instructions on building CGAL libraries from source code - c++

I have installed Computational Geometry Algorithms Library 4.3 and followed instructions on CGAL4.3 manual page(
After I cmaked CGAL-4.3 folder , it says ,"make # build the CGAL libraries".However I cant find any cmake command or .exe file to execute "make".What am I missing here?
below I copied the instructions on the manual page in case anyone cant access it.
1 Introduction
This document describes how to install CGAL on Windows, Unix-like systems, and MacOS X.
Ideally, setting up CGAL amounts to:
cd CGAL-x.y # go to CGAL directory
cmake . # configure CGAL
make # build the CGAL libraries

You are on windows so you may not have make.
You can either install make or tell Cmake to generate something else than a makefile (like a Visual Studio project for instance).
If you are using Cygwin, it should be pretty easy to install make or maybe you already have it. Try typing make at the Cygwin prompt.
From my limited experience building code on windows, I recommend installing MinGW and Code::Blocks. Then ask Cmake to generate a Code::Blocks project using MinGW. Open the project and build it. Clean and easy.

Note that the CGAL Project provides Installation Instructions for Windows


Debugging QT5 libraries via VSCode on OSX in CMake based project

I'm trying to debug my code based on Qt5 framework through OSX, and I need to access/debug Qt's sources, but it feels like an impossible task. On Windows, I used to install Qt5 via vcpkg, but this time I have it in my work project, which already uses brew as a package manager. But installing it through brew doesn't bring the sources, and I'm pretty sure isn't the debug version as well.
I tried various ways of building and installing the sources with no luck. By the end, cmake isn't able to find the library.
Did anybody have a chance to overcome this issue?

Installing boost library on windows not working (no console output at all)

I am trying to install the boost library on windows 10, the first few steps are working:
Downloading the library
But then when trying to run b2.exe or bjam.exe there is nothing happening (except high CPU load), but no console output whatsoever, not even an error.
I can't find any explanation or help on the internet, maybe some of you got an idea
Since you've mentioned you're working on Windows, maybe Visual Studio is appropriate for your choice. In such case, you can use vcpkg tool to install boost. Check this link.
Once the tool is installed, it's really easy to install various libraries and they will automatically be detected in your Visual Studio projects. To install boost simply run vcpkg install boost:x64-windows.

What is different of wxWidgets between when install by MSYS and compile by MinGW?

I am learning GUI programing on Windows, and I choose wxWidgets, Eclipse, MinGW for my learning. I can compile wxWidgets with command:
mingw32-make SHELL=CMD.exe -j4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release UNICODE=1
And I found that I can install it by MSYS by command
cd /mingw/wxWidgets-2.8.10
./configure –prefix=/mingw –disable-shared
make && make install
What must I do to integrate wxWidgets with Eclipse? Do I compile it by MinGW or install it by MSYS and How can I set up it for Eclipse Neon?
From your standpoint there is no difference.
It is better to compile the library with MinGW and do a DEBUG build since you will do development and a lot of times this will help a lot.
Now in order to set it up with Eclipse:
After you build is finished, open up Eclipse.
Create a project (C++) or open an existing one.
Open the dialog for project properties and find where it asks you to set the "include/header search path".
Set this to be "/include;/lib/debug/include". The second path is a path to the build_directory/include where setup.h is located.
In the same dialog for project properties find where it asks for a library search path.
There enter "main_wx_folder/lib".
Somewhere in that same page of this dialog find where it referencing the actual libraries. Add "-lwx_base... -lwx_core...". Check the actual file names inside the lib/ folder. Should be something like libwx_*.
Compile the project.
Keep in mind though that Eclipse is not "officially supported" IDE, meaning that there is no project for that IDE supplied with the library and there is not too many people use it for C++ development with wx.
The "official supported IDE" for wx are: MSVC, CodeBlocks and (to some extent) CodeLite.
It use to support Borland compiler (and IDE), but unfortunately there was a recent posts on the forum that recent version of Embarcadero broke the build of the library. This compiler is still supported though.
Good luck! If you have any issues don't hesitate to update the question with any possible errors.

installing OpenCV with Code::Blocks / CMake

I am fairly new to C++ in general (though I am getting used to the basics), but now I am trying to add OpenCV to my projects to access some of the basic image processing features. I have read the documentation so I have a pretty good idea where to start, but I am really stuck with the installation.
I am working with Code::Blocks 16.01, and I have downloaded both CMake 3.4.3 and OpenCV 3.0.0 and 3.1.0. OpenCV has been extracted to "c:\opencv", and I have attempted to finish the build with CMake (using the directions from the OpenCV documentation as well as from several older posts from this site). I am selecting "Codeblocks - MinGW Makefiles" from the list of generators, though I have selected from all of the "Codeblocks" options at one point or another.
Anyway, whenever I try to configure or generate I receive the following error: "The program can't start because libintl-8.dll is missing from your computer." So yeah, I am stuck.
It is worth noting that many, if not all, of the posts I have found refer to a directory named "\x86\mingw\lib", however I cannot find "mingw" in any of the OpenCV downloads (and the most recent is missing "x86" as well) - so none of these posts have been particularly useful to me (for example):
How to compile a program using OpenCV 2.4.3 with Code::Blocks?
Put the path to all the MinGW dll files in your pc's path variable. Check your Code::Blocks installation directory ( C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin ) if it does not exist, you'd have to download and install MinGW separately. You'd have to add the MinGW .dll files to the path environment.

How do I set up OpenCV for MinGW project?

I regularly use Code::Blocks and MinGW for my C/C++ projects. I would like to be able to use OpenCV, since it has a nice library for computer vision projects. They have dropped support for MinGW. I have heard you can build it on your own somehow, but I have no experience doing this with 3rd party libraries. Can someone explain how to build it in a simple way for MinGW?
There is, or at least there was at least until 2.4.6, precompiled version of opencv that works out of the box with mingw as long as you use the dw2(standard) version of mingw.
since i needed sjlj support i had to build my own version of openCV 2.4.6
I did he following - i am pretty sure it will work for the current openCV version as well
Setup your preferred Mingw Environment - i would strongly recommend to use gcc 4.5 or newer
Intstall Msys
Intall Cmake - you can get a binary package
Start the Cmake GUI
Select the openCV source folder
Click Configure and select MSYS-Makfiles
Errors in the first run of Configure might be resolved if you run Configure again
Click Generate
use MSYS make to run the generated makefile
Copy all desired libraries and include files to your mingw-installation or your project