How to replace an instance with another instance via pointer? - c++

I'm doing online destructive clustering (clusters replace clustered objects) on a list of class instances (stl::list).
My list of current percepUnits is: stl::list<percepUnit> units; and for each iteration I get a new list of input percepUnits stl::list<percepUnit> scratch; that need to be clustered with the units.
I want to maintain a fixed number of percepUnits (so units.size() is constant), so for each new scratch percepUnit I need to merge it with the nearest percepUnit in units. Following is a code snippet that builds a list (dists) of structures (percepUnitDist) that contain pointers to each pair of items in scratch and units percepDist.scratchUnit = &(*scratchUnit); and percepDist.unit = &(*unit); and their distance. Additionally, for each item in scratch I keep track of which item in units has the least distance minDists.
// For every scratch percepUnit:
for (scratchUnit = scratch.begin(); scratchUnit != scratch.end(); scratchUnit++) {
float minDist=2025.1172; // This is the max possible distance in unnormalized CIELuv, and much larger than the normalized dist.
// For every percepUnit:
for (unit = units.begin(); unit != units.end(); unit++) {
// compare pairs
float dist = featureDist(*scratchUnit, *unit, FGBG);
//cout << "distance: " << dist << endl;
// Put pairs in a structure that caches their distances
percepUnitDist percepDist;
percepDist.scratchUnit = &(*scratchUnit); // address of where scratchUnit points to.
percepDist.unit = &(*unit);
percepDist.dist = dist;
// Figure out the percepUnit that is closest to this scratchUnit.
if (dist < minDist)
minDist = dist;
dists.push_back(percepDist); // append dist struct
minDists.push_back(minDist); // append the min distance to the nearest percepUnit for this particular scratchUnit.
So now I just need to loop through the percepUnitDist items in dists and match the distances with the minimum distances to figure out which percepUnit in scratch should be merged with which percepUnit in units. The merging process mergePerceps() creates a new percepUnit which is a weighted average of the "parent" percepUnits in scratch and units.
I want to replace the instance in the units list with the new percepUnit constructed by mergePerceps(), but I would like to do so in the context of looping through the percepUnitDists. This is my current code:
// Loop through dists and merge all the closest pairs.
// Loop through all dists
for (distIter = dists.begin(); distIter != dists.end(); distIter++) {
// Loop through all minDists for each scratchUnit.
for (minDistsIter = minDists.begin(); minDistsIter != minDists.end(); minDistsIter++) {
// if this is the closest cluster, and the closest cluster has not already been merged, and the scratch has not already been merged.
if (*minDistsIter == distIter->dist and not distIter->scratchUnit->remove) {
percepUnit newUnit;
mergePerceps(*(distIter->scratchUnit), *(distIter->unit), newUnit, FGBG);
*(distIter->unit) = newUnit; // replace the cluster with the new merged version.
distIter->scratchUnit->remove = true;
I thought that I could replace the instance in units via the percepUnitDist pointer with the new percepUnit instance using *(distIter->unit) = newUnit;, but that does not seem to be working as I'm seeing a memory leak, implying the instances in the units are not getting replaced.
How do I delete the percepUnit in the units list and replace it with a new percepUnit instance such that the new unit is located in the same location?
Here is the percepUnit class. Note the cv::Mat members. Following is the mergePerceps() function and the mergeImages() function on which it depends:
// Function to construct an accumulation.
void clustering::mergeImages(Mat &scratch, Mat &unit, cv::Mat &merged, const string maskOrImage, const string FGBG, const float scratchWeight, const float unitWeight) {
int width, height, type=CV_8UC3;
Mat scratchImagePad, unitImagePad, scratchImage, unitImage;
// use the resolution and aspect of the largest of the pair.
if (unit.cols > scratch.cols)
width = unit.cols;
width = scratch.cols;
if (unit.rows > scratch.rows)
height = unit.rows;
height = scratch.rows;
if (maskOrImage == "mask")
type = CV_8UC1; // single channel mask
else if (maskOrImage == "image")
type = CV_8UC3; // three channel image
cout << "maskOrImage is not 'mask' or 'image'\n";
merged = Mat(height, width, type, Scalar::all(0));
scratchImagePad = Mat(height, width, type, Scalar::all(0));
unitImagePad = Mat(height, width, type, Scalar::all(0));
// weight images before summation.
// because these pass by reference, they mess up the images in memory!
scratch *= scratchWeight;
unit *= unitWeight;
// copy images into padded images.
merged = scratchImagePad+unitImagePad;
// Merge two perceps and return a new percept to replace them.
void clustering::mergePerceps(percepUnit scratch, percepUnit unit, percepUnit &mergedUnit, const string FGBG) {
Mat accumulation;
Mat accumulationMask;
Mat meanColour;
int x, y, w, h, area;
float l,u,v;
int numMerges=0;
std::vector<float> featuresVar; // Normalized, Sum, Variance.
//float featuresVarMin, featuresVarMax; // min and max variance accross all features.
float scratchWeight, unitWeight;
if (FGBG == "FG") {
// foreground percepts don't get merged as much.
scratchWeight = 0.65;
unitWeight = 1-scratchWeight;
} else {
scratchWeight = 0.85;
unitWeight = 1-scratchWeight;
// Images TODO remove the meanColour if needbe.
mergeImages(scratch.image, unit.image, accumulation, "image", FGBG, scratchWeight, unitWeight);
mergeImages(scratch.mask, unit.mask, accumulationMask, "mask", FGBG, scratchWeight, unitWeight);
mergeImages(scratch.meanColour, unit.meanColour, meanColour, "image", "FG", scratchWeight, unitWeight); // merge images
// Position and size.
x = (scratch.x1*scratchWeight) + (unit.x1*unitWeight);
y = (scratch.y1*scratchWeight) + (unit.y1*unitWeight);
w = (scratch.w*scratchWeight) + (unit.w*unitWeight);
h = (scratch.h*scratchWeight) + (unit.h*unitWeight);
// area
area = (scratch.area*scratchWeight) + (unit.area*unitWeight);
// colour
l = (scratch.l*scratchWeight) + (unit.l*unitWeight);
u = (scratch.u*scratchWeight) + (unit.u*unitWeight);
v = (scratch.v*scratchWeight) + (unit.v*unitWeight);
// Number of merges
if (scratch.numMerges < 1 and unit.numMerges < 1) { // both units are patches
numMerges = 1;
} else if (scratch.numMerges < 1 and unit.numMerges >= 1) { // unit A is a patch, B a percept
numMerges = unit.numMerges + 1;
} else if (scratch.numMerges >= 1 and unit.numMerges < 1) { // unit A is a percept, B a patch.
numMerges = scratch.numMerges + 1;
cout << "merged scratch??" <<endl;
// TODO this may be an impossible case.
