JCO PoolManager: How to confirm if JCO Pool is created in JCO PoolManager by looking at JCO traces - jco

I am trying to analyze one problem where in JCO Trace file I can see that the JCO Pool is added as follows
SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_12 [14:44:41:772]: [JAV-LAYER] JCO.PoolManager.addPool:
name = pool name,
connection = connection,
pool_size = 20,
max_wait_time = 30000,
pooled_connection_timeout = 600000,
timeout_check_period = 60000
but after this when I try to get a connection from this pool I get following error
SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_12 [14:45:00:942]: [JAV-LAYER] JCO.PoolManager.getClient(poolName, true) Error: application tries to get client from removed or non existent pool.
This error occurs just after my XI system is restarted, rest of the time it works as expected. XI system has two stacks JAVA AS and ABAP AS.
I tried to go through the JRFC logs and defaultTrace.log files but no clues are yet found on this.

I Don't know very much about XI, but from your trace it looks like the added pool is actually named "pool name" while from the error message it seems that your application/XI tries to get a connection from a pool named "poolName". Maybe you should check your configuration..?


How to specify the database in an ArangoDb AQL query?

If have multiple databases defined on a particular ArangoDB server, how do I specify the database I'd like an AQL query to run against?
Running the query through the REST endpoint that includes the db name (substituted into [DBNAME] below) ie:
doesn't seem to work. The error message says 'unknown path /_db/[DBNAME]/_api/cursor'
Is this something I have to specify in the query itself?
Also: The query I'm trying to run is:
FOR col in COLLECTIONS() RETURN col.name
Fwiw, I haven't found a way to set the "current" database through the REST API. Also, I'm accessing the REST API from C++ using fuerte.
Tom Regner deserves primary credit here for prompting the enquiry that produced this answer. I am posting my findings here as an answer to help others who might run into this.
I don't know if this is a fuerte bug, shortcoming or just an api caveat that wasn't clear to me... BUT...
In order for the '/_db/[DBNAME/' prefix in an endpoint (eg full endpoint '/_db/[DBNAME/_api/cursor') to be registered and used in the header of a ::arangodb::fuerte::Request, it is NOT sufficient (as of arangodb 3.5.3 and the fuerte version available at the time of this answer) to simply call:
std::unique_ptr<fuerte::Request> request;
const char *endpoint = "/_db/[DBNAME/_api/cursor";
request = fuerte::createRequest(fuerte::RestVerb::Post,endpoint);
// and adding any arguments to the request using a VPackBuilder...
// in this case the query (omitted)
To have the database name included as part of such a request, you must additionally call the following:
Failure to do so seems to result in an error about an 'unknown path'.
Note 1: Simply setting the database member variable, ie
request->header.database = "[DBNAME]";
does not work.
Note 2: that operations without the leading '/_db/[DBNAME]/' prefix, seem to work fine using the 'current' database. (which at least for me, seems to be stuck at '_system' since as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be an endpoint to change this via the HTTP REST Api.)
The docs aren't very helpful right now, so just incase someone is looking for a more complete example, then please consider the following code.
EventLoopService eventLoopService;
// adjust the connection for your environment!
std::shared_ptr<Connection> conn = ConnectionBuilder().endpoint("http://localhost:8529")
.user(?) // enter a user with access
.password(?) // enter the password
// create the request
std::unique_ptr<Request> request = createRequest(RestVerb::Post, ContentType::VPack);
// enter the database name (ensure the user has access)
request->header.database = ?;
// API endpoint to submit AQL queries
request->header.path = "/_api/cursor";
// Create a payload to be submitted to the API endpoint
VPackBuilder builder;
// here is your query
builder.add("query", VPackValue("for col in collections() return col.name"));
// add the payload to the request
// send the request (blocking)
std::unique_ptr<Response> response = conn->sendRequest(std::move(request));
// check the response code - it should be 201
unsigned int statusCode = response->statusCode();
// slice has the response data
VPackSlice slice = response->slices().front();
std::cout << slice.get("result").toJson() << std::endl;

