C++ - basic function question - c++

Is there any way to make a function call only once?
Suppose I have some class
struct A {
void MainRoutine(Params) {
// Want to call other routine only once
void OtherRoutine(Params) {
// Do something that should be done only once and
// what depends on the params
I want to call OtherRoutine only once in MainRoutine (I assume that MainRoutine is going to be called N times. I can't call OtherRoutine from the constructor, because it accepts Params which may not be available at the time when object is being constructed.
Basically I want to do something like
static bool called = false;
if (!called) {
called = true;
but I hope there is a more "beautiful" way of doing this... (which could be written in one line)
Maybe something using boost::function or some part of boost that I don't know about? :)
Thank you

Take a look at Boost Thread's one-time initialization mechanism

You can also put the call-only-once logic, which you already outlined, inside OtherRoutine, causing it to return early if it has already been executed before.
Logically, its pretty much the same. Stylistically, it might be nicer.

You were definitely on the right track already. You should put your static 'called' variable inside your struct... ahem: you should make it a class instead, make it private, and make sure the state of the static variable is queried inside of OtherRoutine. You should not make it more complicated than it needs to be. Using boost, or anything else for so simple a mechanism is just overkill.

You could achieve this with boost::function and bind. Assuming you want OtherRoutine only to be called once per object,
struct A {
A() {
Routine = boost::bind(&A::OtherRoutine, this);
boost::function<void()> Routine;
void MainRoutine() {
// Do stuff that should occur on every call
void OtherRoutine() {
Routine = boost::bind(&A::MainRoutine, this);
// Do stuff that should only occur once
A foo;
foo.Routine(); // OtherRoutine is called
foo.Routine(); // Now all subsequent calls will go to MainRoutine
I would suggest doing what the other people have said, though. While this may look 'cleaner,' it's overly complicated when compared to the alternatives.

Another way that verges on "cute" would be to have a static object and call your function from within its constructor. Something like...
struct OneShotOtherRoutine
OneShotOtherRoutine(A a, Params params)
struct A
friend struct OneShotOtherRoutine;
void MainRoutine(Params params)
static OneShotOtherRoutine(params);
// Main Routine code
void OtherRoutine(Params params)
// Other routine code
You'd have to split things up so that each implementation could see the other struct's declaration, but this could do what you want, assuming it's acceptable that OtherRoutine gets called when statics are initialized.


