I want to do this
(let [[a b c] '(1 2 3)]
{:a a :b b :c c}) ;; gives {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
But with [a b c] saved in a vector like this
(def vect '[a b c])
(let [vect '(1 2 3)]
{:a a :b b :c c}) ;; complains that a is unresolved
Is it possible to somehow use a var to define how to destructure?
The error occurs, because in this snippet:
(let [vect '(1 2 3)]
{:a a :b b :c c})
You're binding vect to '(1 2 3). The vect earlier defined as '[a b c] earlier will be shadowed by the local let binding. a,b and c will be left unbound.
The only way I think you can do what you ask is by using (abusing?) eval/macros, and building up the exact form that you need.
(eval (list 'let [vect ''(1 2 3)] '{:a a :b b :c c}))
;; => {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}
However, I really urge you to put in some hammock time here and think about why you need to destructure using a var, and possible alternative designs. The solution above is already pretty hacky and using it could get very ugly...
I would agree with Daniel to possibly rethink the reason why you need to do it, e.g. what exactly the problem is you are after.
But if you insist :), pretending that we literally work with "a b c.."s, you can do this:
user=> (def xs '[a b c])
user=> (into {} (for [v xs] [(keyword v) v]))
{:a a, :b b, :c c}
Hi l have 2 maps like these (with the possibility of having multiple maps)
(def map1 {:a {:b 1} :c ["dog"]})
(def map2 {:a {:b 2} :c ["cat"]})
l need to have this as a return {:a {:b 3} :c ["dog" "cat"]}
How can l do this?
Solution using generic functions
You could use generic functions - let's call it here o+ (operator +) - by making use of Clojure's multiple dispatch ability. By multiple dispatch you avoid if - else or cond clauses - for distinguishing the argument types/classes - thereby the code stays extensible (further cases can be added without having to change existing code). The function at the end of the defmulti definition is the dispatch function. In the defmethod form - right before the actual function arguments list (vector), you list the dispatch case for which then Clojure looks when deciding which method to use.
(defmulti o+ (fn [& args] (mapv class args)))
(defmethod o+ [Number Number] [x y] (+ x y)) ;; Numbers get added
(defmethod o+ [clojure.lang.PersistentVector clojure.lang.PersistentVector]
[x y] (into (empty x) (concat x y))) ;; Vectors concatentated
(defmethod o+ [clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap]
[x y] (merge-with o+ x y)) ;; Maps merged-with #'o+ (recursive definition!)
You can fuse then two maps with the (now recursively defined) o+ operator:
(def map1 {:a {:b 1} :c ["dog"]})
(def map2 {:a {:b 2} :c ["cat"]})
(o+ map1 map2) ;; or originally: (merge-with o+ map1 map2)
;; => {:a {:b 3}, :c ["dog" "cat"]}
Even deeper nested maps are covered
Due to the recursive character of this definition - this works also with more deeply nested maps as long as they have the same structure - and use only the defined class cases (otherwise one could add further cases):
(def mapA {:a {:b 2 :c {:d 1 :e ["a"] :f 3}} :g ["b"]})
(def mapB {:a {:b 3 :c {:d 4 :e ["b" "e"] :f 5}} :g ["c"]})
(o+ mapA mapB)
;;=> {:a {:b 5, :c {:d 5, :e ["a" "b" "e"], :f 8}}, :g ["b" "c"]}
Use reduce to add more maps at once
And as long as you can apply o+ on two objects, you can process an arbitrary number of maps using reduce:
(def mapA {:a {:b 2 :c {:d 1 :e ["a"] :f 3}} :g ["b"]})
(def mapB {:a {:b 3 :c {:d 4 :e ["b" "e"] :f 5}} :g ["c"]})
(def mapC {:a {:b 1 :c {:d 3 :e ["c"] :f 1}} :g ["a"]})
(reduce o+ [mapA mapB mapC]) ;; this vector could contain much more maps!