} else { // both units are percepts
numMerges = scratch.numMerges + unit.numMerges;
cout << "Merging two already merged Percepts" <<endl;
// TODO this may be an impossible case.
// Create unit.
mergedUnit = percepUnit(accumulation, accumulationMask, x, y, w, h, area); // time is the earliest value in times?
mergedUnit.l = l; // members not in the constrcutor.
mergedUnit.u = u;
mergedUnit.v = v;
mergedUnit.numMerges = numMerges;
mergedUnit.meanColour = meanColour;
mergedUnit.pActivated = unit.pActivated; // new clusters retain parent's history of activation.
mergedUnit.scratch = false;
mergedUnit.habituation = unit.habituation; // we inherent the habituation of the cluster we merged with.
Changing the copy and assignment operators had performance side-effects and did not seem to resolve the problem. So I've added a custom function to do the replacement, which just like the copy operator makes copies of each member and make's sure those copies are deep. The problem is that I still end up with a leak.
So I've changed this line: *(distIter->unit) = newUnit;
to this: (*(distIter->unit)).clone(newUnit)
Where the clone method is as follows:
// Deep Copy of members
void percepUnit::clone(const percepUnit &source) {
// Deep copy of Mats
this->image = source.image.clone();
this->mask = source.mask.clone();
this->alphaImage = source.alphaImage.clone();
this->meanColour = source.meanColour.clone();
// shallow copies of everything else
this->alpha = source.alpha;
this->fadingIn = source.fadingIn;
this->fadingHold = source.fadingHold;
this->fadingOut = source.fadingOut;
this->l = source.l;
this->u = source.u;
this->v = source.v;
this->x1 = source.x1;
this->y1 = source.y1;
this->w = source.w;
this->h = source.h;
this->x2 = source.x2;
this->y2 = source.y2;
this->cx =;
this->cy =;
this->numMerges = source.numMerges;
this->id =;
this->area = source.area;
this->features = source.features;
this->featuresNorm = source.featuresNorm;
this->remove = source.remove;
this->fgKnockout = source.fgKnockout;
this->colourCalculated = source.colourCalculated;
this->normalized = source.normalized;
this->activation = source.activation;
this->activated = source.activated;
this->pActivated = source.pActivated;
this->habituation = source.habituation;
this->scratch = source.scratch;
this->FGBG = source.FGBG;
And yet, I still see a memory increase. The increase does not happen if I comment out that single replacement line. So I'm still stuck.
I can prevent memory from increasing if I disable the cv::Mat cloning code in the function above:
// Deep Copy of members
void percepUnit::clone(const percepUnit &source) {
/* try releasing Mats first?
// No effect on memory increase, but the refCount is decremented.
/* Deep copy of Mats
this->image = source.image.clone();
this->mask = source.mask.clone();
this->alphaImage = source.alphaImage.clone();
this->meanColour = source.meanColour.clone();*/
// shallow copies of everything else
this->alpha = source.alpha;
this->fadingIn = source.fadingIn;
this->fadingHold = source.fadingHold;
this->fadingOut = source.fadingOut;
this->l = source.l;
this->u = source.u;
this->v = source.v;
this->x1 = source.x1;
this->y1 = source.y1;
this->w = source.w;
this->h = source.h;
this->x2 = source.x2;
this->y2 = source.y2;
this->cx =;
this->cy =;
this->numMerges = source.numMerges;
this->id =;
this->area = source.area;
this->features = source.features;
this->featuresNorm = source.featuresNorm;
this->remove = source.remove;
this->fgKnockout = source.fgKnockout;
this->colourCalculated = source.colourCalculated;
this->normalized = source.normalized;
this->activation = source.activation;
this->activated = source.activated;
this->pActivated = source.pActivated;
this->habituation = source.habituation;
this->scratch = source.scratch;
this->FGBG = source.FGBG;
While I still can't explain this issue, I did notice another hint. I realized that this leak can also be stopped if I don't normalize those features I use to cluster via featureDist() (but continue to clone cv::Mats). The really odd thing is that I rewrote that code entirely and still the problem persists.
Here is the featureDist function:
float clustering::featureDist(percepUnit unitA, percepUnit unitB, const string FGBG) {
float distance=0;
if (FGBG == "BG") {
for (unsigned int i=0; i<unitA.featuresNorm.rows; i++) {
distance += pow(abs(<float>(i) -<float>(i)),0.5);
//cout << "unitA.featuresNorm[" << i << "]: " << unitA.featuresNorm[i] << endl;
//cout << "unitB.featuresNorm[" << i << "]: " << unitB.featuresNorm[i] << endl;
// for FG, don't use normalized colour features.
// TODO To include the area use i=4
} else if (FGBG == "FG") {
for (unsigned int i=4; i<unitA.features.rows; i++) {
distance += pow(abs(<float>(i) -<float>(i)),0.5);
} else {
cout << "FGBG argument was not FG or BG, returning 0." <<endl;
return 0;
return pow(distance,2);
Features used to be a vector of floats, and thus the normalization code was as follows:
void clustering::normalize(list<percepUnit> &scratch, list<percepUnit> &units) {
list<percepUnit>::iterator unit;
list<percepUnit*>::iterator unitPtr;
vector<float> min,max;
list<percepUnit*> masterList; // list of pointers.
// generate pointers
for (unit = scratch.begin(); unit != scratch.end(); unit++)
masterList.push_back(&(*unit)); // add pointer to where unit points to.
for (unit = units.begin(); unit != units.end(); unit++)
masterList.push_back(&(*unit)); // add pointer to where unit points to.
int numFeatures = masterList.front()->features.size(); // all percepts have the same number of features.
min.resize(numFeatures); // allocate for the number of features we have.
