Haskell Beginner without a Clue - list

It took me a while to even work out what this question was looking for. I have to return only those propositions that give an overall evaluation of True. Our example is And p (Or q (Not q)) and I know that p has to be True and q can be either True or False. To achieve our goal we have been given a few functions to start with.
type Variable = String
type Valuation = [(Variable, Bool)]
data Prop = Falsum -- a contradiction, or
| Var Variable -- a variable, or
| Not Prop -- a negation of a formula, or
| Or Prop Prop -- a disjunction of two formulae, or
| And Prop Prop -- a conjunction of two formulae, or
| Imp Prop Prop -- a conditional of two formulae.
deriving (Eq, Show)
example = And p (Or q (Not q))
vars :: Prop -> [Variable]
vars = nub . vars'
vars' Falsum = []
vars' (Var v) = [v]
vars' (Not f) = vars' f
vars' (Or f g) = vars' f ++ vars' g
vars' (And f g) = vars' f ++ vars' g
vars' (Imp f g) = vars' f ++ vars' g
eval :: Valuation -> Prop -> Bool
eval val Falsum = False
eval val (Var v) = case (lookup v val) of
Nothing -> error ("Unbound variable: " ++ v)
Just t -> t
eval val (Not f) = not (eval val f)
eval val (Or f g) = (eval val f) || (eval val g)
eval val (And f g) = (eval val f) && (eval val g)
eval val (Imp f g) = eval val (Or (Not f) g)
valuations :: [Variable] -> [Valuation]
valuations [] = [[]]
valuations (v:vs) = map ((v,True):) ds ++ map ((v,False):) ds
where ds = valuations vs
I now have to write a models function and I worked out that the typeline has to be
models :: Prop -> [Valuations]
as my example must return the list of Valuations that are evaluate to True which is:
models example == [[("p",True)("q",True)],[("p",True)("q",False)]]
I know that vars returns the list of variables without duplicates, in this case ["p","q"], and that passing the result from vars into valuations produces the list of all possible outcomes of applying True and False to both "p" and "q". So far I can only get the first output of this list to evaluate using the evals function. Here's my code:
models :: Prop -> Bool
models form = eval v form where (v:vs) = valuations (vars form)
I have tried to change the code to evaluate the rest of vs but I keep getting an error message:
Couldn't match expected type '[Bool]' with actual type 'Bool'
Here's my altered code:
models :: Prop -> [Bool]
models form = eval v form : eval vs form where (v:vs) = valuations (vars form)
Ideally I believe I would want to discard the eval results rather than keep them in a list and only return those valuations which evaluate to True. I'm just stuck on how to recursively evaluate the rest of vs.
I believe once I can evaluate all elements in my list using the evals function then I can just add the ones that evaluate to True using some form of equality assignment, such as:
where finalList == True =
Alas, that doesn't even look close to being correct.
Any help with my logic would be helpful. Oh and an explanation as to how I can recursive evaluate the rest of the list would be appreciated.

I'm going to assume you want models :: Prop -> [Valuation] like you started to write. Models will return every Valuation that satisfies the proposition. Starting with something close to what you had
models form = valuations (vars form)
gets us halfway there; it has the correct type, Prop -> [Valuation]. This just lists every Valuation for the variables in form. What we'd like is to have only those results which satisfy the proposition. These can be determined by your eval function.
models :: Prop -> [Valuation]
models form = filter satisfies (valuations (vars form))
where satisfies val = eval val form
To run this, we need to fix your example so it compiles, and maybe add a couple examples of my own:
example = And (Var "p") (Or (Var "q") (Not (Var "q")))
main = do
print $ models Falsum
print $ models example
print $ models $ And (Var "p") (Not (Var "p"))
print $ models $ Or (Var "p") (Not (Var "p"))
This outputs
Now, we might also want a function that checks to see if there exists any Valuation that satisfies the proposition. This would take a proposition and return a boolean.
satisfiable :: Prop -> Bool
We can easily write this in terms of models
satisfiable :: Prop -> Bool
satisfiable = not . null . models
For the same four examples
main = do
print $ satisfiable Falsum
print $ satisfiable example
print $ satisfiable $ And (Var "p") (Not (Var "p"))
print $ satisfiable $ Or (Var "p") (Not (Var "p"))
This outputs


Why am I getting these errors in my sml code?