Conditionally create an object in c++

I am writing a program that has the option to visualize the output of an algorithm I am working on - this is done by changing a const bool VISUALIZE_OUTPUT variable defined in a header file. In the main file, I want to have this kind of pattern:
VisualizerObject vis_object;
However, this clearly won't compile since vis_object goes out of scope. I don't want to declare the object before the condition since it is a big object and it needs to available for multiple points in the code (I can't just have one conditional statement where everything is done).
What is the preferred way of doing this?
Declare the object on the heap and refer to it by using a pointer (or
Declare the object on the heap and make a reference to it
since it won't ever change?
Some other alternative?
A reference will not be useable here, because at declaration it should refere to an already existing object, and live in a scope englobing all your if(VISUALIZE_OUTPUT). Long story short, the object will have to be created unconditionally.
So IMHO a simple way would be to create it on the heap and use it through a pointer - do not forget do delete it when done. The good point is that the pointer could be initialized to nullptr, and so it could be unconditionnaly deleted.
But I think that the best way would be to encapsulate everything in an object created in highest scope. This object would then contain methods to create, use internally and finally destroy the actual vis_object. That way, if you do not need it, nothing will be actually instanciated, but the main procedure will not be cluttered with raw pointer processing.
I would use Null_object_pattern:
struct IVisualizerObject
virtual ~IVisualizerObject() = default;
virtual void initscene(Object&) = 0;
virtual void drawScene(Object&) = 0;
// ...
struct NullVisualizerObject : IVisualizerObject
void initscene(Object&) override { /* Empty */ }
void drawScene(Object&) override { /* Empty */}
// ...
struct VisualizerObject : IVisualizerObject
void initscene(Object& o) override { /*Implementation*/}
void drawScene(Object& o) override { /*Implementation*/}
// ...
And finally:
std::unique_ptr<IVisualizerObject> vis_object;
vis_object = std::make_unique<VisualizerObject>();
} else {
vis_object = std::make_unique<NullVisualizer>();
// ...
I'll give a few options. All have upsides and downsides.
If it is NOT possible to modify VisualizerObject, as I noted in comments, the effect could be achieved by using the preprocessor, since the preprocessor does not respect scope, and the question specifically seeks controlling lifetime of an object in a manner that crosses scope boundaries.
VisualizerObject vis_object;
The compiler will diagnose any usage of vis_object that are not in #ifdef/#endif.
The big criticism, of course, is that use of the preprocessor is considered poor practice in C++. The advantage is that the approach can be used even if it is not possible to modify the VisualizerObject class (e.g. because it is in a third-party library without source code provided).
However, this is the only option that has the feature requested by the OP of object lifetime crossing scope boundaries.
If it is possible to modify the VisualizerObject class, make it a template with two specialisations
template<bool visualise> struct VisualizerObject
// implement all member functions required to do nothing and have no members
VisualizerObject() {};
void initscene(types_here) {};
template<> struct VisualizerObject<true> // heavyweight implementation with lots of members
VisualizerObject(): heavy1(), heavy2() {};
void initscene(types_here) { expensive_operations_here();};
HeavyWeight1 heavy1;
HeavyWeight2 heavy2;
int main()
VisualizerObject<VISUALIZE_OUTPUT> vis_object;
The above will work in all C++ versions. Essentially, it works by either instantiating a lightweight object with member functions that do nothing, or instantiating the heavyweight version.
It would also be possible to use the above approach to wrap a VisualizerObject.
template<bool visualise> VisualizerWrapper
// implement all required member functions to do nothing
// don't supply any members either
template<> VisualizerWrapper<true>
VisualizerWrapper() : object() {};
// implement all member functions as forwarders
void initscene(types_here) { object.initscene(types_here);};
VisualizerObject object;
int main()
VisualizerWrapper<VISUALIZE_OUTPUT> vis_object;
The disadvantage of both of the template approaches is maintenance - when adding a member function to one class (template specialisation) it is necessary to add a function with the same signature to the other. In large team settings, it is likely that testing/building will be mostly done with one setting of VISUALIZE_OUTPUT or the other - so it is easy to get one version out of alignment (different interface) to the other. Problems of that (e.g. a failed build on changing the setting) are likely to emerge at inconvenient times - such as when there is a tight deadline to deliver a different version of the product.
Pedantically, the other downside of the template options is that they don't comply with the desired "kind of pattern" i.e. the if is not required in
and object lifetimes do not cross scope boundaries.

auto init of library(ies) at startup

I have a bunch of static init() methods, that I need to call at application startup. Sort of like having to do:
One way of doing it is to initialize a static variable like this:
static bool const b{A::init(), S::init(), false};
Do any nicer alternatives exist?
You can use an instance of a startup class that initializes the various components in its constructor and terminates them in its destructor. Example:
struct Startup
namespace { Startup startup; }
int main()
// do stuff being completely oblivious to the startup
I have played with "life before main" a number of times, before realizing that it usually is more painful than necessary.
My advice, therefore:
int main() {
// ...
For clarity, it might be worth creating an init function which will call all those in turn.
And unless the dependency tree between the various libraries is crystal clear, I advise against packaging (ie, having B::init call A::init) because in case of diamond dependencies, you could end up with the base library init being called multiple times.
Don't auto-initialize. Explicitly initialize your sub-systems during startup inside your main.
The reasons being:
You can control the initialization order
If initialization fails, you can handle it properly
If initialization causes a crash, you will have an easier time debugging and hopefully have a proper stack trace
It ensures you are fully aware of the initialization process
You can have a init_dispatch template that calls init() through a variadic argument list:
template<typename T>
struct dispatch
dispatch() { T::init(); }
template<typename... Ts>
struct init_dispatch : std::false_type
, dispatch<Ts>...
init_dispatch() : dispatch<Ts>{}... {}
static bool const b = init_dispatch<A, S>{}.value;
Personally, I would absolutely recommend keeping it simple: initialize stuff within main, not with magic statics. That way it's explicit that it happens, and it's explicit when it happens. And you can reason about the state of the application before and after it happens.
Anything that happens before and after main tend to just lead to trouble down the line.