// Loop through all units to get feature values
for (int i=0; i<numFeatures; i++) {
min[i] = masterList.front()->features[i]; // starting point.
max[i] = min[i];
// calculate min and max for each feature.
for (unitPtr = masterList.begin(); unitPtr != masterList.end(); unitPtr++) {
if ((*unitPtr)->features[i] < min[i])
min[i] = (*unitPtr)->features[i];
if ((*unitPtr)->features[i] > max[i])
max[i] = (*unitPtr)->features[i];
// Normalize features according to min/max.
for (int i=0; i<numFeatures; i++) {
for (unitPtr = masterList.begin(); unitPtr != masterList.end(); unitPtr++) {
(*unitPtr)->featuresNorm[i] = ((*unitPtr)->features[i]-min[i]) / (max[i]-min[i]);
(*unitPtr)->normalized = true;
I changed the features type to a cv::Mat so I could use the opencv normalization function, so I rewrote the normalization function as follows:
void clustering::normalize(list<percepUnit> &scratch, list<percepUnit> &units) {
Mat featureMat = Mat(1,units.size()+scratch.size(), CV_32FC1, Scalar(0));
list<percepUnit>::iterator unit;
// For each feature
for (int i=0; i< units.begin()->features.rows; i++) {
// for each unit in units
int j=0;
float value;
for (unit = units.begin(); unit != units.end(); unit++) {
// Populate featureMat j is the unit index, i is the feature index.
value = unit-><float>(i);<float>(j) = value;
// for each unit in scratch
for (unit = scratch.begin(); unit != scratch.end(); unit++) {
// Populate featureMat j is the unit index, i is the feature index.
value = unit-><float>(i);<float>(j) = value;
// Normalize this featureMat in place
cv::normalize(featureMat, featureMat, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
// set normalized values in percepUnits from featureMat
// for each unit in units
for (unit = units.begin(); unit != units.end(); unit++) {
// Populate percepUnit featuresNorm, j is the unit index, i is the feature index.
value =<float>(j);
unit-><float>(i) = value;
// for each unit in scratch
for (unit = scratch.begin(); unit != scratch.end(); unit++) {
// Populate percepUnit featuresNorm, j is the unit index, i is the feature index.
value =<float>(j);
unit-><float>(i) = value;
I can't understand what the interaction between mergePercepts and normalization, especially since normalization is an entirely rewritten function.
Massif and my /proc memory reporting don't agree. Massif says there is no effect of normalization on memory usage, only commenting out the percepUnit::clone() operation bypasses the leak.
Here is all the code, in case the interaction is somewhere else I am missing.
Here is another version of the same code with the dependence on OpenCV GPU removed, to facilitate testing...

It was recommended by Nghia (on the opencv forum) that I try and make the percepts a constant size. Sure enough, if I fix the dimensions and type of the cv::Mat members of percepUnit, then the leak disappears.
So it seems to me this is a bug in OpenCV that effects calling clone() and copyTo() on Mats of different sizes that are class members. So far unable to reproduce in a simple program. The leak does seem small enough that it may be the headers leaking, rather than the underlying image data.


What should you store or append a batch of tensors to in C++ when using LibTorch?

In C++, when using LibTorch (The C++ version of PyTorch), what should you store a batch of tensors in? I'm running into the problem of not being able to reset the batch on the next step because C++ doesn't allow storing a new variable over an existing variable.
In my attempt my batch of tensors is one single 385x385 tensor. The batch size is 385. In a for loop I use torch::cat to concatenate 385 smaller 1D tensors, which are 385 numbers long. (Maybe 'stack' or 'append' are better terms for what I'm doing since the are stacked together picket fence style more than 'concatenated', but that's what I'm using.) Anyways, there is not problem with this shape. It seems to work fine for one forward and backward pass but then the tensor becomes 770x385 on the next pass instead of a 385x385 tensor of the next 385, 385 long arrays. I hope I am painting a picture and not being too verbose.
The code.
Near the bottom I have the line all_step_obs = torch::tensor({}); to try to wipe out the contents of the tensor, AKA, the batch, but this gives me a Segmentation fault (core dumped). I guess for trying to access the tensor outside of the loop(?)
If I don't have this line I get a 770x385 tensor after the next step.
The model
#include "mujoco/mujoco.h"
struct Net : torch::nn::Module {
torch::Tensor action_high, action_low;
Net(torch::Tensor action_high, torch::Tensor action_low) : action_high(action_high), action_low(action_low){
// Construct and register two Linear submodules.
fc1 = torch::nn::Linear(385, 385);
fc2 = torch::nn::Linear(385, 385);
fc3 = torch::nn::Linear(385, 42);
// cholesky_layer = torch::nn::Linear(385, (42 * (42 + 1)) / 2);
cholesky_layer = torch::nn::Linear(385, 385);
// Implement the Net's algorithm.
torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x) {
// Use one of many tensor manipulation functions.
x = torch::relu(fc1->forward(x));
x = torch::dropout(x, /*p=*/0.2, /*train=*/is_training());
x = torch::relu(fc2->forward(x));
auto mean_layer = fc3->forward(x);
auto mean = action_low + (action_high - action_low) * mean_layer;
auto chol_l = cholesky_layer->forward(x);
// auto chol = torch::rand({385, 385});
auto chol = torch::matmul(chol_l, chol_l.transpose(0, 1));
chol = torch::nan_to_num(chol, 0, 2.0);
chol = chol.add(torch::eye(385));
auto cholesky = torch::linalg::cholesky(chol);
// return torch::cat({mean, cholesky}, 0);
return mean_layer;
// Use one of many "standard library" modules.
torch::nn::Linear fc1{nullptr}, fc2{nullptr}, fc3{nullptr}, cholesky_layer{nullptr};
The training
auto high = torch::ones({385, 42}) * 0.4;
auto low = torch::ones({385, 42}) * -0.4;
auto actor = Net(low, high);
int max_steps = 385;
int steps = 2000;
auto l1_loss = torch::smooth_l1_loss;
auto optimizer = torch::optim::Adam(actor.parameters(), 3e-4);
torch::Tensor train() {
torch::Tensor all_step_obs;
for (int i = 0; i<steps; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i<max_steps; ++i)
all_step_obs = torch::cat({torch::rand({385}).unsqueeze(0), all_step_obs});
auto mean = actor.forward(all_step_obs);
auto loss = l1_loss(mean, torch::rand({385, 42}), 1, 0);
all_step_obs = torch::tensor({});
if (steps == 1999) {
return loss;
int main (int argc, const char** argv) {
std::cout << train();

clustering image segments in opencv

I am working on motion detection with non-static camera using opencv.
