Windows Phone 8.1 Add service reference - web-services

My problem adding a new service Windows Phone 8.1 but I can't see to tab, 8.1 doesn't add the service?

This is a known issue with Windows Phone 8.1 Store apps. See the sticky post on the official Developing for Windows Phone forum on MSDN: WCF Add Service Reference Not Supported for Windows Phone 8.1 XAML Applications
Windows Phone Store apps in Windows Phone 8.1 do not support the System.ServiceModel namespace generated by the Add Service Reference menu.
The general recommendation is to expose a REST endpoint from the service rather than a WCF service.
If you cannot add a REST endpoint and must use WCF then either write a Silverlight app instead of a Windows Runtime app or you'll need to write your own code to wrap the WCF conversation.


Using Azure Mobile Services in a C++ app

I want to build a Windows 8.1 Store app using C++. I want to be able to use Azure Mobile Services as a cloud backend for my app. My app is going to be a pure native app and from a performance perspective it is not acceptable to use some client SDK library which has been implemented in a managed language. How do I do this using C++ only?
With Visual Studio 2013, it is now possible to use a pure C++ based Azure Mobile Client library in your C++ Windows Store app. The following blog post contains more details about this:

Create a custom Windows 7 login

What I would like to do is to make my own logon provider in c++ instead of using the windows 7 login. Every time I look this up on Google they're talking about how to change the shutdown buttons or change the background which is not what I want to do.
What I would like to do for windows 7 would be the same exact way with windows xp which uses gina.dll for its logon interface which windows vista and 7 no longer uses.
As I said I just want to create my own custom logon screen for windows 7.
You need to use the ICredentialProvider interface to customize the logon screen.
See Create Custom Login Experiences With Credential Providers For Windows Vista in the January 2007 issue of MSDN magazine for an overview of how to implement a credential provider.

AWS SDK for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store app

I am working on a Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store app that involves in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Is there an official AWS SDK available for these platforms?
I found AWS SDKs for iPhone and Android
But I am unable to locate a AWS SDK for the Microsoft Mobile platforms.
I also found Amazon SDK for .NET ( but the AWSSDK.dll in this package is not compatible with WP8/Windows Store.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.
AWS released a preview of the AWS SDK for .NET last night which includes support for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store Apps. You can find the details on the .NET page
There is a open source AWS SDK for Windows Phone:
But if that Amazon SDK for .NET does not work for Windows Store apps, than there is no sdk yet.
(You could theoretically take the source code for the Windows Phone one and make it compatible to Windows Store apps. Since most code written for Windows Phone should easily be transferable to Windows Store apps)

Create a web service that is hosted on IIS 6.0 and 2.0

I need to create a web service that will be hosted by a website running IIS 6.0 and 2.0. I have never created a web service before now. I have Visual Studio 2008.
What options do I have for creating the service.
Can I create the service using WCF and still have it hosted on 2.0?
Do I have to specify any specific properties when I build it so that the service will run on 2.0?
Or must I use ASMX to build the web service?
I have tried building a service in VS2008 both as ASMX and WCF but I am unable to Add Web Reference to either type of service from VS2008 when I am testing how to consume it. I'm certain my lack of experience with Web Services is a big factor, but the more I read, the more uncertain I am of what technology I can use to create this IIS 6.0, 2.0 hosted service.
WCF was introduced in .NET 3.5, so you need to use the legacy ASMX technology. Create an ASMX service, and use "Add Web Reference" to consume it. The first time you try that, you'll need to use "Add Service Reference", and then to click the "Advanced" button and then the "Add Web Reference" button. After that, "Add Web Reference" will be available as a command.

Retrieve current userid from C# web services

I need to create a C# 3.0 Web service which is capable to retrieve (only) the userid of the CALLER in an intranet environment. I realise I could possibly pass the information from the caller program but in my case it is not feasible. The Web service is going to be consumed by a Windows app (Infopath 2003 to be precise)..and retrieve the userid from my Windows app is not practical in this circumstances.
Is that achievable? The IIS (hosted in windows 2003 standard server) uses windows authentication. I have tried a few things using WindowsIdentity but it only works for localhost.
Have you tried this? HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name