What does adding 15 and then applying &~0xf do? - c++

I have some code I am studying where it is written:
(basenameOffset + (basenameTotal+15)) &~0xf
why would someone do this? What does it do? I can see that ~0xf is 0xfffffff0. Why would you block the last bit?

It rounds up to the nearest multiple of 16. Presumably, this is to fix a size for allocating the buffer for the basename, whatever it is. :-)
However, if that were what it's for, i.e., deciding how big of a buffer to allocate, then this is not a good strategy. Ideally, you want to expand by a factor of 2 or at least 1.5 each time.

This is a common algorithm to round up to a multiple of a power of two:
x = x + (pow2 - 1) & ~(pow2 - 1)
It is almost certainly being used to ensure proper alignment. Typically to make SIMD-optimal (16-byte for SSE, 32-byte for AVX, etc.) base addresses and/or to optimize cache usage.


Simulating AVX-512 mask instructions

According to the documentation, from gcc 4.9 on the AVX-512 instruction set is supported, but I have gcc 4.8. I currently have code like this for summing up a block of memory (it's guaranteed to be less than 256 bytes, so no overflow worries):
__mm128i sum = _mm_add_epi16(sum, _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(*(__m128i *) &mem));
Now, looking through the documentation, if we have, say, four bytes left over, I could use:
__mm128i sum = _mm_add_epi16(sum,
*(__m128i *) &mem));
(Note, the type of __mmask8 doesn't seem to be documented anywhere I can find, so I am guessing...)
However, _mm_mask_cvtepu8_epi16 is an AVX-512 instruction, so is there a way to duplicate this? I tried:
_mm_cvtepu8_epi16(*(__m128i *) &mem));
However, there was a cache stall so just a direct for (int i = 0; i < remaining_bytes; i++) sum += mem[i]; gave better performance.
As I happened to stumble across this question, and it still hasn't gotten an answer, if this is still a problem...
For your example problem, you're on the right track.
Multiply is a relatively slow operation, so you should avoid the use of _mm_mullo_epi16. Use _mm_and_si128 instead as bitwise AND is a much faster operation, e.g. _mm_and_si128(_mm_cvtepu8_epi16(*(__m128i *) &mem), _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, -1, -1))
I'm not sure what you mean by a cache stall, but if memory access is a bottleneck, and the compiler won't put the constant for the above into a register, you could use something like _mm_srli_si128(vector, 8) which doesn't need any additional registers/memory loads. A shift may be slower than an AND.
If it's always 8 bytes, you can use _mm_move_epi64
None of this solves the case if the remaining number isn't a fixed number of elements (e.g. you have n%16 bytes for some arbitrary n). Note that AVX-512 doesn't really solve it either. If you need to deal with this case, you could have a table of masks and AND depending on what's remaining, e.g. _mm_and_si128(vector, masks[n & 0xf])
(_mm_mask_cvtepu8_epi16 only cares about the low half of the vector, so your example is somewhat confusing - that is, you don't need to mask anything because the later elements are completely ignored anway)
On a more generic level, mask operations are really just an embedded _mm_blend_epi16 (or equivalent). For zeroing idioms, they can easily be emulated with _mm_and_si128 / _mm_andnot_si128, as shown above.