I am using a pretty basic background subtraction and thresholding approach to get a broad sense of all that's moving in a sample video. After thresholding, I enlist all separable "patches" of white pixels, store them as independent components and color them randomly with red, green or blue. The image below shows this for a football video where all such components are visible.
I create rectangles over these detected components and I get this image:
So I can see the challenge here. I want to cluster all the "similar" and close-by components into a single entity so that the rectangles in the output image show a player moving as a whole (and not his independent limbs). I tried doing K-means clustering but since ideally I would not know the number of moving entities, I could not make any progress.
Please guide me on how I can do this. Thanks
this problem can be almost perfectly solved by dbscan clustering algorithm. Below, I provide the implementation and result image. Gray blob means outlier or noise according to dbscan. I simply used boxes as input data. Initially, box centers were used for distance function. However for boxes, it is insufficient to correctly characterize distance. So, the current distance function use the minimum distance of all 8 corners of two boxes.
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace cv;
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
template <class T>
inline std::string to_string (const T& t)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return ss.str();
class DbScan
std::map<int, int> labels;
vector<Rect>& data;
int C;
double eps;
int mnpts;
double* dp;
//memoization table in case of complex dist functions
#define DP(i,j) dp[(data.size()*i)+j]
DbScan(vector<Rect>& _data,double _eps,int _mnpts):data(_data)
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
void run()
dp = new double[data.size()*data.size()];
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
for(int j=0;j<data.size();j++)
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
vector<int> neighbours = regionQuery(i);
delete [] dp;
void expandCluster(int p,vector<int> neighbours)
for(int i=0;i<neighbours.size();i++)
vector<int> neighbours_p = regionQuery(neighbours[i]);
if (neighbours_p.size() >= mnpts)
bool isVisited(int i)
return labels[i]!=-99;
vector<int> regionQuery(int p)
vector<int> res;
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
return res;
double dist2d(Point2d a,Point2d b)
return sqrt(pow(a.x-b.x,2) + pow(a.y-b.y,2));
double distanceFunc(int ai,int bi)
return DP(ai,bi);
Rect a = data[ai];
Rect b = data[bi];
Point2d cena= Point2d(a.x+a.width/2,
Point2d cenb = Point2d(b.x+b.width/2,
double dist = sqrt(pow(cena.x-cenb.x,2) + pow(cena.y-cenb.y,2));
Point2d tla =Point2d(a.x,a.y);
Point2d tra =Point2d(a.x+a.width,a.y);
Point2d bla =Point2d(a.x,a.y+a.height);
Point2d bra =Point2d(a.x+a.width,a.y+a.height);
Point2d tlb =Point2d(b.x,b.y);
Point2d trb =Point2d(b.x+b.width,b.y);
Point2d blb =Point2d(b.x,b.y+b.height);
Point2d brb =Point2d(b.x+b.width,b.y+b.height);
double minDist = 9999999;
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,brb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,brb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,brb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,brb));
return DP(ai,bi);
vector<vector<Rect> > getGroups()
vector<vector<Rect> > ret;
for(int i=0;i<=C;i++)
for(int j=0;j<data.size();j++)
return ret;
cv::Scalar HSVtoRGBcvScalar(int H, int S, int V) {
int bH = H; // H component
int bS = S; // S component
int bV = V; // V component
double fH, fS, fV;
double fR, fG, fB;
const double double_TO_BYTE = 255.0f;
const double BYTE_TO_double = 1.0f / double_TO_BYTE;
// Convert from 8-bit integers to doubles
fH = (double)bH * BYTE_TO_double;
fS = (double)bS * BYTE_TO_double;
fV = (double)bV * BYTE_TO_double;
// Convert from HSV to RGB, using double ranges 0.0 to 1.0
int iI;
double fI, fF, p, q, t;
if( bS == 0 ) {
// achromatic (grey)
fR = fG = fB = fV;
else {
// If Hue == 1.0, then wrap it around the circle to 0.0
if (fH>= 1.0f)
fH = 0.0f;
fH *= 6.0; // sector 0 to 5
fI = floor( fH ); // integer part of h (0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6)
iI = (int) fH; // " " " "
fF = fH - fI; // factorial part of h (0 to 1)
p = fV * ( 1.0f - fS );
q = fV * ( 1.0f - fS * fF );
t = fV * ( 1.0f - fS * ( 1.0f - fF ) );
switch( iI ) {
case 0:
fR = fV;
fG = t;
fB = p;
case 1:
fR = q;
fG = fV;
fB = p;
case 2:
fR = p;
fG = fV;
fB = t;
case 3:
fR = p;
fG = q;
fB = fV;
case 4:
fR = t;
fG = p;
fB = fV;
default: // case 5 (or 6):
fR = fV;
fG = p;
fB = q;
// Convert from doubles to 8-bit integers
int bR = (int)(fR * double_TO_BYTE);
int bG = (int)(fG * double_TO_BYTE);
int bB = (int)(fB * double_TO_BYTE);
// Clip the values to make sure it fits within the 8bits.
if (bR > 255)
bR = 255;
if (bR < 0)
bR = 0;
if (bG >255)
bG = 255;
if (bG < 0)
bG = 0;
if (bB > 255)
bB = 255;
if (bB < 0)
bB = 0;
// Set the RGB cvScalar with G B R, you can use this values as you want too..
return cv::Scalar(bB,bG,bR); // R component
int main(int argc,char** argv )
Mat im = imread("c:/data/football.png",0);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
findContours(im.clone(), contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
vector<Rect> boxes;
for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
Rect r = boundingRect(contours[i]);
DbScan dbscan(boxes,20,2);;
//done, perform display
Mat grouped = Mat::zeros(im.size(),CV_8UC3);
vector<Scalar> colors;
RNG rng(3);
for(int i=0;i<=dbscan.C;i++)
for(int i=0;i<;i++)
Scalar color;
int label=dbscan.labels[i];
putText(grouped,to_string(dbscan.labels[i]),[i].tl(), FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,.5,color,1);
I agree with Sebastian Schmitz: you probably shouldn't be looking for clustering.