I'm creating an interpreter in Standard ML for Standard ML for an assignment but I can't seem to get past this problem.
I have this conditional in a function eval:
| eval (rho, SetExp (name, value)) =
(case rhoContains rho name of
true => rhoSet rho name value
| false => globalSet (name, value))
and these helper functions:
fun rhoSet [] key value = [(key, value)]
| rhoSet ((elt as (k, v)) :: tail) key value =
if key = k then (key, value) :: tail else elt :: rhoSet tail key value
fun rhoContains rho name =
case rhoGet rho name of SOME _ => true | NONE => false
fun globalSet key value =
let fun f [] = [(key, value)]
| f ((k,v)::tail) = if k = key then (k,value)::tail else (k,v)::f tail
in globals := f (!globals) end
Trying to run this gives me the following errors:
eval.sml:61: error: Clauses in case have different types.
Clause 1: true => rhoSet rho name value : bool -> (string * expression) list
Clause 2: false => globalSet (name, value) : bool -> int -> unit
Can't unify (string * expression) list to int -> unit
(Incompatible types)
I'm not sure what's wrong at this point, and any help would be appreciated.

SML: Error: non-constructor applied to argument in pattern: -

I'am writing this function for a MOOC. It's job is to remove a string from the list and return that list without the string as a SOME or return NONE is the string is not there.
I wrote the code below but whenever I try to run it I get the following error: Error: non-constructor applied to argument in pattern: -.
exception NotFound
fun all_except_option (str : string, strs : string list) =
fun remove_str (strs : string list) =
case strs of
[] => raise NotFound
| str'::strs' => if same_string(str, str') then strs' else str'::remove_str strs'
SOME (remove_str strs) handle NotFound => NONE
And where's one test to run it:
val test01-01 = all_except_option ("string", ["string"]) = SOME []
forgot to include the same_string function that was provided to us to simplify types
fun same_string(s1 : string, s2 : string) =
s1 = s2
Figured out the problem. Seems like SML doesn't like hyphens, like the one I had in the test:
val test01-01 = all_except_option ("string", ["string"]) = SOME []
I changed to underscore instead and now it works.
val test01_01 = all_except_option ("string", ["string"]) = SOME []
Since you've already solved this task, here's a way to write it without using exceptions:
fun all_except_option (_, []) = NONE
| all_except_option (t, s :: ss) =
if s = t
then SOME ss (* don't include s in result, and don't recurse further *)
else case all_except_option (t, ss) of
SOME ss' => SOME (s :: ss')
Having a recursive function return t option rather than t makes it more difficult to deal with, since upon every recursive call, you must inspect if it returned SOME ... or NONE. This can mean a lot of case ... of ... s!
They can be abstracted away using the library function Option.map. The definition is found in the standard library and translates into:
fun (*Option.*)map f opt =
case opt of
SOME v => SOME (f v)
This bit resembles the case ... of ... in all_except_option; rewriting it would look like:
fun all_except_option (_, []) = NONE
| all_except_option (t, s :: ss) =
if s = t
then SOME ss (* don't include s in result, and don't recurse further *)
else Option.map (fn ss' => s :: ss') (all_except_option (t, ss))

