ColdFusion cfselect binding not working on production server - coldfusion

I have a few related selects that work perfectly on a testing server with very loose security (basically just a simple default install of CF 10).
I have tried to implement the CF 10 lockdown guide on the production server and all seems well, except that related select don't work. That is, the first select in the chain doesn't populate and therefore, none of the related selects populate either.
I even recreated Ben Forta's art media example: perfect on the testing server, no triggering in production.
All other CFC functions seem to work: SELECT and INSERT queries are just fine. Only CFSELECTs with bindings are hosed. I pretty sure that the problem is a server configuration. The same pages worked just fine on our old CF 9 box. Any ideas would be helpful.

My advice to you would be to NOT use cfselect or any other UI stuff in ColdFsuion - It only causes more headaches than it gets rid of.
That being said, if you followed the lockdown guide, you should have limited access to the CFIDE directory - which is needed for any of the ColdFusion UI stuff. There is an option in CF Admin to use a 'custom' path for the scripts ColdFusion uses - it is on the main Settings page. Set this value and create a virtual directory in IIS with the same name pointing to the {cfroot}CFIDE/scripts directory.


Spartacus integration with CDS, profile.consent.given cookie not being set after clearing site data

We're integrating SAP Commerce 2005 and Spartacus 2.0.3 with CDS (Context-Driven Services). We followed the instructions from and we got it work right.
Nevertheless, we've noticed one issue.
When we clear the site data (either from Chrome DevTool or via browser Settings), the cookie named profile.consent.given is not being set anew while refreshing the page - even though the PROFILE consent has consentState "GIVEN" in local storage in spartacus-local-data > anonymous-consents > consents.
Initially I thought that it's just not visible in DevTools, but when I've added the url parameter ?profileTagDebug=true, in the console there is a log saying:
"[Profile Tag] No cookie found with name profile.consent.given".
When I set this cookie manually with value true, everything starts to work just fine, all other needed cookies and local storage data responsible for tracking users behavior is being set properly.
Do you see any place where we could have done something wrong, which may have caused this cookie to work improperly? Which module or component of Spartacus library would be of any clue in resolving this issue?
Edit: the reason of this strange behavior was in profile tag created by our team in CDS. It contained:
"consentListener": "type":"cookie","cookieName":"profile.consent.given","cookieValue":"true"},
which made the cookie profile.consent.given necessary while it shouldn't be. Using profile tag without this part made all work just fine.
With Spartacus, this cookie doesn’t make sense anymore. It is created by the Commerce backend and works best in combination with an accelerator frontend. Cds-spartacus in combination with ProfileTag relies on the anonymous consents or the user consents (depending on the user being logged in or not) loaded by Spartacus. More information about anonymous consents can be found here:
Just a quick FYI about the CDS-Spartacus integration: the profile tag script is pulled from the configured URL by Spartacus, and the script is doing all the event and data "scraping". The cookie is also being placed in the browser by the script.
Your question and this comment lead me to think that the script is not handling this case.
I'm not even sure if it should handle it, so it might be a better idea to contact CDS team directly about this one.

Graphs in Lucee

I see an error using CFCHART with Lucee. Same code works in CF. But in Lucee it try to refer to a file graph.cfm in a folder lucee.
Do I need to create any mapping? Should this mapping be in Lucee admin or in IIS?
The short answer is: No, you don't need to add any additional mapping in IIS, nor in Lucee or Tomcat.
I've seen this question here for too long, so I'm placing an answer here to shed some light into Lucee's graph.cfm.
Some tags in CFML need to create additional image files to later embbed them as an inline HTML element into the reendered output altogether. Examples for such file creation are <cfimage type="captcha" ...> or like you have already noted in your issue, <cfchart>.
For such functionality Lucee needs to create these files temporarily somewhere and also make them publicly available. To achive this for cfimage/cfchart, Lucee creates the files in the web context folder of your webroot (which typically is located at path-to-your-webroot\WEB-INF\lucee\temp\graph ) and embbed them inline with a link to graph.cfm. The template graph.cfm just reads the temporary file from that folder, and delivers it in realtime to your application.
If you want to take a look into Lucees original graph.cfm, we can take a peek thanks to OpenSource:
source of Lucees graph.cfm at github
In order to make the files and the template graph.cfm temporarily publicly available, which by the way sits behind the WEB-INF folder ( which is also hidden/blocked by default in Tomcat for securtiy reasons), Lucee MUST have a virtual mapping. But you don't need to set it up, because these are already set up by default. You can see this in the image below taken from the "Mapping"-section of Lucee Administrator:
Because graph.cfm is a .cfm file, IIS will redirect the request directly through the implemented CFML connector ( probably Boncode Connector ) per AJP to Tomcat. Thus you don't need to set any mapping in IIS neither.
Because you have not submitted any additonal error information, such as http error codes or stack traces, I don't have any clue of what might be the cause of your error. It may also be some incompability issue which might be addressed if you submit it to the Lucee core team.
Another possibility is that many installation guides advise you to lock down the "/lucee/" path with IIS URL Rewrite Module, because this is also the path where the Lucee Administrator sits behind. If so, you can change the setting in IIS Rewrite Rule and adapt the rule in such a manner, that it would not block the graph.cfm.
It's also important to note that many of these cftags are implemented as Lucee extensions (.lex files). These are not necessarily pre-shipped or pre-installed in Lucee, but you may install it within Lucee Administrator or get them from Lucees Download site and upload it through your Lucee Administrator in the "Extension" section.
I've just encountered this too. Issue being though the the default mapping still don't navigate to "graph.cfm" so we've added an IIS virtual mapping instead.

problems with database after moving live drupal site to local site

To move my live drupal 8 site to a new local site I followed this tutorial by OS Training on YouTube. I am aware that they are doing the migration the other way around, but it shouldn't make that big a difference I guess.
They tell you to start by creating your new drupal 8 site and then moving some folders between your old site and the new one. The last step is to import your old database into the database of the new site.
I did all that but when I visit my new local drupal 8 site it first appears to show nothing until you scroll A LOT and then I'm able to get to things like my content and content types, where I see that nothing has happened. If I go check the database of the new site I see that everything is there that should be there, but I just can't get it to show up on the site itself.
I guess there's something wrong with the connection to the database, but I have no clue how to fix it. Any ideas?
-sidenote: I am using Acquia Dev Desktop to set up my local site
Compare the sites/default/settings.php file between live and local.
Make sure you have cleared all caches and rebuilt the DB. Also, check for errors using chrome developer console and write them down here.

No data in Sitecore Experience profile

I've set up a local Sitecore environment with all sql and mongodb db's working.
Except i do not get any data in the experience profile (contacts)
I see that tracking_contact db is empty in mongo and also the analytics index folder is empty.
Other functionalities like experience analytics work fine.
Are there any extra configurations necessary?
The Experience Profile runs on the Analytics index. If there is no index, there will be no data shown.
Try to rebuild the index if it's not there.
There is an admin tool for rebuilding the reporting db & analytics index: /sitecore/admin/RebuildReportingDB.aspx
When you run the tool you must setup a secondary reporting db first.
Just attach another empty analtyics database to your local SQL and name it something like analytics_secondary and configure its connectionstring.
Then rebuild the reporting db and after that data should appear in your Experience Profile.
The index should be constantly refreshed by the aggregation framework (i.e. you should not need to rebuild) so if that is not happening, something is wrong in your configuration.
When working with xDB you'll need to identify a user to get it to appear in the experience profile section otherwise they will be anonymous.
Try using this code here to create a contact:
And then call the end session by using the button.
If everything is setup correctly then the contact you created will appear in MongoDB and in Experience Profile.
If you are still not getting any data then you could try these things:
Ensure you have the <sc:VisitorIdentification runat="server" /> control for asp web forms layout
the #Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification() control for MVC layout
Make sure you disable robot detection by changing this setting <setting name="Analytics.AutoDetectBots" />
I also had the similar problem in past, so what I found was, it was not working in my local, but when i put it stage server it shows data to me. So same may apply to you also.
Also without "#Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification()" in your Layout tracking is not possible.
Hope this will help you.

Why doesn't Railo read the 'customtag' path like CFMX 6.1 does?

I am trying to migrate from CFMX 6.1 to Railo 3.1.
I have custom tags in this directory for CFMX 6.1
I copied the directory to
and added this mapping through the Railo administrator and also enabled the "Search subdirectories" setting.
I get this error the moment I try to access a page that calls anything from this directory:
invalid component definition, can't find mycfc
My Railo installation is deployed through GlassFish v3.
I see the error the moment this script is loaded:
mycfcinstance = createobject("component","mycfc");
In the legacy app that I try to migrate, a lot of CFCs have been stored in CFMX 6.1's customtag path.
First of all, Railo simply does not support search for CFC's inside the Custom Tag directory. Seems that it will, one day.
Second, it looks like small misunderstanding the meaning of the Railo CFC-based custom tags, which you can manage using that "Archives & Resources > Custom Tags" page in Admin. You can find more about it in Railo's blog, for example in these posts: part one and two.
As for the Railo workaround for this legacy app, I couldn't find the way to imitate desired behaviour.
It can be inappropriate, but maybe you will end with batch-replacing
and creating mapping in the Application.cfc or Admin.
So, if you want to put cfc somewhere in the application root.
this.mappings["/components"] = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "components";
Yes, it's not really matches your problem, just an example.