Don't expect an uninformed method such as k-means to work magic for you. In particular one that is as crude a heuristic as k-means, and which lives in an idealized mathematical world, not in messy, real data.
You have a good understanding of what you want. Try to put this intuition into code. In your case, you seem to be looking for connected components.
Consider downsampling your image to a lower resolution, then rerunning the same process! Or running it on the lower resolution right away (to reduce compression artifacts, and improve performance). Or adding filters, such as blurring.
I'd expect best and fastest results by looking at connected components in the downsampled/filtered image.
I am not entirely sure if you are really looking for clustering (in the Data Mining sense).
Clustering is used to group similar objects according to a distance function. In your case the distance function would only use the spatial qualities. Besides, in k-means clustering you have to specify a k, that you probably don't know beforehand.
It seems to me you just want to merge all rectangles whose borders are closer together than some predetermined threshold. So as a first idea try to merge all rectangles that are touching or that are closer together than half a players height.
You probably want to include a size check to minimize the risk of merging two players into one.
Edit: If you really want to use a clustering algorithm use one that estimates the number of clusters for you.
I guess you can improve your original attempt by using morphological transformations. Take a look at Probably you can deal with a closed set for each entity after that, specially with separate players as you got in your original image.

OpenCV templates in 2D point data set

I was wandering what the best approach would be for detecting 'figures' in an array of 2D points.
In this example I have two 'templates'. Figure 1 is a template and figure 2 is a template.
Each of these templates exists only as a vector of points with an x,y coordinate.
Let's say we have a third vector with points with x,y coordinate
What would be the best way to find out and isolate points matching one of the first two arrays in the third one. (including scaling, rotation)?
I have been trying nearest neigbours(FlannBasedMatcehr) or even SVM implementation but it doesn't seem to get me any result, template matching doesn't seem to be the way to go either, I think. I am not working on images but only on 2D points in memory...
Especially because the input vector always has more points than the original data set to be compared with.
All it needs to do is find points in array that match a template.
I am not a 'specialist' in machine learning or opencv. I guess I am overlooking something from the beginning...
Thank you very much for your help/suggestions.
just for fun I tried this:
Choose two points of the point dataset and compute the transformation mapping the first two pattern points to those points.
Test whether all transformed pattern points can be found in the data set.
This approach is very naive and has a complexity of O(m*n²) with n data points and a single pattern of size m (points). This complexity might be increased for some nearest neighbor search methods. So you have to consider whether it's not efficient enough for your appplication.
Some improvements could include some heuristic to not choose all n² combinations of points but, but you need background information of maximal pattern scaling or something like that.
For evaluation I first created a pattern:
Then I create random points and add the pattern somewhere within (scaled, rotated and translated):
After some computation this method recognizes the pattern. The red line shows the chosen points for transformation computation.
Here's the code:
// draw a set of points on a given destination image
void drawPoints(cv::Mat & image, std::vector<cv::Point2f> points, cv::Scalar color = cv::Scalar(255,255,255), float size=10)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<points.size(); ++i)
cv::circle(image, points[i], 0, color, size);
// assumes a 2x3 (affine) transformation (CV_32FC1). does not change the input points
std::vector<cv::Point2f> applyTransformation(std::vector<cv::Point2f> points, cv::Mat transformation)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<points.size(); ++i)
const cv::Point2f tmp = points[i];
points[i].x = tmp.x *<float>(0,0) + tmp.y *<float>(0,1) +<float>(0,2) ;
points[i].y = tmp.x *<float>(1,0) + tmp.y *<float>(1,1) +<float>(1,2) ;
return points;
const float PI = 3.14159265359;
// similarity transformation uses same scaling along both axes, rotation and a translation part
cv::Mat composeSimilarityTransformation(float s, float r, float tx, float ty)
cv::Mat transformation = cv::Mat::zeros(2,3,CV_32FC1);
// compute rotation matrix and scale entries
float rRad = PI*r/180.0f;<float>(0,0) = s*cosf(rRad);<float>(0,1) = s*sinf(rRad);<float>(1,0) = -s*sinf(rRad);<float>(1,1) = s*cosf(rRad);
// translation<float>(0,2) = tx;<float>(1,2) = ty;
return transformation;
// create random points
std::vector<cv::Point2f> createPointSet(cv::Size2i imageSize, std::vector<cv::Point2f> pointPattern, unsigned int nRandomDots = 50)
// subtract center of gravity to allow more intuitive rotation
cv::Point2f centerOfGravity(0,0);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<pointPattern.size(); ++i)
centerOfGravity.x += pointPattern[i].x;
centerOfGravity.y += pointPattern[i].y;
centerOfGravity.x /= (float)pointPattern.size();
centerOfGravity.y /= (float)pointPattern.size();
pointPattern = applyTransformation(pointPattern, composeSimilarityTransformation(1,0,-centerOfGravity.x, -centerOfGravity.y));
// create random points
//unsigned int nRandomDots = 0;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> pointset;
srand (time(NULL));
for(unsigned int i =0; i<nRandomDots; ++i)
pointset.push_back( cv::Point2f(rand()%imageSize.width, rand()%imageSize.height) );