Strange C++ Memory Allocation

I created a simple class, Storer, in C++, playing with memory allocation. It contains six field variables, all of which are assigned in the constructor:
int x;
int y;
int z;
char c;
long l;
double d;
I was interested in how these variables were being stored, so I wrote the following code:
Storer *s=new Storer(5,4,3,'a',5280,1.5465);
I was very interested in the output:
Why is the char c taking up four bytes? sizeof(char) returns, of course, 1, so why is the program allocating more memory than it needs? This is confirmed that too much memory is being allocated with the following code:
which prints:
confirming that, indeed, 3 bytes are being allocated needlessly. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening? Thanks.
Data alignment and compiler padding say hi!
The CPU has no notion of type, what it gets in its 32-bit (or 64-bit, or 128-bit (SSE), or 256-bit (AVX) - let's keep it simple at 32) registers needs to be properly aligned in order to be processed correctly and efficiently. Imagine a simple scenario, where you have a char, followed by an int. In a 32-bit architecture, that's 1 byte for a char and 4 bytes for an integer.
A 32-bit register would have to break on its boundary, only taking in 3 bytes of the integer and leaving the 4th byte for "a second run". It cannot process the data properly that way, so the compiler will add padding in order to make sure all the stuff is processed efficiently. And that means adding a certain amount of padding depending on the type in question.
Why is misalignment a problem?
The computer is not human, it can't just pick them out with a pair of eyes and a brain. It has to be very deterministic and cautious about how it goes about doing things. First it loads one block which contains n bytes of the given information, shift it around so that it prunes out unrelated information, then another, again, shift out a bunch of unnecessary bytes which do not have anything to do with the operation at hand and only then can it do the necessary operations. And usually you have two operands, that's just one complete. When you do all that work, only then can you actually process it. Way too much performance overhead when you can simply align the data properly (and most of the time, compilers do it for you, if you're not doing anything fancy).
Could you visualize it?
Visually - the first green byte is the mentioned char, and the three green bytes plus the first red one of the second block is the 4-byte int, colorcoded on a 4-byte access boundary (we're talking about a 32-bit register). The "instead part" at the bottom shows an ideal setup where the int hits the register properly (the char getting padded into obedience somewhere off image):
Read more on data alignment, which comes quite handy when you're dealing with fancy extensions of the instruction set like SSE (128-bit regs) or AVX (256-bit regs), so special care must be taken so that the optimizations of vectorization are not defeated ( aligning on a 16-byte boundary for SSE, 16*8 -> 128-bits).
Additional remarks on user defined alignment
phonetagger made a valid point in the comments that there are pragma directives which can be assigned through the preprocessor to force to compiler in order to align the data in a way the user, programmer specifies. But such directives, like #pragma pack(...), are a statement to the compiler that you know what you're doing and what's best for you. Be sure that you do, because if you fail to accomodate your environment, you might experience various penalties - the most obvious being using external libraries you didn't write yourself which differ in the way they pack data.
Things simply explode when they clash. Best is to advise caution in such cases and really being intimate with the issue at hand. If you're not sure, leave it to the defaults. If you are not sure but have to use something like SSE where alignment is king (and not default nor simple by a long shot), consult various resources online or ask an another question here.
I will make an analogy to help you understand.
Assume there is a long loaf of bread and you have a cutting machine that can cut it into slices of equal thickness. Then you are giving out these breads to, let's say children. Every child takes their bread and fairly do what they want to do with them (put Nutella on them and eat, etc.). They can even make thinner slices out of it and use it like that.
If one child comes up to you and says that he does not want that slice everyone is getting, but a thinner slice instead, then you will have difficulties, because your cutting machine is optimized to cut at least a minimum amount, which makes everyone happy. But when one child asks for a thinner slice, then you have to reinvent the machine or put additional complexity to it like introducing two cutting modes. You don't want that. Eventually you give up and just give him a big slice anyway.
This is the same reason why it happens. Hope you could relate to the analogy.
Data alignement is why the char has allocated 4 bytes : Data alignement
char does not take up four bytes: it takes up a single byte as usual. You can check it by printing sizeof(char). The other three bytes are padding that the compiler inserts to optimize access to other members of your class. Depending on hardware, it is often much faster to access multi-byte types, say, 4-byte integers, when they are located at an address divisible by four. A compiler may insert up to three bytes of padding before an int member to align it with a good memory address for faster access.
If you would like to experiment with class layouts, you can use a handy operation called offsetof. It takes two parameters - the name of the member and the name of the class, and it returns the number of bytes from the base address of your struct to the position of the member in memory.
cout << offsetof(Storer, x) << endl;
cout << offsetof(Storer, y) << endl;
cout << offsetof(Storer, z) << endl;
Structure members are aligned in particular ways. In general, if you want the most compact representation, list the members in decreasing order of size.