nub not compiling when checking a list for duplicates

Working on a sudoku inspired assignment and I need to implement a function that checks if a Block Cell has no repeated elements in it (to check if its a valid solution to the puzzle).
okBlock :: Block Cell -> Bool
okBlock b = okList $ filter (/= Nothing) b
okList :: [a]-> Bool
okList list
| (length list) == (length (nub list)) = True
| otherwise = False
Block a = [a]
Cell = [Maybe Int]
Haskell complains saying No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of "==" Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for okList...
Adding Eq a to the type signature does not help. I have tried the function in the terminal and it works fine for for lists, and for lists of lists (i.e the type I am feeding it in the function).
What am I missing here?
Well you can only filter out duplicates, if there is a way to check whether two values are duplicates. If we look at the type signature for nub, we see:
nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
So that means that in order to filter out duplicates in a list of as, we need a to be an instance of the Eq class. We can thus simply forward the type constraint further in the signatures of the functions:
okBlock :: Block Cell -> Bool
okBlock b = okList $ filter (/= Nothing) b
okList :: Eq => [a] -> Bool
okList list
| (length list) == (length (nub list)) = True
| otherwise = False
We do not need to specify that Cell is an instance of Eq because:
Int is an instance of Eq;
if a is an instance of Eq, so is Maybe a, so Maybe Int is an instance of Eq; and
if a is an instance of Eq, so is [a], so [Maybe Int] is an instance of Eq.
That being said we can do some syntactical improvements of the code:
there is no need to work with guards if you simply return the result of the guard True and False, and
you can use an eta reduction and omit the b in okBlock.
you don't need parentheses around function application (unless to feed to result straight to another, non-infix function).
This gives us:
okBlock :: Block Cell -> Bool
okBlock = okList . filter (/= Nothing)
okList :: Eq => [a] -> Bool
okList list = length list == length (nub list)
A final note is that usually you do not have to specify a type signature. In that case Haskell will aim to dervice the most generic type signature. So you can write:
okBlock = okList . filter (/= Nothing)
okList list = length list == length (nub list)
Now okBlock will have type:
Prelude Data.List> :t okBlock
okBlock :: Eq a => [Maybe a] -> Bool
Three points that are too big to make in a comment.
nub is horribly slow
nub takes O(n^2) time to process a list of length n. Unless you know the list is very short, this is the wrong function to use to remove duplicates from a list. Adding a bit more information about what sort of thing you're working with allows more efficient nubbing. The simplest, and probably most general, approach that isn't absolutely wretched is to use an Ord constraint:
import qualified Data.Set as S
nubOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
nubOrd = go S.empty where
go _seen [] = []
go seen (a : as)
| a `S.member` seen = go seen as
| otherwise = go (S.insert a seen) as
length is wasteful
Suppose I write
sameLength :: [a] -> [b] -> Bool
sameLength xs ys = length xs == length ys
(which uses the approach you did). Now imagine I calculate
sameLength [1..16] [1..2^100]
How long will that take? Calculating length [1..16] will take nanoseconds. Calculating length [1..2^100] will probably take billions of years using current hardware. Whoops. What's the right way? Pattern match!
sameLength [] [] = True
sameLength (_ : xs) (_ : ys) = sameLength xs ys
sameLength _ _ = False
Nubbing isn't the right solution to this problem
Suppose I ask noDuplicates (1 : [1,2..]). Obviously, there's a duplicate, right at the beginning. But if I use sameLength and nub to check, I will never get an answer. It will keep building the nubbed list and comparing it to the original list until the seen becomes so large it exhausts your computer's memory. How can you fix that? By directly calculating what you need:
noDuplicates = go S.empty where
go _seen [] = True
go seen (x : xs)
| x `S.member` seen = False
| otherwise = go (S.insert x seen) xs
Now the program will conclude that there's a duplicate the moment it sees the second 1.