cv::Mat image = cv::Mat::ones(imageSize,CV_8UC3);
image = cv::Scalar(255,255,255);
drawPoints(image, pointset, cv::Scalar(0,0,0));
cv::namedWindow("pointset"); cv::imshow("pointset", image);
// add point pattern to a random location
float scaleFactor = rand()%30 + 10.0f;
float translationX = rand()%(imageSize.width/2)+ imageSize.width/4;
float translationY = rand()%(imageSize.height/2)+ imageSize.height/4;
float rotationAngle = rand()%360;
std::cout << "s: " << scaleFactor << " r: " << rotationAngle << " t: " << translationX << "/" << translationY << std::endl;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> transformedPattern = applyTransformation(pointPattern,composeSimilarityTransformation(scaleFactor,rotationAngle,translationX,translationY));
//std::vector<cv::Point2f> transformedPattern = applyTransformation(pointPattern,trans);
drawPoints(image, transformedPattern, cv::Scalar(0,0,0));
drawPoints(image, transformedPattern, cv::Scalar(0,255,0),3);
cv::imwrite("dataPoints.png", image);
cv::namedWindow("pointset + pattern"); cv::imshow("pointset + pattern", image);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<transformedPattern.size(); ++i)
return pointset;
void programDetectPointPattern()
cv::Size2i imageSize(640,480);
// create a point pattern, this can be in any scale and any relative location
std::vector<cv::Point2f> pointPattern;
// transform the pattern so it can be drawn
cv::Mat trans = cv::Mat::ones(2,3,CV_32FC1);<float>(0,0) = 20.0f; // scale x<float>(1,1) = 20.0f; // scale y<float>(0,2) = 20.0f; // translation x<float>(1,2) = 20.0f; // translation y
// draw the pattern
cv::Mat drawnPattern = cv::Mat::ones(cv::Size2i(128,128),CV_8U);
drawnPattern *= 255;
drawPoints(drawnPattern,applyTransformation(pointPattern, trans), cv::Scalar(0),5);
// display and save pattern
cv::imwrite("patternToDetect.png", drawnPattern);
cv::namedWindow("pattern"); cv::imshow("pattern", drawnPattern);
// draw the points and the included pattern
std::vector<cv::Point2f> pointset = createPointSet(imageSize, pointPattern);
cv::Mat image = cv::Mat(imageSize, CV_8UC3);
image = cv::Scalar(255,255,255);
drawPoints(image,pointset, cv::Scalar(0,0,0));
// normally we would have to use some nearest neighbor distance computation, but to make it easier here,
// we create a small area around every point, which allows to test for point existence in a small neighborhood very efficiently (for small images)
// in the real application this "inlier" check should be performed by k-nearest neighbor search and threshold the distance,
// efficiently evaluated by a kd-tree
cv::Mat pointImage = cv::Mat::zeros(imageSize,CV_8U);
float maxDist = 3.0f; // how exact must the pattern be recognized, can there be some "noise" in the position of the data points?
drawPoints(pointImage, pointset, cv::Scalar(255),maxDist);
cv::namedWindow("pointImage"); cv::imshow("pointImage", pointImage);
// choose two points from the pattern (can be arbitrary so just take the first two)
cv::Point2f referencePoint1 = pointPattern[0];
cv::Point2f referencePoint2 = pointPattern[1];
cv::Point2f diff1; // difference vector
diff1.x = referencePoint2.x - referencePoint1.x;
diff1.y = referencePoint2.y - referencePoint1.y;
float referenceLength = sqrt(diff1.x*diff1.x + diff1.y*diff1.y);
diff1.x = diff1.x/referenceLength; diff1.y = diff1.y/referenceLength;
std::cout << "reference: " << std::endl;
std::cout << referencePoint1 << std::endl;
// now try to find the pattern
for(unsigned int j=0; j<pointset.size(); ++j)
cv::Point2f targetPoint1 = pointset[j];
for(unsigned int i=0; i<pointset.size(); ++i)
cv::Point2f targetPoint2 = pointset[i];
cv::Point2f diff2;
diff2.x = targetPoint2.x - targetPoint1.x;
diff2.y = targetPoint2.y - targetPoint1.y;
float targetLength = sqrt(diff2.x*diff2.x + diff2.y*diff2.y);
diff2.x = diff2.x/targetLength; diff2.y = diff2.y/targetLength;
// with nearest-neighborhood search this line will be similar or the maximal neighbor distance must be relative to targetLength!
if(targetLength < maxDist) continue;
// scale:
float s = targetLength/referenceLength;
// rotation:
float r = -180.0f/PI*(atan2(diff2.y,diff2.x) + atan2(diff1.y,diff1.x));
// scale and rotate the reference point to compute the translation needed
std::vector<cv::Point2f> origin;
origin = applyTransformation(origin, composeSimilarityTransformation(s,r,0,0));
// compute the translation which maps the two reference points on the two target points
float tx = targetPoint1.x - origin[0].x;
float ty = targetPoint1.y - origin[0].y;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> transformedPattern = applyTransformation(pointPattern,composeSimilarityTransformation(s,r,tx,ty));
// now test if all transformed pattern points can be found in the dataset
bool found = true;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<transformedPattern.size(); ++i)
cv::Point2f curr = transformedPattern[i];
// here we check whether there is a point drawn in the image. If you have no image you will have to perform a nearest neighbor search.
// this can be done with a balanced kd-tree in O(log n) time
// building such a balanced kd-tree has to be done once for the whole dataset and needs O(n*(log n)) afair
if((curr.x >= 0)&&(curr.x <= pointImage.cols-1)&&(curr.y>=0)&&(curr.y <= pointImage.rows-1))
if(<unsigned char>(curr.y, curr.x) == 0) found = false;
// if working with kd-tree: if nearest neighbor distance > maxDist => found = false;
else found = false;
std::cout << composeSimilarityTransformation(s,r,tx,ty) << std::endl;
cv::Mat currentIteration;
cv::circle(currentIteration,targetPoint1,5, cv::Scalar(255,0,0),1);
cv::circle(currentIteration,targetPoint2,5, cv::Scalar(255,0,255),1);
drawPoints(currentIteration, transformedPattern, cv::Scalar(0,0,255),4);
cv::imwrite("detectedPattern.png", currentIteration);
cv::namedWindow("iteration"); cv::imshow("iteration", currentIteration); cv::waitKey(-1);

How to unify normal orientation

I've been trying to realize a mesh that has all face normals pointing outward.