Implementing memcmp

The following is the Microsoft CRT implementation of memcmp:
int memcmp(const void* buf1,
const void* buf2,
size_t count)
while(--count && *(char*)buf1 == *(char*)buf2 ) {
buf1 = (char*)buf1 + 1;
buf2 = (char*)buf2 + 1;
return(*((unsigned char*)buf1) - *((unsigned char*)buf2));
It basically performs a byte by byte comparision.
My question is in two parts:
Is there any reason to not alter this to an int by int comparison until count < sizeof(int), then do a byte by byte comparision for what remains?
If I were to do 1, are there any potential/obvious problems?
Notes: I'm not using the CRT at all, so I have to implement this function anyway. I'm just looking for advice on how to implement it correctly.
You could do it as an int-by-int comparison or an even wider data type if you wish.
The two things you have to watch out for (at a minimum) are an overhang at the start as well as the end, and whether the alignments are different between the two areas.
Some processors run slower if you access values without following their alignment rules (some even crash if you try it).
So your code could probably do char comparisons up to an int alignment area, then int comparisons, then char comparisons again but, again, the alignments of both areas will probably matter.
Whether that extra code complexity is worth whatever savings you will get depends on many factors outside your control. A possible method would be to detect the ideal case where both areas are aligned identically and do it a fast way, otherwise just do it character by character.
The optimization you propose is very common. The biggest concern would be if you try to run it on a processor that doesn't allow unaligned accesses for anything other than a single byte, or is slower in that mode; the x86 family doesn't have that problem.
It's also more complicated, and thus more likely to contain a bug.
Don't forget that when you find a mismatch within a larger chunk, you must then identify the first differing char within that chunk so that you can calculate the correct return value (memcmp() returns the difference of the first differing bytes, treated as unsigned char values).
If you compare as int, you will need to check alignment and check if count is divisible by sizeof(int) (to compare the last bytes as char).
Is that really their implementation? I have other issues besides not doing it int-wise:
castng away constness.
does that return statement work? unsigned char - unsigned char = signed int?
int at a time only works if the pointers are aligned, or if you can read a few bytes from the front of each and they are both still aligned, so if both are 1 before the alignment boundary you can read one char of each then go int-at-a-time, but if they are aligned differently eg one is aligned and one is not, there is no way to do this.
memcmp is at its most inefficient (i.e. it takes the longest) when they do actually compare (it has to go to the end) and the data is long.
I would not write my own but if you are going to be comparing large portions of data you could do things like ensure alignment and even pad the ends, then do word-at-a-time, if you want.
Another idea is to optimize for the processor cache and fetching. Processors like to fetch in large chunks rather than individual bytes at random times. Although the internal workings may already account for this, it would be a good exercise anyway. Always profile to determine the most efficient solution.
Psuedo code:
while bytes remaining > (cache size) / 2 do // Half the cache for source, other for dest.
fetch source bytes
fetch destination bytes
perform comparison using fetched bytes
perform byte by byte comparison for remainder.
For more information, search the web for "Data Driven Design" and "data oriented programming".
Some processors, such as the ARM family, allow for conditional execution of instructions (in 32-bit, non-thumb) mode. The processor fetches the instructions but will only execute them if the conditions are satisfied. In this case, try rephrasing the comparison in terms of boolean assignments. This may also reduce the number of branches taken, which improves performance.
See also loop unrolling.
See also assembly language.
You can gain a lot of performance by tailoring the algorithm to a specific processor, but loose in the portability area.
The code you found is just a debug implementation of memcmp, it's optimized for simplicity and readability, not for performance.
The intrinsic compiler implementation is platform specific and smart enough to generate processor instructions that compare dwords or qwords (depending on the target architecture) at once whenever possible.
Also, an intrinsic implementation may return immediately if both buffers have the same address (buf1 == buf2). This check is also missing in the debug implementation.
Finally, even when you know exactly on which platform you'll be running, the perfect implementation is still the less generic one as it depends on a bunch of different factors that are specific to the rest of your program:
What is the minumum guaranteed buffer alignment?
Can you read any padding bytes past the end of a buffer without triggering an access violation?
May the buffer parameters be identical?
May the buffer size be 0?
Do you only need to compare buffer contents for equality? Or do you also need to know which one is larger (return value < 0 or > 0)?
If performace is a concern, I suggest writing the comparison routine in assembly. Most compilers give you an option to see the assembly lising that they generate for a source. You could take that code and adapt it to your needs.
Many processors implement this as a single instruction. If you can guarantee the processor you're running on it can be implemented with a single line of inline assembler.

