replace COM objects in coldfusion 9 - coldfusion

I'm trying to replace COM objects in my ColdFusion 9 code. Before we used to use ColdFusion 7 and recently upgraded to 9, but version 9 does not support COM objects. Is there any way I can use the COM? Or how can I replace the COM objects with something else?
My code :
<cfobject type="COM" name="objGetSession" class="DlBizApp21.dlGMUBiz" action="create">
<cfset objSession = objGetSession.CurrentSession>
<cfset loginx = objSession.Login("administrator", "abcd", "", "DBProd", "docxyz")>
objInquiry = CreateObject("COM","DlBizDoc21.DocumentInquiry");
objDocTypes = CreateObject("COM","DLBizDoc21.DocumentTypes");
objAdors = CreateObject("Com","adodb.recordset");


queryEach or .each() not Working at CF 11, Why?

I was seaching in google better form to interate over "query" in coldfusion, since im new in the company im working, and im trying to get more from CF
Here my attempts:
My models:
<cffunction hint="Foo" name="Foo" access="public" returntype="query">
<!--- Argumentos --->
<cfargument hint="Something" name="ArgComBus" type="string" required="no" default="">
<cfargument hint="Other thing" name="ArgPar" type="string" required="no" default="">
queryService = new Query();
queryResult = queryService.execute();
qBus = queryResult.getResult();
<cfreturn qBus>
My script
arrFoo = arrayNew(1);
qFoo = this.Foo(
ArgComBus = " AND column1 = ");
// First Attempt - The each method was not found.
qFoo.each(function (foo) {
// Second Attempt - Variable QUERYEACH is undefined.
queryEach(qFoo, function (foo) {
My Server Dump
InstallKit Native Windows
appserver Tomcat
productlevel Developer
productname ColdFusion Server
productversion 11,0,05,293506
rootdir C:\CFusion11\cfusion
I even used getMetaData() on my query variable qFoo and that return that is array... so when i tried use something like that (trying to convert array in query?)
cfQuery = createObject("java", "coldfusion.sql.QueryTable").init(qFoo);
.each() and queryEach() same answer... i even tried use arrayEach() but return the object is coldfusion.sql.QueryTable and not array
You are running ColdFusion 11.
The queryEach() function was not added until ColdFusion 2016:
reference 1 (from cfdocs)
reference 2 (from Adobe docs)
Originally I had posted that the each() member function was not available in Adobe ColdFusion 11. Aquitaine pointed out in the comments that it actually is. I incorrectly referenced the Each() function for Lucee that works with collections. The Each() function related to this question is actually the script version of the ArrayEach() tag function. Which is available in ColdFusion 11 (it was actually added in ColdFusion 10). Sorry for the confusion.
The documentation may be wrong. I could not get the function to work as Each() except under ColdFusion 2018. For ColdFusion 11 I could only get it to work as ArrayEach().
reference 3 (from cfdocs)
reference 4 (from Adobe docs)
Here are a couple of examples on how to loop over a query in ColdFusion 11 (borrowed from cfdocs):
// Define our query
platform = ["Adobe ColdFusion", "Railo", "Lucee"];
myQuery = queryNew(" ");
queryAddColumn(myQuery, "platform", "CF_SQL_VARCHAR", platform);
// By row index
for (i = 1; i <= myQuery.recordCount; i++) {
// By query
for (row in myQuery) {
// By arrayeach
writeOutput("<h3>By arrayeach:</h3>");
function printArray(vendor, index)
I created a gist for you on so you can see this code in action and play around with it if you like. Just click here to run the code.

Coldfusion 11 web service response object

I'm struggling to get CF11 to give me a web service response object with the same set of methods as CF8.
For example, one of the web services used to give me this in CF8:
And this is what I'm getting now in CF11:
As you can see, they are miles different!
I've tried to set wsversion="2", but didn't help at all:
<cfset wsArgs = {wsversion="2"}>
<cfset ws = createObject("webservice", "http://somewsurl.asmx?wsdl", wsArgs)>
<cfset nvArgs = { foo = "bar" }>
<cfset result = ws.createNameValues(argumentCollection = nvArgs)>
Same thing if I try wsversion="2" on cfinvoke:
<cfinvoke webservice="#ws#" method="createNameValues" argumentCollection="#nvArgs#" returnVariable="result" wsversion="2"/>
Any idea?
Note I'm getting basically the same issue on CF10.
ColdFusion 10 and 11 use Axis 2.0 by default, while previous versions of ColdFusion used Axis 1.0. If you depend on Axis 1.0 behavior in ColdFusion 10/11, specify wsversion=1 to force ColdFusion to use Axis 1.0.