In order to realize this, I load a mesh from a *.ctm file, then walk over all
triangles to determine the normal using a cross product and if the normal
is pointing to the negative z direction, I flip v1 and v2 (thus the normal orientation).
After this is done I save the result to a *.ctm file and view it with Meshlab.
The result in Meshlab still shows that normals are pointing in both positive and
negative z direction ( can be seen from the black triangles). Also when viewing
the normals in Meshlab they are really pointing backwards.
Can anyone give me some advice on how to solve this?
The source code for the normalization part is:
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud1 (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> ());
pcl::fromROSMsg (,*cloud1);for(std::vector<pcl::Vertices>::iterator it = meshFixed.polygons.begin(); it != meshFixed.polygons.end(); ++it)
alglib::real_2d_array v0;
double _v0[] = {cloud1->points[it->vertices[0]].x,cloud1->points[it->vertices[0]].y,cloud1->points[it->vertices[0]].z};
v0.setcontent(3,1,_v0); //3 rows, 1col
alglib::real_2d_array v1;
double _v1[] = {cloud1->points[it->vertices[1]].x,cloud1->points[it->vertices[1]].y,cloud1->points[it->vertices[1]].z};
v1.setcontent(3,1,_v1); //3 rows, 1col
alglib::real_2d_array v2;
double _v2[] = {cloud1->points[it->vertices[2]].x,cloud1->points[it->vertices[2]].y,cloud1->points[it->vertices[2]].z};
v2.setcontent(1,3,_v2); //3 rows, 1col
alglib::real_2d_array normal;
normal = cross(v1-v0,v2-v0);
//if z<0 change indices order v1->v2 and v2->v1
alglib::real_2d_array normalizedNormal;
int index1,index2;
index1 = it->vertices[1];
index2 = it->vertices[2];
it->vertices[1] = index2;
it->vertices[2] = index1;
//make normal of length 1
double normalScaling = 1.0/sqrt(dot(normal,normal));
normal[0][0] = -1*normal[0][0];
normal[1][0] = -1*normal[1][0];
normal[2][0] = -1*normal[2][0];
normalizedNormal = normalScaling * normal;
//make normal of length 1
double normalScaling = 1.0/sqrt(dot(normal,normal));
normalizedNormal = normalScaling * normal;
//add to normal cloud
pcl::Normal pclNormalizedNormal;
pclNormalizedNormal.normal_x = normalizedNormal[0][0];
pclNormalizedNormal.normal_y = normalizedNormal[1][0];
pclNormalizedNormal.normal_z = normalizedNormal[2][0];
The result from this code is:
I've found some code in the VCG library to orient the face and vertex normals.
After using this a large part of the mesh has correct face normals, but not all.
The new code:
// VCG library implementation
MyMesh m;
// Convert pcl::PolygonMesh to VCG MyMesh
// Create temporary cloud in to have handy struct object
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud1 (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> ());
pcl::fromROSMsg (,*cloud1);
// Now convert the vertices to VCG MyMesh
int vertCount = cloud1->width*cloud1->height;
vcg::tri::Allocator<MyMesh>::AddVertices(m, vertCount);
for(unsigned int i=0;i<vertCount;++i)
// Now convert the polygon indices to VCG MyMesh => make VCG faces..
int triCount = meshFixed.polygons.size();
if(meshFixed.polygons[0].vertices[0]==0 && meshFixed.polygons[0].vertices[1]==0 && meshFixed.polygons[0].vertices[2]==0)
Allocator<MyMesh>::AddFaces(m, triCount);
for(unsigned int i=0;i<triCount;++i)
printf("Input mesh vn:%i fn:%i\n",m.VN(),m.FN());
// Start to flip all normals to outside
bool oriented, orientable;
if ( vcg::tri::Clean<MyMesh>::CountNonManifoldEdgeFF(m)>0 ) {
std::cout << "Mesh has some not 2-manifold faces, Orientability requires manifoldness" << std::endl; // text
return; // can't continue, mesh can't be processed
vcg::tri::Clean<MyMesh>::OrientCoherentlyMesh(m, oriented,orientable);
// now convert VCG back to pcl::PolygonMesh
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
cloud->is_dense = false;
cloud->width = vertCount;
cloud->height = 1;
cloud->points.resize (vertCount);
// Now fill the pointcloud of the mesh
for(int i=0; i<vertCount; i++)
cloud->points[i].x = m.vert[i].P()[0];
cloud->points[i].y = m.vert[i].P()[1];
cloud->points[i].z = m.vert[i].P()[2];
std::vector<pcl::Vertices> polygons;
// Now fill the indices of the triangles/faces of the mesh
for(int i=0; i<triCount; i++)
pcl::Vertices vertices;
meshFixed.polygons = polygons;
Which results in: (Meshlab still shows normals are facing both sides)
I finally solved the problem. So I'm still using VCG library. From the above new code I slightly updated the following section:
vcg::tri::Clean<MyMesh>::OrientCoherentlyMesh(m, oriented,orientable);
Now I've updated the vcg::tri::Clean<MyMesh>::OrientCoherentlyMesh() function in clean.h. Here the update is to orient the first polygon of a group correctly. Also after swapping the edge the normal of the face is calculated and updated.
static void OrientCoherentlyMesh(MeshType &m, bool &Oriented, bool &Orientable)
assert(&Oriented != &Orientable);
assert(m.face.back().FFp(0)); // This algorithms require FF topology initialized
Orientable = true;
Oriented = true;
std::stack<FacePointer> faces;
for (FaceIterator fi = m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); ++fi)
if (!fi->IsD() && !fi->IsS())
// each face put in the stack is selected (and oriented)
// New section of code to orient the initial face correctly
face::SwapEdge<FaceType,true>(*fi, 0);
// End of new code section.
