How django and ExtJS passing data to each other by JSON? - django

I am new to web development, recenlty I am learning to build a webserver using django + ExtJs. but I am confusing about how to use django + ExtJS together.
For django, it has template to display the data, the parameter passing to html files could be dict, and could send JSON. I am trying to use it as the backend of the webserver.
ExtJS, support JSON.
Then here comes myquestion:
How to make .html files( used by django as the template layer) to accept "JSON"? It seems that ExtJS has no ability of sending json data through socket or other IPC.
It seems that ExtJS has the ability to use AJAX to "post" the data to backend, however, I am not sure how the .html could get data from backend using JSON? I downloaded ExtJS the 4.2.1 version, and find some examples in the files, however, it only give some example to get data from "json files".
Can someone give me an example or show me which aspect I should learn or explain its mechanism briefly?

This is done not at template layer, but at view level. You should write a view function in Python and assign it to some URL address. In that view function, you can access JSON data sent by ExtJS and process it how you wish.
I totally misread your question, here's the updated answer:
On Django side, you should write a view function, which would return JSON response, and assign that view to some URL address. (See How to write a view in Django documentation, if you're new to this.)
On ExtJS side, you should make an Ajax request to that URL, and provide success callback function that will be able to access the output of Django view function. (Seems like Ajax requests in ExtJS are usually done using Ext.Ajax.request.)


Is there a way in django to update the same page with the response without totally rendering it?

Is there a way in django to update the same page with the response without totally rendering it. I am trying to create a code editor to test. But when I am returning the results my contents are removed. I understand it is because I am rendering the page . I need the contents to retain. How can I do it using redirect? I am including the render statement I used and a screenshot of how it looks here:
Handle post request
Program execution code
Save the result in a variable called "message". Then I used
return render(request, 'editor.html', {'message': message})
I want to redirect the message to the same page without rendering a new page.
[Before submission][1]
[After submission][2]
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
it is possible. using ajax in front-end and render or render_to_string in back-end(Django). using ajax you're able to call a url (with/without data you want to send), then in the you can do anything needed and return render(request,'template.html, context). then in ajax you have success: function (res) { $('#id_of_element').append(res)}. this function in ajax will append the recived response which is a rendered HTML template to the target element.
For that, you have to switch to a different web software paradigm called "single page application", which implies that both, backend and frontend, are functional software components on their own, instead of having a "dumb" HTML frontend that only displays what the backend renders.
In a regular web application, the front end is served from a backend with all the information that is going to display. In a Single Page Application, the front end is served by a server independent of the backend server, and the frontend and backend interact through an API served by the backend.
With this architecture, the frontend component is responsible for requesting and providing data from and to the backend, as well as for displaying the data and getting user's interaction, and the mean for interchanging data with the backend is called an ajax, that is an asynchronous request.
The only language accepted by web browsers is javascript, but there are many frameworks and second level languages that can render a javascript application, like React, Angular, Vue, and many others.

Applying Javascript MVC architecture on existing backend MVC

We currently have a large implementation done in Django which mostly spit out static HTML. We are planning to implement a javascript modular framework to hook to django's API and define needed routes..etc
But, we do not want to scratch off what we did so far as the site is completely functional for non-js users. The more I read about JavaScript MVC designs, the more I find it impossible to implement the two to work together.
Any ideas of how to proceed in that direction? is there a best practice that someone can follow?
Keep what you got right now as a fail-safe. Create new, separate views meant for Ajax requests that handle the processing of data and respond with appropriately formatted respond data (XML, JSON etc.).
Basically, Django is your model. Any action defined by your Javascript controller can either modify the model or the view.
If it modifies the view, there are two options: you either change just the display of data, and thus you just call a Javascript function that alters the HTML, or you display new data. In that case, you have to create a Django view that supplies that data in a format that Javascript can process easily. In your Ajax request, supply a callback (the view part of your Javascript) that handles displaying that data.
If the action modifies the model, you also need to create a Django view that processes the POST data sent by the Ajax request as needed, and returns either the error messages or a success message in a format that is, again, easily processed by Javascript. Again, you should register a callback to your Ajax request that handles the display of the messages returned by Django.
So basically, the only change to your current views would be that you supply the appropriate Javascript code to map the actions to Ajax requests and to handle the data returned by Django for your Ajax requests. Everything else should be done in separate Django views.

Django REST API to receive images

I have a Django project using Tastypie as its main API and it works ok. But now I want to be able to receive images through the API (coming from phones and such). It looks like Tastypie is not quite ready yet in that field. I'm ready to try something else just for that matter, or even write a custom view. How can I do that?
A standard Django view can technically serve as an API endpoint, too, so why not just write a view that handles a POST payload?
You could even make a form which you use to validate the input, even if your client device isn't using that form to capture content - as long as the fields and their criteria match up, it'll still fit.

Backbone.js and Django (Without Tastypie)

I'm using Django for my site and trying to incorporate backbone.js. Backbone encourages using Tastypie - but I would rather not. Is there a way to use backbone.js and django without tastypie? Are there any examples out there of how to do this?
I've been were you are. Needed to just make a custom API for backbone to read for the specific instances.
All that really means, is making custom views in your and attaching them to custom urls in for backbone. Your views will have to return a JSON version of the object or objects
So you end up with friendly looking urls that backbone likes
For example if I had a model of boxes and I want to write a url and a view that sends all the boxes in my database to my frontend delivering them to backbone - I could make a url like this /api/v1/box/all/ really anything you want. In your view you just need to remember to return JSON.
Remember - you need update views to to update from backbone syncings (tastypie PUTS)
something like /api/v1/box/3/update?updatedinfodata
Let me know if you would like me to expand or show some code.
It is possible to bot use TastyPie and just build your own API.
You just need to know Backbone sends to the API and data it expects to receive.

How to prevent Django pages from refreshing after submit?

I am using the Django template system. What I want is, when I submit a form, or click to an url link, page does not refreshes, but loads with the data returning from the server. Is it possible?
I recommend a combination of jQuery (easy, powerful, popular javascript library) and dajax/dajaxice ( Dajax is very easy to set up and use, and jQuery is also easy to set up and use. Dajax is strictly for AJAX communications through Django. jQuery is perfect for taking a simple site and making it more fluid, intuitive, and user-friendly.
You need JavaScript to do that. What you are looking for is called AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Essentially, it means you use JavaScript to send a request to the server as soon as the link/button is clicked. The server returns some data to your Script, which then can be used to manipulate the HTML page, e.g. by inserting the responded data into the DOM. Since you do everything with JavaScript, no reloading of the whole page is required.
To start, read the AJAX tutorial. There are certain JavaScript libraries that make these things more simple for you (e.g. jQuery), but you really should understand how this stuff works first, since else you might get into trubble while trying to debug it.