OpenCV to detect movement [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This may be a repost but I thought I might open a topic myself since nothing really answers my questions so far.
Okay, so if I attach a webcam to a robot, is it possible to use the webcam to determine which way the robot is moving (Forward, back, turning left, turning right) because I am doing a project that requires me to detect alignment of the robot down a hallway using a webcam.
Is this possible?

You can do this with optical flow. It is implemented in OpenCV


how to track moving sphere path? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on a project in C++ and OpenGL on Visual Studio 2010 and I have some spheres moving around the screen. How can I track their movement and draw a line behind them while they move?
Store their positions in a vector over time and each frame you draw the points from the vector with GL_LINE_STRIP.
Checkout some OpenGL tutorial if you don't know how to draw the lines themselves.

Magic Particles [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I really like this Particle Emitter software here:
They have an API and even an OpenGL Wrapper for IOS but I cannot figure out how to integrate these particle emitters in to my standard UIKit Xcode project.
They have a sample for Cocos2dX (not interested in that) and they have a sample using OpenGL (which is pretty advanced) but no easy sample of how I can integrate to my existing standard Xcode projects referencing from my standard .h and .m files.
Has anyone figured out how to use this program with basic Xcode?
EDIT: I guess it says I am "Off Topic"...never seen that here before. Curious, I didn't even know there was a specific topic going on. I'm confused (sort of why I made the post in the first place).
You can use CAEmitterLayer extented from CALayer. See Apple documentation.

How can I mix C/C++ with python? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to use C++ for opengl and python for scripting various social api calls. IS there a better option?
Prototype with your OpenGL calls in python - it is much quicker to prototype than C/C++ and then see if it is quick enough - if it is then you are done - if not then find the bottlenecks and consult the documentation on C/C++ plug in to address those issues.
Note that there are python OpenGL bindings available here which already use C/C++ on the OpenGL side so should be as fast as anything you are likely to come up with quickly.

c++ program to extract the eyes,nose features of detected face using opencv [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on face recognition project for security purposes.First step is to detect the faces in still image.I have detected the faces but not able to save them.
Saving the faces will require you to compute the bounding box of the faces from the detection output, then write them to a file. Hint: have a look at OpenCV's documentation here and here.
You can detect more features such as eyes, nose... in just the same way as the faces. However, you need a different trained cascade for each different feature. OpenCV already provides you with a cascade for eyes (and glasses). For eyebrows, nose... you'll likely build your own cascade, for example by following the instructions in this great blog post.

EEG blink detection algorithm for neurosky mindwave? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This might be a long shot but does anyone know how I can implement a blink detection algorithm using the eeg raw data? I've tried just detecting a spike in brain activity but it also gives a false positive whenever the electrode moves on my forehead.
eye blinks in EEG data aren't actual waves they are actually artifacts due to the potential difference between the cornea and the retina. According to wikipedia they are usually in the 4-7Hz or 8-13Hz.
They are detectable in the fp1 and fp2 , which are closest to the eyes.
Here is a useful paper about removing the artifact in question
you might also want to look into Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Regression Analysis This is something thats going to take a lot of research from you.