Widevine Session Update endless Loop

I am using libwidevinecdm.so from chrome to handle DRM protected data. I am currently successfully setting the widevine server certificate I get from the license server. I can also create a session with the pssh box of the media im trying to decode. So far everything is successful (all promises resolve fine).
(session is created like this: _cdm->CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest(promise_id, cdm::SessionType::kTemporary, cdm::InitDataType::kCenc, pssh_box.data(), static_cast<uint32_t>(pssh_box.size()));)
I am then getting a session message of type kLicenseRequest which I am forwarding to the respective license server. The license server responds with a valid response and the same amount of data as I can see in the browser when using Chrome. I am then passing this to my session like this:
_cdm->UpdateSession(promise_id, session_id.data(), static_cast<uint32_t>(session_id.size()),
license_response.data(), static_cast<uint32_t>(license_response.size()));
The problem now is that this promise never resolves. It keeps posting the kLicenseRequest message over and over again to my session without ever returning. Does this mean my response is wrong? Or is this something else?
The issue is caused by the fact, that everything in CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest is done synchronous - that means by the time CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest returns your promise will always be resolved.
The CDM will emit the kLicenseRequest inside CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest and it doesn't do so in a "fire & forget" fashion, but the function waits there until you have returned from the cdm::Host_10::OnSessionMessage. Since my implementation of OnSessionMessage was creating a synchronous HTTP Request to the license server before - also synchronously - calling the UpdateSession the entire chain ended up to be blocking.
So ultimately I was calling UpdateSession while still being inside CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest and I assume the CDM cannot handle this and reacts by creating a new session with the given ID and generating a request again, which of course triggered another UpdateSession and so on.
Ultimately the simplest way to break the cycle was to make something asynchronous. I decided to launch a separate thread when receiving kLicenseRequest, wait for a few milliseconds to make sure that CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest has time to finish (not sure if that is really required) and then issue the request to the license server.
The only change I had to do was adding the surrounding std::thread:
void WidevineSession::forward_license_request(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data) {
[=]() {
net::HttpRequest request{"POST", _license_server_url};
request.add_header("Authorization", fmt::format("Bearer {}", _access_token))
const auto response = _client.execute(request);
if (response.status_code() != 200) {
log->error("Widevine license request not accepted by license server: {} {} ({})", response.status_code(), response.status_text(), utils::bytes_to_utf8(response.body()));
throw std::runtime_error{"Error requesting widevine license"};
log->info("Successfully requested widevine license from license server");
_adapter->update_session(this, _session_id, response.body());

wso2am-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT modify subscription tier save error

I run wso2 apim 2.0.1 snapshot on windows, and when i modify subscription tier and save, it report below exception, and although the bill plan changed , but the API still display FREE label.
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,504] ERROR - EventProcessorAdminService Error while deleting the execution plan file
org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.exception.ExecutionPlanConfigurationException: Error while deleting the execution plan file
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.delete(EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.java:124)
Caused by: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: /D:/emman/PROJECT/AA/apimgmt/wso2am-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT/repository/deployment/server/\executionplans
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(WindowsPathParser.java:182)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(WindowsPathParser.java:153)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(WindowsPathParser.java:77)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(WindowsPath.java:94)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(WindowsFileSystem.java:255)
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(Paths.java:84)
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorUtil.validateFilePath(EventProcessorUtil.java:387)
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.delete(EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.j
... 65 more
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,539] ERROR - ThrottlePolicyDeploymentManager Error while deploying policy to global policy server.Error while deleting the execution plan file
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,541] INFO - subscription-policy-edit:jag SubscriptionPolicy [policyName=Gold, description=Allows 5000 requests per minute, defaultQuotaPolicy=QuotaPolicy [type=requestCount, limit=RequestCountLimit [requestCount=5000,
toString()=Limit [timeUnit=min, unitTime=1]]]rateLimitCount=-1, tenantId=-1234,ratelimitTimeUnit=NA]
As per your logs, error happens due to invalid file path below.
I had a look at code. It reads the first part of this path from <RepositoryLocation> tag of carbon.xml file. By default, it should look like this.
Please verify if you have the same in carbon.xml. If you are getting this error with the same config, please change it to the absolute path like below and try again.
To make your path more linux-like I used this trick.
Share your carbon home folder. Change carbon.xml setting RepositoryLocation in //machinenaam/share.