how to efficiently access 3^20 vectors in a 2^30 bits of memory

I want to store a 20-dimensional array where each coordinate can have 3 values,
in a minimal amount of memory (2^30 or 1 Gigabyte).
It is not a sparse array, I really need every value.
Furthermore I want the values to be integers of arbirary but fixed precision,
say 256 bits or 8 words
set_big_array(1,0,0,0,1,2,2,0,0,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,1,1,1,2, some_256_bit_value);
get_big_array(1,0,0,0,1,2,2,0,0,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,1,1,1,2, &some_256_bit_value);
Because the value 3 is relative prime of 2. its difficult to implement this using
efficient bitwise shift, and and or operators.
I want this to be as fast as possible.
any thoughts?
Seems tricky to me without some compression:
3^20 = 3486784401 values to store
256bits / 8bitsPerByte = 32 bytes per value
3486784401 * 32 = 111577100832 size for values in bytes
111577100832 / (1024^3) = 104 Gb
You're trying to fit 104 Gb in 1 Gb. There'd need to be some pattern to the data that could be used to compress it.
Sorry, I know this isn't much help, but maybe you can rethink your strategy.
There are 3.48e9 variants of 20-tuple of indexes that are 0,1,2. If you wish to store a 256 bit value at each index, that means you're talking about 8.92e11 bits - about a terabit, or about 100GB.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but that sounds computationally expensive. It may be reasonable feasible as a memory-mapped file, and may be reasonably fast as a memory-mapped file on an SSD.
What are you trying to do?
So, a practical solution would be to use a 64-bit OS and a large memory-mapped file (preferably on an SSD) and simply compute the address for a given element in the typical way for arrays, i.e. as sum-of(forall-i(i-th-index * 3^i)) * 32 bytes in pseudeo-math. Or, use a very very expensive machine with that much memory, or another algorithm that doesn't require this array in the first place.
A few notes on platforms: Windows 7 supports just 192GB of memory, so using physical memory for a structure like this is possible but really pushing it (more expensive editions support more). If you can find a machine at all that is. According to microsoft's page on the matter the user-mode virtual address space is 7-8TB, so mmap/virtual memory should be doable. Alex Ionescu explains why there's such a low limit on virtual memory despite an apparently 64-bit architecture. Wikipedia puts linux's addressable limits at 128TB, though probably that's before the kernel/usermode split.
Assuming you want to address such a multidimensional array, you must process each index at least once: that means any algorithm will be O(N) where N is the number of indexes. As mentioned before, you don't need to convert to base-2 addressing or anything else, the only thing that matters is that you can compute the integer offset - and which base the maths happens in is irrelevant. You should use the most compact representation possible and ignore the fact that each dimension is not a multiple of 2.
So, for a 16-dimensional array, that address computation function could be:
int offset = 0;
for(int ii=0;ii<16;ii++)
offset = offset*3 + indexes[ii];
return &the_array[offset];
As previously said, this is just the common array indexing formula, nothing special about it. Note that even for "just" 16 dimensions, if each item is 32 bytes, you're dealing with a little more than a gigabyte of data.
Maybe i understand your question wrong. But can't you just use a normal array?
INT256 bigArray[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3];
INT256 ********************bigArray = malloc(3^20 * 8);
bigArray[1][0][0][1][2][0][1][1][0][0][0][0][1][1][2][1][1][1][1][1] = some_256_bit_value;
Will not work because you would need 3^20 * 8Byte = ca. 25GByte.
The malloc variant is wrong.
I'll start by doing a direct calculation of the address, then see if I can optimize it
address = 0;
for(i=15; i>=0; i--)
address = 3*address + array[i];
address = address * number_of_bytes_needed_for_array_value
2^30 bits is 2^27 bytes so not actually a gigabyte, it's an eighth of a gigabyte.
It appears impossible to do because of the mathematics although of course you can create the data size bigger then compress it, which may get you down to the required size although it cannot guarantee. (It must fail to some of the time as the compression is lossless).
If you do not require immediate "random" access your solution may be a "variable sized" two-bit word so your most commonly stored value takes only 1 bit and the other two take 2 bits.
If 0 is your most common value then:
0 = 0
10 = 1
11 = 2
or something like that.
In that case you will be able to store your bits in sequence this way.
It could take up to 2^40 bits this way but probably will not.
You could pre-run through your data and see which is the commonly occurring value and use that to indicate your single-bit word.
You can also compress your data after you have serialized it in up to 2^40 bits.
My assumption here is that you will be using disk possibly with memory mapping as you are unlikely to have that much memory available.
My assumption is that space is everything and not time.
You might want to take a look at something like STXXL, an implementation of the STL designed for handling very large volumes of data
You can actually use a pointer-to-array20 to have your compiler implement the index calculations for you:
/* Note: there are 19 of the [3]'s below */
my_256bit_type (*foo)[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3];
foo = allocate_giant_array();
foo[0][1][1][0][2][1][2][2][0][2][1][0][2][1][0][0][2][1][0][0] = some_256bit_value;

