Outlining in VS2008, C++, not working - c++

I'm using VS2008 (version 9.0.30729.1 SP) and have found that outlining regularly stops working. I get outlining options for the start and end of functions, and for comment blocks, but not for other code blocks, such as ifs, while loops, for loops, etc... Using Reset all settings, as recommended in a similar previous question temporarily fixes the problem, but it comes back going in and out of visual studio. It also has the side effect of requiring me to reset all my C++ directories. Any ideas how to resolve this?
Edit: Using Right Click / Outlining / Collapse block works, but is a bit tedious. I'd really like to see the embedded pluss and minus symbols on the graphic outline. I've tried all the other outlining sub-menu options but to no avail.

My suggestion would be to write a script which every couple of hours adds a randomized post to the VS2008 support forums, requesting that this feature be made more robust, until someone at MS promises to improve it. ;-)
More seriously, you might make a copy of the VS configuration settings files, work until the bug reoccurs, then make another copy, and diff the two versions to see what might have changed. That might give a clue, since resetting the settings seems to fix it temporarily.


Refactoring C++ on Mac

I'm using the default Xcode these days to do all of my coding, but Im interested in finding something to help with code refactoring. I have a bunch of older projects I want to clean up. Besides variable renaming, Xcode is lacking here.
1) I'm interested in the general consensus for the best option for a Mac user.
2) Now that Xcode 8 has been released with editor extensions, does anyone expect to see anyone develop any refactoring tools? Or is that sort of functionality past what editor extensions are allowed to do? I'm having a hard time finding any editor extensions that may have been developed so far.
I'm really looking to find something with function extraction. I've seen a few other threads like this, but I'm interested in an updated version along with any comments on the capabilities of Xcode 8's editor extensions. Thanks for any suggestions.

VS 2010 - Opening Win32 Application Wizard as .html file

I'm a little bit reluctant as to ask question, as it was asked already here, but the problem is, it wasn't answered sufficiently enough, so I'm forced to ask it second time.
So, just as previously mentioned asker I'm trying to create new project in Microsoft Visual 2010. And instead of showing normal window, it prompts me to save .html file, as shown in picture below.
Saving it and that opening it results in the following window:
though it does nothing - just page with no influence over the project at all.
Notably, this happens not only for Win32 application, but for MFC applications too.
As for the cause of this I don't know of it. As you can see from first screenshot, I was doing Web applications before hand, but I didn't change any of preferences at all (though, my guess is that it's somehow connected).
As for solving this issue, I tried uninstalling IE8, as stated in previous topic, but that didn't help. Also, I tried doing Tools -> Import & Export Settings -> Reset, but it didn't help either.
Please, if someone know solution for this, tell me - I'm out of my wits with this problem.
This problem is occurred because some Visual studio setting is corrupted.
I'd like to recommend to reset settings like following
start > Run> devenv.exe /resetsettings
Unfortunately, many parts of this case related to disturbing or collisions among files. In my experience, some programmes, which were installed recently, might cause this concern.
I'd like to recommend to install all service packs and update patches for VS 2010 and then try it again. If it doesn't fixed, reinstalling VS will be a relevant solution for saving your time and conserving your passion.

Source Insight type editor with tabbed windows and dividers?

I really like the set up of Source Insight, it has a context window for one click understanding of function calls and variables, and a relations window for where functions are called in a project and where variables are used in the project.
It is very good for jumping around in a project and understanding the use of variables, but one thing that's missing is tabbed windows and dividers. It is stuck in the one source file, one window phase of IDE development, before tabs and vertical/horizontal dividers got popular.
It is also very good at finding references for variables and functions, much better than code blocks, codewright, and eclipse (really tried all of them).
Does anyone know or have a set up similar to Source Insight but with Tabs and dividers?
Check out this very nice CodeProject: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/32209/a-File-Switch-Tabbar-for-Source-Insight. Doesn't require any effort, just run the executable, and let it do it's magic.
Keep in mind, it's a very immature project and it might even crash SI if you annoy it (i.e. it might crash if you double click a tab to close it). On the other hand it does the job. I've been using it for over 6 months now, and I've learned how to avoid its touchy parts, and am very happy with it.
Source Insight 4 contains the capabilities you mentioned

How to disable hints in Dev C++?

I have Bloodshed Dev C++
Every time I stop typing for a second this hint pops up and I can't see a thing what I'm typing! I have a feeling that it waits for a most unsuitable moment to pop up. Then it disappears in 2 secs, or, sometimes, whenever it wants.
Is there a way to disable it? (haven't found one in the settings)
it confused me too. So when i got the answer, i come here. here is the answer.
On the top of the IDE, choose the 'tools', next 'editor options', then find the checked box 'show editor hints'. uncheck it. done. Hope this helpful.
I never used Dev-C++, but from searching on the Net I found two links:
In the first, it says that in version they added an option for mouse hints disabling - maybe it will work for keyboard, too.
In the second link, they say disabling "class browsing" will work for a similar issue - might not be what you want (as it probably disables everything), but give it a try.

Programs don't work on Vista and Server 2008

Many, if not all, of my old VC++ 6.0 MFC apps don't work in Vista and Server 2008. I had that migration was a problem, but now it's my problem :(
How do I go about making these things work? Is that possible? I've searched, but is there some repository of knowledge on this subject?
Compatibility mode seems to work.
There should be specific reasons why they don't work, and of course, what exactly does not work. Maybe you should break each issue into a separate question (maybe here at SO) and tell us exactly what kind of problems you have when you try to run them, and what is the code that makes those errors show up.
Without the details, it's too vague. There is no magic you can apply to make applications simply work just like that.
There's a document available here that explains how to develop UAC compliant applications.
Without recompiling, have you tried setting the compatibility mode on the program to Windows 98 or ME?