Create a custom Windows 7 login - c++

What I would like to do is to make my own logon provider in c++ instead of using the windows 7 login. Every time I look this up on Google they're talking about how to change the shutdown buttons or change the background which is not what I want to do.
What I would like to do for windows 7 would be the same exact way with windows xp which uses gina.dll for its logon interface which windows vista and 7 no longer uses.
As I said I just want to create my own custom logon screen for windows 7.

You need to use the ICredentialProvider interface to customize the logon screen.
See Create Custom Login Experiences With Credential Providers For Windows Vista in the January 2007 issue of MSDN magazine for an overview of how to implement a credential provider.


Windows Phone 8.1 Add service reference

My problem adding a new service Windows Phone 8.1 but I can't see to tab, 8.1 doesn't add the service?
This is a known issue with Windows Phone 8.1 Store apps. See the sticky post on the official Developing for Windows Phone forum on MSDN: WCF Add Service Reference Not Supported for Windows Phone 8.1 XAML Applications
Windows Phone Store apps in Windows Phone 8.1 do not support the System.ServiceModel namespace generated by the Add Service Reference menu.
The general recommendation is to expose a REST endpoint from the service rather than a WCF service.
If you cannot add a REST endpoint and must use WCF then either write a Silverlight app instead of a Windows Runtime app or you'll need to write your own code to wrap the WCF conversation.

How to log in programmatically in Vista +

I am wondering how exactly to programmatically login to another user account in Windows since Vista removed GINA. I have read that creating a credential provider is the replacement although I have yet to see an example of a credential provider logging in or loading the windows files like GINA did. I have seen third party terminal servers do this before. I want to be able to log another user in and load windows files while still logged into the original account. How is this done?

User Interactive Service in Windows 7

We have developed a network based C++ application that should run as a service for Windows XP, 7 32-bit system.
The application is console based.
User should be able to see the logs in console once the app is up and running.
To make application run as a service , we used XYNTService
The application is working as a service and it works fine under XP.
But I am not able to see the console under Windows 7, Since the service is running under the local SERVICE account, probably we can not see the GUI or access it in any way, because it is running in another winlogon session.
So can some one please suggest how can we make the service interactive so that user can see logs on the console while the app is running as a service?
What if I make it a tray based application, is there a way to redirect logs a window?
Actually you can subscribe to logon/logoff events and then use WTSEnumerateSessions with CreateProcessAsUser to create GUI each time user logs into system, however it's not a good choice.
Making a tray app that automatically runs when user logs into system is better idea, you can use any of IPC mechanisms (named pipes, shared memory, sockets) to sent logs from service to tray app.

Windows Phone 8 using PNS authenticated web service for an enterprise app

We have an enterprise app using MS PNS that is managed via a 3p MDM (airwatch).
The app will NOT be deployed via the MS phone store and I need to enable PNS using an authenticated web service without the 4 month development window as stated here (
As per the MSDN article noted above the certificate would become invalid after the 4 month development window if the app is not published to the store and since the app WILL NOT be published to the store I'm not sure how to make use of MS PNS without hitting the per channel limit as per this documentation ( which results in a "406 not acceptable".
Our goal is to have an enterprise app deployed using a 3p MDM (not via the MS phone app store) that has an unlimited PNS limit to each enterprise device. Can this goal be met somehow?
As far as I can tell there is no way. Based on my understanding of the documentation, the authenticated channel only works for apps published through the store. I would love to be proved wrong here. :-)
The recent leaked Windows Phone Blue screenshots hint that Microsoft is improving the notification service, including the user experience on the phone. So there is hope for the future version at least...

attaching windows service to skype Public Api

I need to capture the Skype Event through Windows Service.Skype like Call etc.
I am trying to register the Skype Notification but it failing.
Whether Windows Service allows Registering Skype Event or not?If not how can we achieve this.
Windows service in general allows to register events from Skype but first you must define:
1) Are you going to use Skype4COM (Desktop API) to communicate with one of standard Skype clients.
2) OR are you going to build your own Skype client using SkypeKit SDK?
The case 1 allows exchanging data only if some Skype client is running
but case 2 can work even while no user is logged in but it requires much more effort.
it is not possible to have Skype4COM in windows service