OCaml checking functions

I want to define a function check_char_fun: (char -> 'a) -> (char ->' a) -> bool that, given two functions
on char, return true when both functions are the same (ie, when they are exactly the same behavior on every one of the possible values of a char) and false otherwise.
let check_char_fun f1 f2 =
let aux = true
for i=0 to 255 do
if (f1 (char_of_int i))=(f2 (char_of_int i))
then aux=false;
if aux=true
then true
else false;;
I am learning OCaml, so I don't know what can I do.
You're nearly there:
let check_char_fun f1 f2 =
let aux = ref true in
for i = 0 to 255 do
if (f1 (char_of_int i)) = (f2 (char_of_int i)) then aux := false
else ()
Unlike the variables in imperative languages, bindings in OCaml are immutable by default. To create a real variable, we create a bool ref which is mutable and can be changed from within the loop.
OCaml does not have a distinction between statements and expressions like the imperative languages: There are only expressions! Thats why you always need the else clause to an if; this ways the resulting expression always returns a value (in both if and else case) the type of which must be the same -- in this case of type unit (the type of the value () -- which would be void in C).
Your code is not very OCaml-like, but thats what I personally love about OCaml: The functional style is not forced down your throat and you can implement algorithms in an imperative style without entering the academic ivory tower.
First, you have to have a definition for what a "behavior" is. If your functions can raise exceptions the problem gets harder. Your code assumes the functions always return a value, which seems like a good simplification for a beginning problem.
You're also using the (somewhat out-of-date) definition of character that OCaml uses, in that codes are limited to the range 0 .. 255. This also seems OK.
So the only problem I see in your code is that you're expecting to be able to change the value of the aux variable. Variables in OCaml are immutable: you can't change the value that they're bound to.
If you want to keep your code mostly as it is, you can change aux so its value is a reference to a bool. Then you can change the boolean value inside the reference (while aux remains bound to the same reference).
To make a reference to a bool and change the value:
# let x = ref true;;
val x : bool ref = {contents = true}
# !x;;
- : bool = true
# x := false;;
- : unit = ()
# !x;;
- : bool = false
(One of the reasons to study OCaml is to learn how to work with immutable values. So I'd suggest looking for other ways to solve the problem that don't require the use of references.)
let rec range i j =
if i > j then [] else i :: (range (i+1) j);;
let check_char_fun f1 f2 =
let lc = List.map char_of_int (range 0 255) in
List.for_all (fun c -> (f1 c) = (f2 c)) lc;;
#let id x =x;;
val id : 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# check_char_fun id id;;
- : bool = true
# check_char_fun id (fun x -> 'a');;
- : bool = false
exception Fails_in of char;;
let check_char_fun f1 f2 =
let lc = List.map char_of_int (range 0 255) in
List.iter (fun c ->
if (f1 c) <> (f2 c) then raise (Fails_in c)
) lc;;
# try (
check_char_fun id id
) with Fails_in c -> Printf.printf "Diff(%d)(%c)" (int_of_char c) c
- : unit = ()
# try (
check_char_fun id (fun x -> 'a')
) with Fails_in c -> Printf.printf "Diff(%d)(%c)" (int_of_char c) c
Diff(0)()- : unit = ()
The following applies each function to each character value in the 0 .. 255 range and compares their results, but it does not check for cases where a function raises an exception or causes a side effect elsewhere:
open Core.Std
let check_char_fun f1 f2 =
let chars = List.map ~f:char_of_int (List.range 0 256) in
List.for_all ~f:(fun c -> (f1 c) = (f2 c)) chars

Haskell: return the "list" result of a function as a "list of lists" without using an empty list "[]:foo"

