Facebook likes disappear - facebook-graph-api

I have the following issue: I recently made a url rewriting change to my website. So I changed pages with url http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/articles/261434/article.aspx to the slightly better http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/article/261434/h-athhna-mesa-ston-hrono-istoria-se-21-eikones.html format.
Now, in order to preserve the FB like count in the old url, I made sure that I rendered the FB like button using the iframe with the old url: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?locale=el_GR&href=http%3a%2f%2fwww.in2life.gr%2ffeatures%2fnotes%2farticles%2f261434%2farticle.aspx&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=125&action=like&font=trebuchet+ms&colorscheme=light&height=21. The problem is, the FB like count reset to zero! I am absolutely positive that this particular article had quite a few likes, but if you hit the FB graph page (https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/articles/261434/article.aspx) you may see the comment count (90) but the likes have disappeared!
Anyone know under what conditions could FB do that? Is it perhaps that in the new page I have put a canonical url in the new format, and perhaps FB parsed this and thought the old url is invalid?

Well strangely enough, 9000 likes have magically reappeared in the graph response: https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/articles/261434/article.aspx
I will never understand why FB chose to hide these likes 3-4 days ago.

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Integrating social plugins - likes disappeared

So, researched this forum for the same problem, but still without success, any solutions haven't worked for me.
The problem is that we had four pages which ones have had like buttons. So we launched advertisement campaign, have collected some likes (more than 100 likes per page). Now we added one more like button for entire site and likes for these 4 pages now are equal to 0.
How this happened and where the likes disappeared? I'm new to this project so maybe I'm missed something (like metatags, app ids or etc.)?
Reverting project also haven't helped.
The pages I'm talking about (sorry, for separating links, but the editor wont allow me to post more than 2:
- index.php/kolekcijos-alus/old-port-ale/58
- index.php/kolekcijos-alus/baltijos/17
- index.php/kolekcijos-alus/ekstra-draught/16
- index.php/kolekcijos-alus/baltas/15
Your metadata is all right, you can check the data FB is scraping by using the debug tool. Just paste your pages' urls in https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug.
The problem is that in the like buttons you're always using data-href="http://www.tradicinekolekcija.lt/" so you're always showing the like button and the count of likes for the main page. Just update the code in each of the urls' like buttons to point to the right url (the same url of the page where the like button is).
This should fix the issue!

Facebook Like Button Count for URLS that Already Have Likes/Shares/Comments

I am trying to implement a like button on a blog. The blog gets a decent amount of traffic and most posts get 10-30 likes, 5-10 shares and any number of comments on Facebook. I am implementing a like button for each post using the iFrame code copied straight from Facebook's Like Button page (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/). When I do test URLS, like "test.com" a count will show up; however, when I use a URL from the site that I know has a combination of shares/likes/comments, no count shows. Additionally, when I run the link through the graph.facebook.com, it shows that there are shares (e.g., http://graph.facebook.com/http://test.com). Now, if I pressed the like button I do get a count of "1" to show up. My questions are thus:
1) Should I expect the count to show up for posts that have shares/likes/comments, but I'm just now implementing the button for it?
2) Is there anything special that needs to be done with the URL sent? URL encoding? Adding/not adding "http://"?
3) Is there a latency to the count? For instance are the counts cached and updated at different times?
Thanks for your help!
1) I don't think they will ever show up if they haven't so far.. (see answer 3)
2) No. An URL with or without http:// will be treated as the same URL. But I recommend using http://
3) If by latency you mean delay, then no. Likes/shares/comments count are updated almost instantly.

Facebook Open Graph OG: Meta Tags - Works only sometimes?

I have a like button on my site, i have defined all the og: meta tags and its works for most of most pages, but doesnt for 2 other pages. Its using a template so its exactly the same code, how can it work for some but not all pages?
For the pages it doesnt work, it doesnt pick up the title, image, link or description, basically any of the meta tags information.
Working like button....
Not working Like button
Any ideas?
One usual problem is caching. If you were testing and at some point had the wrong data in the metatags facebook will cache that info.
One simple wat to test if it is a caching issue is to add a random param at the end of the URL.
so www.yourpage.com/index.php?cacheBust=1
Running the Facebook Debugger often clears those kind of things up. It appears to refresh the FB cache when you do.

FAcebook like button -the meaning of the number near it

What makes up the number shown on my Like button? The number shown is
the sum of:
•The number of likes of this URL
•The number of shares of this URL
(this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
•The number of
likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
•The number
of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.
Ok, now if user A likes something, and then user A shares the URL, will I have 2 likes displayed near the button? Or each user can only be counted once
Thanks, I try to understand this because I need to write an app around it
Facebook have a pretty good guide and API for this if you do want to make use of it.
As far as the process goes, this explanation is better than anything I could come up with. But the long and short of it is, the more people who click on it independently, the more it will increment (See below). Therefore in your example user A likes it (+1), he shares it but only when his friend clicks like when it increment again.

Facebook Like Button Cache. Linter useless

Looks like an issue was closed related to the question I'm about to ask, so I wonder if I'm going to be skating on thin ice, but here goes. I feel like even though this is kind of localized by nature, it could be a useful example for other developers dealing with the Like button.
I seem to be having issues regarding the Facebook like button. The infuriating part is that I'm pretty confident I have everything setup properly, and even though the linter says "hey, this all looks kosher!" the like button fails to get the correct content and uses cached info from a different page.
Here's the case: referlocal.com. We serve daily deals, and list them right off the homepage. There can be one of many deals listed on that homepage, so obviously Facebook is seeing just one when it goes to take a peek at the root directory. Now, on the homepage, whatever deal your viewing has a FB Like XFBML tag with href and ref attributes set. Every page that displays a deal also has OG tags pointing directly to the offer view page. Deals can also be viewed on user pages. So, on these three paths:
a like button is included as well as OG tags that point to /offers/{city}/{title-url-alias}. For about 3 weeks, the button worked like a champ. But recently, it's been performing strangely. For any deal, regardless of the 3 locations, it always uses the information cached from the previous days "/" deal. Regardless of the OG tags or origination.
Here's the wildly confusing part. The Facebook Linter is supposed to recache the information on the page, right? Well, it sort of does. It picks up on all of the appropriate information set in the OG tags, but when you click the Like button at the bottom of the page, no dice, still uses the deal FB saw on the homepage from the day before.
I know this is probably killing my argument for localization, but check this out:
Regardless of the fact that the linter finds all the appropriate information, the like button at the bottom still is liking a deal FB cached from the previous day.
Any ideas?
I had this problem too. The linter caches things in a very weird manner - seems like the best thing to do is either to add a query string and change it every time, or just rename the file every time you're checking.