Get Clojure argument list - clojure

I want something that gives me the sequence of actual values passed to a function, similar to the arguments value in a javascript function.
I am aware that I can grab the entire function argument list using
(defn fx [& args]
<= (fx {:a 1} 2)
=> ({:a 1} 2)
But this removes the arity on my function. I want to have something like
(defn fx [{:keys [a]} b]
<= (fx {:a 1} 2)
=> ({:a 1} 2)
Is it possible to get a raw sequence of the values passed to a function?

By the time the function body is executed, the parameters have already been destructured. You could define your own defn macro and expose those values. I know Lighttable does this in their Instarepl to show the argument values.

Using argument destruction can help. The following works fine for me (as far as I know, it also works for old versions of clojure).
(defn example [ & [a b :as args]] [a b args])
(example 1 2)
=> [1 2 (1 2)]
The key point is that you can destruct the argument after &. The drawback is that it is possible to call the function with more arguments than expected (for example (example 1 2 3) is a valid invocation. Special care should be taken if this might be a problem.
Note: I came across this question while I was searching for similar feature. I kept digging and using an idea from here and :as as it was suggested in this answer, I found a solution for my problem.

I don't know of a way to do this as you describe, but depending on what you're wanting to do there are some options.
If you're wanting to ensure the function is only called with two arguments, consider a precondition:
(defn fx [& args]
{:pre [(= 2 (count args))]}
user=> (fx 1 2)
(1 2)
user=> (fx 1 2 3)
AssertionError Assert failed: (= 2 (count args)) user/fx (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
If you're wanting to keep track of your intended arity of a function, but still have access to a vector of all args, you could add your own metadata:
^{:my.ns/arglists '([{:keys [a]} b])}
fx [& args]
user=> (fx 1 2)
(1 2)
user=> (-> #'fx meta :my.ns/arglists first)
[{:keys [a]} b]
If you're just wanting access to the destructured values you described and access to an args value, you could use let:
(defn fx [{:keys [a]} b]
(let [args [{:a a} b]]
[a b args]))
user=> (fx {:a 1 :c 3} 2)
[1 2 [{:a 1} 2]]
user=> (fx {:a 1 :c 3} 2 4)
ArityException Wrong number of args (3) passed to: user$fx clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity (
You could also do a combination of these.

Not very nice as it requires to pass params as a vector, but seems apt
user.main=> (defn fx [[{:keys [a] :as e} b :as o]] [a b e o])
user.main=> (fx [{:a 1} 2])
[1 2 {:a 1} [{:a 1} 2]]

You can use a macro to bind the arguments to symbol, _args in this example.
(defmacro defn-args [name args & body]
`(defn ~name ~args
(let [~'_args ~args]
You can then use _args in the body of the function to refer to the arguments:
user> (defn-args foo [{:keys [a b]} y z] _args)
user> (foo {:a 1 :b 10} 2 3)
[{:a 1, :b 10} 2 3]

This is the best I could cook up.
(def ^:dynamic *arguments* nil)
(defn unstructure [form]
(or (vector? form) (map? form)) (gensym)
(= form '&) '&
:else form))
(defmacro bind-args-defn [name args & body]
(let [simple-args (vec (map unstructure args))
i (.lastIndexOf simple-args '&)
[h r] (split-at (if (neg? i) (count simple-args) i) simple-args)
r (drop 1 r)]
`(defn ~name
(binding [*arguments* (lazy-cat ~#(map vector h) ~#r)]
(let [~args *arguments*]
(bind-args-defn ;;my special val binding defn
silly ;;the name
[{:keys [a]} [b & c] & d] ;;the arg vector
{:vals *arguments* :a a :b b :c c :d d}) ;;the body
Obviously, this does not accept the full set of defn options (metadata, docstring, pre and post, arities, etc) that can be passed to defn, but I think it illustrates the idea.
It works by capturing the args vector, and then creating a simple-args vector of the same length as the original args but with no destructuring; using that as the defn argument vector. It then massages this simple-args vector into a sort of flat vector without &, which it assigns to *arguments*. *arguments* is then destructured using the original args vector. Kind of convoluted, but it does what I want at the moment.
> (silly {:a 1} [2 3 4] 5 6)
{:vals ({:a 1} [2 3 4] 5 6), :a 1, :b 2, :c (3 4), :d (5 6)}


Clojure list comprehension - run inner loop only once in certain circumstance?