What would be the syntax (if possible at all) for returning the list of lists ([[a]]) but without the use of empty list ([]:[a])?
(similar as the second commented guard (2) below, which is incorrect)
This is a function that works correctly:
-- Split string on every (shouldSplit == true)
splitWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
splitWith shouldSplit list = filter (not.null) -- would like to get rid of filter
(imp' shouldSplit list)
imp' _ [] = [[]]
imp' shouldSplit (x:xs)
| shouldSplit x = []:imp' shouldSplit xs -- (1) this line is adding empty lists
-- | shouldSplit x = [imp' shouldSplit xs] -- (2) if this would be correct, no filter needed
| otherwise = let (z:zs) = imp' shouldSplit xs in (x:z):zs
This is the correct result
Prelude> splitWith (== 'a') "miraaaakojajeja234"
However, it must use "filter" to clean up its result, so I would like to get rid of function "filter".
This is the result without the use of filter:
If "| shouldSplit x = imp' shouldSplit xs" is used instead the first guard, the result is incorrect:
The first guard (1) adds empty list so (I assume) compiler can treat the result as a list of lists ([[a]]).
(I'm not interested in another/different solutions of the function, just the syntax clarification.)
Answer from Dave4420 led me to the answer, but it was a comment, not an answer so I can't accept it as answer. The solution of the problem was that I'm asking the wrong question. It is not the problem of syntax, but of my algorithm.
There are several answers with another/different solutions that solve the empty list problem, but they are not the answer to my question. However, they expanded my view of ways on how things can be done with basic Haskell syntax, and I thank them for it.
splitWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
splitWith p = go False
go _ [] = [[]]
go lastEmpty (x:xs)
| p x = if lastEmpty then go True xs else []:go True xs
| otherwise = let (z:zs) = go False xs in (x:z):zs
This one utilizes pattern matching to complete the task of not producing empty interleaving lists in a single traversal:
splitWith :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitWith f list = case splitWith' f list of
[]:result -> result
result -> result
splitWith' _ [] = []
splitWith' f (a:[]) = if f a then [] else [[a]]
splitWith' f (a:b:tail) =
let next = splitWith' f (b : tail)
in if f a
then if a == b
then next
else [] : next
else case next of
[] -> [[a]]
nextHead:nextTail -> (a : nextHead) : nextTail
Running it:
main = do
print $ splitWith (== 'a') "miraaaakojajeja234"
print $ splitWith (== 'a') "mirrraaaakkkojjjajeja234"
print $ splitWith (== 'a') "aaabbbaaa"
The problem is quite naturally expressed as a fold over the list you're splitting. You need to keep track of two pieces of state - the result list, and the current word that is being built up to append to the result list.
I'd probably write a naive version something like this:
splitWith p xs = word:result
(result, word) = foldr func ([], []) xs
func x (result, word) = if p x
then (word:result,[])
else (result, x:word)
Note that this also leaves in the empty lists, because it appends the current word to the result whenever it detects a new element that satisfies the predicate p.
To fix that, just replace the list cons operator (:) with a new operator
(~:) :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
that only conses one list to another if the original list is non-empty. The rest of the algorithm is unchanged.
splitWith p xs = word ~: result
(result, word) = foldr func ([], []) xs
func x (result, word) = if p x
then (word ~: result, [])
else (result, x:word)
x ~: xs = if null x then xs else x:xs
which does what you want.
I guess I had a similar idea to Chris, I think, even if not as elegant:
splitWith shouldSplit list = imp' list [] []
imp' [] accum result = result ++ if null accum then [] else [accum]
imp' (x:xs) accum result
| shouldSplit x =
imp' xs [] (result ++ if null accum
then []
else [accum])
| otherwise = imp' xs (accum ++ [x]) result
This is basically just an alternating application of dropWhile and break, isn't it:
splitWith p xs = g xs
g xs = let (a,b) = break p (dropWhile p xs)
in if null a then [] else a : g b
You say you aren't interested in other solutions than yours, but other readers might be. It sure is short and seems clear. As you learn, using basic Prelude functions becomes second nature. :)
As to your code, a little bit reworked in non-essential ways (using short suggestive function names, like p for "predicate" and g for a main worker function), it is
splitWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
splitWith p list = filter (not.null) (g list)
g [] = [[]]
g (x:xs)
| p x = [] : g xs
| otherwise = let (z:zs) = g xs
in (x:z):zs
Also, there's no need to pass the predicate as an argument to the worker (as was also mentioned in the comments). Now it is arguably a bit more readable.
Next, with a minimal change it becomes
splitWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
splitWith p list = case g list of ([]:r)-> r; x->x
g [] = [[]]
g (x:xs)
| p x = case z of []-> r; -- start a new word IF not already
_ -> []:r
| otherwise = (x:z):zs
where -- now z,zs are accessible
r#(z:zs) = g xs -- in both cases
which works as you wanted. The top-level case is removing at most one empty word here, which serves as a separator marker at some point during the inner function's work. Your filter (not.null) is essentially fused into the worker function g here, with the conditional opening1 of a new word (i.e. addition1 of an empty list).
Replacing your let with where allowed for the variables (z etc.) to became accessible in both branches of the second clause of the g definition.
In the end, your algorithm was close enough, and the code could be fixed after all.
1 when thinking "right-to-left". In reality the list is constructed left-to-right, in guarded recursion ⁄ tail recursion modulo cons fashion.