Getting error while running EIM job

EIM job is getting error out while running it. Below is my IFB file -
"[Siebel Interface Manager]
BATCH = 30032012 - 30032015
In application, it shows error --
"SBL-EIM-00426: All batches in run failed."
I have placed IFB in admin folder itself and below is the log file -
"2021 2012-04-03 05:35:25 2012-04-03 05:35:25 -0500 00000002 001 003f 0001 09 srvrmgr 16187618 1 /004fs02/siebel/siebsrvr/log/srvrmgr.log [21225] ENU
SisnapiLayerLog Error 1 0000000c4f7a00e2:0 2012-04-03 05:35:25 258: [SISNAPI] Async Thread: connection (0x204ec5b0), error (1180682) while reading message"
Kindly help.
Async Thread: connection (0x204ec5b0), error (1180682) while reading message
This happens when an object manager lost the connection to the gateway. There can be many reasons for this: Restart the gateway without bouncing the app server. Network issues... etc.
But, this is the error in your Server Manager session, not in the EIM session (Batch Component). For each EIM job that you start (via server manager) you should see a corresponding EIM tasks. The best is to see the error in the EIMxxxx.log file. Also, you can debug your EIM task by setting Event Logs levels:
change evtloglvl %=3 for comp EIM
(set detailed logging)
(run your EIM job) start task ......
list active tasks for comp EIM
(you should see the job running..)
list tasks for comp EIM
(Or you can see the list of jobs)
change evtloglvl %=1 for comp EIM
(use this line to set the log levels back to "normal")
This will give you some detailed info on what the EIM component is doing. Note: Make use of a small batch or your log will be too big to manage.
If you have some connection errors and you recently lost your DB connection, the best is to completely restart the siebel servers and gateway in the correct order.
Have you tried re-runing the EIM Job.
If the scenario continues even after the second run - Please check the batch number you have given in the IFB file with the batch numbers given in the Input Data file for the EIM component - as from the error it seems that the EIM component is not able to fetch the data.
SBL-SVR-01042 is a generic error when this error is encountered while attempting to instantiate a new instance of a given component and is generic. As to why the error has occurred, one needs to review the accompanying error messages which will help provide context and more detailed information
You can ignore SisnapiLayerLog Error. This is generic error and does not have any significance.
You should concentrate on SBL-EIM-00426. before running task can you check if there is any record in your EIM table. This error comes when you have zero record in interface table.you should increase log level to high and try to trache error. There is also fixed released by Oracle. Refer oracle support for same.
I have edited the IFB file code little bit and it worked for me.
Can you please try the below code and let me know.
[Siebel Interface Manager]
INCLUDE = "Update Records"
[Update Records]
BATCH = 30032012 - 30032015
Hope this helps!

SharePoint Web Services. Using UserPofileService.GetUserProfileByName. After SP upgrade... failing

The below web services code has worked properly for me for over a year. We have updated our SharePoint servers, and now the below code throws an exception (at the bottom line of code) "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
UserProfileWS.UserProfileService userProfileService = new UserProfileWS.UserProfileService();
userProfileService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
string serviceloc = "/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx";
userProfileService.Url = _webUrl + serviceloc;
UserProfileWS.PropertyData[] info = userProfileService.GetUserProfileByName(null);
EDIT: The service is still there. I browse http:///_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx, and the information for the service is still there, including the full description of the GetUserProfileByName call.
EDIT2: This does appear to be due to a change in SharePoint. I loaded a previous version of my software (known to be working), and it exhibits the same erroneous behavior.
UserProfileWS.PropertyData[] info = userProfileService.GetUserProfileByName(userName);
as specified http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.userprofileservice.getuserprofilebyname(v=office.12).aspx
When was the farm updated? Was the WSS updates installed before the MOSS updates? If you believe it to be a problem as a result of infrastructure updates, build a test farm and try the code against pre-updates (go back as far as a year ago to start off).