Is there a way to use a single list comp to achieve the following or do I need some other method?
(def args '([[:db/foo 1 2] [:db/bar 3 4]] {:a 1 :b 2}))
(defn myfunc []
"Want to run inner loop only once if arg is a map."
(for [arg args [cmd & params] arg] ; 'cmd & params' are meaningless if map.
(if (map? arg)
(into [cmd] params))))
Above code produces
=> [[:db/foo 1 2] [:db/bar 3 4] {:a 1, :b 2} {:a 1, :b 2}]
But I actually want
=> [[:db/foo 1 2] [:db/bar 3 4] {:a 1, :b 2}]
Obviously this isn't the full function, I'm doing transforms if the arg is in vector form but want to let map form pass straight through (without being duplicated).
Update: I've found that a list comprehension has its roots in set builder notation, whereas 'conditionally executing the inner loop' is actually an imperative notion, so it's not surprising this isn't easy to express with a single list comprehension, which is a totally fp construct.
Is this what you want to do?:
Build a new sequence from an existing sequence. For every element in the input sequence, there are two possible cases:
It is a map: In that case, just append it to the result sequence
Otherwise it is a sequence and its elements should possibly be transformed and appended to the result sequence
If this is what you want to do, this computation can conveniently be expressed by first mapping the elements of the input sequence to subsequences and then concatenating those sequences to form the resulting sequence.
As suggested by #cfrick, there is mapcat that combines mapping with concatenation, either by passing in a sequence directly to mapcat
(mapcat (fn [x] (if (map? x) [x] x)) args)
or by using mapcat as a transducer
(into [] (mapcat (fn [x] (if (map? x) [x] x))) args)
I don't think for is suitable for expressing this computation.
before I propose a solution, I have a few remarks on the function myfunc that you provided:
the doc string is misplaced. I know it's weird but the doc string must be before the arguments of a function, so before [],
your usage of for instruction is not what you expect I think. You should take a look on the example in the documentation here. Mainly the for instruction is nice to construct Cartesian product from list.
I hope that I understood correctly what you want to achieve. In my proposition, I use a recursion through loop instruction to build a vector which will contain every arguments:
(defn myfunc "Want to run inner loop only once if arg is a map."
[& args]
(loop [arg-to-parse args
res []]
(if (empty? arg-to-parse)
(let [arg (first arg-to-parse)
new-arg-to-parse (rest arg-to-parse)]
(if (map? arg)
(recur new-arg-to-parse (conj res arg))
(recur new-arg-to-parse (into res arg))
(myfunc [[:db/foo 1 2] [:db/bar 3 4]] {:a 1 :b 2})
;; => [[:db/foo 1 2] [:db/bar 3 4] {:a 1, :b 2}]
(myfunc {:a 1 :b 2} [[:db/foo 1 2] [:db/bar 3 4]])
;; => [{:a 1, :b 2} [:db/foo 1 2] [:db/bar 3 4]]

