IE Custom Toolbar is not visible in InPrivate Browsing and Fullscreen mode - c++

I have created a custom toolbar for IE. After I install opens IE9 browser, the toolbar is displayed.
1) When I open InPrivate browsing, my toolbar is not displayed in the browser. It is not listed in context menu too. This happens in IE 9 & 10 versions.
2) When I switch to Fullscreen mode by pressing F11 in IE, my custom toolbar is not displayed.
Are these expected behaviors for IE or do I need to add any code to make it visible.
Please suggest.


Mfc WebBrowser control doesn't display echart's tooltip when configured use IE11 core,however this tooltip is displayed normally in IExplore.exe。

I have tried use IECore in lower Edition,then It proved the tooltip can show noraml,but there will be some Js Compatibility Error.
Seems like some thing need to do about WebBrowser control or Regist.

Taskbar icon appears blank (possibily due to a sticky cache)

I am having some issues with invalidating the Windows icon cache. I'm running a Win32 app that used to show the taskbar icon properly, however, after replacing the app's icon, the taskbar icon appears blank. It's interesting because when I use ALT-TAB, the correct icon does show up.
The window is created with WS_EX_APPWINDOW. I know it registers the correct icon because after pinning/unpinning it from the taskbar, the icon shows up as expected. I’ve gone through several attempts to solve this and have narrowed it down to refreshing the icon cache.
A few of the ways I tried to reset the icon cache:
Delete all icon cache files in folder:
%LOCALAPPDATA%/Microsoft/Windows/Explorer/, and restart explorer.exe
In Command Prompt: $ie4uinit.exe -show
Using Shell APIs to force the taskbar to refresh (SHChangeNotify)
Having gone through several different attempts and configuration techniques, the taskbar icon remains blank as shown above. I was wondering if there is another foolproof technique for resetting the Windows icon cache.

MFC keyboard shortcuts conflict with ribbon edit controls

When using a MFC ribbon based application, by default we get options to add keyboard short cuts for all our commands. So for example, I might use 'p' to bring up the print preview dialog. When I'm in a dialog, these commands are not active as you would expect, even if that dialog is not modal. However, if I click into an edit control on the ribbon these commands remain active, so for the example given I could not type 'p' into my edit control. A work-around is to add a modifier such as Ctrl + P or Shift + P but this makes the shortcut more awkward for my users. Is it possible to change the message filter either for the ribbon as a whole, or for individual ribbon controls, such that they ignore keyboard shortcuts the same way a dialog does?
Edit Some feedback here from related thread on MSDN

Different CMFCColorButton behavior between 2 applications

Using MFC in Visual Studio 2012
I want to use a CMFCColorButton in a dialog in my application.
I added the CMFCColorButton button to my dialog in the resource editor (test it, works OK); click on the button and the underlying CMFCColorPopupMenu is display and stay displayed until manually dismissed (choosing a color or clicking somewhere else).
When I build my application and try the button in the dialog, it works differently, when I click the button, the underlying CMFCColorPopupMenu is displayed and immediately dismissed. If I want to select a color, I need to keep the mouse button down.
I tried in a different application (default MFC application) and I get the desired behavior (click and the CMFCColorPopupMenu stay visible).
I am not certain what could trigger the behavior difference.
I try toggling the CMFCColorButton::m_bAutoSetFocus value of the button and there is no change of behavior. ( I am not certain what is the purpose of this variable, but that is another subject)
Any ideas? hints/tips?

How to hide a custom toolbar from IE

I have developed a toolbar with one button for IE.
My toolbar displays with a default close button in the IE window.
When I click on the close button the toolbar prompts for the disable option.
This completely disables the toolbar.
But what I need is I just want to hide the toolbar. So still it can perform some actions even though the toolbar is not visible.
How can I make the toolbar just to hide instead of disable?
have you tried any IE statements? There are a few for JS aConditional comments