i or not num % (i + 2):
return False
return True
def is_prime_multiple(Lower,Upper):
NumberList = dict()
if Lower%2 == 1:
for i in xrange(Lower, Upper,2):
NumberList[i] = is_prime(i)
for i in xrange(Lower-1,Upper,2):
NumberList[i] = is_prime(i)
NumberList[1] = False
return [i for i in NumberList if NumberList[i] == True]
def Prime_Generation(L,U):
Lower = int(L)
Upper = int(U)
if Lower == 1:
if Upper < 92:
print SoS(Upper)
if Upper >= 92 and Upper < 2250:
print S(Upper)
if Upper >= 2250 :
print OTS(Upper)
print sorted(is_prime_multiple(Lower,Upper))
def factors(n):
f = 3
fs = []
while n % 2 == 0:
n /= 2
while f*f <= n:
while n % f == 0:
n /= f
f += 2
if n > 1:
return fs
def Prime_Checker(N):
NStr = str(N)
N = int(N)
Nfs = factors(N)
for i in Nfs:
if i != N:
NfsStr = str(Nfs).strip('[]')
resultb = [NStr,' is not a prime. The prime factors of ',NStr,' are ',NfsStr]
return resultb.join()
return N,' is a prime. The prime factors of ',N ,' are ',N
def PrimeFinderLamda(n,limit):
nums = range(3,limit,2)
for i in range(2, int(limit**0.5)):
nums = filter(lambda x: x == i or x % i, nums)
return [2]+nums
def NthPrime(N):
N = int(N)
Lower = 1
limit = N*N
if N == 1:
return 2
return PrimeFinderLamda(N,limit)[N-1]
class Prime_app_tk(Tkinter.Tk):
def __init__(self,parent):
self.parent = parent
def Prime_Gen_Win(self):
Prime_Gen = Toplevel()
Prime_Gen.labelVariable3 = StringVar()
Title_label2 = Label(Prime_Gen,textvariable=Prime_Gen.labelVariable3,
relief = RAISED,fg="black",bg="white"
,font = "Arial")
Prime_Gen.labelVariable3.set(u"Please enter the upper and lower limits of the prime number generation")
Prime_Gen.labelVariable4 = StringVar()
SubTitle_label1 = Label(Prime_Gen,textvariable=Prime_Gen.labelVariable4,fg="black",bg="white")
Prime_Gen.labelVariable4.set(u"(Please enter values no greater than 10 million)")
Prime_Gen.entryVariable5 = StringVar()
Prime_Gen.entry = Entry(Prime_Gen,textvariable=Prime_Gen.entryVariable5)
Prime_Gen.entryVariable6 = StringVar()
Prime_Gen.entry = Entry(Prime_Gen,textvariable=Prime_Gen.entryVariable6)
Genbutton = Button(Prime_Gen,text=u"Generate !",command=self.OnGenButtonClick #placing and aesthetics of button
scrollbar = Scrollbar(Prime_Gen)
Prime_Gen.Result_label = Text(Prime_Gen, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set
,width=100,relief = SUNKEN)
Prime_Gen.labelVariable = StringVar()
SubTitle_label = Label(Prime_Gen,textvariable=Prime_Gen.labelVariable,fg="black",bg="white")
Prime_Gen.labelVariable.set(u"To see full list please click on the results\n and use the up and down arrows to scroll through the list")
Prime_Gen.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END)
def OnGenButtonClick(Prime_Gen):
n= str(Prime_Generation(Prime_Gen.entryVariable5.get(),Prime_Gen.entryVariable6.get()))
Prime_Gen.Result_label.insert(END,"\nPrimes Found\n")
Prime_Gen.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END)
def Prime_Check_Win(self):
Prime_Check = Toplevel()
Prime_Check.labelVariable8 = StringVar()
Title_label3 = Label(Prime_Check,textvariable=Prime_Check.labelVariable8,
relief = RAISED,fg="black",bg="white"
,font = "Arial")
Prime_Check.labelVariable8.set(u"Please enter a Number to be checked for primality")
Prime_Check.labelVariable9 = StringVar()
SubTitle_label3 = Label(Prime_Check,textvariable=Prime_Check.labelVariable9,fg="black",bg="white")
Prime_Check.labelVariable9.set(u"(Please enter values no greater than 10 million)")
Prime_Check.entryVariable = StringVar()
Prime_Check.entry = Entry(Prime_Check,textvariable=Prime_Check.entryVariable)
Prime_Check.entryVariable.set(u"Enter Number here.")