Clojure loop with count

I am fairly new to Clojure and would help help with some code. I have a function which takes a vector and i would like to loop through the vector and get the value at an index 'i' and the value of 'i' itself. 'i' is the value which is incremented in the loop.
I have checked 'for' at the clojure docs at for and wrote the following code.
(for [i some-vector]
(print (get-intersec i (.length some-vector) loop-count)))
The loop-count variable is supposed to be the loop count.
I have also checked loop but it does not seem like a feasible solution. Can someone help me with a clojure function i can use or help me write a macro or function that can do that.
Thank you.
Ps: To solve my problem, i use my own counter but would like a better solution.
First, keep in mind that for is for list comprehension, that is, creating new sequences. For looping through a sequence for some side effect, like printing, you probably want to use doseq.
To include a numeric count with each element as you loop through, you can use map-indexed:
(def xs [:a :b :c :d])
(doseq [[n elem] (map-indexed #(vector %1 %2) xs)]
(println n "->" elem))
0 -> :a
1 -> :b
2 -> :c
3 -> :d
If you find yourself doing this a lot, like I did, you can create a macro:
(defmacro doseq-indexed [[[item idx] coll] & forms]
`(doseq [[~idx ~item] (map-indexed #(vector %1 %2) ~coll)]
And use it like this:
> (doseq-indexed [[n elem] xs] (println n "->" elem))
0 -> :a
1 -> :b
2 -> :c
3 -> :d
Don't forget dotimes for simple stuff like this:
(let [data [:a :b :c :d]]
(dotimes [i (count data)]
(println i " -> " (data i))
; or (nth data i)
; or (get data i)
with result
0 -> :a
1 -> :b
2 -> :c
3 -> :d
Using loop/recur would look like this:
(let [data [:a :b :c :d]]
(loop [i 0
items data]
(let [curr (first items)]
(when curr
(println i "->" curr)
(recur (inc i) (rest items))))))
If you need this a lot, I already wrote a function that will add the index value to the beginning of each entry in a sequence:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.test)
(:require [tupelo.core :as t]) )
(let [data [:a :b :c :d]]
(t/spy-pretty :indexed-data
(t/indexed data))))
with result
:indexed-data =>
([0 :a]
[1 :b]
[2 :c]
[3 :d])
The general signature is:
(indexed & colls)
Given one or more collections, returns a sequence of indexed tuples
from the collections like:
(indexed xs ys zs) -> [ [0 x0 y0 z0]
[1 x1 y1 z1]
[2 x2 y2 z2]
... ]
If your not set on using for, you could use map-indexed e.g.
(map-indexed (fn [i v]
(get-intersect v (.length some-vector) i))
I don't know what get-intersect is and assume .length is java interop? Anyway, map-indexed expects a function of 2 arguments, the 1st is the index and the second is the value.

Can I refer to a clojure hashmap value from another value in the same map?

I'm trying to come up with some way for the values in a clojure hashmap to refer to each other. Conceptually, something like this:
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (+ (:a m) (:b m))} ;Implies (= (:c m) 6)
This doesn't work, of course since I'm circularly referencing m. I can do something like
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (fn [a b] (+ a b))})
((:c m) (:a m) (:b m)) ;=> 6
but that doesn't really gain anything because I still have to know which a and b to put into the function. Another attempt:
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (fn [m] (+ (:a m) (:b m)))})
((:c m) m) ;=> 6
It's a bit better since I've now internalized the function to a map though not specifically this map. I might try to fix that with something like this
(defn new-get [k m]
(let [v-or-fn (get m k)]
(if (fn? v-or-fn) (v-or-fn m) v-or-fn)))
(def m {:a 1 :b 5 :c (fn [m] (+ (:a m) (:b m)))})
(new-get :a m) ;=> 1
(new-get :b m) ;=> 5
(new-get :c m) ;=> 6
I think this is about the best I can do. Am I missing something more clever?
Couldn't help myself from writing a macro:
(defmacro defmap [name m]
(let [mm (into [] (map (fn [[k v]] `[~k (fn [~name] ~v)]) m))]
`(def ~name
(loop [result# {} mp# (seq ~mm)]
(if (seq mp#)
(let [[k# v#] (first mp#)]
(recur (assoc result# k# (v# result#)) (rest mp#)))
(defmap m [[:a 1]
[:b 5]
[:c (+ (:a m) (:b m))]])
;; m is {:a 1 :b 5 :c 6}
As I've already said in comment above you can use let form:
(def m
(let [a 1 b 5]
{:a a :b b :c (+ a b)}))
This should be fine if you're using values that known only inside m definition. Otherwise you would better to use function parameters as #Michiel shown.
P.S. by the way you're free to use everything inside def you're usually use in clojure. Moreover, sometimes you're free to use let in sugared form inside some other forms (although this let uses different mechanisms than usual let form):
(for [x (...) xs]
:let [y (+ x 1)]
; ...
Since c is a derived value, so a function, of a and b you're probably better of by defining a function that produces this map:
(defn my-map-fn [a b]
{:a a :b b :c (+ a b)})
(def my-map (my-map-fn 1 2))
(:c my-map) ;;=> 3
Here is my take on it:
(defmacro let-map [& bindings]
(let [symbol-keys (->> bindings (partition 2) (map first))]
`(let [~#bindings]
(into {} ~(mapv (fn [k] [(keyword k) k]) symbol-keys)))))
;; if you view it as similar to let, when it's more complicated:
a 1
b 5
c (+ a b)) ; => {:a 1, :b 5, :c 6}
;; if you see it as an augmented hash-map, when it's simple enough:
(let-map a 1, b 5, c (+ a b)) ; => {:a 1, :b 5, :c 6}

