Finding Neighbourhood in Matrices [duplicate] - c++

This question already has an answer here:
Conway's Game of Life, counting neighbors [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am working on project containing cellular automat methods. What I am trying to figure is how to write function helping to find all the neighbours in a 2d array.
for example i ve got size x size 2d array [size = 4 here]
[x][n][ ][n]
[n][n][ ][n]
[ ][ ][ ][ ]
[n][n][ ][n]
Field marked as x [0,0 index] has neighbours marked as [n] -> 8 neighbours. What Im trying to do is to write a function which can find neighbours wo writting tousands of if statements
Does anybody have an idea how to do it ?

For the neighbours of element (i,j) in NxM matrix:
int above = (i-1) % N;
int below = (i+1) % N;
int left = (j-1) % M;
int right = (j+1) % M;
decltype(matrix[0][0]) *indices[8];
indices[0] = & matrix[above][left];
indices[1] = & matrix[above][j];
indices[2] = & matrix[above][right];
indices[3] = & matrix[i][left];
// Skip matrix[i][j]
indices[4] = & matrix[i][right];
indices[5] = & matrix[below][left];
indices[6] = & matrix[below][j];
indices[7] = & matrix[below][right];

Suppose you are in cell (i, j). Then, on an infinite grid, your neighbors should be [(i-1, j-1), (i-1,j), (i-1, j+1), (i, j-1), (i, j+1), (i+1, j-1), (i+1, j), (i+1, j+1)].
However, since the grid is finite some of the above values will get outside the bounds. But we know modular arithmetic: 4 % 3 = 1 and -1 % 3 = 2. So, if the grid is of size n, m you only need to apply %n, %m on the above list to get the proper list of neighbors: [((i-1) % n, (j-1) % m), ((i-1) % n,j), ((i-1) % n, (j+1) % m), (i, (j-1) % m), (i, (j+1) % m), ((i+1) % n, (j-1) % m), ((i+1) % n, j), ((i+1) % n, (j+1) % m)]
That works if your coordinates are between 0 and n and between 0 and m. If you start with 1 then you need to tweak the above by doing a -1 and a +1 somewhere.
For your case n=m=4 and (i, j) = (0, 0). The first list is [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]. Applying the modulus operations you get to [(3, 3), (3, 0), (3, 1), (0, 3), (0, 1), (1, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1)] which are exactly the squares marked [n] in your picture.

Add and subtract one from the coordinates, in all possible permutations. Results outside the boundaries wrap around (e.g. -1 becomes 3 and 4 becomes 0). Just a couple of simple loops needed basically.
Something like
// Find the closest neighbours (one step) from the coordinates [x,y]
// The max coordinates is max_x,max_y
// Note: Does not contain any error checking (for valid coordinates)
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> getNeighbours(int x, int y, int max_x, int max_y)
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> neighbours;
for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx)
for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy)
// Skip the coordinates [x,y]
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
int nx = x + dx;
int ny = y + dy;
// If the new coordinates goes out of bounds, wrap them around
if (nx < 0)
nx = max_x;
else if (nx > max_x)
nx = 0;
if (ny < 0)
ny = max_y;
else if (ny > max_y)
ny = 0;
// Add neighbouring coordinates to result
neighbours.push_back(std::make_pair(nx, ny));
return neighbours;
Example use for you:
auto n = getNeighbours(0, 0, 3, 3);
for (const auto& p : n)
std::cout << '[' << p.first << ',' << p.second << "]\n";
Prints out
which is the correct answer.


