Opengl GLSL render to texture - opengl

I'm trying to render to texture with OpenGL + GLSL shaders. For start I'm trying to fill every pixel of 30x30 texture with white color. I'm passing to vertex shader index from 0 to 899, representing each pixel of texture. Is this correct?
Vertex shader:
flat in int index;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = vec4((index % 30) / 15 - 1, floor(index / 30) / 15 - 1, 0, 1);
Fragment shader:
out vec4 color;
void main(void) {
color = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);

You are trying to render 900 vertices, with one vertex per pixel? Why are you doing that? What primitive type are you using. It would only make sense if you were using points, but then you would need some slight modification of the output coordinates to actually hit the fragment centers.
The usual way for this is to render just a quad (easily represented as a triangle strip with just 4 vertices) which is filling the whole framebuffer. To achieve this, you just need to setup the viewport to the full frambeuffer and render are quad from (-1,-1) to (1,1).
Note that in both approaches, you don't need vertex attributes. You could just use gl_VertexID (directly as replacement for index in your approach, or as aan index to a const array of 4 vertex coords for the quad).


OpenGL subimages using pixel coordinates

I've worked through a couple of tutorials in the breakout series on, so I have a very simple 2D renderer. I want to add a subimage feature to it, though, where I can specify a vec4 for a kind of "source rectangle", so if the vec4 was (10, 10, 32, 32), it would only render a rectangle at 10, 10 with a width and height of 32, kind of like how the SDL renderer works.
The way the renderer is set up is there is a quad VAO which all the sprites use, which contains the texture coordinates. Initially, I though I could use an array of VAO's for each sprite, each with different texture coordinates, but I'd like to be able to change the source rectangle before the sprite gets drawn, to make things like animation easier... My second idea was to have a seperate uniform vec4 passed into the fragment shader for the source rectangle, but how do I only render that section in pixel coordinates?
Use the Primitiv type GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP or GL_TRIANGLE_FAN to render a quad. Use integral one-dimensional vertex coordinates instead of floating-point vertex coordinates. The vertex coordinates are the indices of the quad corners. For a GL_TRIANGLE_FAN they are:
vertex 1: 0
vertex 2: 1
vertex 3: 2
vertex 4: 3
Set the rectangle definition (10, 10, 32, 32) in the vertex shader uisng a Uniform variable of type vec4. With this information, you can calculate the vertex coordinate in the vertex shader:
in int cornerIndex;
uniform vec4 rectangle;
void main()
vec2 vertexArray[4] =
vec2[4](rectangle.xy, rectangle.zy,, rectangle.xw);
vec2 vertex = vertexArray[cornerIndex];
// [...]
The Vertex Shader provides the built-in input gl_VertexID, which specifies the index of the vertex currently being processed. This variable could be used instead of cornerIndex in this case. Note that it is not necessary for the vertex shader to have any explicit input.
I ended up doing this in the vertex shader. I passed in the vec4 as a uniform to the vertex shader, as well as the size of the image, and used the below calculation:
// convert pixel coordinates to vertex coordinates
float widthPixel = 1.0f / u_imageSize.x;
float heightPixel = 1.0f / u_imageSize.y;
float startX = u_sourceRect.x, startY = u_sourceRect.y, width = u_sourceRect.z, height = u_sourceRect.w;
v_texCoords = vec2(widthPixel * startX + width * widthPixel * texPos.x, heightPixel * startY + height * heightPixel * texPos.y);
v_texCoords is a varying that the fragment shader uses to map the texture.

How to reduce the number of drawing calls to a large number of texture?

