Qt C++ how stop thread if moveToThread - c++

After lots of experimentation and learning from stackoverflow, I've create a QObject worker, a QThread, and moved my QObject worker to my QThread, and started the QThread - and it's working!
void TelnetServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
QThread * TelnetConnectionThread = new QThread(this);
TelnetConnection *worker = new TelnetConnection(socketDescriptor,TelnetConnectionThread);
connect(TelnetConnectionThread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(start()));
connect(TelnetConnectionThread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
TelnetConnectionThread->start(); // Start the thread running
I assume that calling TelnetConnectionThread->start() starts the eventloop within the QThread (since it seems to be running). Now the problem...how do I stop the thread? I tried:
but the thread is still running when I shutdown the app. Does this mean the exec loop is not running? Do I have to do something else to stop this thread? Or is it actually stopped but just not deleted?

It's a bad idea to kill running thread, from design and technical points of view.
Usually the thread must own the decision to quit based on "terminate" flag. For example create new flag "stop", if quit() slot is signaled mark the flag true. In a thread function verify the flag periodically and if it's true - exit thread function.


Executing two thread in parallel with one thread containing an event

I have two functions which has to be executed after specific interval of time. So I create two threads and each function is executed in separate threads. One of the function "checkForEvent()" has a Event which is waiting for an event to happen.
When the "checkForEvent()" function is waiting for an event the other function "checkServer()" is not being executed even though it is run in a separate thread.
dongleThread = new QThread(this);
checkDongle = new QTimer();
connect(checkDongle, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkForEvent()));
connect(dongleThread, SIGNAL(started()), checkDongle, SLOT(start()));
serverThread = new QThread(this);
checkServer = new QTimer();
connect(checkServer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkServer()));
connect(serverThread, SIGNAL(started()), checkServer, SLOT(start()));
checkForEvent() //This function is waiting for an Event
How can I execute both the functions in separate threads ?
Thank you!!
Your connect call uses the default connection type: Qt::AutoConnection. Here is what this means:
Qt::AutoConnection: If the receiver lives in the thread that emits the signal, Qt::DirectConnection is used. Otherwise, Qt::QueuedConnection is used. The connection type is determined when the signal is emitted.
Here your QTimer and this are in a different thread. It means Qt::QueuedConnection will be used.
Qt::QueuedConnection: The slot is invoked when control returns to the event loop of the receiver's thread. The slot is executed in the receiver's thread.
So your two slots are called in the thread of this. If one is blocking, the other one will never run.
One way of fixing the problem is having a worker object moved to its own thread. The worker object would call checkForEvent and emit a signal after the wait is over. This signal can be connected to checkServer in this. With this, you need only one thread. You can look at the documentation of QThread for more information about worker objects.

QTimer not firing in a thread

I have an Qt5 c++ app with 2 threads, thread A is started when the main program starts up. The start method of thread A runs successfully.
So far so good. Next, in the main program I send a signal to Thread A to start a QTimer, which it does - but that timer never expires!
Thread B handles tcp connections. When I initiate a telnet connection to my app, thread B fires up and suddenly I see my Qtimer from thread A expiring at normal intervals.
Why is the QTimer from thread A not expiring until thread B starts?
I suspect my threads are getting messed up. note the last section of code below products this:
thread of this: QThread(0x200fe00)
thread of timer: QThread(0x1fff470)
Which suggest my worker object (this), is in a different thread from my timer object. This timer thread address is actually the MAIN thread. Why? I'm confused.
In my main app I create and start my thread like this:
QThread * MyControllerThread = new QThread(this);
if (MyControllerThread) {
TheController *worker = new TheController(MyControllerThread);
if (worker) {
connect(MyControllerThread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(start()));
connect(MyControllerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(MyControllerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), MyControllerThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
and in my main app I emit a signal to the new thread:
emit sig_startlocalpeer(Types::EActionLocalServiceStart); // Move the local peer to standby mode to start remote tests
which runs a slot in my thread (TheController object):
m_remotetestintervaltimer.start(REMOTETEST_TIMER_INTERVAL); // Wait between ticks
qDebug() << "thread of this: " << this->thread();
qDebug() << "thread of timer: " << m_remotetestintervaltimer.thread();
Well, it's not a Qt5 bug, it's more an inaccurate understanding of Qt's thread spirit.
In Qt, you have two ways to implement a thread which are using or not an even loop. Here is just a small visual example.
No event loop
do{ ... }while(...);
With an event loop
(Of course you can mix a do/while with an even loop but stay simple).
In QTimer's doc, you can read:
In multithreaded applications, you can use QTimer in any thread that
has an event loop. [...] Qt uses the timer's thread affinity to
determine which thread will emit the timeout() signal. Because of
this, you must start and stop the timer in its thread; it is not
possible to start a timer from another thread.
So I'm pretty sure you don't have a second event loop in your second thread and that's why you have the behaviour you described.
To give you some tips to be totally clear with thread using Qt, I suggest you to read:
QThread doc: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qthread.html
QTimer doc: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtimer.html
and a very good article about how QThread implementation is misunderstood by a lot of users:
You're doing it wrong: https://www.qt.io/blog/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong
I hope it will help ;)
The best answer seems to be a combination of RobbieE and Kuba:
You have to explicitly set the parent of the member variable in constructor. The parent-child feature is a Qt thing that exists among classes derived from QObject, it is not a feature of C++.
I never knew this - I assumed that when an object was created, its members variables automatically had their parent set to the object. Good to know!!