coldfusion 9 dynamically call method

I'm attempting to build a method call from strings that have been passed into an object that refer to another object.
normally when calling an object we write the code like this:
However what I have done is created an array that contains the object name, the method name and the argument collection.
local.stArgs = {};
local.stArgs.nNewsID = 19;
local.stArgs.sAuthor = "John";
local.aData = [];
local.aData[1] = local.stArgs;
local.aData[2] = "stObj.oNewsBusiness";
local.aData[3] = "getNews";
however i am struggling to recombine all this to be a method call.
UPDATE using suggestion but still with issue
While cfinvoke seems to work for:
<cfinvoke component="#application.stObj.oNewsBusiness#" method="#local.sMethod#" argumentcollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
it doesn't work when doing something like:
local.stArgs = local.aData[1];
local.sObject = local.aData[2];
local.sMethod = local.aData[3];
<cfinvoke component="application.#local.sObject#" method="#local.sMethod#" argumentCollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
it generates an error:
Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface application.stObj.oNewsBusiness
CFInvoke is generally used to handle dynamic method calls.
CFInvoke has an argumentcollection attribute so you can pass your arguments in the way you are used to.
Dan is correct CFInvoke is the way to go
<cfinvoke component="#mycomponentname#" method="get" arg1="#arg1#" arg2="#arg2#" arg3=..>
<cfinvoke component="application.#local.sObject#" method="#local.sMethod#"argumentCollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
from your update won't work because there are no # signs around the component variable.
You could do
<cfset local.componentName = "application." & local.sObject>
<cfinvoke component="#local.componentName#" method="#local.sMethod#"argumentCollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
There's probably an inline way of combining application. with the variable on the cfinvoke call, but I don't know off the top of my head.
Edit: Dan Wilson's comment does it better in an inline way.

ColdFusion 9 datasources defaulting to enterprise

I have a ColdFusion instance being run under enterprise, but for some reason it ignores the local data source. It will only connect if I put the data source at the enterprise level.
I've even tried the following code and it only returns the data sources that are declared at the instance manager, not the instance itself.
<cfset factory = createObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory")>
<cfset datasources = factory.getDataSourceService().getDatasources()>
<cfloop collection="#datasources#" item="dsnName">
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
These should help you figure out which instance you are on:
loc = {};
loc.machineName = createObject('java','').localhost.getCanonicalHostName();
loc.machineName2 = createObject('java','').localhost.getHostName();
loc.hostAddress = createObject('java','').localhost.getHostAddress();
loc.instanceName = createObject('java','jrunx.kernel.JRun').getServerName();
writeDump( var: loc );
If you are having problems getting the datasources you might need to authenticate first with your cf administrator password like so:
There is a datasourceExists(), verifyDatasource() and getDatasource() method on the data source service that you might find handy:
loc = {};
loc.dss = createObject('java','coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory').getDataSourceService();
loc.datasources = loc.dss.getDatasources();
loc.exists = loc.dss.datasourceExists('your-dsn');
loc.verified = loc.dss.verifyDatasource('your-dsn');
loc.datasource = loc.dss.getDatasource('your-dsn');
writeDump( var: loc );

How do I create a ColdFusion web service client that uses WS-Security?

I've exposed several web services in our product using Java and WS-Security. One of our customers wants to consume the web service using ColdFusion. Does ColdFusion support WS-Security? Can I get around it by writing a Java client and using that in ColdFusion?
(I don't know much about ColdFusion).
I'm assuming you mean you need to pass the security in as part of the SOAP header. Here's a sample on how to connect to a .Net service. Same approach should apply w/ Java, just the url's would be different.
<cfset local.soapHeader = xmlNew()>
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "TheSoapHeader")>
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.UserName.XmlText = "foo">
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.UserName.XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string">
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "TheSoapHeader")>
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.Password.XmlText = "bar">
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.Password.XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string">
<cfset theWebService = createObject("webservice","")>
<cfset addSOAPRequestHeader(theWebService, "ignoredNameSpace", "ignoredName", local.soapHeader, false)>
<cfset aResponse = theWebService.SomeMethod(arg1)>
Hope this is what you needed.
This is probably more accurate to produce the 'simple' xml soap header. The example above is missing a few lines.
Local['soapHeader'] = xmlNew();
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken'] = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "UsernameToken");
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['username'] = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "username");
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['username'].XmlText = Arguments.szUserName;
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['username'].XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string";
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['password'] = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "password");
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['password'].XmlText = Arguments.szPassword;
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['password'].XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string";
addSOAPRequestHeader(ws, "ignoredNameSpace", "ignoredName", Local.soapHeader, false);
I've never done any ws-security, and don't know if ColdFusion can consume it or not, but to answer your secondary question:
Can I get around it by writing a java client and using that in coldfusion?
Yes, absolutely. ColdFusion can easily use Java objects and methods.