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Intellisense popup in VS2010 is driving me crazy.
I can only see 9 items at a time in the intellisense popup.
It really makes browsing classes you're not familiar with a lot harder.
In VS2008 you could resize it.
is there a trick to this - or a connect issue someone has already made?
VS2010 Quickwatch: 23 items
VS2010 Main editor: 9 items
alt text
Edit: Here's an image. Maximum of 9 items in C# window, but 23 in the quickwatch. Huge productivity difference. Especially since the intellisense popup now does partial matching and not just the beginning of the string.

Unfortunately it seems liek this won't be fixed
Vote for it !

It isn't resizable (I just spoke to the main developer that works on it). I'm told that the size is fixed mostly for performance reasons, and that there really isn't a way to change this with an extension, as the size calculation is somewhat complicated (it doesn't actually know how big it needs to be until the first time it is shown).
If you feel very strongly that this should be changed, can you file a bug on Connect? That's the best way to give feedback about it, and allow other people to vote on it. It'll likely be immediately Won't Fixed for VS2010, but it may get considered for future releases.

They could simply provide a
element at the bottom of the list. For those who need it, the extra steps and wait would be more than worth the price.


Poor UX styling (big spacings, paddings etc.) in Sitecore 8

I am currently playing with latest Sitecore, just downloaded from SDN. The first, but quite annoying "feature" in new metro-like interface seems to be huge UX elements, big paddings in content tree between elements (it also quite ugly in Templates Builder). Also just restored a package of my existing solution (taken from 7.2) and I find it very inconvenient to use, as the one is quite big with many items.
Is there any way to switch it back to previous interface? Am also quite worrying about adapting our business users as I spent much time on justifying version upgrade and this type of people do usually judge by what they see.
I clearly understand your feelings as I had exactly the same first impression.
I dont think there is some switch to return to previous UI.
Nevertheless, it is all about themes. Default theme that is located at sitecore\shell\Themes\Standard\Default folder, so playing enough with developer tools or firebug you may produce any look-and-feel you want.
I have adjusted Sitecore 8 styles in order to fit both my visual expectations and general good look. To make it simple, I have created the module that replaces those dodgy styles with properly adjusted, to make it look similar to Sitecore 7.
Please read the blog post describing how to implement that; there also will be download link to that package:
The module replaces following style files from folder mentioned above:
Content Manager.css
Hope this helps!
Update: Thank you for inspiring me with an idea of switch. I think it may make sense of implementing a SPEAK component, that allow to switch between conservative and new styles.

Source Insight type editor with tabbed windows and dividers?

I really like the set up of Source Insight, it has a context window for one click understanding of function calls and variables, and a relations window for where functions are called in a project and where variables are used in the project.
It is very good for jumping around in a project and understanding the use of variables, but one thing that's missing is tabbed windows and dividers. It is stuck in the one source file, one window phase of IDE development, before tabs and vertical/horizontal dividers got popular.
It is also very good at finding references for variables and functions, much better than code blocks, codewright, and eclipse (really tried all of them).
Does anyone know or have a set up similar to Source Insight but with Tabs and dividers?
Check out this very nice CodeProject: Doesn't require any effort, just run the executable, and let it do it's magic.
Keep in mind, it's a very immature project and it might even crash SI if you annoy it (i.e. it might crash if you double click a tab to close it). On the other hand it does the job. I've been using it for over 6 months now, and I've learned how to avoid its touchy parts, and am very happy with it.
Source Insight 4 contains the capabilities you mentioned

Windows ListView control (or similar) that can have multiple columns of checkboxes?

OK, so my Windows application involves a window that, among other things, has a list of objects in a pane. Each object has 8 boolean values that need to be determined — so I'd like a list of the objects, with eight columns of checkboxes after. I'm not using MFC, should that be relevant.
ListView looks the way I want it to, but apparently it doesn't accept checkboxes in SubItems (the LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES style only gives each row a checkbox on the left).
So what I need is some kind of alternative to ListView that does allow this. I've been looking, but nothing I've found seems to work.
I have seen reference to some DataGridView control, but I don't see that as an option in my Visual Studio 2010 "toolbox" — how does one access it, is it even available for non-MFC C++ projects? Most references to it seem to be for VB or C#.
Another thing I found is is this custom ListView, but it, again, seems to be for C# and not C++. I'd certainly accept suggestions on how to use this resource in my code, if there's a simple way to interface with the C# dialogue (I'm completely unfamiliar with C#).
Anyway, any thoughts, suggestions, or tips anyone has, would be most appreciated!
EDIT: This should maybe go in a new question, but it doesn't really seem deserving an entire question on its own: MFC seems to have more support for this kind of thing (insofar as most of the custom controls I can find to download are for MFC). My project does not actually require being non-MFC, it just is, at the moment. How much work am I looking at to convert it?
Well, I've taken the plunge and started using MFC; the CGridCtrl I downloaded seems to be working pretty well, though I still have a lot of work on it. I'm going to call this the answer, then, since there doesn't seem to be another forthcoming.

Outlining in VS2008, C++, not working

I'm using VS2008 (version 9.0.30729.1 SP) and have found that outlining regularly stops working. I get outlining options for the start and end of functions, and for comment blocks, but not for other code blocks, such as ifs, while loops, for loops, etc... Using Reset all settings, as recommended in a similar previous question temporarily fixes the problem, but it comes back going in and out of visual studio. It also has the side effect of requiring me to reset all my C++ directories. Any ideas how to resolve this?
Edit: Using Right Click / Outlining / Collapse block works, but is a bit tedious. I'd really like to see the embedded pluss and minus symbols on the graphic outline. I've tried all the other outlining sub-menu options but to no avail.
My suggestion would be to write a script which every couple of hours adds a randomized post to the VS2008 support forums, requesting that this feature be made more robust, until someone at MS promises to improve it. ;-)
More seriously, you might make a copy of the VS configuration settings files, work until the bug reoccurs, then make another copy, and diff the two versions to see what might have changed. That might give a clue, since resetting the settings seems to fix it temporarily.

mfc autosuggest textbox (like in Windows Start->Run dialog)

In Windows XP if you click Start, Run (or Windows-key + R) you get a little dialog for running things directly. If you start typing, a resizable scroll-list pops up underneath the edit-box.
I want something similar, so when a user is typing in a name to an edit-box, a list will suddenly appear if suggestions can be made. But I don't know if I need to write it all myself, or can use some existing controls/code from somewhere.
I'm currently looking at this one: Will try to remember to post my findings.
You'll have to create it yourself, IMHO. However if you google 'autosuggest textbox', you should find some examples on how to do it.
The examples might not be in in MFC though, but I'm sure they can help you along.
This one is a good start: