wso2 retail bank example app - add server inside Eclipse? - wso2

I'm trying to follow the wso2 retail banking sample, as outlined at
I've got to the stage 'Deploy the Carbon Application Project into the WSO2 App Server' and I don't understand how to create a server.
When I follow the instructions then in Eclipse I get a 'New Server' form appear. If I enter the WSO2 App Server folder address into 'Carbon home' text box then a warning error appears at the top of the form:
Missing classpath entry C:\jlibs\wso2\wso2as-5.2.0\lib\api
Am I supposed to setup class path entries for each of the WSO2 server products? The 'next' and 'Finish' buttons are disabled.
Any suggestions?

You encounter this error when you select the incorrect Carbon Server family from the list of Servers in the Dev Studio servers view. If you are running App Server 5.2.0, you need to select either WSO2 Carbon 4.2 based Server (only available in Dev Studio 3.5.0) or WSO2 Carbon 4.0 based Server in older Dev Studio versions.
Please follow the instructions in 1 on how to add a Carbon Server to Developer Studio.
Also please find the webinar conducted on the same scenario from 2. It will help you to solve all the other issues you encounter.
Thanks and Regards,


Missing classpath entry carbon.home.folder\bin\org.wso2.carbon.bootstrap-4.2.0.jar

I just tried to deploy my configurations to wso2 ESB inside eclipse and I got a following error message while deploying my CAR file to ESB. How can I fix it?
First, you should point to the correct path of your WSO2 ESB instance (where the main folder is located). You can click the Browse... button next to the CARBON_HOME field and locate it.
Also, for WSO2 ESB 5.0.0, the correct version for the server should be WSO2 Carbon 4.4 based server.
You need to download WSO2 ESB 5.0.0. Go to here. Select WSO2 ESB 5.0.0 and download server. Then browse this directory to Eclipse. If you can't go next, cancel the process, try again. It should work.

WSO2 Application server Security option

I'm trying to build an application with a WSO2 Application server and Identity server.
the soap server which is based on Axis2 Framework needs to have WS-Trust based Authentication. For learning, I'm following this blog
At the 14th steps, I have to click on security but In latest WSO2 Application server I'm not able to find how to enable the Security feature.
I'm using 5.3.0 Version of Application Server
As you can see there is no link on Unsecured for HelloWorld Service.
I'm I missing anything?
All the WSO2 products based on carbon kernel 4.4.x doesn't contain QoS features. WSO2 AS 5.3.0 is based on kernel version 4.4.x and therefore it is not supported. You can use WSO2 Developer Studio in order to apply QoS features

WSO2 EMM - How to config project

When i develop with WSO2 EMM, i don't understand how to config project to run on local. I has config run on local success, but i don't go to the address same as the tutorial: Youtube link
Please tell me how to make it.
Every EMM version has the same URL if you are using a fresh pack with out modifying the offset configuration in carbon.xml the default url will be as following,
the tutorial you are referring is for EMM 1.. release. The latest version of EMM is 2.2.0 which is available in EMM product page.
The functionalities are most likely the same with new and improved UI and much more features and higher performances.So its best if you can use the new version to get started with wso2 EMM.

Which webSphere should MobileFirst server runs on?

What I want to achieve:
1) Set up MobileFirst Server using Amazon Web Service EC2 (Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM))
2) MobileFirst version 7.1.
What I've done:
According to this tutorial:
Installing MobileFirst Server
IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation is compatible with the following application servers:
WebSphere Application Server full profile,
WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile,
Apache Tomcat
Hence, I've decided to use the first option which is WebSphere Application Server full profile.
I don't know where to download the WebSphere Application Server full profile for my case. The only options are these in IBM partners world, it does not have mobile first 7.1:
It's rather confusing.
I've tried to do a quick search using this key word: "websphere application server liberty profile" in IBM partners word. Here is the list of results:
I couldn't find "CN6DIML" in the partners world. I can only find it in IBM Passport Advantage Online:
1) Is this the correct place to download it?
2) Could you please point me to a installation guide which includes the download for IBM Installation Manager and Installation of Mobile First Server?
3) Is a refresh pack for IBM Installation Manager sufficient?
WebSphere Application Server Full Profile is not available in the IBM Partner World for MobileFirst Platform - only the Liberty counter-part. If you require WebSphere Full Profile you need to contact WebSphere directly and purchase it.

WSO DSS 3.5.0 Quality of Service Configuration Panel empty

Kinda new to WSO products. Installed WSO DSS 3.5.0 and created a simple test data service following all the instructions on WSO documentation. it is working fine except I can not find out how to implement the security for data service as mentioned in the documentation :
The problem is that Quality Of Service Configuration Panel is empty in my web console and no menu exists there for security or anything else except the edit data service menu as you can see :
Spending a full day reading docs searching googling etc for the solution I have not found any..
Anyone else facing this same issue? should I activate it in features somehow or is there another product needed to be installed together with DSS for this to work?
WSO2 DSS 3.5.0 is carbon kernel 4.4.x based product. From kernel 4.4.x on wards QoS features are removed from the kernel.
You have to use WSO2 Developer Studio to implemnet QoS for the requirement.