Qt/C++ Change parent of worker to qthread fails

In order to ease my cleanup efforts, I want to set the parent of my worker object to be the Qthread to which it is moved. (See below).
void TelnetServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
QThread * TelnetConnectionThread = new QThread(this);
TelnetConnection *worker = new TelnetConnection(socketDescriptor,TelnetConnectionThread);
connect(TelnetConnectionThread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(start()));
connect(TelnetConnectionThread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
worker->moveToThread(TelnetConnectionThread); // Move worker into QThread
Right before the start() line, I added:
but at runtime I see an error that I can't do that because the new parent is in a different thread. How can that be? In the line above I moved the worker to the new thread...so the worker should be in the same thread as the TelnetConnectionThread. Help?
I confirmed with some qDebug's and thread() that the worker does in fact get moved to the new thread!
I think you're a bit confused about QThread. The first problem is that its name is rather misleading as it's not actually a thread, but a thread controller. Next is the issue of thread affinity (the thread that an object is actually running on).
If we start in the main thread and create a new QThread, the thread controller is instantiated in the main thread: -
QThread* pThread = new QThread;
Next the thread is started: -
Even though pThread is thought to be running in a different thread, its thread affinity is still the main thread, but any QObject-based class instance that gets moved to pThread will have the thread affinity of the new thread: -
QObject* pObject = new QObject;
Still, pThread's thread affinity is the main thread, while pObject's thread affinity is the new thread; remember, pThread is actually a thread controller!
To set the parent of pObject to be pThread would be wrong, as they have different thread affinity. This is a problem that many people encounter when trying to inherit from QThread, rather than using it as a separate entity and moving QObjects to it. What usually happens is that objects are sometimes created in the constructor of their inherited QThread class, without parenting them and not realising that those objects will have the thread affinity of the main thread, not the new thread as they expect.
Moving a QObject to another thread also moves its children, so trying to set the parent as the thread (thread controller!) does not make sense.
To summarise, you cannot set the parent of your worker object to be the TelnetConnectionThread, as they run on different threads.
However, if you're trying to have the thread cleanup after itself when finished, you can do this: -
connect(TelnetConnectionThread, SIGNAL(finished()), TelnetConnectionThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));

How do I process events on a QThread?

