Missing functions in Router API documentation - ember.js

I was looking at the source code for Ember.Router and I noticed that the map function is not documented. It's described in the Guides but not in the API. I kind of expected such an important function to have an entry in the API docs. Should I open a bug report for this? I'm not sure I know enough about Ember to submit something myself. Thanks,

You should definitely submit a PR for it. Honestly most people look at the tutorials and use SO before they look into the API, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be properly documented. I'd just steal from the tutorials and submit a PR.


EmberJS email client example incomplete?

I'm just getting started with EmberJS and saw the "routing" example on the emberjs.com page. It takes the form of a mail client.
I've downloaded all the files (app.js, application.hbs, etc) but can't figure out how to get it to "work".
There seems to be missing an HTML as the entry point?
OR, if nothing is missing, how do I view this app within a browser?
Unfortunately, although this example makes its point (showing how you don't need a lot of code to do something that is traditionally complicated), you can't use the files directly without some tooling to compile the templates, for instance.
It is recommended for any new Ember project to use Ember CLI to do this work for you. You should check out the 'Getting Started'-section of their website, and then read through the section on using modules and the resolver, which will explain the ways in which the example you are looking at would be different.
The official Ember Guides are very good for getting started, and I'd recommend you check that out (make sure you read that modules-part if you're using ember-cli (which you should) before you go through the guides). Also, please join us on IRC on #emberjs if you have any questions that would need some more back and forth.

How to use Google Blink/Webkit to render HTML code

Sorry if the title somewhat ambiguous.
I'm buliding an app that recieve an URL then return the final HTML code (and save it for caching), after Ajax and other js feature executed (something like Phantomjs).
My language can call C++ code, so I think it would be nice if I can buid and use Blink/Webkit libary directly.
The issue is both Blink/Webkit document is too big.
UPDATE 1: Which API (Blink has many APIlayer) or a particular class I need to look at?
Do you know any example or tutorial I should look at?
Or any alternative simpler libary?
Finally Chromium project have headless API in development with very good example which can be build using ninja, more information in their project at https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/headless/
A video from BlinkOn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GivjumRiZ8c&t=838s

Ember-data in a non-RESTful environment

I would like to use ember-data in a project I am building, but the API I am working with does not follow REST conventions.
For example, all the HTTP requests are POST and the naming conventions of the endpoints are unique to the actions they perform. e.g. /api/thing/retrieve would require me to post a JSON object with some parameters, and would return a 'thing' to me.
Do I use the Restful adapter and reopen the class and redefine the various find functions?
Do I have to make a new adapter?
Should I just abandon ember-data and and use ajax in my models(or maybe even controllers)?
I'm not sure how I would handle any of those options. Any guidance would be appreciated.
The only information which I have seen on this subject has been an article by the Discourse folks linked below.
I personally have toyed around with the reopenClass method in the article, and would probably drop it into a mixin or something to that effect if I had a consistent but non-REST API which I was calling regularly.
I would say that, if your API is consistent (reliable) then you should create/extend the DS.Adapter (not DS.RESTAdapter) to implement to your specification.
All the hooks are there, you will just end up defining it once which all models can use.
I would also read through the Basic Adapter code - (https://github.com/emberjs/data/blob/master/packages/ember-data/lib/adapters/basic_adapter.js) it might be a better staring point for you then DS.Adapter.
If your API is not reliable, then you are probably better off with just using the $.ajax() calls as necessary. But, in my opinion, that does not scale well.
A link worth reading when looking at Basic Adapter: http://emberjs.com/blog/2013/03/22/stabilizing-ember-data.html
One last note, building an ORM or even a something more simple then an ORM is not a trivial task, that for me, makes using ember-data worth the effort, and yes sometimes pain.

Free Language Identifier Service?

Do any of you guys know of a free online (or offline if it's in java) language identifier service? (I don't want a tool you use manually. I need a service, sice I have to do this identifying programatically.)
I've got a form and I'd like to figure out what language a user has written in.
Come to think of it, shouldn't this be doable through a Google thingy somehow? Since they detect page languages and all, and they're mostly open source...
Thanks for any help. Cheers!
[I added a "google-translate" tag since there isn't anything regarding text-recognition (there's image and voice but no text)]
Language Detection Library for Java looks like the kind of thing you are looking for.
Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_identification for more links.
Language Detection API has free plan. You can pass text via HTTP POST and receive JSON result with detected languages and scores.

Infragistics Documentation

We have used Infragistics controls in our applications for years. However, we have always had a hard time getting started using controls, because of the samples and documentation. For those of you that use Infragistics controls, what is the best way you have found to use the samples and documentation? For those of you that do not, what other control packages have you found that have good documentation and are easy to use?
I have to be honest say that we gave up on the Infragistics stuff a few years back.
We flirted with ComponentArt then settled on the TeleRik controls, mainly because of ease of use, flexibility and the documentation is pretty good.
Been working with Infragistics stuff for awhile now. Usually I check out the samples to see what the controls can do, then when I need something specific, if I can't easily find it perusing with the object browser, then I simply ask their support. They are quick to respond and know their stuff like expected.
You can also search their forums but I find it lacks content; maybe because most of their users prefer asking the support staff.
Not sure, if you are still using Infragistics, but the link to their online documentation is here
I've used ComponentArt and they have pretty decent api docs