How does this defn method1 [{:keys [a b c] :as obj}] map method works?

I have the following Clojure code
(defn myFunction [{:keys [a b c] :as myAtom}]
(let [new-a 1]
(+ new-a a)
(assoc myAtom :a new-a)))
I would like to know how :keys and :as work
The first line defines a function (in a var) that takes a single argument which must be a map
(defn myFunction [{:keys [a b c] :as myAtom}]
Then It creates a let statement binding the given symbols a b c to the values obtained by looking up each of the symbols as a keyword in that argument, and bind the name myatom to the original map
(let [new-a 1]
Then bind new-a to the value 1
(+ new-a a)
do some math and ignore the result
(assoc myAtom :a new-a)))
This last segment uses the symbol bound to the whole map (passed as an argument) as and calls assoc to create a new map associating :a with the value in new-a. Then retrurns that as the value of the function.
This returns a new map with the value 1 for :a
user> (myFunction {:a 3 :b 3 :c 3})
{:a 1, :c 3, :b 3}

Can I get a this variable in a def?

Is there a way to mimic a this variable in something like (def foo {:two 2 :three (inc (:two this))})? Even better would be something like (def foo {:two 2 :three (inc ::two)}). I was told that there is a library that does exactly this, but I can't really find anything similar.
If you want a temporary name for something, that's what let is for.
(def foo (let [x {:two 2}]
(assoc x :three (inc (:two x)))))
I don't know of any library that does what you want. Every once in a while, someone suggests a "generalized arrow", like -> but with a magic symbol you can stick in the intermediary expressions which will be replaced by something else. See for example here and here. But this idea tends to be shot down because it's more complex and confusing for little benefit. let is your friend. See Rich's example:
(let [x []
x (conj x 1)
x (into x [2 3])
x (map inc x)]
(Update: Rearranged & reworked. build-map and (a sketch of) -m> macros added.)
You could write this particular example as
(def foo (zipmap [:two :three] (iterate inc 2)))
The easiest general solution which occurs to me at this moment is
user> (-> {} (assoc :two 2) (#(assoc % :three (inc (:two %)))))
{:three 3, :two 2}
It's actually very flexible, although it does require you to write out assoc repeatedly.
To enable syntax similar to that from the question text, you could use something like this:
(defn build-map* [& kvs]
(reduce (fn [m [k v]]
(assoc m k (v m)))
(defmacro build-map [& raw-kvs]
(assert (even? (count raw-kvs)))
(let [kvs (map (fn [[k v]] [k `(fn [m#] (let [~'this m#] ~v))])
(partition 2 raw-kvs))]
`(build-map* ~#kvs)))
user> (build-map :two 2 :three (inc (:two this)))
{:three 3, :two 2}
You could easily change this to use a user-supplied symbol rather than the hardcoded this. Or you could switch to %, which is just a regular symbol outside anonymous function literals. Maybe add an explicit initial map argument, call it -m> (for map threading) and you can do
(-m> {} :two 2 :three (inc (:two %)))
for the same result.
Another funky way (mostly for the fun):
;;; from Alex Osborne's debug-repl,
;;; see
;;; now changed to use &env
(defmacro local-bindings
"Produces a map of the names of local bindings to their values."
(let [symbols (map key &env)]
(zipmap (map (fn [sym] `(quote ~sym)) symbols) symbols)))
(let [two 2
three (inc two)]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword k) v]) (local-bindings))))
{:two 2, :three 3}
Note that this will also capture the bindings introduced by any outer let forms...