How iterate over a 2x2 matrix in Python

Im trying to recreate Conways game of life where the average color of the surrounding cells will be the color of the new dead cell created, although I'm having issues trying to count the surrounding neighbors of a certain cell in order to determine if that cell should be dead or alive.
def count_neighbors(self, i, j):
neighbors = []
r_sum = 0
g_sum = 0
b_sum = 0
''' The range(-1, 2) in the for loop allows the loop to check the cells in the positions
relative to the current cell, which are the eight cells surrounding it.'''
for x in range(-1, 2):
for y in range(-1, 2):
if (x, y) == (0, 0):
if 0 <= int(i) + x < len(self._board) and 0 <= int(j) + y < len(self._board):
if self._board[i + x][j + y] != (0, 0, 0):
neighbors.append(self._board[i + x][j + y])
r_sum += self._board[i + x][j + y][0]
g_sum += self._board[i + x][j + y][1]
b_sum += self._board[i + x][j + y][2]
num_neighbors = len(neighbors)
if num_neighbors == 0:
return 0, (0, 0, 0)
return num_neighbors, (r_sum // num_neighbors, g_sum // num_neighbors, b_sum // num_neighbors)

How to convert triangular matrix indexes in to row, column coordinates?

I have these indexes:
Which are indexes of nodes in a matrix (including diagonal elements):
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21
and I need to get i,j coordinates from these indexes:
2,1 2,2
3,1 3,2 3,3
4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4
5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5
6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6
When I need to calculate coordinates I have only one index and cannot access others.
Not optimized at all :
int j = idx;
int i = 1;
while(j > i) {
j -= i++;
Optimized :
int i = std::ceil(std::sqrt(2 * idx + 0.25) - 0.5);
int j = idx - (i-1) * i / 2;
And here is the demonstration:
You're looking for i such that :
sumRange(1, i-1) < idx && idx <= sumRange(1, i)
when sumRange(min, max) sum integers between min and max, both inxluded.
But since you know that :
sumRange(1, i) = i * (i + 1) / 2
Then you have :
idx <= i * (i+1) / 2
=> 2 * idx <= i * (i+1)
=> 2 * idx <= i² + i + 1/4 - 1/4
=> 2 * idx + 1/4 <= (i + 1/2)²
=> sqrt(2 * idx + 1/4) - 1/2 <= i
In my case (a CUDA kernel implemented in standard C), I use zero-based indexing (and I want to exclude the diagonal) so I needed to make a few adjustments:
// idx is still one-based
unsigned long int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + 1; // CUDA kernel launch parameters
// but the coordinates are now zero-based
unsigned long int x = ceil(sqrt((2.0 * idx) + 0.25) - 0.5);
unsigned long int y = idx - (x - 1) * x / 2 - 1;
Which results in:
[0]: (1, 0)
[1]: (2, 0)
[2]: (2, 1)
[3]: (3, 0)
[4]: (3, 1)
[5]: (3, 2)
I also re-derived the formula of Flórez-Rueda y Moreno 2001 and arrived at:
unsigned long int x = floor(sqrt(2.0 * pos + 0.25) + 0.5);
CUDA Note: I tried everything I could think of to avoid using double-precision math, but the single-precision sqrt function in CUDA is simply not precise enough to convert positions greater than 121 million or so to x, y coordinates (when using 1,024 threads per block and indexing only along 1 block dimension). Some articles have employed a "correction" to bump the result in a particular direction, but this inevitably falls apart at a certain point.