I'm trying to develop a map for a 2D tile based game, the approach I'm using is to save the map images in a large texture (tileset) and draw only the desired tiles on the screen by updating the positions through vertex shader, however on a 10x10 map involves 100 glDrawArrays calls, looking through the task manager, this consumes 5% of CPU usage and 4 ~ 5% of GPU, imagine if it was a complete game with dozens of calls, there is a way to optimize this, such as preparing the whole scene and just make 1 draw call, drawing all at once, or some other approach?
void GameMap::draw() {
m_shader - > use();
m_texture - > bind();
for (size_t r = 0; r < 10; r++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
m_tileCoord - > setX(c * m_tileHeight);
m_tileCoord - > setY(r * m_tileHeight);
m_tileCoord - > convert2DToIso();
void GameMap::drawTile(GLint index) {
glm::mat4 position_coord = glm::mat4(1.0 f);
glm::mat4 texture_coord = glm::mat4(1.0 f);
m_srcX = index * m_tileWidth;
GLfloat clipX = m_srcX / m_texture - > m_width;
GLfloat clipY = m_srcY / m_texture - > m_height;
texture_coord = glm::translate(texture_coord, glm::vec3(glm::vec2(clipX, clipY), 0.0 f));
position_coord = glm::translate(position_coord, glm::vec3(glm::vec2(m_tileCoord - > getX(), m_tileCoord - > getY()), 0.0 f));
position_coord = glm::scale(position_coord, glm::vec3(glm::vec2(m_tileWidth, m_tileHeight), 1.0 f));
m_shader - > setMatrix4("texture_coord", texture_coord);
m_shader - > setMatrix4("position_coord", position_coord);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
--Vertex Shader
#version 330 core
layout (location = 0) in vec4 vertex; // <vec2 position, vec2 texCoords>
out vec4 TexCoords;
uniform mat4 texture_coord;
uniform mat4 position_coord;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
TexCoords = texture_coord * vec4(vertex.z, vertex.w, 1.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = projection * position_coord * vec4(vertex.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
-- Fragment Shader
#version 330 core
out vec4 FragColor;
in vec4 TexCoords;
uniform sampler2D image;
uniform vec4 spriteColor;
void main()
FragColor = vec4(spriteColor) * texture(image, vec2(TexCoords.x, TexCoords.y));
The Basic Technique
The first thing you want to do is set up your 10x10 grid vertex buffer. Each square in the grid is actually two triangles. And all the triangles will need their own vertices because the UV coordinates for adjacent tiles are not the same, even though the XY coordinates are the same. This way each triangle can copy the area out of the texture atlas that it needs to and it doesn't need to be contiguous in UV space.
Here's how the vertices of two adjacent quads in the grid will be set up:
1: xy=(0,0) uv=(Left0 ,Top0)
2: xy=(1,0) uv=(Right0,Top0)
3: xy=(1,1) uv=(Right0,Bottom0)
4: xy=(1,1) uv=(Right0,Bottom0)
5: xy=(0,1) uv=(Left0 ,Bottom0)
6: xy=(0,0) uv=(Left0 ,Top0)
7: xy=(1,0) uv=(Left1 ,Top1)
8: xy=(2,0) uv=(Right1,Top1)
9: xy=(2,1) uv=(Right1,Bottom1)
10: xy=(2,1) uv=(Right1,Bottom1)
11: xy=(1,1) uv=(Left1 ,Bottom1)
12: xy=(1,0) uv=(Left1 ,Top1)
These 12 vertices define 4 triangles. The Top, Left, Bottom, Right UV coordinates for the first square can be completely different from the coordinates of the second square, thus allowing each square to be textured by a different area of the texture atlas. E.g. see below to see how the UV coordinates for each triangle map to a tile in the texture atlas.
In your case with your 10x10 grid, you would have 100 quads, or 200 triangles. With 200 triangles at 3 vertices each, that would be 600 vertices to define. But it's a single draw call of 200 triangles (600 vertices). Each vertex has its own x, y, u, v, coordinates. To change which tile a quad is, you have to update the uv coordinates of 6 vertices in your vertex buffer.
You will likely find that this is the most convenient and efficient approach.
Advanced Approaches
There are more memory efficient or convenient ways of setting this up with multiple streams to reduce duplication of vertices and leverage shaders to do the work of setting it up if you're willing to trade off computation time for memory or convenience. Find the balance that is right for you. But you should grasp the basic technique first before trying to optimize.
But in the multiple-stream approach, you could specify all the xy vertices separately from all the uv vertices to avoid duplication. You could also specify a second set of texture coordinates which was just the top-left corner of the tile in the atlas and let the uv coordinates just go from 0,0 (top left) to 1,1 (bottom right) for each quad, then let your shader scale and transform the uv coordinates to arrive at final texture coordinates. You could also specify a single uv coordinate of the top-left corner of the source area for each primitive and let a geometry shader complete the squares. And even smarter, you could specify only the x,y coordinates (omitting the uv coordinates entirely) and in your vertex shader, you can sample a texture that contains the "tile numbers" of each quad. You would sample this texture at coordinates based on the x,y values in the grid, and then based on the value you read, you could transform that into the uv coordinates in the atlas. To change the tile in this system, you just change the one pixel in the tile map texture. And finally, you could skip generating the primitives entirely and derive them entirely from a single list sent to the geometry shader and generate the x,y coordinates of the grid which gets sent downstream to the vertex shader to complete the triangle geometry and uv coordinates of the grid, this is the most memory efficient, but relies on the GPU to compute the setup at runtime.
With a static 6-vertices-per-triangle setup, you free up GPU processing at the cost of a little extra memory. Depending on what you need for performance, you may find that using up more memory to get higher fps is desirable. Vertex buffers are tiny compared to textures anyway.
So as I said, you should start with the basic technique first as it's likely also the optimal solution for performance as well, especially if your map doesn't change very often.
You can upload all parameters to gpu memory and draw everything using only one draw call.
This way it's not required to update vertex shader uniforms and you should have zero cpu load.
It's been 3 years since I used OpenGL so I can only point you into the right direction.
Start reading some material like for instance:
Also, keep in mind this is GL 4.x stuff, check your target platform (software+hardware) GL version support.

