How to set borders and other styles of a plugin object from JSAPI side? - c++

I have this::
FB::DOM::ElementPtr _element=m_host->getDOMWindow()->getDocument()->getBody()->getElementById("plugin0");
I got the element(i.e. object tag of the plugin that i wanted) by ID. It's compiling. I now want to SET its property from the JSAPI border color style and width....
I went through this page . I could find only 1 method "setInnerHtml"...which sets something. What should i pass in its argument...?it has std::string that I can manipulate the plugin's document. Any ideas...
Basically I want to set the attribute of a tag from PluginAPI side.....

Honestly? You'd be much better off putting the plugin in a div at 100%x100% and then managing the border of the div. For something like this I'd probably just use:
m_host->evaluateJavascript("document.getElementById('pluginCont').style.border = '1px solid black';");
That'll be the easiest. You could also look at the DOM abstraction code and add some tools for managing CSS; note that on IE you may need to use special activex methods to do this, which is why I dont' recommend just doing it through getDOMElement() (which is a shorthand, btw, for the long code you have in your example)


Losing stylesheet setup after applying font change

In my code I have widgets and change their styles the following way:
And later in code:
resultGroupBox->setStyleSheet("font: bold 14px\"Verdana\"");//this is done by function (set_fonts());
After the second style is applied the first is lost. I wonder if there is a way to deal with this (I need the both the fonts and the background), except for setting background-color and fonts in the same command.
It looks like your function is "setStyleSheet", isn't there a function to "AddStyle"?
Even better is adding a class instead of a style. For example with the jQuery addClass function. See

Get app icon URL in Qt on Linux

I am trying to get the icon of an app (doesn't matter which one). I noticed Qt doesn't have something like GDesktopAppInfo and therefore I tried getting it through QSettings from /usr/share/applications/appname.desktop. That's already a problem, because the desktop file might not be there. Anyway, going further to extract the Icon key. Now I dunno how to find the url (notice that I need the url, sure I could make a QIcon, but I need to export it to QML, which would mean another QQuickImageProvider class, anyway, I don't wanna go that way). Is it possible, or is the aforementioned QQuickImageProvider my only solution?
Here is a little guide that might help you find your way. Keep one thing in mind: start with the basic case, get code running and extend it to more difficult cases later.
For now, lets assume the following:
.desktop file is in /usr/share/applications
App icon is in SVG or PNG format
App icon path is absolute
App name is lower case and does not contain whitespace
Input: App name "git-cola"
Read /usr/share/applications/git-cola.desktop
Use a QRegularExpression to get the Icon value
You get an absolute iconPath, e.g. /usr/share/git-cola/icons/git.svg
Have an invokable C++ function that exposes a QUrl to QML
In QML, set the source property of an Image to getIconUrl("Target App")
where 4. looks something like
QUrl MyClass::getIconUrl(QString appName)
// get iconPath from appName
return QUrl::​fromLocalFile(iconPath);
If things are running, you can add support for
Multiple .desktop locations (there might be a handful or so)
Add support for relative paths
Add support for XPM files
You can use QIcon::fromTheme(QString iconName) to find the icon. It works most of the time but it's not as reliable as gtk

woocommerce advanced templating

i´m developing a theme and for some reason i need to move the default position for breadcrubms (also for many other things) over woocommerce themes. Then i realised to do something like this on my functions.php:
function woocommerce_remove_breadcrumb(){
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20);
add_action('woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_remove_breadcrumb');
function woocommerce_custom_breadcrumb(){
add_action( 'woo_custom_breadcrumb', 'woocommerce_custom_breadcrumb' );
And then on any template file, output the breadcrumb just with:
<? do_action('woo_custom_breadcrumb'); ?>
And works. My question is more than that. Is this the correct approach for something like this? I mean for anything over woocommerce, not just breadcrumb, for any pice, ratings, titles, buttons, sidebar, and so on.
What i´m thinking on is why woocommerce templates don´t come with more deep code. I mean, why there´s no such a single-content-loop.php template where you can just change the order of things, title, category, content, images, etc. in an easy way rather that hooking into functions?
I think that is an acceptable way to call the breadcrumbs explicitly. Sometimes it is easier to call a specific function than remove everything around it!
As for changing the order of things and getting into advanced customization; there isn't a single file, but a number of files working together. Create a folder in your themes root called 'woocommerce' and copy the following files for a safe override:
Here are your hooks, including the ones you are overriding in your themes functions.php. Here is where you can experiment with removing and repositioning certain elements on your product page. Search for 'Sidebar' and you will see where the 'woocommerce_sidebar' action is added with the function it references in...
Here are the functions used in template files to output content based on conditional statements. For instance, search for the 'Single Product' series and you can see which template files are used for which functions. For instance 'woocommerce_template_single_title' uses 'single-product/title.php' - if you copy over this folder and file you can make very specific edits to just the title section
Between these two files and their accompanying references (like title.php) I believe you can do the things you described. Let me know how it works out! I'm new to woocommerce too!

RenderComponentPresentation before any other markup Tridion Razor Page

I have a page template in Tridion 2011 with Razor code that prints information based on RenderComponentPresentation() as the first thing in the page. No other markup comes before it, because the component, not the page, contains the initial markup. Unless I put at least one character before the first RenderComponentPresentation in the published output, the template refuses to render any presentations.
So, for example, if this is all that is in the layout TBB this works (in my real code the tcms are real of course):
but this does not
The first prints the contents of the component preceded by the "<", whereas the second does nothing at all. I don't want to have ANY markup directly at the start of the page template, I want the first thing to be the component. Is it possible?
I've just done a quick test in Template Builder using the latest version of the Razor Mediator (1.2) and couldn't replicate your issue.
Maybe you could try:
It won't render any additional markup but may trick the mediator into doing what you want (though like I said, I can't replicate your problem so can't verify whether it does).
Normally with Razor you iterate over any and all Component Presentations on the page, and right now I'm working with
#foreach(var cp in ComponentPresentations){
This will render every component on the page, regardless of predefined schema's or templates. Your issue however suggest a problem elsewhere. What kind of output does your page template generate (do mind its the page template using a compound template which in turn includes the Razor TBB you describe here). Is it .aspx, HTML or other? And what is the Component templates' output? is it an HTML fragment, or anything else?
As far as you syntax goes, that should be just fine other than the template invocation:
#RenderComponentPresentation("tcm:x-xxx-xx", "tcm:xx-xxx-xx")
I have a feeling this code only works when used within HTML tags, though, but that's just a hunch.
Bit of a hack but have you tried:
<text>#RenderComponentPresentation("tcm:x-xxx-xx", "tcm:xx-xxx-xx")</text>
#Html.Raw(RenderComponentPresentation("tcm:x-xxx-xx", "tcm:xx-xxx-xx"))
Disclaimer: not really used Razor mediator. Just Razor.

xsl:fo - Add "z-index" to a text on top of an image

I have a problem.
I need to set some kind of z-index, like you can use on the web in HTML/CSS.
Because I have a text on an image, and therefore I want to be sure that it looks good when printing.
Is there some "z-index" code I can use on theese fo:block elements?
XSL-FO defines z-index property:
You have to check your formatting agent whether does support this property.