shell sort sequence implementation in C++

I am reading about shell sort in Algorithms in C++ by Robert Sedwick.
Here outer loop to change the increments leads to this compact shellsort implementation, which uses the increment sequence 1 4 13 40 121 364 1093 3280 9841 . . . .
template <class Item>
void shellsort(Item a[], int l, int r)
int h;
for (h = 1; h <= (r - l) / 9; h = 3 * h + 1);
for (; h > 0; h = h / 3)
for (int i = l + h; i <= r; i++)
int j = i; Item v = a[i];
while (j >= l + h && v < a[j - h])
a[j] = a[j - h]; j -= h;
a[j] = v;
My question under what basis author is checking for condition h <= (r-l)/9, and why author is dividing by 9.
The loop:
for (h = 1; h <= (r - l) / 9; h = 3 * h + 1);
calculates the initial value of h. This value must be smaller than the range it will be used in:
h <= (r - l)
Everytime this condition passes, h gets updated to 3 * h + 1, which means that even though h is smaller than (r-l), the updated value might be larger. To prevent this, we could check if the next value of h would surpass the largest index:
(h * 3) + 1 <= (r - l)
This will make sure h is smaller than range of the array.
For example: say we have an array of size 42, which means indices go from 0 to 41. Using the condition as described above:
h = 1, is (3 * 1 + 1) <= (41 - 0) ? yes! -> update h to 4
h = 4, is (3 * 4 + 1) <= (41 - 0) ? yes! -> update h to 13
h = 13, is (3 * 13 + 1) <= (41 - 0) ? yes! -> update h to 40
h = 40, is (3 * 40 + 1) <= (41 - 0) ? no! => h will begin at 40
This means our initial h is 40, because h is only marginally smaller than the range of the array, very little work will be done, the algorithm will only check the following:
Does array[40] needs to be swapped with array[0] ?
Does array[41] needs to be swapped with array[1] ?
This is a bit useless, the first iteration only performs two checks. A smaller initial value of h means more work will get done in the first iteration.
h <= (r - l) / 9
ensures the initial value of h to be sufficiently small to allow the first iteration to do useful work. As an extra advantage, it also looks cleaner than the previous condition.
You could replace 9 by any value greater than 3. Why greater than 3? To ensure (h * 3) + 1 <= (r - l) is still true!
But do remember to not make the initial h too small: Shell Sort is based on Insertion Sort, which only performs well on small or nearly sorted arrays. Personally, I would not exceed h <= (r - l) / 15.

C++ Points of Vertices in Cuboid (Bitwise AND)

I'm trying to calculate the points in a cuboid given its centre (which is a Vector3) and the lengths of the sides along the x, y and z axis. I found the following on which says I can use the following formulae:
The constructor for the World class is:
World::World(Vector3 o, float d1, float d2, float d3) : origin(o)
// If we consider an edge length to be d, we need to find r such that
// 2r = d in order to calculate the positions of each vertex in the world.
float r1 = d1 / 2,
r2 = d2 / 2,
r3 = d3 / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
/* Sets up the vertices of the cube.
* #see
float x = o.getX() + (std::pow(-1, i&1) * r1),
y = o.getY() + (std::pow(-1, i&2) * r2),
z = o.getZ() + (std::pow(-1, i&4) * r3);
points[i] = Vector3(x, y, z);
std::cout << points[i] << "\n";
And I passing the following parameters to the constructor:
Vector3 o(0, 0, 0);
World w(o, 100.f, 100.f, 100.f);
The coordinates being output for all 8 vertices are:
(50, 50, 50)
(-50, 50, 50)
(50, 50, 50)
(-50, 50, 50)
(50, 50, 50)
(-50, 50, 50)
(50, 50, 50)
(-50, 50, 50)
Which cannot be correct. Any guidance would be very much appreciated!
The problem lies in the bitwise & inside your pow calls:
In the y and z components, they always return 0 and 2 or 4, respectively. -1^2 = -1^4 = 1, which is why the sign of these components is always positive. You could try (i&2)!=0 or (i&2) >> 1 for the y component instead. The same goes for the z component.
Change this:
float x = o.getX() + (std::pow(-1, i&1) * r1),
y = o.getY() + (std::pow(-1, i&2) * r2),
z = o.getZ() + (std::pow(-1, i&4) * r3);
To this:
float x = o.getX() + (std::pow(-1, (i ) & 1) * r1), // pow(-1, 0) == 1, pow(-1, 1) == -1
y = o.getY() + (std::pow(-1, (i >> 1) & 1) * r2), // pow(-1, 0) == 1, pow(-1, 1) == -1
z = o.getZ() + (std::pow(-1, (i >> 2) & 1) * r3); // pow(-1, 0) == 1, pow(-1, 1) == -1
Or even to this:
float x = o.getX() + (std::pow(-1, (i )) * r1), // pow(-1, {0, 2, 4, 6}) == 1, pow(-1, {1, 3, 5, 7}) == -1
y = o.getY() + (std::pow(-1, (i >> 1)) * r2), // pow(-1, {0, 2}) == 1, pow(-1, {1, 3}) == -1
z = o.getZ() + (std::pow(-1, (i >> 2)) * r3); // pow(-1, 0) == 1, pow(-1, 1) == -1
The problem is that as written even though the values you mask out identify weather or not the lengths need to be negated. They are not in the correct place value to get the desired properties from the exponentiation of -1.
Rewriting the code as I have above will solve this issue, however it would be more readable and in general more permanent just to unroll the loop and manually write if each one is an addition or subtraction without using the pow function.

