FAcebook like button -the meaning of the number near it - facebook-like

What makes up the number shown on my Like button? The number shown is
the sum of:
•The number of likes of this URL
•The number of shares of this URL
(this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
•The number of
likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
•The number
of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.
Ok, now if user A likes something, and then user A shares the URL, will I have 2 likes displayed near the button? Or each user can only be counted once
Thanks, I try to understand this because I need to write an app around it

Facebook have a pretty good guide and API for this if you do want to make use of it.
As far as the process goes, this explanation is better than anything I could come up with. But the long and short of it is, the more people who click on it independently, the more it will increment (See below). Therefore in your example user A likes it (+1), he shares it but only when his friend clicks like when it increment again.


Facebook can't get video likes count

I'm trying to get number of likes on videos. So I go like
However I always get back empty data even if video has at least some likes.
I've created a token with following permissions: scope="public_profile,email,user_videos,manage_pages,user_likes".
The last thing to mention is that the video is posted by user page. I've also tested the same thing on Graph API Explorer and it doesn't even work there.
I for example can get comments on the same video...
The individual likes are likely not available to your app due to privacy concerns (the liking user would probably have to grant your app access to access their made likes first)
But since you are only interested in the overall number, asking for the summary should do it:
or when using field expansion syntax,

extracting data from facebook using graph api

how can i extract name list && phone numbers of the users liking certain page ?
I have tried using software called facepager but i couldn't extract names .
note:I'm not the owner of the page
You'd most likely have to write code yourself to do something like this. However,
Almost no-one publicly shares their phone number.
Facebook try to prevent this kind of data collection.
Even when facebook list's "likers" of a page, it'll wait till you scroll down to load more. You'd have to play with your browsers debug tools and look into where it get's that data from
https://www.facebook.com/search/<group id here>/likers
In the end you'll probably not get much better than just searching for the page and clicking each person's profile because the site is designed to not let what you're trying to do happen...

Facebook likes disappear

I have the following issue: I recently made a url rewriting change to my website. So I changed pages with url http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/articles/261434/article.aspx to the slightly better http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/article/261434/h-athhna-mesa-ston-hrono-istoria-se-21-eikones.html format.
Now, in order to preserve the FB like count in the old url, I made sure that I rendered the FB like button using the iframe with the old url: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?locale=el_GR&href=http%3a%2f%2fwww.in2life.gr%2ffeatures%2fnotes%2farticles%2f261434%2farticle.aspx&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=125&action=like&font=trebuchet+ms&colorscheme=light&height=21. The problem is, the FB like count reset to zero! I am absolutely positive that this particular article had quite a few likes, but if you hit the FB graph page (https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/articles/261434/article.aspx) you may see the comment count (90) but the likes have disappeared!
Anyone know under what conditions could FB do that? Is it perhaps that in the new page I have put a canonical url in the new format, and perhaps FB parsed this and thought the old url is invalid?
Well strangely enough, 9000 likes have magically reappeared in the graph response: https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://www.in2life.gr/features/notes/articles/261434/article.aspx
I will never understand why FB chose to hide these likes 3-4 days ago.
This is a bug:
Report 1 /
Report 2

Bit.ly link to Number of Facebook Likes and Twitter mentions

How can I get the canonical link from bit.ly?
How can I get the number of facebook likes given a canonical link?
How can I get the number of twitter mentions given a canonical link?
If I understand you correctly, you want to take a http://bit.ly/s.... link and get the original, long URL, then find out the number of likes for that long link on Facebook, and tweets containing it on Twitter. Is that all about right?
For the first part, you can use the link info API to get the long URL from bitly. It may or may not be "canonical," though. It'll just be what was shortened. So it might have extra campaign parameters.
Community Wiki in case people can help with the second two parts of the questions.

2 questions about using Like buttons for voting (not for promotions)

My questions are about this (pasted from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/)...
"What makes up the number shown on my Like button?
"The number shown is the sum of:
-The number of likes of this URL
-The number of shares of this URL (this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
-The number of likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
-The number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment."
With that in mind, let's say I create a feature to let users submit ideas to improve my site, and I want to let users vote on the ideas by clicking Like buttons next to each idea.
(For simplicity, let's also say it's okay if they click more than one Like button.)
When a user clicks a Like button, a story about it shows up in his/her friends' newsfeeds, which brings up my 2 questions:
1.) If one of those friends comments on it with "That idea sucks," will that comment still add to the Likes count?
I know the content of the comment doesn't matter, but that user is clearly expressing his dislike of the idea, not liking it.
2.) Can the same user generate 2 or more Likes?
From the above, it seems like he/she could click the Like button, and then send a FB message with the URL as an attachment, which would generate another Like.
Thanks for the clarity!
P.S. This other thread was useful, but there were no conclusive answers:
Voting for items via facebook like?