;; => {:a {:b 6, :c {:d 8, :e ["a" "b" "e" "c"], :f 9}}, :g ["b" "c" "a"]}
;; or we could define in addition:
(defmethod o+ :default [& args] (reduce o+ args))
;; which makes `o+` to a variadic function (function which can be
;; called with as many arguments you want)
;; then, whenever we add more than two arguments, it will be activated:
(o+ mapA mapB mapC)
;; => {:a {:b 6, :c {:d 8, :e ["a" "b" "e" "c"], :f 9}}, :g ["b" "c" "a"]}
;; and this also works:
(o+ 1 2 3 4 5 6)
;; => 21
(o+ ["a"] ["b" "c"] ["d"])
;; => ["a" "b" "c" "d"]
You can use merge-with with a custom function to resolve conflicts when merging maps.
(defn my-merge [a b]
(merge-with (fn [a b]
(if (map? a)
(merge-with + a b)
(into a b)))
a b))
Or defined recursively:
(defn my-merge [a b]
(cond (vector? a) (into a b)
(number? a) (+ a b)
(map? a) (merge-with my-merge a b)
:else (throw (ex-info "Unsupported values" {:values [a b]}))))
Here's an idea. I didn't test this, and I'm quite sure a more clever solution will come... especially now that I said that this is an answer (the someone-said-something-wrong-on-the-internet effect) :)
(fn [accum item]
(let [b-accum (get-in accum [:a :b])
b-item (get-in item [:a :b])
new-b (+ b-accum b-item)
new-c (vec (concat (:c accum) (:c item))]
{:a {:b new-b} :c new-c}))
[map1 map2])
(require '[net.cgrand.xforms :as x])
(let [map1 {:a {:b 1} :c ["dog"]}
map2 {:a {:b 2} :c ["cat"]}]
(->> [map1 map2]
(into {}
{:a (comp (map :a) (map :b) (x/reduce +) (x/into [:b]) (x/into {}))
:c (comp (mapcat :c) (x/reduce conj))}))))
What would be a quick way to keep only certain keys from a hash-map?
(def m {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4})
explicit version:
((fn [{:keys [b c]}] {:b b :c c})
;= {:b 2, :c 3}
(select-keys m [:b :c])
I'm trying to come up with some way for the values in a clojure hashmap to refer to each other. Conceptually, something like this:
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (+ (:a m) (:b m))} ;Implies (= (:c m) 6)
This doesn't work, of course since I'm circularly referencing m. I can do something like
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (fn [a b] (+ a b))})
((:c m) (:a m) (:b m)) ;=> 6
but that doesn't really gain anything because I still have to know which a and b to put into the function. Another attempt:
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (fn [m] (+ (:a m) (:b m)))})
((:c m) m) ;=> 6
It's a bit better since I've now internalized the function to a map though not specifically this map. I might try to fix that with something like this
(defn new-get [k m]
(let [v-or-fn (get m k)]
(if (fn? v-or-fn) (v-or-fn m) v-or-fn)))
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (fn [m] (+ (:a m) (:b m)))})
(new-get :a m) ;=> 1
(new-get :b m) ;=> 5
(new-get :c m) ;=> 6
I think this is about the best I can do. Am I missing something more clever?
Couldn't help myself from writing a macro:
(defmacro defmap [name m]
(let [mm (into [] (map (fn [[k v]] `[~k (fn [~name] ~v)]) m))]
`(def ~name
(loop [result# {} mp# (seq ~mm)]
(if (seq mp#)
(let [[k# v#] (first mp#)]
(recur (assoc result# k# (v# result#)) (rest mp#)))
(defmap m [[:a 1]
[:b 5]
[:c (+ (:a m) (:b m))]])
;; m is {:a 1 :b 5 :c 6}
As I've already said in comment above you can use let form:
(def m
(let [a 1 b 5]
{:a a :b b :c (+ a b)}))
This should be fine if you're using values that known only inside m definition. Otherwise you would better to use function parameters as #Michiel shown.
P.S. by the way you're free to use everything inside def you're usually use in clojure. Moreover, sometimes you're free to use let in sugared form inside some other forms (although this let uses different mechanisms than usual let form):
(for [x (...) xs]
:let [y (+ x 1)]
; ...
