Raw Images, and DCRaw in C++ - c++

I want to be able to work with RAW images in C++ so I downloaded an already compiled DCRaw executable. I tried compiling it myself but I kept getting errors. So I want to be able to read in raw images to C++ and work with them. What would be the best way to do this? Should I find a way to include dcraw.c in my projects and call functions in that, or should I access the EXE file using the system(...) function?

If you don't want to manipulate the raw data directly in your application then yes you should use an already existing implementation of a raw image decoder (such as dcraw, like you said).
Here is what I would do in order of preference:
I would first try to find another raw image decoder that is available as a static or dynamic library version and link to that (dcraw only has an executable).
If #1 is not possible, I would extract the relevant parts of dcraw into a static library and link to that.
If not possible, I would include the .c file in my code like you have proposed.
I would only execute the EXE from within my program as a last resort.
That being said, if your application is for experimentation purposes only I don't see anything wrong in using the dcraw EXE from within your program. Otherwise I would not do this in a professional application.


How to convert a string into .exe and then execute using system()?

I have a small myTest.exe file. I opened this in a text editor and copied the text.
std::string exeBinaryCode = "Copied text from exe";
Now I want that when I passed this string to the system(exeBinaryCode) then it will execute and give the same result that myTest.exe gives.
If anyone knows how to achieve this, please post the answer.
To begin with, executable files are binary files. You can't open them in text editors, or copy/paste them as text, or store them in a string variable.
(That last part isn't 100% true, since std::string basically just stores a string of bytes that don't necessarily have to be text, but you really shouldn't use it as such.)
There are a few different ways to achieve similar results, which you choose depends on what you're actually trying to accomplish.
Notice that none of these include directly running the binary data. Though there may be some obscure system call that allows you to do that you'll likely end up with loads of trouble (anti-virus, incompatibility across platforms, etc.).
Refer to the external executable by path
Simplest, just pass the path to the executable to system. If you intend to distribute your application you'd just package the external executable as well (so if you have your own code compiled into bin/myapp.exe in a zip-file you'd also have bin/whatineedtocall.exe in the same zip).
Unless you have very specific requirements this is what I'd recommend.
Use your build system to embed the data and write it to the file system
Some build systems and frameworks (for example CMake, see Embed resources (eg, shader code; images) into executable/library with CMake) have the ability to embed binary data such as executables into code. You can then, in your code, write this binary data to the file system when it is needed (preferably into some temporary location) and run it from there using system.
Embed as hexadecimal data and write to file system
Similar to the previous, but you can also insert the contents into your code manually. Note that you'd need to copy the executable binary not from a text editor, but in it's hexadecimal representation (see the previously linked question for examples, you'd want to end up with pretty much the same file).

Hiding application resources

I'm making a simple game with SFML 1.6 in C++. Of course, I have a lot of picture, level, and data files. Problem is, I don't want these files visible. Right now they're just plain picture files in a res/ subdirectory, and I want to either conceal them or encrypt them. Is it possible to put the raw data from the files into a resource file or something? Any solution is okay to me, I just don't want the files exposed to the user.
Cross platform solutions best, but if they don't exist, that's okay, I'm working on windows. But I don't really want to use a library if it's not needed.
Most environments come with a resource compiler that converts images/icons/etc into string data and includes them in the source.
Another common technique is to copy them into the end of the final .exe as the last part of the build process. Then at run time, open the .exe as a file and read the data from some determined offset, see Embedding a filesystem in an executable?
The ideal way for this is to make your own archive format, which would contain all of your files' data along with some extra info needed to split files distinctly within it.