Sum of submatrices of bigger matrix

I have a big matrix as input, and I have the size of a smaller matrix. I have to compute the sum of all possible smaller matrices which can be formed out of the bigger matrix.
Input matrix size: 4 × 4
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 9 0 0
0 0 9 9
Input smaller matrix size: 3 × 3 (not necessarily a square)
Smaller matrices possible:
1 2 3
5 6 7
9 9 0
5 6 7
9 9 0
0 0 9
2 3 4
6 7 8
9 0 0
6 7 8
9 0 0
0 9 9
Their sum, final output
14 18 22
29 22 15
18 18 18
I did this:
int** matrix_sum(int **M, int n, int r, int c)
int **res = new int*[r];
for(int i=0 ; i<r ; i++) {
res[i] = new int[c];
memset(res[i], 0, sizeof(int)*c);
for(int i=0 ; i<=n-r ; i++)
for(int j=0 ; j<=n-c ; j++)
for(int k=i ; k<i+r ; k++)
for(int l=j ; l<j+c ; l++)
res[k-i][l-j] += M[k][l];
return res;
I guess this is too slow, can anyone please suggest a faster way?
Your current algorithm is O((m - p) * (n - q) * p * q). The worst case is when p = m / 2 and q = n / 2.
The algorithm I'm going to describe will be O(m * n + p * q), which will be O(m * n) regardless of p and q.
The algorithm consists of 2 steps.
Let the input matrix A's size be m x n and the size of the window matrix being p x q.
First, you will create a precomputed matrix B of the same size as the input matrix. Each element of the precomputed matrix B contains the sum of all the elements in the sub-matrix, whose top-left element is at coordinate (1, 1) of the original matrix, and the bottom-right element is at the same coordinate as the element that we are computing.
B[i, j] = Sum[k = 1..i, l = 1..j]( A[k, l] ) for all 1 <= i <= m, 1 <= j <= n
This can be done in O(m * n), by using this relation to compute each element in O(1):
B[i, j] = B[i - 1, j] + Sum[k = 1..j-1]( A[i, k] ) + A[j] for all 2 <= i <= m, 1 <= j <= n
B[i - 1, j], which is everything of the sub-matrix we are computing except the current row, has been computed previously. You keep a prefix sum of the current row, so that you can use it to quickly compute the sum of the current row.
This is another way to compute B[i, j] in O(1), using the property of the 2D prefix sum:
B[i, j] = B[i - 1, j] + B[i, j - 1] - B[i - 1, j - 1] + A[j] for all 1 <= i <= m, 1 <= j <= n and invalid entry = 0
Then, the second step is to compute the result matrix S whose size is p x q. If you make some observation, S[i, j] is the sum of all elements in the matrix size (m - p + 1) * (n - q + 1), whose top-left coordinate is (i, j) and bottom-right is (i + m - p + 1, j + n - q + 1).
Using the precomputed matrix B, you can compute the sum of any sub-matrix in O(1). Apply this to compute the result matrix S:
SubMatrixSum(top-left = (x1, y1), bottom-right = (x2, y2))
= B[x2, y2] - B[x1 - 1, y2] - B[x2, y1 - 1] + B[x1 - 1, y1 - 1]
Therefore, the complexity of the second step will be O(p * q).
The final complexity is as mentioned above, O(m * n), since p <= m and q <= n.