Passing function pointer with scope resolution operator arduino

I'm a newbie to arduino and programming.
I've included a library inside my own library in arduino, but first library contains a function which has a pointer function as a parameter. It is an interrupt service routine(ISR) but I need to call a function in my cpp file when interrupt is occurred. So I need to pass the pointer of that function to the first library code. It works well when I use it in .ino file, I can pass it like,
but when I use it in .cpp file, I get errors. my function is like,
void velocity::functionISR_name(){
//some code
but how can I pass the pointer of this function to the first library function? I tried this way but got errors,
You cannot pass a method to a function which expects a function, unless you define it static.
write it static :
static void velocity::functionISR_name()
Unfortunately the static method is not bound to a specific instance any more. You should use it only together with a singleton. On Arduino you should write the class like shown below in the code snipped:
class velocity
static velocity *pThisSingelton;
static void functionISR_name()
// Do whatever needed.
// … Your methods
velocity *velocity::pThisSingelton;
velocity YourOneAndOnlyInstanceOfThisClass;
void setup()
// …other stuff…
This looks ugly, but in my opinion it is totally okay with Arduino as the opportunities are very limited on such a system.
Thinking again over it, I would personal go for the approach Sorin mentioned in his answer above. That would be more like that:
class velocity
static void functionISR_name()
// Do whatever needed.
// … Your methods
velocity YourOneAndOnlyInstanceOfThisClass;
void functionISR_name_delegation()
void setup()
// …other stuff…
It would also save you some bytes for the pointer you need in the first example.
As a site note: For the future, please post the exact code (for e.g. attachInterrupt needs more parameter) and copy&paste the error messages. Usually error are exact at a place you do not suspect. This question was an exception. Normally I and other would ask for better specification.
You pass a pointer to the function but the function is a class member. Likely the call will be invalid because the this pointer will be garbage(may compile fine but will throw strange errors at runtime).
You need to define a plain vanilla function, outside of any class, and use that.
If you don't have a very complex project you can get away with having a global pointer to the class instance you should use and just delegate the call in your new function.
If you want to do thing the right way you need some mechanism to get the instance pointer I talked about above. Usually this involves either a singleton or some factory pattern.
class Foo {
void method() {
x = 5;
int x;
Having a callback on method will crash because you have an invalid pointer for this so x=5 will write 5 somewhere randomly in memory.
What you need is somehting like:
static Foo* foo_instance; // Initialized somewhere else.
void method_delegator() {
Now you can pass method_delegator to the function. It will work because you now also pass foo_instance for this pointer.

In c++, is there a way to jump from one function to another

In C++ can i jump from inside A() to B() without A() in call stack? Is there anything like goto for this case? My situation is I should destroy an object at the end of one of its function.
class timeBomb{
void detonate(int time){
goto this->blast(this); //something like that
static void blast(timeBomb bomb){
delete bomb;
int main(){
timeBomb *myBomb = new timeBomb();
return 0;
I could have gone away with delete this;. but in my code on a specific condition the constructor itself has to call a function which in turn call a function like detonate.
to solve my problem i could have asked can i abort creating an object. but i found jumping form one function to another avoiding parent function in call stack fascinating and useful.
You can "go back in time" to a place where you've been before using setjmp and longjmp, but there is nothing to jump to a random new location in the code (aside from various system dependent things, like using inline assembler or some such - and this would still be hard to make very generic, as you need to care for stack cleanup and other things like that).
If you have common functionality then make a (private) method and call it from all methods that need that functionality:
class timeBomb {
void detonate(int time){
void blast(){
delete this; // Very dangerous!