Checkbutton = Button(Prime_Check,text=u"Check !",command=self.OnCheckButtonClick
Prime_Check.labelVariable10 = StringVar()
Result_label2 = Message(Prime_Check,textvariable=Prime_Check.labelVariable10
,width=500,relief = SUNKEN,padx=3,pady=3)
Prime_Check.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END)
def OnCheckButtonClick(Prime_Check):
Prime_Check.labelVariable10.set(Prime_Checker(Prime_Check.entryVariable.get())) #Had to call on prime gen and display results
Prime_Check.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END)
def Nth_Prime_Win(self):
Nth_Prime = Toplevel()
Nth_Prime.labelVariable12 = StringVar()
Title_label = Label(Nth_Prime,textvariable=Nth_Prime.labelVariable12,
relief = RAISED,fg="black",bg="white"
,font = "Arial")
Nth_Prime.labelVariable12.set(u"Please enter the Nth prime you would like to find")
Nth_Prime.labelVariable13 = StringVar()
SubTitle_label = Label(Nth_Prime,textvariable=Nth_Prime.labelVariable13,fg="black",bg="white")
Nth_Prime.labelVariable13.set(u"(Please enter values no greater than 664579")
Nth_Prime.entryVariable = StringVar()
Nth_Prime.entry = Entry(Nth_Prime,textvariable=Nth_Prime.entryVariable)
Nth_Prime.entryVariable.set(u"Enter Number here.")
Genbutton = Button(Nth_Prime,text=u"Generate !",command=self.OnButtonNthClick
Nth_Prime.labelVariable14 = StringVar()
Result_label = Message(Nth_Prime,textvariable=Nth_Prime.labelVariable14
,width=1000,relief = SUNKEN,justify=LEFT,padx=3,pady=3)
Nth_Prime.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END)
def OnButtonNthClick(Nth_Prime):
Nth_Prime.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END)
def initialize(self):
self.labelVariable1 = StringVar()
Title_label1 = Label(self,textvariable=self.labelVariable1,
relief = RAISED,fg="black",bg="white"
,font = "Arial")
self.labelVariable1.set(u"Welcome to the Prime Program")
self.labelVariable2 = StringVar()
SubTitle_label = Label(self,textvariable=self.labelVariable2,fg="black",bg="white")
self.labelVariable2.set(u"(Please select the function you would like to use)")
PrimeGenbutton = Button(self,text=u"Find Primes between 2 limits !",command=self.Prime_Gen_Win
PrimeCheckbutton = Button(self,text=u"Check if a number is prime !",command=self.Prime_Check_Win
NthPrimebutton = Button(self,text=u"Find the Nth prime !",command=self.Nth_Prime_Win
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = Prime_app_tk(None)
app.title('Prime Program')
There's no quick fix for your code. It attempts to be object-oriented, but is doing so incorrectly. You need to properly define your methods, and should also adhere to PEP8 naming conventions -- specifically, methods and functions should start with a lowercase, and classes should start with an uppercase. Because you don't follow PEP8, and because of the odd way you use Prime_Gen to mean different things at different times, your code is incredibly hard to understand.
The crux of the problem is that inside OnGenButtonClick, Prime_Gen is not what you think it is. It is an instance of Prime_app_tk rather than the value that you set the local variable Prime_Gen to in Prime_Gen_Win. Thus, any attributes you assigned to the original Prime_Gen don't exist in this other Prime_Gen.
The reason is that the button is defined like this:
Genbutton = Button(..., command=self.OnGenButtonClick, ...)
In this context, self is the instance of Prime_app_tk, so that becomes the parameter passed to OnGenButtonClick. Inside that function you call the parameter Prime_Gen, in spite of the universal convention to name it self. This causes confusion in your code, because you also have a local variable named Prime_Gen in the code that creates the toplevel window.