OpenGL: Compute Shader - gl_GlobalInvocationID giving static output

So I have a Compute Shader that is supposed to take a texture and copy it over to another texture with slight modifications. I have confirmed that the textures are bound and that data can be written using RenderDoc which is a debugging tool for graphics. The issue I have is that inside the shader the variable gl_GlobalInvocationID, which is created by OpenGL, does not seem to work properly.
Here is my call of the compute shader: (The texture height is 480)
glDispatchCompute(1, this->m_texture_height, 1); //Call upon shader
And then we have my compute shader here:
#version 440
#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : enable
layout (rgba8, binding=0) uniform image2D texture_source0;
layout (rgba8, binding=1) uniform image2D texture_target0;
layout (local_size_x=640 , local_size_y=1 , local_size_z=1) in; //Local work-group size
void main() {
ivec2 txlPos; //A variable keeping track of where on the texture current texel is from
vec4 result; //A variable to store color
txlPos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
//txlPos = ivec2( (gl_WorkGroupID * gl_WorkGroupSize + gl_LocalInvocationID).xy );
result = imageLoad(texture_source0, txlPos); //Get color value
result = vec4(txlPos, 0.0, 1.0);
imageStore(texture_target0, txlPos, result); //Save color in target texture
When I run this the target texture becomes entirely yellow, save for a 1pxl thick green line along the left border and a 1pxl thick red line along the bottom border. My expectation is to see some sort of gradient given that a save txlPos as a colour value.
Am I somehow defining my work-groups wrong? I've tried splitting the gl_GlobalInvokationID up into its components but not managed to get any wiser fiddling with them.
A 8-bit floating point texture can only store values between 0 and 1. Since gl_GlobalInvocationID is in most cases larger than 1, it get's clamped to the maximum value of 1 which makes the texture yellow.
If you want to create a gradient in both directions, then you have to make sure that the values stored start at 0 and end at 1. One possiblity is to divide by the maximum:
result = vec4(vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) / vec2(640, 480), 0, 1);

How to render a radial field in OpenGL?

How would I render a 2D radial field in OpenGL? I know I can render it pixel by pixel but I'm wondering if there are more efficient solutions? I don't mind if it requires OpenGL3+ functionality.
How familiar are you with shaders? Because I'm thinking an easy-ish answer would be to render a quad and then write a fragment shader to color the quad based off of how far each pixel is from the center.
vertex shader:
vec2 center = vec2((x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2); //pass this to the fragment shader
fragment shader:
float dist = distance(pos,center); //"pos" is the interpolated position of the fragment. Its passed in from the vertex shader
//Now that we have the distance between each fragment and the center, we can do all kinds of stuff:
gl_fragcolor = vec4(1,1,1,dist) //Assuming you're drawing a unit square, this will make each pixel's transparency smoothly vary from 1 (right next to the center) to 0 (on the edce of the square)
gl_fragcolor = vec4(dist, dist, dist, 1.0) //Vary each pixel's color from white to black
//etc, etc
Let me know if you need more detail

How do you render primitives as wireframes in OpenGL?