Saving a webpage to disk using C++

I've managed to download a "file" from the internet with the help of wininet library, but I can't seem to save a "webpage" i.e. something I can edit later on with a text editor or with ifstream.
In this case, what are the tools I should resort to? Can wininet save a webpage to disk? Should I consider cURL (though I haven't managed to download regular files due to lack of documentation of cURL)? Do I need to learn what's called socket programming?
NB: I'm on Windows, using MinGW but can switch to MSVC if necessary, I'm looking for source code in the webpage, eventually I'm after the text in a webpage.
Also, I am not familiar with any of the functions in wininet, curl, or sockets. What do I need to learn of these?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
If your program is going to run both on windows and unix, then use cURL. Otherwise, stick with MSVC and WinINet functions http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa385473(v=vs.85).aspx It's much easier to use in terms of the efforts required to get your program running and distributed (esp. if you're not linking your program against cUrl statically. Otherwise, you'll need to take libcurl.dll everywhere your program runs on Windows). With WinINet, you simply need to include a header and a library to use the functions.
If you're going to use WinINet, refer to this code snippet: http://www.programmershelp.co.uk/showcode.php?e=57
Use the same code except for the while loop. Instead of reading one byte at a time, read them by chunks and write them to the output file handle.
If you're going to use cURL, refer to this post: Download file using libcurl in C/C++

C++ file container (e.g. zip) for easy access

I have a lot of small files I need to ship with an application I build and I want to put this files into an archive to make copying and redistributing more easy.
I also really like the idea of having them all in one place so I need to compare the md5 of one file only in case something goes wrong.
I'm thinking about a class which can load the archive and return a list of files within the archive and load a file into memory if I need to access it.
I already searched the Internet for different methods of achieving what I want and found out about zlib and the lzma sdk.
Both didn't really appeal to me because I don't really found out how portable zlib is and I didn't like the lzma sdk as it is just to much and I don't want to blow up the application because of this problem. Another downside with zlib is that I don't have the C/C++ experience (I'm really new to C++) to get everything explained in the manual.
I also have to add that this is a time critical problem. I though some time about implementing a simple format like tar in a way I can easy access the files within my application but I just didn't find the time to do that yet.
So what I'm searching for is a library that allows me to access the files within an archive. I'd be glad if anybody could point me in the right direction here.
Thanks in advance,
Edit: I need the archive to be accessed under linux and windows. Sorry I didn't mention that in the beginning.
For zipping, I've always been partial to ZipUtils, which makes the process easy and is built on top of the zlib and info-zip libraries.
The answer depends on whether you plan to modify the archive via code after the archive is initially built.
If you don't need to modify it, you can use TAR - it's a handy and simple format. If you want compression, you can implement tar.gz reader or find some library that does this (I believe there are some available, including open-source ones).
If your application needs random access to the data or it needs to modify the archive, then regular TAR or ZIP archives are not good. Virtual file system such as our SolFS or CodeBase file system will fit much better: virtual file systems are suited for frequent modifications of the storage, while archives target mainly write-once-read-many usage scenarios.
zlib is highly portable and very widely used. if you can't make sense of the C++ interface, there are alternatives for many other languages - see 'Related External Links' here.
Take another look before you search for something different.
If you're using Qt or Windows you can also pack data into the executable's resource area. You would only have to distribute the executable file using this technique. There's a well defined API already written and tested to access that data.
The zlib API is the way to go. Simple and portable. Lookat unzip.h header for APIs that access archive files. It is in C and very easy.
If the files are small, you can dump them into string literals (search for bin2h utility) and include in your project. Then change the code that read the files. If all files are currently read using ifstream class, simply changing it to istringstream class and recompile the code.
Try using Quazip - it's quite simple to use. You can use it as a stream from which you read the compressed file on the fly.

Embed image in code, without using resource section or external images

I'm looking for a way to embed an image in a library (Windows-only). I don't want to go the 'traditional' way of putting it in the resources (because of special circumstances that make it not so convenient to mess around with the resource handle.
Ideally, there would be something like xpm files: a 'text' representation of an image that is put in a c array and that some code converts into a bitmap in memory, which can then somehow be loaded into an HIMAGE or an HICON. The images I want to embed are 32-bit bitmaps (bmp). Any ideas? I'm using MFC so an MFC library would be fine, but of course I can use a library that doesn't use MFC too. Thanks.
Google for a bin2c utility (something like http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0025274/bin2c/bin2c.c). It takes a file's binary representation and spits out a C source file that includes an array of bytes initialized to that data.
Just link the file in and you have your image sitting in a chunk of memory.
Using this kind of tool is really common on embedded systems where such things as 'resources' and even files might not exist.
The Gimp can export to C files. I think that would be the easiest way to do it.
The open source application Hexy is designed specifically for this. It runs on windows and linux. https://github.com/tristan2468/Hexy