Optimal (Time paradigm) solution to check variable within boundary

Sorry if the question is very naive.
I will have to check the below condition in my code
0 < x < y
i.e code similar to if(x > 0 && x < y)
The basic problem at system level is - currently, for every call (Telecom domain terminology), my existing code is hit (many times). So performance is very very critical, Now, I need to add a check for boundary checking (at many location - but different boundary comparison at each location).
At very normal level of coding, the above comparison would look very naive without any issue. However, when added over my statistics module (which is dipped many times), performance will go down.
So I would like to know the best possible way to handle the above scenario (kind of optimal way for limits checking technique). Like for example, if bit comparison works better than normal comparison or can both the comparison be evaluation in shorter time span?
Other Info
x is unsigned integer (which must be checked to be greater than 0 and less than y).
y is unsigned integer.
y is a non-const and varies for every comparison.
Here time is the constraint compared to space.
Language - C++.
Now, later if I need to change the attribute of y to a float/double, would there be another way to optimize the check (i.e will the suggested optimal technique for integer become non-optimal solution when y is changed to float/double).
Thanks in advance for any input.
PS : OS used is SUSE 10 64 bit x64_64, AIX 5.3 64 bit, HP UX 11.1 A 64.
As always, profile first, optimize later. But, given that this is actually an issue, these could be things to look into:
"Unsigned and greater than zero" is the same as "not equal to zero", which is usually about as fast as a comparison gets. So a first optimization would be to do x != 0 && x < y.
Make sure that you do the comparison that is most likely to fail the first one, to maximize the gain from short circuiting.
If possible, use compiler directives to tell the compiler about the most likely code path. This will optimize instruction prefetching etc. I.e. for GCC look at something like this, done in the kernel.
I don't think tricks with subtraction and comparison against zero, etc. will be of any gain. If that is the most effective way to do a less-than comparison, you can be sure your compiler already knows about it.
This eliminates a compare and branch at the expense of two adds; it should be faster:
(x-1) < (y-1)
It works as long as y is guaranteed non-zero.
You probably don't need to change y to a float or a double; you should endeavor to stay in integer for as much as you can. Instead of representing y as seconds, try microseconds or milliseconds (depending on the resolution you need).
Anyway- I suspect you can change
if (x > 0 && x < y)
if ((unsigned int)x < (unsigned int)y)
but that's probably not going to actually speed anything up. Checking against zero is often one or two instructions (depending on ISA) so the read from memory is certainly the bottleneck here.
After you've profiled your code and determined that this is actually where the performance problems are, you could investigate tweaking the branch predictor, since that's somewhere a lot of time can be wasted if it's regularly mispredicting. Different compilers do it differently, but some have an intrinsic like __expect(x < 0);, which will tell the predictor to assume that's usually the case.