Normally if I am in a process intensive function I can call QCoreApplication::processEvents() or QEventLoop::processEvents() to ensure that my processing doesn't block other signals and slots.
However, if I create a new QThread and move a worker to that thread, then I don't have a QCoreApplication or a QEventLoop with which to call processEvents().
From my research, it seems that I should be able to install a QEventLoop on the new QThread I created, and then I can call processEvents() on that QEventLoop.
However, I can't figure out how to do this. I figure it might look something like this:
QThread *thread = new QThread(this);
Worker *worker = new Worker(this);
QEventLoop *loop = new QEventLoop();
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(startProcessing()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(done()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(done()), loop, SLOT(quit()));
//loop->exec() // blocks processing of this thread
//loop->exec() // loop is not a member of this thread anymore and even
// if it was, this would block the thread from starting
//loop->exec(); // loop is not a member of this thread anymore and even
// if it was, this would block this thread from continuing
Every place I try to start the loop has some sort of issue. But even if something like this worked, how would I call processEvents() on that QEventLoop()?
Alternatively, QThread also has a function setEventDispatcher() and QAbstractEventDispatcher has a processEvents() function, but I can't seem to find anything that subclasses QAbstractEventDispatcher.
What is the proper way to process events during an intensive worker function on a QThread?
According to the documentation, calling QCoreApplication::processEvents() processes events for whichever thread called it.
However, if I create a new QThread and move a worker to that thread, then I don't have a QCoreApplication or a QEventLoop with which to call processEvents().
Exactly - don't call it. You don't need it, you don't want it.

QThread - Using a slot quit() to exit the thread

I want to inform an object when a thread has finished running. However, I cannot get the thread to exit properly. I have the following code:
thread = new QThread;
tw = new ThreadWorker;
connect(tw, SIGNAL(updateStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(statusUpdate(QString)));
tw->doSetup(thread, strDic);
qDebug() << "Thread Finished";
void ThreadWorker::doSetup(QThread *thread, const string &path)
_strPath = path;
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(run()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit())); //tried terminate() also
void ThreadWorker::run()
DirectorySearch dicSearch;
vector<string> vecFileList = dicSearch.getFileList(_strPath);
emit updateStatus("Directory Fetched");
emit finished();
The quit() slot does not seem to stop the thread (QThread::isFinished never returns true). Can someone guide me in the right direction?
(Note: ThreadWorker does not inherit from QThread)
Assuming that Processor.cpp is running in your main thread, the while(thread->isRunning()) loop has your main thread completely tied up. This means that your application's event loop cannot do any processing so the signalupdateStatus() for example, will never get processed. As mentioned in the comments, since the QThread object is created by the main thread, its signals won't work either since they will also require the main event loop to be doing its thing. Besides, if you are waiting in your main thread for your worker thread to do something, why use a worker thread at all? :)
Try removing the while loop, add a slot workDone() (or whatever you want to call it) to Processor.cpp and connect that to your Threadworker's finished() signal.
I had the same problem and found the answer. Here is my question:
What is the use of QThread.wait() function?
To solve your problem, you don't need to run the QCoreApplication::instance()->processEvents() in your while loop, what you need to do is, instead of invoking the quit() which tries to send a signal to your creating thread's event loop (which is now blocked by the while loop), you have to call it directly.
So for your code, drop the line:
connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit())); //tried terminate() also
And instead of:
emit finished();
Tada... problem solved. Lesson learned: don't try to exit a worker thread by the qt signal-slot mechanism from within it, because your signals do not end up where they are supposed to (your worker thread's event loop), but they end up in the creating thread instead. You never know what that thread is doing, and if its event loop is running or not, and this shouldn't be of business to your worker thread anyways... Instead, call the quit directly.
You can use Qt::DirectConnection:
connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit()), Qt::DirectConnection);
This stops the thread.
Instead of doing your 'doSetup' function... before you moveToThread, setup connections between SINGALS on tw's parent and SLOTS in tw.
I would do 4 connections.
First is to the run method in ThreadWorker. Thats simple and self explainatory enough.
Second is from your finished signal to the third SIGNAL connection below. A SIGNAL that quits the thread
Third to a SIGNAL that should call the terminate() slot of the thread. This will effectively close the event loop setup when you connect to the run method (exec is auto called when you do a start()) and since your run method isn't a loop of some sort, will close the thread without issue.
Forth is from the thread's terminated() SIGNAL to a SLOT in tw's parent. This will show you when the thread is dead if you want to do something at that point.
You do the above connections (if you need to pass in the string, add a variable to the run method and corresponding SIGNAL connection and you'll have the data), move to thread, thread start, then do the SIGNAL attached to the run method. Let it do its thing. When its finished, it will do a finished signal that gets tied to another signal that gets tied to the threads terminated slot. This will kill the event loop and exit the thread, pushing a terminated signal out so you can then do something.