// empty the stack
while (!faces.empty())
FacePointer fp =;
// make consistently oriented the adjacent faces
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
//get one of the adjacent face
FacePointer fpaux = fp->FFp(j);
int iaux = fp->FFi(j);
if (!fpaux->IsD() && fpaux != fp && face::IsManifold<FaceType>(*fp, j))
if (!CheckOrientation(*fpaux, iaux))
Oriented = false;
if (!fpaux->IsS())
face::SwapEdge<FaceType,true>(*fpaux, iaux);
// New line to update face normal
// end of new section.
assert(CheckOrientation(*fpaux, iaux));
Orientable = false;
// put the oriented face into the stack
if (!fpaux->IsS())
if (!Orientable) break;
Besides I also updated the function bool CheckOrientation(FaceType &f, int z) to perform a calculation based on normal z-direction.
template <class FaceType>
bool CheckOrientation(FaceType &f, int z)
// Added next section to calculate the difference between normal z-directions
FaceType *original = f.FFp(z);
double nf2,ng2;
// End of additional section
if (IsBorder(f, z))
return true;
FaceType *g = f.FFp(z);
int gi = f.FFi(z);
// changed if statement from: if (f.V0(z) == g->V1(gi))
if (nf2/abs(nf2)==ng2/abs(ng2))
return true;
return false;
The result is as I expect and desire from the algorithm:

C++ vector element is different when accessed at different times

I'm developing a 3D game using SDL and OpenGL on Ubuntu 9.04 using Eclipse CDT. I've got a class to hold the mesh data in vectors for each type. Such as Vertex, Normal, UVcoord (texture coordinates), as well as a vector of faces. Each face has 3 int vectors which hold indexes to the other data. So far my game has been working quite well at rendering at nice rates. But then again I only had less then one hundred vertexes among two objects for testing purposes.
The loop accessing this data looks like this:
void RenderFace(oFace face)
* More Stuff
oVertice gvert;
oUVcoord tvert;
oNormal nvert;
for (unsigned int fvIndex = 0; fvIndex < face.GeoVerts.size(); fvIndex++)
gvert = obj.TheMesh.GetVertice(face.GeoVerts[fvIndex] - 1);
tvert = obj.TheMesh.GetUVcoord(face.UV_Verts[fvIndex] - 1);
nvert = obj.TheMesh.GetNormal(face.NrmVerts[fvIndex] - 1);
glNormal3f(nvert.X, nvert.Y, nvert.Z);
glTexCoord2f(tvert.U, tvert.V);
glVertex3f(scale * gvert.X, scale * gvert.Y, scale * gvert.Z);
* More Stuff
There is a loop that calls the renderFace() function which includes the above for loop. The minus one is because Wavefront .obj files are 1 indexed (instead of c++ 0 index). Anyway, I discovered that once you have about 30 thousand or so faces, all those calls to glVertex3f() and the like slow the game down to about 10 FPS. That I can't allow. So I learned about vertex arrays, which require pointers to arrays. Following the example of a NeHe tutorial I continued to use my oVertice class and the others. Which just have floats x, y, z, or u, v. So I added the same function above to my OnLoad() function to build the arrays which are just "oVertice*" and similar.
Here is the code:
bool oEntity::OnLoad(std::string FileName)
if (!obj.OnLoad(FileName))
return false;
unsigned int flsize = obj.TheMesh.GetFaceListSize();
obj.TheMesh.VertListPointer = new oVertice[flsize];
obj.TheMesh.UVlistPointer = new oUVcoord[flsize];
obj.TheMesh.NormListPointer = new oNormal[flsize];
oFace face = obj.TheMesh.GetFace(0);
oVertice gvert;
oUVcoord tvert;
oNormal nvert;
unsigned int counter = 0;
unsigned int temp = 0;
for (unsigned int flIndex = 0; flIndex < obj.TheMesh.GetFaceListSize(); flIndex++)
face = obj.TheMesh.GetFace(flIndex);
for (unsigned int fvIndex = 0; fvIndex < face.GeoVerts.size(); fvIndex++)
temp = face.GeoVerts[fvIndex];
gvert = obj.TheMesh.GetVertice(face.GeoVerts[fvIndex] - 1);
temp = face.UV_Verts[fvIndex];
tvert = obj.TheMesh.GetUVcoord(face.UV_Verts[fvIndex] - 1);
temp = face.NrmVerts[fvIndex];
nvert = obj.TheMesh.GetNormal(face.NrmVerts[fvIndex] - 1);
obj.TheMesh.VertListPointer[counter].X = gvert.X;
obj.TheMesh.VertListPointer[counter].Y = gvert.Y;
obj.TheMesh.VertListPointer[counter].Z = gvert.Z;
obj.TheMesh.UVlistPointer[counter].U = tvert.U;
obj.TheMesh.UVlistPointer[counter].V = tvert.V;
obj.TheMesh.NormListPointer[counter].X = nvert.X;
obj.TheMesh.NormListPointer[counter].Y = nvert.Y;
obj.TheMesh.NormListPointer[counter].Z = nvert.Z;
return true;
The unsigned int temp variable is for debugging purposes. Apparently I don't have a default constructor for oFace that doesn't have something to initialize with. Anyway, as you can see it's pretty much that same exact routine. Only instead of calling a gl function I add the data to three arrays.
Here's the kicker:
I'm loading a typical cube made of triangles.
When I access element 16 (0 indexed) of the UV_Verts vector from the RenderFace() function I get 12.
But when I access element 16 (0 indexed) of the same UV_Verts vector from the OnLoad() function I get something like 3045472189
I am so confused.
Does anyone know what's causing this? And if so how to resolve it?
One possible reason could be that you're creating arrays with size flsize:
obj.TheMesh.VertListPointer = new oVertice[flsize];
obj.TheMesh.UVlistPointer = new oUVcoord[flsize];
obj.TheMesh.NormListPointer = new oNormal[flsize];
but use the arrays with indices up to flsize * face.GeoVerts.size
for (...; flIndex < obj.TheMesh.GetFaceListSize(); ...) { // flsize = GetFaceListSize
for (...; fvIndex < face.GeoVerts.size(); ...) {
obj.TheMesh.UVlistPointer[counter].U = ...;
so your array creation code should actually be more like
obj.TheMesh.VertListPointer = new oVertice[flsize * face.GeoVerts.size()];
obj.TheMesh.UVlistPointer = new oUVcoord[flsize * face.GeoVerts.size()];
obj.TheMesh.NormListPointer = new oNormal[flsize * face.GeoVerts.size()];