Function Call Guard

Suppose I have a free function called InitFoo. I'd like to protect this function from being called multiple times by accident. Without much thought I wrote the following:
void InitFoo()
static bool flag = false;
if(flag) return;
flag = true;
//Actual code goes here.
This looks like a big wart, though. InitFoo does not need to preserve any other state information. Can someone suggest a way to accomplish the same goal without the ugliness?
Macros don't count, of course.
You can do it with some different ugliness:
struct InitFoo
// one-time code goes here
void Foo()
static InitFoo i;
You're still using static, but now you don't need to do your own flag checking - static already puts in a flag and a check for it, so it only constructs i once.
Well, a constructor is only automatically called once. If you create a single instance of this class:
class Foo
// do stuff
Then //do stuff will only execute once. The only way to execute it twice is to create another instance of the class.
You can prevent this by using a Singleton. In effect, //do stuff can only possibly be called once.
I'd like to protect this function from being called multiple times by accident
To me, this sounds like an issue that will only come up during debugging. If that is the case, I would simply do the following:
void InitFoo()
#ifndef NDEBUG
static bool onlyCalledOnce = TRUE;
onlyCalledOnce = FALSE;
The purpose of this particular wart is easily discerned just by looking at it, and it will cause a nice, big, flashy assertion failure if a programmer ever makes the mistake of calling InitFoo more than once. It will also completely dissapear in production code. (when NDEBUG is defined).
edit: A quick note on motivation:
Calling an init function more than once is probably a big error. If the end user of this function has mistakenly called it twice, quietly ignoring that mistake is probably not the way to go. If you do not go the assert() route, I would recommend at least dumping a message out to stdout or stderr.
That is exactly how I'd do it. You could use some function pointer shuffling if you want an alternative:
static void InitFoo_impl()
// Do stuff.
// Next time InitFoo is called, call abort() instead.
InitFoo = &abort;
void (*InitFoo)() = &InitFoo_impl;
Do you also need it to be multi-thread safe? Look into the Singleton pattern with double-check locking (which is surprising easy to get wrong).
If you don't want a whole class for this, another simple way is:
In a .cpp (don't declare InitBlah in the .h)
// don't call this -- called by blahInited initialization
static bool InitBlah()
// init stuff here
return true;
bool blahInited = InitBlah();
No one can call it outside of this .cpp, and it gets called. Sure, someone could call it in this .cpp -- depends on how much you care that it's impossible vs. inconvenient and documented.
If you care about order or doing it at a specific time, then Singleton is probably for you.
I do exactly that all the time with situations that need that one-time-only-but-not-worth-making-a-whole-class-for. Of course, it assumes you don't worry about thread-related issues. I usually prefix the variable name with "s_" to make it clear that it's a static variable.
Hmmm... if you don't object to using Boost, then have a look at boost::call_once:
namespace { boost::once_flag foo_init_flag = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; }
void InitFoo() {
// do stuff here
void FooCaller() {
boost::call_once(&foo_init_flag, InitFoo);
// InitFoo has been called exactly once!
void AnotherFooCaller() {
boost::call_once(&foo_init_flag, InitFoo);
// InitFoo has been called exactly once!
Not that I am very excited about it, but this is just another way: function object.
#import <iostream>
class CallOnce {
bool called;
CallOnce() {
called = false;
void operator()(void) {
if (called) {
std::cout << "too many times, pal" <<std::endl;
std::cout << "I was called!" << std::endl;
called = true;
int main(void) {
CallOnce call;