I wan't to publish a score to the graph, but I'm worried that something will be published to the user's timeline. The API mentions that it will automatically generate stories like "User A has beaten your score", but all I really want is for for facebook to hold on to the score for leaderboard purposes.
So my question is, will FB post anything to the user's timeline when a user issues a POST to scores.
If you are using the Scores API then Facebook will on occasion generate stories. Specifically, Facebook will generate stories when a player beats their own previously set high score, and when a player passes the high score of one of their friends.
There is no way to use the Scores API and not have Facebook generate these stories. That said, those stories are very effective ways of reengaging players and bringing new players into your game. I would recommend explaining to players that connecting to Facebook means that their scores may be shared to their timeline and embracing it.
According to Instagram (GRAPH) documentation, it's straight forward to get the insights of a post or media object (even story).
Unlike the Facebook insights of a post, Instagram (GRAPH) does not provide paid/organic breakdown on a post level for available metrics like impressions and engagement.
This creates a big issue for marketing teams because they cannot differentiate organic from paid performance.
Another way to try to hack this is by fetching all related Ads created on this post. I didn't find anyway to read Ads, AdSets or Campaigns related to a post ID. The only way I can think about this is to manually select the Ads related, on a condition that those Ads were created by the same Ad Account we have access to.
So my question is: Is it possible to get organic vs paid breakdown on the performance metrics of an Instagram post through the API?
from Facebook Developer support I know that the Instagram Graph API only reports organic results (so if a IG post received 300 likes, 200 of which from paid activities, an API call for the media insights will only return a value of 100 likes).
At the same time as far as I know the Facebook Ads API only returns the paid performance, not the organic ones.
For this reason you should be able to report the two sources separatedly, since the metrics don't overlap. The problem arises if you need to join the two sources (for example getting the like total of a single post), since as far as I know there's no matching variable between the media from Graph API and the Ads from Facebook Ads
I am trying to construct a Top 5 of engaged users and users that liked something on my Facebook page(a non-profit)(for instance posts, links or images). It has to be an aggregated total of engagement and likes for all items on the page per user.
Can anybody provide with some clues as to which Facebook API calls I could use for this. At this moment I am only capable of determining which users liked the page, or a particular post.
If the question is too general or anything else, I'll gladly modify it. I would have liked to attach image for clarification, but is not a possibility for me yet due to reputation score.
The only way to do this is to get all likes/comments/whatever from every single post with the API, store the numbers in your database and compare User IDs. You would have to keep it up to date too, so you would need to refresh your database entries from time to time.
What features would have my canvas app to submit application on App Center?
Facebook give me this response:
Ineligible Submission
Your app does not have high enough ratings and user engagement to be eligible for the App Center at this time.
What could I do to enhance my rating and user engagement?
I agree, its not a very helpfull message from facebook, how to get high ratings how much user engagement, they don't tell you this information before you start to write an app!
Some advice from a facebook guy, not me ...
There are no numbers because it is not as simple as you need more than 1000 users and a rating higher than 4. We weigh both user engagement and ratings together with other stuff to try to figure out what a high quality app is.
There are several other ways your can get visibility. Publish Open Graph stories and using Requests are 2 things you can do.
Hello I'm learning facebook graph api to research how to using the landmark information to record the city's people or traffic flowing.
I have some question for landmark and fans page.
When I noticed a landmark or fans page have got a new checkin, but the data retrieved from Graph Api Explorer has not been changed, and the checkins number is different to the result showed on the fans page very much, does facebook really use the checkin column?
What is were_here_count column? It different to checkins column?
When I search the Graph API document, I saw a sentence
"NOTE: Publishing a Checkin object is deprecated in favor of creating
a Post with a location attached."
Does it mean that when someone checkin on the landmark, his/her checkins record will be recognized an post object, so that the checkins column has no meaning?
Should I post all scores from my game to the facebook scores api or just when they get a new high score?
I'm guessing you'd just send the new high score over to Facebook's API. That way you're only sending the data that's needed not sending any unnecessary data.