How do you render primitives as wireframes in OpenGL?
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
to switch on,
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL );
to go back to normal.
Note that things like texture-mapping and lighting will still be applied to the wireframe lines if they're enabled, which can look weird.
// Turn on wireframe mode
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
glPolygonMode(GL_BACK, GL_LINE);
// Draw the box
// Turn off wireframe mode
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
glPolygonMode(GL_BACK, GL_FILL);
Assuming a forward-compatible context in OpenGL 3 and up, you can either use glPolygonMode as mentioned before, but note that lines with thickness more than 1px are now deprecated. So while you can draw triangles as wire-frame, they need to be very thin. In OpenGL ES, you can use GL_LINES with the same limitation.
In OpenGL it is possible to use geometry shaders to take incoming triangles, disassemble them and send them for rasterization as quads (pairs of triangles really) emulating thick lines. Pretty simple, really, except that geometry shaders are notorious for poor performance scaling.
What you can do instead, and what will also work in OpenGL ES is to employ fragment shader. Think of applying a texture of wire-frame triangle to the triangle. Except that no texture is needed, it can be generated procedurally. But enough talk, let's code. Fragment shader:
in vec3 v_barycentric; // barycentric coordinate inside the triangle
uniform float f_thickness; // thickness of the rendered lines
void main()
float f_closest_edge = min(v_barycentric.x,
min(v_barycentric.y, v_barycentric.z)); // see to which edge this pixel is the closest
float f_width = fwidth(f_closest_edge); // calculate derivative (divide f_thickness by this to have the line width constant in screen-space)
float f_alpha = smoothstep(f_thickness, f_thickness + f_width, f_closest_edge); // calculate alpha
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(.0), f_alpha);
And vertex shader:
in vec4 v_pos; // position of the vertices
in vec3 v_bc; // barycentric coordinate inside the triangle
out vec3 v_barycentric; // barycentric coordinate inside the triangle
uniform mat4 t_mvp; // modeview-projection matrix
void main()
gl_Position = t_mvp * v_pos;
v_barycentric = v_bc; // just pass it on
Here, the barycentric coordinates are simply (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1) for the three triangle vertices (the order does not really matter, which makes packing into triangle strips potentially easier).
The obvious disadvantage of this approach is that it will eat some texture coordinates and you need to modify your vertex array. Could be solved with a very simple geometry shader but I'd still suspect it will be slower than just feeding the GPU with more data.
In Modern OpenGL(OpenGL 3.2 and higher), you could use a Geometry Shader for this :
#version 330
layout (triangles) in;
layout (line_strip /*for lines, use "points" for points*/, max_vertices=3) out;
in vec2 texcoords_pass[]; //Texcoords from Vertex Shader
in vec3 normals_pass[]; //Normals from Vertex Shader
out vec3 normals; //Normals for Fragment Shader
out vec2 texcoords; //Texcoords for Fragment Shader
void main(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < gl_in.length(); i++)
texcoords=texcoords_pass[i]; //Pass through
normals=normals_pass[i]; //Pass through
gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position; //Pass through
Notices :
for points, change layout (line_strip, max_vertices=3) out; to layout (points, max_vertices=3) out;
Read more about Geometry Shaders
If you are using the fixed pipeline (OpenGL < 3.3) or the compatibility profile you can use
//Turn on wireframe mode
//Draw the scene with polygons as lines (wireframe)
//Turn off wireframe mode
In this case you can change the line width by calling glLineWidth
Otherwise you need to change the polygon mode inside your draw method (glDrawElements, glDrawArrays, etc) and you may end up with some rough results because your vertex data is for triangles and you are outputting lines. For best results consider using a Geometry shader or creating new data for the wireframe.
The easiest way is to draw the primitives as GL_LINE_STRIP.
/* Draw vertices here */
You can use glut libraries like this:
for a sphere:
for a Cylinder:
GLUquadric *quadratic = gluNewQuadric();
for a Cube:
Use this function:
void glPolygonMode(GLenum face, GLenum mode);
face: Specifies the polygon faces that mode applies to. Can be GL_FRONT for the front side of the polygon, GL_BACK for the back and GL_FRONT_AND_BACK for both.
mode: Three modes are defined.
GL_POINT: Polygon vertices that are marked as the start of a boundary edge are drawn as points.
GL_LINE: Boundary edges of the polygon are drawn as line segments. (your target)
GL_FILL: The interior of the polygon is filled.
P.S: glPolygonMode controls the interpretation of polygons for rasterization in the graphics pipeline.
For more information look at the OpenGL reference pages in khronos group.
If it's OpenGL ES 2.0 you're dealing with, you can choose one of draw mode constants from
GL_POINTS (if you need to draw only vertices), or
as first argument to your
glDrawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices)
glDrawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) calls.
A good and simple way of drawing anti-aliased lines on a non anti-aliased render target is to draw rectangles of 4 pixel width with an 1x4 texture, with alpha channel values of {0.,1.,1.,0.}, and use linear filtering with mip-mapping off. This will make the lines 2 pixels thick, but you can change the texture for different thicknesses.
This is faster and easier than barymetric calculations.