Importing Redmine wiki into Atlassian Confluence - wiki

We are migrating from Redmine to the product suite of Atlassian.
We successfully migrated the tickets from Redmine into Jira + Jenkins data into Bamboo.
The only thing I'm not able to import is the wiki data from Redmine into confluence.
Does anyone have/know a solution for this. (Manual import is not an option => +1500 pages)
Grtz & thanks Ilias

This is a solution we have come up with recently. There are two scripts, first allows you to prepare data for conversion by exporting wikis and attachments. Second can push (almost) everything into confluence wiki, keeping links, most of the tables.
It is not perfect, so DO expect some reasonable damage to content.


Integration of django-oscar and django-cms

I want to build a django oscar ecommerce web app.
A Required fearure in this app is a content management system, therefore I want to integrate django-cms in my app. After some research I found apphooks but there is no guide on google for integration of django-oscar and django-cms.
Can anyone tell me the way to solve this issue?
Not sure if you still looking for this solution, but i created a content management system by combining Django-CMS and Oscar Commerce with tons of additional features including user messasaging, docker support, graphql, support for several payment providers and more.
Depending on what kind of integration you want to do, you should check Wagtail which is another Django CMS, well documented, the community seems to be growing up.
Adding Wagtail to an existing project is explained here and works well with a django-oscar project.

Django, appengine and Django-nonrel

I want to create a web app using Django 1.5 or 1.6 using appEngine. I have read about as I have to do it and I have read about Django-nonrel which is very usefull to avoid the issues related with non-relational Database. Unfortunately I have read about the origininal creators project and they have left the project:
However I have seen new avaiables versions of Django AppEngine wich allow to use the 1.4 and 1.5 versions of Django!topic/django-non-relational/I06693ZPeME
After I have read every text I am a mess, do anyone redomended me use last version of django non-rel? can I use other framework? don't I use the last verion of Django?
Thank you.
I have developed a fairly complex web app using "normal" Django, not the non-rel flavour. For database storage I use Google Cloud SQL which is basically MySQL in the cloud. It works pretty good. There are some points to consider:
Google Cloud SQL has no "free plan", so it will incur a cost on your project.
Normal Django for GAE is currently at version 1.4 and lags a bit behind development which is if memory serves me right at 1.6. There is a version 1.5 of Django that comes with the GAE SDK but I did not get that work (I did not put any particular effort in it, just changed the Django version in my app.yaml file and it crashed).
As for the first bullet, there's now also a comparable product available from Amazon. I have not yet looked into it (I believe they do offer a free plan which might be interesting to try out), nor compared prices but that might be an alternative should Google Cloud SQL be too expensive. My yearly cost for Google Cloud SQL are between £150 and £200 which is not too bad.
My reason for choosing normal Django over non-rel was basically twofold:
The non-rel project appears abandoned.
The non-rel product is "crippled" in functionality according to some of the docs I read about it and you will not be able to use all of the pre-baked goodies of Django.
I have been working on this project for 7 months now and I find Django on GAE with Google Cloud SQL very stable and productive environments. FWIW, I use PyCharm which has a one click deployment feature which makes deploying my product an absolute breeze. I've been working on IT projects with various technologies for quite some time and the combination of PyCharm, Python, Django, GAE and Google Cloud SQL would be at the top of my list of productive environments.
Of course there are other Python frameworks to consider, like Flask which allow more of a best-of-breed approach but I have no experience with them.
Hope this helps.
I'm using django-nonrel 1.4, though I haven't updated to the latest build yet. It's running smoothly for me.
You do need to recognize that if you use django-nonrel, you have to live by the rules of the GAE HRD, especially the eventually consistent results, and the limited query capabilities.
Django-nonrel is definitely not abandoned! I am using the 1.6 version with much success at Docket Alarm and it is still being actively maintained.
Here are the up-to-date links to the project:
Discussion group

Redmine project data for all projects

I am working on creating a dashboard which would access Redmine project data. This dashboard will be a consolidation of project data (delivery date, manager, start date, total issues, open issues, closed issues, bug count etc.) for all projects in the Redmine database.
Any ideas on how to do this? An SQL query to achieve this would be a good start. I have Redmine setup on my local system and can access the Redmine database.
I plan on creating an HTML5 .Net based web application. Once I figure out the queries to be used, I would write an IIS (or REST) service to fetch the desired data from the Redmine production database.
Any help/pointers would be deeply appreciated.
You have basically three options:
use the REST API
develop a redmine plug-in
do some custom SQL stuff
The best you could do is to use the redmine REST API. Using it, you can fetch the data directly from redmine without any SQL queries or manipulating the server. It should even work when the redmine server is updated.
Redmine Plug-in
The next best thing is probably to develop a redmine plug-in. Your plug-in can access redmine classes (Project, User, etc.). For example, you could do something like {|p| [, p.identifier]} to get the id and identifier of all projects in an array. This approach is way more powerful than using the REST API, but you have to modify the redmine server (install and maintain your plug-in). A plug-in is probably more fragile when redmine changes internal structures, than the REST API.
Custom SQL stuff
I do not recommend developing custom SQL solutions, but it is an option. Such a solution is harder to develop, more fragile, harder to set up, but might offer better performance.
You can see the the redmine database structure listed in db/schema.rb. Having the right schema, you could develop your custom SQL queries and return them to your dashboard.
Think about security
Apart from the usual security stuff (which you should consider too :)), remember that redmine has a rich permission system. Consider which object you make (publicly) available. This is most important for the last two options. When using the plug-in approach, you should have a look at the User#allowed_to method.
With the little information I have about your requirements, I have the feeling that you should go for the REST API.

Push OO or xslt doc to google drive from django

I use pod to generate reports from django. A very smart solution, I enjoy it.
But pod solution required an Open Office (or LibreOffice) installation on client desktop (or server side).
To avoid Open Office software I will hope to send report to google drive as a new (or existing) doc from a django app (or python ...).
Someone would to share expertise with this kind of issue? Else, What would be the steps to publish a google doc from django app?
If your Python app can produce a csv file, you can upload it to Google Docs using the Documents List API and convert it into a Spreadsheet:
Many other file formats can be imported, please check the docs for more details.

Intranet opensource in Django?

I'm looking for some open source, free to change and use Intranet written on Python+Django.
Just want to find some foundation to build site on top of it.
If you're looking for a prebuilt site, have a look at Django-CMS, a Content Management System. If what you need is very simple, and you have a large amount of trust in your Users, you can probably get away using the admin contrib package that comes with Django.
For deployment, you're looking at setting up an Apache web server on an internal server somewhere, installing mod_wsgi, and deploying that way. There are many tutorials on how to do this.
Can you please what are features that are needed on your intranet. As Josh suggested, the Django-CMS will do good in most of the cases.