facebook graph api, checkins, were_here_count and posts - facebook-graph-api

Hello I'm learning facebook graph api to research how to using the landmark information to record the city's people or traffic flowing.
I have some question for landmark and fans page.
When I noticed a landmark or fans page have got a new checkin, but the data retrieved from Graph Api Explorer has not been changed, and the checkins number is different to the result showed on the fans page very much, does facebook really use the checkin column?
What is were_here_count column? It different to checkins column?
When I search the Graph API document, I saw a sentence
"NOTE: Publishing a Checkin object is deprecated in favor of creating
a Post with a location attached."
Does it mean that when someone checkin on the landmark, his/her checkins record will be recognized an post object, so that the checkins column has no meaning?


Instagram Post Insights - Organic v/s Paid Breakdown

According to Instagram (GRAPH) documentation, it's straight forward to get the insights of a post or media object (even story).
Unlike the Facebook insights of a post, Instagram (GRAPH) does not provide paid/organic breakdown on a post level for available metrics like impressions and engagement.
This creates a big issue for marketing teams because they cannot differentiate organic from paid performance.
Another way to try to hack this is by fetching all related Ads created on this post. I didn't find anyway to read Ads, AdSets or Campaigns related to a post ID. The only way I can think about this is to manually select the Ads related, on a condition that those Ads were created by the same Ad Account we have access to.
So my question is: Is it possible to get organic vs paid breakdown on the performance metrics of an Instagram post through the API?
from Facebook Developer support I know that the Instagram Graph API only reports organic results (so if a IG post received 300 likes, 200 of which from paid activities, an API call for the media insights will only return a value of 100 likes).
At the same time as far as I know the Facebook Ads API only returns the paid performance, not the organic ones.
For this reason you should be able to report the two sources separatedly, since the metrics don't overlap. The problem arises if you need to join the two sources (for example getting the like total of a single post), since as far as I know there's no matching variable between the media from Graph API and the Ads from Facebook Ads

Facebook Graph API get likes/reactions

I'm trying to fetch some data from page posts on Facebook with the Graph API. I'm using Python normally but I try the queries first with the Exploration tool offered by Facebook.
I used the page_id + post_id to get the number of reactions (I would also like to get the count for each different reaction) and likes. But it just returns nothing. I get the data for the shares though. I have the post open on another tab and it has likes and reactions.
Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Facebook Graph Not Getting All Photo Posts

I'm trying to get all posts from a facebook page for the last two years. Access token is my own which has manage_pages, publish_pages, show_page_list.
The posts are there, they're moderately old early 2016, but, graph doesn't bring them back these older ones. They were scheduled posts, visibility=everyone and of 'photo' type. Any query on {page}\feed, {page}\photos, or {page}\posts yields only a couple of posts.
Facebook Insights Screenshot
Graph Explorer Output Screenshot
Does anyone know how to enumerate these posts with graph, or know of the reason why graph isn't reporting them using the get/feed and get/photos command?
These aren’t photos, they are posts.
shows the first post from your dashboard screenshot, “Andrew Smith - Malta”, just fine.
This is a share of a post onto your page only - the “original” is https://www.facebook.com/andrewmsmithart/photos/a.1533059820295875.1073741827.1533035286964995/1648921165376406/ But since that is not a photo uploaded by your page nor has your page tagged in it, naturally it doesn’t show when you request your page’s photos.
The object_id field of your page post refers the actual photo object.

How to assign a past date while uploading a photo via Facebook Graph API, so that it gets placed at the right point in Timeline?

Using the Facebook Graph API, I have been able to upload a photo. It is an old scanned photo. I would now like to modify the timestamp, so that it is shown at the appropriate point in the timeline. Does the API provide a way to do this?
Here is an article that says we can assign past dates to Facebook Timeline Posts - http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-timeline-timestamp-2011-10 . I want to assign a past date to a photo I uploaded, and I would like to do it via the Graph API. Any leads would be helpful.

Where can I find the data points for the Insights chart in the Facebook dashboard?

I am currently using the Open Graph API but am not opposed to using FQL if it can get me the data points I'd like. Right now I am just hitting the urls directly and not worrying about a client SDK.
Of the three charts on http://www.facebook.com/insights/ => websites I can find the data for the Site Engagement chart in the Domain Insights in the API.
However, I can't seem to find the points for Distribution on Facebook, or Referral Traffic to Site in the insight data being returned for the domain. Did I miss them, are they available maybe in FQL or are they just not exposed yet?
Edit: It looks like someone doesn't understand what charts I am talking about so to clarify, I am looking for the following anywhere in the Open Graph API, FQL, or anyplace else in Facebook:
Like Story Impressions
Share Story Impressions
Like Story Clicks
Share Story Clicks
This info is now available via the Insights app. News Feed section has some of it, at least the story impressions and clicks.