How can I save a file with many histograms using opencv? [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I`m using the OpenCV framework and I need save many histograms in a file to recover it later. Together with the histogram I need save a Id to each one.
What is the best way to do this using the OpenCv with C++?

You can create a format of your own.
Just write functions to read from that format and write to that format.
For example: You have a text file, you saved all the data of histogram in that text file along with ID.
So, you just need a way to read that data from the text file.


How To Read data from Microsoft Excel File by C++ Program [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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now i have some massive data on Excel Sheet, and i need by c++ program to transform this data into text file, to use it later in another thing.
how can i accesses this Excel file, to get data from first attribute and put delimiter and so on??
I have personally used Microsoft Excel Automation to read from Excel in the applications I develop. Please check the link for more information on Excel Automation.
But it seems there are other options as discussed in the following links
Read cells from Excel in C++?

data structure project using Avl tree [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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hello everybody Can anyone help me in choosing a project for data structure course final project in c++ my teacher told me to do it using avl tree I just want to ask which project will be useful to do it any management system,like library,banking,etc,which proposal will be best plesae help me I will be very thankful to you :)
Avl trees are used, basically when you want to store information and search for it using quickly from a key.
With this premise, you can use them, for example, in a relational database key search, a dictionary word search, a compiler analizer, etc.

Work easily on a sound file [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to do some tests in C++ with some sound file (16 bit, mono, 44khz)
for (int i = 0; i++, i < lengthofthesoundfile)
mysound[i] ...
How to convert a WAV file to RAW data only (get rid of the metadatas, etc.) so that I can easily open it in C++ ?
Would someone have a minimal working example of how to load such a file, and then doing a loop on the soundfile's raw data like above?
Thanks in advance!
A .wav file is simply a RIFF file of type WAVE, with (at least) the fmt and data chunks. The fmt chunk contains information about the format of the data chunk, which contains the raw data.
So if you want, you can extract just the data chunk for your usage. The RIFF format is really simple (read the Wikipedia page I linked). You should not have any trouble extracting the data chunk.

How to read files from a torrent file? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to extract information about torrent file like: files names inside it, their sizes ..., is there a C++ library for Linux that help me achieve this easily? or what is the structure of a torrent file and how do I find these information?
You can use the libtorrent library—a feature complete C++ BitTorrent implementation focusing on efficiency and scalability.
If you want to write your own library, there is the official BitTorrent Protocol Specification but it is very poorly written and lacks a lot of details. There is also a much better specification available.

JSF multiple kinds of objects in a datatable [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanna know how can i put in a datatable multiple kinds of objects. I have stored in a database objects of many types. I have to show them in a datatable.
Can anybody tell me how can i do it?
Diego Sabino
I had a similar situation, I thought of two options.
Adapter/Wrapper object for all different objects, and use wrapper methods to show data.
Let objects implement an interface and use that interface methods to pull relevant information for datatable.
Hope this helps.