Since c is a derived value, so a function, of a and b you're probably better of by defining a function that produces this map:
(defn my-map-fn [a b]
{:a a :b b :c (+ a b)})
(def my-map (my-map-fn 1 2))
(:c my-map) ;;=> 3
Here is my take on it:
(defmacro let-map [& bindings]
(let [symbol-keys (->> bindings (partition 2) (map first))]
`(let [~#bindings]
(into {} ~(mapv (fn [k] [(keyword k) k]) symbol-keys)))))
;; if you view it as similar to let, when it's more complicated:
a 1
b 5
c (+ a b)) ; => {:a 1, :b 5, :c 6}
;; if you see it as an augmented hash-map, when it's simple enough:
(let-map a 1, b 5, c (+ a b)) ; => {:a 1, :b 5, :c 6}
Is there a cleaner way to do something like the following in clojure?
(defn this [x] (* 2 x))
(defn that [x] (inc x))
(defn the-other [x] (-> x this that))
(defn make-vector [thing]
(let [base (vector (this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing)))]
(if-let [optional (:c thing)]
(conj base (the-other optional))
(make-vector {:a 1, :b 2}) ;=> [2 3]
(make-vector {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}) ;=> [2 3 7]
By "cleaner" I mean something closer to this:
(defn non-working-make-vector [thing]
(vector (this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing))
(if (:c thing) (the-other (:c thing)))))
(non-working-make-vector {:a 1, :b 2} ;=> [2 3 nil] no nil, please!
(non-working-make-vector {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3} ;=> [2 3 7]
Note that I might want to call some arbitrary function (e.g. this, that, the-other) on any of the keys in thing and place the result in the returned vector. The important thing is that if the key doesn't exist in the map it should not put a nil in the vector.
This is similar to this question but the output is a vector rather than a map so I can't use merge.
(defn this [x] (* 2 x))
(defn that [x] (inc x))
(defn the-other [x] (-> x this that))
(def k-f-map {:a this
:b that
:c the-other})
(def m1 {:a 1 :b 2})
(def m2 {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(defn make-vector [k-f-map m]
(reduce (fn [res [fk fv]]
(if (fk m)
(conj res (fv (fk m)))
[] k-f-map))
(make-vector k-f-map m1)
-> [2 3]
(make-vector k-f-map m2)
-> [2 3 7]
;;; replace [:a :b :c] with a vector of arbitrary functions
;;; of your choice, or perhaps accept a seqable of functions
;;; as an extra argument
(defn make-vector [thing]
(into [] (keep #(% thing) [:a :b :c])))
;;; from the REPL:
(make-vector {:a 1 :b 2})
; => [1 2]
(make-vector {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
; => [1 2 3]
Note that keep only throws out nil; false will be included in the output.
or using cond->?
your make-vector function in cond-> version:
(defn make-vector [thing]
(cond-> [(this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing))]
(:c thing) (conj (the-other (:c thing)))))
you can have more conditions or change :a and :b to be optional as well.
Let's say I have
(defn test [ & {:keys [a b c]}]
(println a)
(println b)
(println c))
What I want is to call test with a map {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}.
This works:
(apply test [:a 1 :b 2 :c 3])
These do not:
(apply test {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(apply test (seq {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}))
So you can of course define the function like this also:
(defn test [{:keys [a b c]}] ; No &
(println a)
(println b)
(println c))
And then you can pass a map to it:
(test {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
When learning clojure I had missed this was possible. Nevertheless if you ever come across a function defined by me or somebody like me then knowing how to pass a map to it could still be useful ;)
user> (apply list (mapcat seq {:a 1 :b [2 3 4]}))
(:a 1 :b [2 3 4])
Any good reason not to define it like this in the first place?
(defn my-test [{:keys [a b c]}] ;; so without the &
(println a)
(println b)
(println c))
and then call it like this?
(my-test {:a 10 :b 20 :c 30})
which outputs:
This works, but is inelegant:
(apply test (flatten (seq {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})))
The reason (apply test (seq {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})) doesn't work is that (seq {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}) returns [[:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3]], flatten takes care of this.
Better solutions?